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Interest in You v. Your Writing

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I've bolded the important bit so you can skip all the crap if you wish.

Speaking with somebody earlier, and after having read Sisyphus' competition entry, The Poet and His Muse, it reminded me that for a while, I have been thinking about how readers view us, the author, and what we are willing to share with them about ourselves.

I think there is a difference between stories and poetry, as I find that my poetry usually (but not always) comes from the outpourings of intense emotion, a struggle to find some kind of cathartic healing.

But the point is, just because I write it, it doesn't mean that you are hearing my Real Voice. Just because I can imagine it, empathise with it, and describe it to you, it doesn't mean you are looking into my soul every time or in every word, sentence, paragraph or piece.

Many, many people have told me they want to "know more about" me, or "get to know" me better. Why? Who do they think they are wanting to get to know? The shy, fat little blushing virgin with the green wellies? The crude, boisterous and confident Cinderella who goes to the ball with double-ended dildo up her bum? The business man who tans the backside of his missus for forgetting to pick up the compost, and then royally shags her? The slut who gets off whilst reading a story, imagining the writer is watching her? Only one of these people is me, and beyond what I have written, I am not willing to really share any further, so far.

Somebody told me earlier, and I do hope they don't mind me sharing this, "What we write is not always 'us'." They were thinking about people wanting to know the person behind the product, rather than the product itself.

I think that in order for people to enjoy a good "product", there must be substance behind the product. You cannot successfully have good writing without a skilled writer. But where does the interest with the real writer, and the writing itself, have boundaries? Does it? Should it? Can it?

I am very reluctant to share much of myself with anybody, including my closest friends. I share those parts of me that I cannot keep squashed in, sometimes because I dare to, other times because I am unable to hide it. But not even my friends, on here or in real life, truly know the person behind what I produce. And I like it that way. I'm a private person, for all I can share certain things with certain people.

The person I was speaking to earlier definitely has a fan base, which is how the conversation started. Indeed, I had to kick myself when they started talking to me, as if such a "famous" person on here would bother to spend time with me. But they are just a normal, real, lovely person, even though they are highly skilled and utilise their talent, and it is foolish of me to expect them to be otherwise.

So how do you view this? How much of the Real You is in your writing? Are you happy to share "Yourself" with what some might call a fan, or just people interested in your writing? Do you reply to messages with revelations of yourself? How do you respond to people wanting to know more about You? Are you happy to write your whole self and pure character into your stories, or do you usually pull things that are not really of "You" into your work, as I do?

I realise these are lots of questions, but I would be grateful and interested to know how you feel about this subject, if you wish to share. I'm nosy, you see.

I thought about putting a post in the Ask the Readers thread, but I'm scared of what the answers might be.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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My stories are fiction and reveal nothing about me. My poems about love and relationships are more personal, but still are not anything close to full disclosure, and some of them are not about what they seem.

To me, the writing is what's important, not the personal details of writer. I am quite content to remain a bit of an enigma.
Maggie R
Quote by magnificent1rascal
My stories are fiction and reveal nothing about me. My poems about love and relationships are more personal, but still are not anything close to full disclosure, and some of them are not about what they seem.

To me, the writing is what's important, not the personal details of writer. I am quite content to remain a bit of an enigma.

I can tell by your body language in your avatar - looking coyly and teasingly at us, but still with your back turned. It says a lot, you sexy raccoon, you!

