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Interest in You v. Your Writing

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Gingerbread Lover
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
Well I just very recently (like 2 weeks ago) started writing. And it was actually at the suggestion of you, Shylass (if you're reading this). And I'm actually still trying to figure myself out as writer I feel like this is one big experiment. And so far my stories have been based on a real-life experience. I would say it's about 95% truth as some things said may have been a bit embellished. But it's my wit, personality, and sexuality poured into these stories.

But I will say that there is a large amount of anxiety involved when I submit a story. While I think most people feel this, it goes a bit further for me because as of now I put so much of myself in these stories. And in my mind, if my story is rejected, then I too am rejected.

And I always find that once a story is posted, my inbox is flooded with friend invites, usually along with a message "Loved the story! Would love to get to know you!" or something along those lines. I will admit that I found this a bit strange. I come here to Lush to have fun, but I am in no way an attention whore. And I try to compare this to real life (well life outside of Lush). I'm a researcher, so I do lots of writing based on my findings, which often gets posted on bulletins around campus or online. If I were to get a message from someone saying "Love your writing! Let's be friends, I wanna get to know you!" I'd be creeped out. But if they were to say "Love your research, let's get together, compare notes, etc...." this wouldn't creep me out in the least.

I think it's all about the context in which the message is sent. It could range from flattering to annoying. Sometimes it's just a horny girl/guy who reads a story or poem who thinks you have a great imagination or at the very least think you're very horny, either of which could possibly lead them to a great cyber fuck session with you. And then there are those who truly want to get to know the person behind these stories. Perhaps your stories embody their deepest fantasies, and these fantasies are projected onto you, the author.

And, if given the chance, who WOULDN'T want to befriend or at the very least have a conversation with their favorite author? Or an author they really liked??

Thank you for sharing that. I AM glad you started writing, I've really enjoyed what you've produced so far (I saw you have a new one up, but haven't read it yet).

I was mortified the first time I had a story rejected - a simple rulebreak that was easily dealt with if I wasn't so angsty about it! Nerves and fear are my biggest issue. I only started actually really talking about sex when I joined Lush, so it's a very, very big deal for me. And I only shared little bits and pieces of writing and scripts with people before, never such an amount of work with such a detailed, specific subject. So I do understand a little how you feel.

I think, and I would hope the mods would agree, that with your standard of writing, the only way one of your stories wouldn't get published would be for a rule break (which can be easily done, and easily fixed). I have definitely grown in confidence since I joined in January, and I know you will too. I am still very much at a loss with how to respond to people who contact me. There are the lovely people who make it easy for me, but also people who freak the fudge out of me too.

The people I like best are the ones who tell me when something I wrote resonated in them, or Bestest of all, when I make them smile or laugh.

I don't know how to respond to people who tell me they got cum all over the place because they read my stuff, or who ask me what I'm wearing. I'm very stupidly matter of fact sometimes, and totally grossed out at other times. It's all a big learning curve for me too.

One thing I was thinking earlier was that with the rise of what I call "Celebrity Culture", where we can read about every single detail of random people as they go about their business, we are more likely to want to know more about people who in, say, the Bronte's time, we would never have a chance to know on a more detailed level. I think I would rather have a sense of mystique about somebody I admired, personally. I love to talk to the writers on here, because I learn so much from them all, and that is what I value the most (that, and learning about how make a man cum good and hard).

Again, thank you all for sharing.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Active Ink Slinger
In my stories, I am often very deliberately confronting my personal demons, revealing much about how my brain works and displaying my insecurities and complexes. Perhaps that is scaring away the potentially curious. I haven't had any "fans" probing for more intimate knowledge of me, but I don't have many followers or friends and I'm not sure if that's personal or because my stories don't inspire them. Maybe I've done something to alienate even the harmless among the curious, which is not intentional, but I do have to protect my privacy.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by Shylass

Thank you for sharing that. I AM glad you started writing, I've really enjoyed what you've produced so far (I saw you have a new one up, but haven't read it yet).

I was mortified the first time I had a story rejected - a simple rulebreak that was easily dealt with if I wasn't so angsty about it! Nerves and fear are my biggest issue. I only started actually really talking about sex when I joined Lush, so it's a very, very big deal for me. And I only shared little bits and pieces of writing and scripts with people before, never such an amount of work with such a detailed, specific subject. So I do understand a little how you feel.