Thank you for responding.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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there is a little of me in everything i write. some of the stories, there is a lot of me, i think those are obvious, and some, it's just a little brush of me, but there is always something. I think that, people might even be surprised by which brush strokes are more me and which are less. i like to think that i am not so obvious at least. i think that stories have to come from somewhere, mostly our experiences, and that includes stories we've read that have touched us or movies or events or other people. that said, especially since this is online, don't assume that someone is a certain way - i think that those few i've let get close to me here, know that my 'public persona' is just part of who i am, the part i like sharing. behind that, there is a much more complex girl, just like i am sure that behind everyone else's avatar is a complex man or woman with a life beyond that of writing sex stories.

ps - i always assume that you (Daisy) are Cinderella with the glass dildo sticking out of your bum - it makes me giggle to picture you as thus during our chats. ;)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

It's very difficult to write without hints to your own values and personality. I'm sure a skilled psychologist could look at how any of us write (as much as the content itself) and point to aspects of our subconscious being revealed. Do we concentrate on characters? Do we need to justify actions? What levels of empathy do we show? Do view the world in a macro or micro level?

All these little things will add up to describe the sort of person we really are. Of course, we won't reveal everything - so people will complete the picture themselves (usually hopelessly incorrectly but in a semi-permeable environment like Lush, that's ok).

In short my stories don't tell you the story of me - but they might make you think i'm worth getting to know, or not.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
There is a fair amount of me in my stories, mostly because I draw on real life experiences to write. The next few stories I submit here will be works of fiction, but still there will be a small piece of me in them. What I have to say though, is that people should not assume that they will draw anymore out of me than I've already shown here. It simply won't happen. (Well, it may happen if I like you) The true stories are only a small bit of my past experiences and don't represent the total me, and of course, I will only share what I wish to at anytime.

This gives me the opportunity to say that the swinger stories don't happen every weekend people, these things have taken place over the years. No way could I live like that all the time.
I would say that all of my writing contains a bit of me, at least to a greater or lesser degree...

For example, this morning, I had a nightmare and wrote a poem as a direct result of that...

It was good though, because I know from past experience that a dream like that would have hung over me all day, but the fact that I wrote a poem, exorcised it immediately and left me with a clearer head...

In fact, exorcise, that's a good way to describe my writing... It gets rid of a lot of the nonsense inside my head...

So, if you read my stuff, well, it will give you a bit of an idea as to what I am like, well, aspects of me...

It's by no means entirely me and those that know me would probably agree that I share far too much of myself on this place...

I'm not pretending to be someone else, but I'm not revealing everything about myself either... (that's reserved for a very chosen few - thanks guys!! You help to keep me sane.. I know...)
Quote by sprite

ps - i always assume that you (Daisy) are Cinderella with the glass dildo sticking out of your bum - it makes me giggle to picture you as thus during our chats. ;)

Oh dear god. My bum is now chewing mattress in cringing thought of that! Not in a good way.

And also, unthanks to overmykneenow, I am afeared that my scribblings reveal many personalities, and actually, I'm not the lass I thought I was.

Mazza, most of my poetry is the same - that's why it's so depressing! Ha ha!

Thank you for responding, lovelies.

I would like to know more about you feel/deal with "fans" or people who are interested in you, and the messages they may send. How do you feel about it?
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Hmm. Interesting topic. As a person born with some creative blood flowing through my veins, writing is as mazza said, an exocism of sorts, much like painting, sculpting, photography, and all other forms of self expression that show pieces of our distinct personalities. We may think we're hiding but we're really not. We are in fact, exposing ourselves through the words and phrases we use.

Those of you that know me now, probably figured out before we became friends that I have a smoking fetsih when it comes to beautiful women smokers. I didn't try to hide it, because I knew it would tap into something familiar to those men and women that share that affliction. There are over one million web sites devoted to smoking women.

That's my thought on the subject. Excuse me...I need a cigarette .
Oh, the people that send me messages are ok normally; not one yet that is overly zealous. For the most part, I thank them and move on. If they send online messages that are inappropriate, I don't respond. I make it very clear that I am unavailable and there is nothing that I can provide for them outside of a hot fantasy. I'm respectful.
Human beings are indeed complex entities. I don't fully understand why some people almost feel a sense of ownership, if that's an adequate word, of those who create things they enjoy. Frank Sinatra and Miles Davis were two of the biggest assholes to walk the Earth, yet they were two of the greatest artists of their time. More and more, I don't want to know personal details about the artists I enjoy because it gets in the way of my enjoyment of the music or book or film. I share personal details on a case by case basis, perhaps less and less as time goes by. My personal attitude is that I simply don't fucking matter. Please just read my stories, and I really truly hope people will enjoy them as much as possible. If someone feels something deep...even better...that part of me reached that part of someone else, and that makes it damn good to be be human.

Generally, it freaks me out anytime someone associates me too closely with something I've written. I just tell stories. I don't even tell them very well, to be perfectly honest. Certainly not as well as many others here. But people come to Lush for all kinds of reasons, and a site like this provides a very valuable outlet for a lot of people. I would never discourage anyone from writing to say something about a story or poem they read, but I would only hope to receive the same personal respect I would offer in return. However, I never would have expected to, but I've met some truly wonderful people here. goes: In fact, I am a very short, fat and mostly bald. I have a mustache I never trim, but that's ok because it hides the nest of hair growing out of my nostrils. I work as a janitor in a huge industrial complex, and spend most of my time in the boiler room where I write pornographic stories on rolls of toilet paper I steal from the supply room. My olive drab uniform hangs too low off my hips, and my butt crack shows so deep someone could plant daisies in it if they had a mind. I smoke cigars and chew tobacco simultaneously, and I spit pretty much anywhere I feel like it. Cheerleaders and fashion models all love me, however, because I am hung like a farm animal, and the wild swinger parties we throw down in the boiler room are the stuff of legend. We take numerous pictures of the scandalous goings on, but in the interest of protecting my personal privacy, I can only share these pictures with sprite.
Quote by Shylass

I would like to know more about you feel/deal with "fans" or people who are interested in you, and the messages they may send. How do you feel about it?

Interesting question, Shylass!

I get a lot of varied feedback. One private message I received recently (not from a Lush fan btw) said "I actually live in LA so I enjoyed your Brentwood and Escort series; they both seemed quite real. It almost seems as if you've had some first hand experience with this; and that makes it all the more enticing to read."

It kind of made me smile and I was happy to think that my writing conveyed that sense of realism. Technically though, I have never been an escort in real life, nor a wealthy socialite. It did make me wonder if a reader prefers or needs to imagine that the writer is telling a personal story or is the main character in the stories they write, as he clearly thought it made the writing more 'enticing'.

I think the goal of every writer is to tell a story that strikes a chord with readers - to draw them in and make them feel like they are accessing the writer's private mind (especially in erotica). I will also say that all my stories do have personal aspects to them. I won't write about a sex act that I haven't experienced... meaning that if I'm writing about a double-teamed threesome or gangbang - I may not have experienced this in the exact way I'm writing the plot, but I do know what a DP feels like. I may not be an escort but I know in general what that scene is about because I've been around it, and have friends that have escorted in the past.

It's unlikely that you'd ever find me writing about a character that lives in the hood or is from another country or culture that I don't have experience with. In a way, I write what I know - the scenes, the locations, the characters - they are all based either on myself or people that I know. The reason for this is that it just seems most natural to me when it comes to writing and I don't want someone to read my work and think "Pfft... there's no way that character would do that," or "that couldn't happen in that place."

My most recent story is very personal in that it takes place at an EDM event that I go to almost every year, so I felt confident in the way I described the party/location/vibe and also confident in what happened in the story because I've experienced somewhat similar things in real life on a dance floor and know how that scene works. When I have readers tell me "wow, that seems so real," I take it as a compliment but it's also because I'm drawing on a lot of personal experience with most of these stories.