I think, and I would hope the mods would agree, that with your standard of writing, the only way one of your stories wouldn't get published would be for a rule break (which can be easily done, and easily fixed). I have definitely grown in confidence since I joined in January, and I know you will too. I am still very much at a loss with how to respond to people who contact me. There are the lovely people who make it easy for me, but also people who freak the fudge out of me too.

The people I like best are the ones who tell me when something I wrote resonated in them, or Bestest of all, when I make them smile or laugh.

I don't know how to respond to people who tell me they got cum all over the place because they read my stuff, or who ask me what I'm wearing. I'm very stupidly matter of fact sometimes, and totally grossed out at other times. It's all a big learning curve for me too.

One thing I was thinking earlier was that with the rise of what I call "Celebrity Culture", where we can read about every single detail of random people as they go about their business, we are more likely to want to know more about people who in, say, the Bronte's time, we would never have a chance to know on a more detailed level. I think I would rather have a sense of mystique about somebody I admired, personally. I love to talk to the writers on here, because I learn so much from them all, and that is what I value the most (that, and learning about how make a man cum good and hard).

Again, thank you all for sharing.

I totally understand where you're coming from. And it's hard to get an honest opinion on something you write when all it does is make someone horny. Or better yet, when it gets pushed down by more recent story posts and forgotten about. But I've learned to take the pervs with a grain of salt. Just because they get horny and cum all over the place doesn't mean the story in and of itself wasn't an enjoyment and well-written.

However, when your writing makes someone horny and orgasmic, they expect YOU to do/be the same. Just make sure you have your ground rules in place, such as requirements for your friendships/associations etc.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012

I totally understand where you're coming from. And it's hard to get an honest opinion on something you write when all it does is make someone horny. Or better yet, when it gets pushed down by more recent story posts and forgotten about. But I've learned to take the pervs with a grain of salt. Just because they get horny and cum all over the place doesn't mean the story in and of itself wasn't an enjoyment and well-written.

However, when your writing makes someone horny and orgasmic, they expect YOU to do/be the same. Just make sure you have your ground rules in place, such as requirements for your friendships/associations etc.

I agree with you there hun. I have it posted on my profile that I don't do cyber sex. It is rather boring.

I prefer to write erotica. Not have mental sex with some random stranger.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Shylass
I've bolded the important bit so you can skip all the crap if you wish.

I'd never deign to describe anything you write as "crap." smile

How much of the Real You is in your writing? Are you happy to share "Yourself" with what some might call a fan, or just people interested in your writing? Do you reply to messages with revelations of yourself? How do you respond to people wanting to know more about You? Are you happy to write your whole self and pure character into your stories, or do you usually pull things that are not really of "You" into your work, as I do?

I realise these are lots of questions, but I would be grateful and interested to know how you feel about this subject, if you wish to share. I'm nosy, you see.

I thought about putting a post in the Ask the Readers thread, but I'm scared of what the answers might be.

I would suspect that there may be a gender difference at work. I would posit that females here get a far, far different experience than males in terms of the level and character of inquiries.

But speaking for myself, there's almost none of "me" in my writing, apart from the fact that I write generally about topics I know and am interested in (BDSM & Spanking). I don't write about real life or personal things mostly out of respect for the privacy of the other people involved.
My novel, The Society, is available now in the Kindle Store:
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Sensei

I would suspect that there may be a gender difference at work. I would posit that females here get a far, far different experience than males in terms of the level and character of inquiries.

It would be easy to test that by creating a second profile with the opposite gender and writing a few stories. I wonder if any authors here have already done that. Plenty of women in mainstream lit and SF have written as men, thinking it would increase their chances of getting published. I think that was way more common when I was a lot younger.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust
Divine Rapscallion
Quote by 1ball
It would be easy to test that by creating a second profile with the opposite gender and writing a few stories. I wonder if any authors here have already done that. Plenty of women in mainstream lit and SF have written as men, thinking it would increase their chances of getting published. I think that was way more common when I was a lot younger.

Ah, but then you would run up against this provision of the site Terms of Service:

• I will not create more than one profile for any reason whatsoever. I understand that if I do, all my accounts may be deleted from the site without notice.

It would be a real shame to lose all the hard work that goes into writing stories because the account(s) got deleted.
Maggie R
Active Ink Slinger
Apart from the first story I had published on Lush, there is a piece of me in every story and I know that some think I reveal too much of myself through my writing. As others have said, I don't reveal my whole self in my stories, I show certain pieces of me, like the nervous girl talking to herself and she's walking to meet the man who may become her Master, the girl who swears at herself out of frustration, or the horny girl who loves sex and likes a man to take control. I don't think that my stories reveal more of me than I'm willing to share with most people I talk to.