If someone wanted to know what makes me tick or get insight of who I am - yeah, I think my writing reveals a lot. It doesn't reveal everything, because I leave out what I don't feel comfortable sharing, but I think in my case if someone read my entire body of work they would have a fairly good idea of what I was about. There are common themes and character types. While I respond to messages, I don't really reveal much else by PM unless there's a friendship or common vibe established, which is rare. And I have turned down several 'escorting offers' coz, ok, for the last time - even though I wrote about it, I just don't do that! lol
There's a very little part of me in a certain character of some of the stories I've written but all my stories are fictional. However, I don't associate myself to my stories which come purely from my imagination and observation. I also push my characters and try to add something different. My stories would be real boring if I wrote about me. Actually I would be really bored if I wrote something purely based on me.

A few days ago I specified in my profile that people should not judge me as a person based on what I write. At first I found it amusing when they were convinced I wrote about me but it gets annoying at some point, especially when I get something like, "I would so fuck you. You sound so hot from that story." I'm like WTF? That is not even me!

Normally if I receive a message from someone who liked something I've written, I would reply. I appreciate those a lot but if I get very strange messages, I'd either reply or just ignore it.

I am not the sort of person to really open up about myself, that takes time. I actually try to get myself to chat with them and stuff before I really open up but I am just careful about it. But sometimes I do find myself really at ease with certain people, so I do not mind revealing a bit more about me. So, I have to be friends and get to know & like the person himself/herself before I actually share something.
I do tend to get quite a lot of messages when I post something, which is lovely!

These take the form of comments on the story or poem and I do make an effort to respond and say thank you (at least for the first few weeks). I'll generally post a thank you on their wall (if the comment is from a friend). If the person isn't on my friend list, I'll usually PM them.

Sometimes I'll get instant messages (I can only receive those from friends), so I'll respond to those as and when I can...

I've also received PMs from people not on my friend list and I respond to those too - sometimes these people become friends, sometimes not...

I don't think I've ever had anything offensive, or out of order. I've had some saucy ones if it's been a saucy story, but I deal with them politely.

It's always encouraging to get feedback (even if it's just pointing out mistakes in the story!!)
I think that writing is an avenue for creative expression. My poetry comes from real emotions, but they may be remembered rather than current ones. The prose that I have written with Alphamagus comes from experience, imagination and fantasy and is therefore different than the poetry. The restaurant story is set in one that I like very much, for example.

I think in general writing must have some piece of you in it to be authentic, but it need not be autobiographical. It can tell in a story some insight that you have come to about the human condition with characters other than yourself.

I cherish my privacy (and anonymity on Lush) and do not share my intimate self or emotions with the world. For me that is unseemly and indiscreet, but we must each do what is comfortable for us.

I know that the poems have helped expiate some emotions for me and that has been very healthy. The stories are fun to write, perhaps because my writing partner makes it such a pleasure and they are intended to be playful as well as sexy and romantic.

The whole real me will never be on view on Lush.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

It's unlikely that you'd ever find me writing about a character that lives in the hood

cause we hood sluts would eat little blonde snobs like you alive, girl, better believe it. ;)

a good point. all of Doll's points, actually. i write scenes that i am familiar with, just as Doll wouldn't be writing hood stories, i would never write the kind of 'high end' stories she does. know your subject. i know they are "only" sex stories, but i actually do a lot of research if/when i write outside of my knowledge. I want to try to make the story feel real, i am not fond of the fantasy type sex stories, i want to believe that it did or could happen. as soon as a story starts pushing at the bounds of my disbelief i will start to bail on it, quite honestly. and that means it has to be emotionally believable too - if people start acting out of character, that bothers me too - ok, sorry, a little off subject, but i think fitting in a way.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

My stories are largely fictitious but my poetry is a part of me. I cannot write it if I didn't feel it first. I'm just not that skilled a poet to be able to fake it yet.
Quote by sprite

cause we hood sluts would eat little blonde snobs like you alive, girl, better believe it. ;)

Oh yeah? You'd better eat me! Yanno, I didn't come all the way from my part of town for candles and romance.

Plus I got connections!

And I think that my scary-connections would prolly like... totally beat up your scary-connections.

You do have my ass kicked in the superhero domain though, I definitely give you that.

As an aside - I have to say that Sprite is one of the most intriguing writers on the site (if not the most intriguing) because her stories are amazingly varied both in voice and style and she manages to pull them all off successfully. That's something that a lot of us look up to and aspire to. She has incredible range!
Quote by Mazza
I would say that all of my writing contains a bit of me, at least to a greater or lesser degree...

For example, this morning, I had a nightmare and wrote a poem as a direct result of that...

It was good though, because I know from past experience that a dream like that would have hung over me all day, but the fact that I wrote a poem, exorcised it immediately and left me with a clearer head...

In fact, exorcise, that's a good way to describe my writing... It gets rid of a lot of the nonsense inside my head...

So, if you read my stuff, well, it will give you a bit of an idea as to what I am like, well, aspects of me...

It's by no means entirely me and those that know me would probably agree that I share far too much of myself on this place...

I'm not pretending to be someone else, but I'm not revealing everything about myself either... (that's reserved for a very chosen few - thanks guys!! You help to keep me sane.. I know...)

Emily Dickinson described writing poetry as something that took the top of her head off ;)
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Q. How much of the Real You is in your writing?
A. The men in all of my stories are a reflection or a part of me. A few of my stories are true stories, so those are all me.

Q. Are you happy to share "Yourself" with what some might call a fan, or just people interested in your writing?
A. Depends on what "share" means. I'm always open to discuss writing and my stories, but when it comes to letting people into my personal self...I do it discreetly.

Q. Do you reply to messages with revelations of yourself?
A. No

Q. How do you respond to people wanting to know more about You?
A. Again, depends on how that has come across. If they want to know my favorite color, food, etc . I'll give that stuff away, but again...when comes to my personal self...I'm very discreet about it

Q. Are you happy to write your whole self and pure character into your stories, or do you usually pull things that are not really of "You" into your work, as I do?
A. Most of my characters are down to earth persons like myself, so yes.

I'd like to add that my poetry is all because my poetic works come from my heart.
Quote by Frank_Lee
... my butt crack shows so deep someone could plant daisies in it if they had a mind."

You promised my fantasy was just between us.

Thank you so much for your responses, Fab people!
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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There's a lot of me in my writing but in order to know what is me, you have to get to know me. My poetry is raw and unpolished emotion, which is me at the time, but not me all the time.

In some of my stories the debauchery is me and is based on real events, if not the actual event but that doesn't mean to say that I'm always engaged in debauchery.

I think a lot of readers tend to think that what an author writes is mostly themselves but they forget that it's as much of an escape for the writer as it is for them as the reader. If everyone put every aspect of themselves in their writing, it'd be too easy to get to know someone and half the fun of getting to know someone, especially on here, is separating the person from the author.

I didn't expect to write as much as this in this reply but I guess something about the question just inspired me. Nice question.
Hmm, and here I was pretty certain that Shylass was "The business man who tans the backside of his missus for forgetting to pick up the compost, and then royally shags her?" Live and learn, I suppose. smile

My writings are all me, all the time, while I am writing whichever one you're reading. But, most likely, only at that time, and I could have changed by the time (if there is one) that you read it a second time. Like anyone, there is a part of us enclosed in the writing which remains consistent, and other parts which change, grow, decay, etc. The danger can come when a reader believes the writer is stuck in that gear they wrote in at that time and are surprised when they discover otherwise.

Beauty (or any other quality), as they say, is in the eye of the bee holder and if you look too closely, you might get stung.
So, are you guys really saying there are readers who want to know MORE about you? Gee, (pause) wonder why none of them ever wanted any info at all about me. Good taste, I guess. (sigh)

RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN
Does anybody else ever worry about this kind of scenario?

Although my little ceramic penguin is currently drowning in the toilet cistern because I caught him wanking over my cockadoodie stories and messing up the keyboard...
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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I use my own discretion based on what I observe/glean/learn of people.