I'm getting pickier about who I'm willing to open myself up to. 90% of people who get in touch will find out very little about me, that special 10% find out more and maybe half of them will get to know more than one side of me.

When I write I have my starting position in mind, from there the story develops, usually not quite in the way I first imagined it. My stories have some basis in reality, there's some personal experience, embellishment, imagination and a bit of fantasy thrown in too. I write what I know, it's too much of a struggle to write something unknown, although, I may try it one day.

And yes, I too get the, 'I loved your story, I'd love to get to know you better' messages, it's the same as above, my response depends how it's been worded, what mood I'm in and what their profile is like.

Sorry this is so rushed I'm running late for work!
Attention Whore
Okay, I know I am going to sound all pretentious and whatnot, but I guess that is a part of me.

For me, great writing is about the person behind the words, rather than simply just the narrative tale unfolding before me. One of my constant criticisms of much erotica is that it consists of cliched storytelling and two dimensional characters. When I read great fiction, whether classic or contemporary, I find the author revealed through their work ... you simply cannot read Austen, Chandler, Hardy, Faulkner, (et al) and the thousands of brilliant contempoarary authors without coming to understand some of what are the issues that rattle around inside their brain. For me, writing erotica involves similar contemplative thought and through all of my writing (both poetic and prose) I am always looking to communicate some aspects of my character and some of the issues that infiltrate my musings.

So yes, in brief, you can find me or elements of me in all my writings.

Having said all of that, I am an exceedingly private person (something that is as true of me in real life as it is here) and I feel no obligation to provide anyone with any details about me or to answer questions that I dont wish to answer (photographs and geographic location are automatic No's). But I have developed many relationships that I value highly here and those are only achieved by both individuals opening themselves up and offerring information about themselves ... and for those close friends I am prepared to chatter endlessly about the humdrum existence of my day to day life ... even if they would prefer that I didn't.
Yes, you should have a hazard label on you, "warning CG will be your every fantasy"

Gingerbread Lover
Quote by magnificent1rascal

It would be a real shame to lose all the hard work that goes into writing stories because the account(s) got deleted.

Yes, this was actually done recently, and their (very good) work was deleted. I do think avatars with boobies or girls' bums in them get more hits automatically, so maybe you might want to try that path if you are wanting to self-promote (nothing wrong with that). Friends can do a lot too, mentioning something they have read to another friend, etc. For myself, I'm not interested in the sex of a writer, only what they can add to my escapism, enjoyment, and/or learning. Selfish, perhaps, but that's why I read.

Once people start to discover you and like your work, they will come back for more. And maybe you, as opposed to your work.

Again, thank you all for sharing. I'm finding this really interesting.

Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CumGirl
For me, great writing is about the person behind the words, rather than simply just the narrative tale unfolding before me. One of my constant criticisms of much erotica is that it consists of cliched storytelling and two dimensional characters. When I read great fiction, whether classic or contemporary, I find the author revealed through their work ... you simply cannot read Austen, Chandler, Hardy, Faulkner, (et al) and the thousands of brilliant contemporary authors without coming to understand some of what are the issues that rattle around inside their brain. For me, writing erotica involves similar contemplative thought and through all of my writing (both poetic and prose) I am always looking to communicate some aspects of my character and some of the issues that infiltrate my musings.

I agree wholeheartedly. I would even say that authors of fiction that is really out there (egs. J.R.R. Tolkein, H.G. Wells) reveal much about themselves in their works.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Shylass

Yes, this was actually done recently, and their (very good) work was deleted.

I wasn't aware of anyone being caught with multiple profiles. That rule must be pretty hard on those with multiple personality disorder.

I do think avatars with boobies or girls' bums in them get more hits automatically, so maybe you might want to try that path if you are wanting to self-promote (nothing wrong with that).

I doubt that showing my boobies would gain me any hits and showing my bum might send the wrong message. ;)

I think more readers here have a bias for reading women than for reading men. Avatars or usernames that reveal (purported) gender play to that bias and that's fine. It gives men the option of claiming that their readership is low because of the bias rather than because they suck as writers.