I've never been quizzed about who I am on these forums, nor have I written much, so I speak of
past experiences, elsewhere:

1_ Who I am and what I've done are not exactly written in my works. I splice; maybe an unrealised
fantasy here, mixed with something I've seen/read, but rewritten to suit my fancies. Sometimes I write
based on what will capture a certain audience, and in those cases, even less of "me" is interlaced.

2_ I do share "myself," but it's not much, or nothing significant. Sometimes it's just simple negligence, most
times it's intentional. If it's a fan, I would share even less than if it was someone who was purely interested
in my writing. But if were the case, then I doubt they'd ask for more of "me."

In any case, I'm flattered and pleasantly surprised when I pique someone's interest.

3_ I'm not sure what "revelations" entail, but I'm going to assume it's something that I'd keep close
to vest. Expanding on that assumption, I don't offer what I'm not asked, and if I'm asked about these
things, I shy away from them.

4_ I respond politely and creatively when I'm asked about myself.

Nosy yet secretive? Give and take, Lass. Give and take. : )
Are you truly awake?
Geez, Shylass... this was kind of a scary question! For me, it delves into why I started writing these things in the first place, I guess. Only a couple of months ago, I didn't know that sites like this existed. I wrote my first story as a fantasy. It had been bugging the crap out of me for ages, and I decided the only way to get rid of it was to write it down. I told a friend about it, and he suggested another erotica website (which isn't Lush, and totally sucks), and I published my story there. I only got one really good response, but that person told me about Lush, so I came here. That one person who encouraged me has become a really good friend, and is the only person I've ever gotten to know online.

I've cautiously continued to write the story of the same "couple," to see how far I can take the fantasy. Strangely enough, the female character started out as me, with the male character based on someone I know. But something weird happened, as the story progressed. My friend RT North, who ended up on this site before me and encouraged me to come here, described it wonderfully: He said, about my character, "She's like a kite on a string. The wind blows her this way and that, and you're never sure where she's going to end up... but you're still holding the string."

Isn't that awesome? So, although at first my writing was peering into my life, experiences and fantasy, it has somehow evolved... and my character is now free to go places that I never will. It's been a fun journey... and despite my current bout of writer's block, I hope it doesn't end anytime soon. smile

Thanks for the question. This was fun to explore.
Quote by Resident

Nosy yet secretive? Give and take, Lass. Give and take. : )

I have entered into quid pro quo dialogue with a couple of people before, but only after I'd got to know them a bit better and I felt comfy to.

But it's up to you how much you share without me giving in return. I'd say we're on evens now.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Quote by T_Elle
Geez, Shylass... this was kind of a scary question! For me, it delves into why I started writing these things in the first place, I guess. Only a couple of months ago, I didn't know that sites like this existed. I wrote my first story as a fantasy. It had been bugging the crap out of me for ages, and I decided the only way to get rid of it was to write it down. I told a friend about it, and he suggested another erotica website (which isn't Lush, and totally sucks), and I published my story there. I only got one really good response, but that person told me about Lush, so I came here. That one person who encouraged me has become a really good friend, and is the only person I've ever gotten to know online.

I've cautiously continued to write the story of the same "couple," to see how far I can take the fantasy. Strangely enough, the female character started out as me, with the male character based on someone I know. But something weird happened, as the story progressed. My friend RT North, who ended up on this site before me and encouraged me to come here, described it wonderfully: He said, about my character, "She's like a kite on a string. The wind blows her this way and that, and you're never sure where she's going to end up... but you're still holding the string."

Isn't that awesome? So, although at first my writing was peering into my life, experiences and fantasy, it has somehow evolved... and my character is now free to go places that I never will. It's been a fun journey... and despite my current bout of writer's block, I hope it doesn't end anytime soon. smile

Thanks for the question. This was fun to explore.

Top stuff, lass! Thank you for sharing, and everybody else, too.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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