I like the follow function here because all it does is let you know that a chosen author posted a new story. I never miss a story by a favorite author if I follow them.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust
Active Ink Slinger
I am not a talented writer like most here are and have only posted a few items but would like to respond from my uneducated perspective. Writing for me is relaxing and satisfying. When I was a child my grandmother played a game with me where she would tell me to write down what I was feeling:what I liked about her cookies, what the clouds looked like to me, etc. Now when I read what someone else has written, especially the Love Poems, I empathize with that author. As an example, and please forgive me if this is not proper to do because I don't have permission, but Mazza wrote a poem titled "Used" and it made my eyes fill with tears. I laughed at Shylass' "Cinderella". etc. Isn't this what good writers do, they make us feel emotions? No, I don't think Shylass has a glass dildo in her bum, but her writing made me feel emotion, and in so doing made me want to know more about her. I wanted to hug Mazza because what she wrote made me feel her loneliness. So yes, what you write does make the reader interested in knowing more about you, and it isn't just to cum on your avatar, it is because you as a writer have made us feel emotions.

Jeez, see why I'm not a good writer, I ramble all over the place But hey, thank you writers for making me WANT to know you because you have touched me and made me feel something. Keep writing, I promise I won't stalk you. Well............maybe not promise.NlPGK9f1kOmAkNqg
If you ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it.................Frank Lloyd Wright

I always practice obedience, when it's in my best interest.
Divine Rapscallion
That was very well put, redlips.

When I originally answered the question, I was thinking in terms of what a reader might learn about my own personal sexual proclivities and practices in my writing, which is very little. However, I agree with others that one could piece together a fair amount about my personality by carefully reading what I've written.
Maggie R
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by redlips
I am not a talented writer like most here are and have only posted a few items but would like to respond from my uneducated perspective. Writing for me is relaxing and satisfying. When I was a child my grandmother played a game with me where she would tell me to write down what I was feeling:what I liked about her cookies, what the clouds looked like to me, etc. Now when I read what someone else has written, especially the Love Poems, I empathize with that author. As an example, and please forgive me if this is not proper to do because I don't have permission, but Mazza wrote a poem titled "Used" and it made my eyes fill with tears. I laughed at Shylass' "Cinderella". etc. Isn't this what good writers do, they make us feel emotions? No, I don't think Shylass has a glass dildo in her bum, but her writing made me feel emotion, and in so doing made me want to know more about her. I wanted to hug Mazza because what she wrote made me feel her loneliness. So yes, what you write does make the reader interested in knowing more about you, and it isn't just to cum on your avatar, it is because you as a writer have made us feel emotions.

Jeez, see why I'm not a good writer, I ramble all over the place But hey, thank you writers for making me WANT to know you because you have touched me and made me feel something. Keep writing, I promise I won't stalk you. Well............maybe not promise.mAIU9Meq14llsd2Z

I think you need to delete that bolded part of your post. Because I don't think it's true. You are on my list of Read This Writer.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Quote by Shylass

Yes, this was actually done recently, and their (very good) work was deleted. I do think avatars with boobies or girls' bums in them get more hits automatically, so maybe you might want to try that path if you are wanting to self-promote (nothing wrong with that). Friends can do a lot too, mentioning something they have read to another friend, etc. For myself, I'm not interested in the sex of a writer, only what they can add to my escapism, enjoyment, and/or learning. Selfish, perhaps, but that's why I read.

Once people start to discover you and like your work, they will come back for more. And maybe you, as opposed to your work.

Again, thank you all for sharing. I'm finding this really interesting.

Oh no they don't, I'd have to disagree there (bolded). I think the more social you are, the more friends you have, you will receive more hits. In particular, I think that what you've written in the past will bring others to your work, thereby giving your stories more hits. If Jaymal (and his is a likeness, not boobies) changed his avatar, it wouldn't matter because many of us would see the name and flock to the story OR we've been following him because we just have to know when he posts a new story.

I do agree with the remainder of your post. Thanks for this interesting thread.
Active Ink Slinger
There is a little of me in everything i write. For my stories, they are purely my imaginations, but they do reflect some fantasies in my mind sometimes. As to my poems, they probably contain more of me.

I'm been approached by readers who would like to know me, or discuss about writings. In either case, I'm happy to make new friends, but I'd like to keep things in the friend zone.
Welcome to visit my tumblr page at for erotic arts. Or for non-erotic arts.
Clever Gem
I've never claimed, or planned to be a writer.
I came to read.
If I had never been affected in one way or another, by this place.. Lush, I never would have written.
For me it is a release on paper.
I am admittedly very controlled and would never IRL voice as much emotion as I would through limericks.
They may not be completely accurate or even that good, but the character, humour and emotion is me, relating to something that has affected, or made me think in one way or another.
I do however like to play with what I write, and give it it a twist or edge.
I am entirely bare when I write, I have no clue if that's for the better or worse.
Certainly, my writing (content and form) is, in many ways, an expression of who I am and, sometimes, who I want to be seen as. That isn't to say my stories are about me (often far from it, in fact) but the shrewd read could learn a little about the "real" me from each one. You're never going to extract my life story from my work but you might just get the slightest glimpse into Clum.

I've been told my writing is quite "upfront". I imagine this means that people can fairly easily believe that they are derived from personal experience. I do try to write relatively realistic stories in so far as they could happen to someone like me. Even some of my most "honest"-sounding work is drawn completely from my imagination (I think everyone who read my story on StoriesSpace thought it was true). I don't (for the most part) write about myself but it's inevitable that little bits of me escape onto the page.

Each of the main characters in my stories (all male, thus far) have elements of my own personality but not one of them is me (Smokin' Aces aside). By doing this, I can "know" the character better and predict his reactions better. Perhaps (this just occurred to me) I invent characters as images of who I want to be seen as, how I want my readers to think of me. In our writing, we are allowed to paint a picture of the character and I suppose, on some level, we sometimes make that character an idealised version of ourselves. But I digress.

I am quite happy to share the "real" me with anyone who is genuinely interested enough to find out. I don't offer up "revelations" to my "fans" (not that I really have any) but I don't hide who I am or pretend to be the characters in my stories. I answer questions as appropriate; you get to know me on a "deserve-to-know" basis.

Poetry is similar for me. It's not usually a pouring from the heart but just something I created. I have four poems on Lush; two are complete fiction although have been suspected of being true, one is truly from my heart and one is silly fun (but still, in a manner of speaking, true). I'm not a poet and therefore my poems reveal very little about the "real" me; they're just another way to write the same drivel I usually write in prose.

Is that what you were asking, Shy? I may have dozed off half-way through the OP.

P.S. I usually give my stories a Scottish element (most are set in Scotland and have Scottish characters, even if I don't explicitly say that) so read into that what you will.
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by cocokisses

Oh no they don't, I'd have to disagree there (bolded). I think the more social you are, the more friends you have, you will receive more hits. In particular, I think that what you've written in the past will bring others to your work, thereby giving your stories more hits. If Jaymal (and his is a likeness, not boobies) changed his avatar, it wouldn't matter because many of us would see the name and flock to the story OR we've been following him because we just have to know when he posts a new story.

I do agree with the remainder of your post. Thanks for this interesting thread.

My observation was based on general things and initial hits from the front page, as more than one male friend has told me about the difference when they change their avatar to include various body parts of the opposite sex. I certainly didn't mean to lump everybody into that category. My favourite authors on here so far are all actually male, and I didn't choose to read based on their pictures, but word of mouth. But others have told me that if they like a person's avatar, they will read. I don't know if I've read any of Jaymal's work yet, but others have told me he is an exceptional writer. Frank_Lee is another with a large following, and he doesn't have the girly bits avatar either. Talent attracts, I'm not denying it. But for some, what makes them pay more attention is nipples. Not all, I concede.

But I do think it has a lot to do with a large amount of readers - those of us who post in the forums and follow people very closely tend to be those who are serious about the skilled writing they present, and as such, simply to take one cross-section of readers excludes how others choose to read stories, which may be completely different. One lad told me he didn't bother to read my stuff at first because he was bored by my double daisies (before I changed to my crazydiamond button). He didn't find what he was wanting, but he enjoyed it in a small way when he did read a couple. But this is another thread, really, I was just responding to another post. We'll have to disagree about this particular point, sorry.

Thanks for sharing, everyone.

Clum, I'd reply to your question, but I fell asleep before I got to it, sorry.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Quote by Shylass
Clum, I'd reply to your question, but I fell asleep before I got to it, sorry.

Touché, lass.
Quote by redlips
I am not a talented writer like most here are and have only posted a few items but would like to respond from my uneducated perspective. Writing for me is relaxing and satisfying. When I was a child my grandmother played a game with me where she would tell me to write down what I was feeling:what I liked about her cookies, what the clouds looked like to me, etc. Now when I read what someone else has written, especially the Love Poems, I empathize with that author. As an example, and please forgive me if this is not proper to do because I don't have permission, but Mazza wrote a poem titled "Used" and it made my eyes fill with tears. I laughed at Shylass' "Cinderella". etc. Isn't this what good writers do, they make us feel emotions? No, I don't think Shylass has a glass dildo in her bum, but her writing made me feel emotion, and in so doing made me want to know more about her. I wanted to hug Mazza because what she wrote made me feel her loneliness. So yes, what you write does make the reader interested in knowing more about you, and it isn't just to cum on your avatar, it is because you as a writer have made us feel emotions.

Jeez, see why I'm not a good writer, I ramble all over the place But hey, thank you writers for making me WANT to know you because you have touched me and made me feel something. Keep writing, I promise I won't stalk you. Well............maybe not promise.XYMEDCTQGqp4TjOQ

Aw wow! I'm really touched at that!! What a sweetie you are (for the record, I'll take those hugs!!)

(Have to go and read some of your work now!!)

Purveyor of Sweetness
this is an interesting question... but first of all i have to say that Frank_Lee is an enigma but mostly he is full of ...... well you know... lol...

everything i write has a bit of me in it... the stories are all written from my point of view but not necessarily about real events... sometimes not even about things in a fantasy... they are just stories... ideas...

my poems are more emotional because they are based on real longings or fears... but they are still just stories as well... there are some that were written with someone particular in mind... i do have to say that when i write them i feel every moment that i write about... i find that a little scary and hope it doesn't mean i am insane.

i do find that people contact me and act like the longings and fears are something they can do something about.... i find that a little disconcerting even though it is sweet...

shylass... does this answer your question?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LauraLee_sugah
when i write them i feel every moment that i write about.


I guess the same would go for me as well. I feel what I write, but on
the same token, I haven't exactly written what I've felt [experienced].
Are you truly awake?
I guess that in some ways they are one in the same. I write a lot of truth into my stories.
Active Ink Slinger
My characters lead a much more exciting life than I do.

However, there are pieces of my personality in them. In order to make a story feel alive to a reader, I think the characters have to be accessible to the writer. The writer needs to be able to put herself in the place of the characters, whether it be through personal experience or the intuition that comes from observation.
An old favorite story of mine: The Chaise Lounge
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by CharlotteRusse1
My characters lead a much more exciting life than I do.

However, there are pieces of my personality in them. In order to make a story feel alive to a reader, I think the characters have to be accessible to the writer. The writer needs to be able to put herself in the place of the characters, whether it be through personal experience or the intuition that comes from observation.

Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
From personal experience, I think writing expands the imagination. You just have to take a moment to step outside of yourself. I mean, at some point we all think something we do is absolute and complete crap. No matter how many people tell you otherwise. I don't think it's false modesty, but it's just something that comes along with the territory. But I digress. Back to my initial point about writing expanding the imagination. Like many others, I'm sure, I didn't come to Lush to write. Hell, I didn't even come to make friends...or fill in the blank spaces of my profile...or to post on forums...or join chatrooms. I only came here to read some kinky stories. Everything else just sort of happened without my realizing it.
And with a little nudge, I started converting a real-life experience to a literary opus. It may not have been the greatest work, perhaps not even good. But it's mine, and simply writing it is a big deal for me. And now that I've managed to do that, all sorts of characters are popping into my head. Me and the people I've been with are being replaced with strangers I have yet to get to know experiencing things that I have yet to experience. But I'd like to get to know them and their story. But the only way I can do this is by writing it all down.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Active Ink Slinger
The only story I have posted on here was written to titillate the reader, but contained a hotchpotch of things that had really happened. I have a few follow ups but they increasingly contain less and less reality and more and more are written to arouse (or at least entertain) others. However, that probably says more about me than the actual words in the story!

I have written poetry as well but I would never put it on here as it is too personal. I generally only do it when I am really down or really angry and this isn't the right place....not least because they probably only make sense to me, and they aren't written for anyone else. Personal therapy.
Weaver of Words
For the most part, my stories are purely fictional as I have never personally experienced the situations I write about. I have never been to a sex club, I have never had a threesome of any sort, I have never been with a woman. I've had some fast and dirty sex with men, as well as slow and sensual sex with my significant other. I've dabbled a bit in what some would consider "kinky", but most of my writing is from my imagination or perhaps a reflection of some of my fantasies. My poems, however, are a direct window to my actual feelings and based on my experiences. At least the ones I have posted on my page. I have written some for various threads which are in response to the topic of the thread.

What does this say about me personally? Does it reveal "me"? One comment I received on a story that I had prefaced with the disclaimer that it was written from my imagination was "Imagination, real life, who cares? This was HOT!" People can think what they want about me. I am fairly open in talking about myself to people, but the information I don't want known, I just don't tell. But people are always welcome to ask and in most cases, I will answer, at least partially.