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I'm looking for editors - Brave Bitch.

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Active Ink Slinger
Hi, I have been writing from past five to six years and have written more than 600 stories. After having millions of reads ad thousands of comments on my stories which I have shared on different sites, I just realized what a terrible writer I'm. What I write is not good enough to get publish on LUSH (in terms of grammar), so I have decided to look for some help, as LUSH is a great site and I don't want to quit.

I joined Lush two years ago but didn't get my stories published on here. I left LUSH after that, but after a year I came back on LUSH. Last year in November, I again submitted a few stories and I got them published on here. After that I have shared more than fifty stories, earned a 'Millionaires Badge' and 'Author 50' badge. Lush made a few changes a month ago, and my stories got removed. Now I'm editing all those stories and writing new ones, too. But now LUSH has raised its standards and after trying many times I still couldn't get my stories published.

My readers ask me for my new stories and new chapters of 'Secret Affairs' but I just tell them that I'm working on it.

Now I need someone who can edit my stories. I write daily so there will be many stories and I can use more than one editor. Anyone who is willing to help me out and like to edit my stories can contact me. I will include your name in the story as an editor + put your name in my bio.

Don't expect me to share my pictures/contact info/ or any other personal info.

I will send you the story through LUSH (PM/email) and you can return it to me the same way after editing. You will just have to edit the grammatical errors, no editing in plot or flow of the story.

Let me know if you have time to help me out here.
Be a man to treat me like a princess and fuck me like a whore.
Quote by BraveBitch
Hi, I have been writing from past five to six years and have written more than 600 stories. After having millions of reads ad thousands of comments on my stories which I have shared on different sites, I just realized what a terrible writer I'm. What I write is not good enough to get publish on LUSH (in terms of grammar), so I have decided to look for some help, as LUSH is a great site and I don't want to quit.

Here's a reality check for you. Your condescending disrespectful attitude, and sense of self-entitlement, have lead me to post this.

It doesn't matter if you write 6 stories, or 600 stories, if they are all littered with mistakes, then none of them will be accepted here.

Other story sites don't have any standards in place, and I'm sure your stories are well received there. The type of surfers who go to unmoderated sites, expect a low standard, and aren't fussed by mistakes, they probably don't even notice them themselves. I am sure you get a barrage of wonderfully intelligent comments and high scores there.

The reason some of your stories have been published on here, is that our moderating team, have kindly spent hours and hours going back and forth with you, on every single one of them.

They shouldn't have to. It takes up an enormous amount of verifying time to do so, which could have been used to verify other authors' stories. I have told them not to in future. It's unfair to others who have stories waiting in the queue.

You have been given countless messages of advice over the years, such as this:

~You use the words 'in' and 'on' (prepositions) throughout the story in places where they are not necessary. One example:

... when he reached on the first floor.

You don't need that 'on'. He just reached the first floor. Not reached on. There are more instances. Don't just fix this one. Find the others.

Here's a link on prepositions. Practice, please:

~Don't use ellipses (...) in narrative. They are used exclusively in dialogue to indicate speech trailing off.

~You are missing articles throughout. See this link for more information on articles and how to use them properly:

~There are a couple of places where you have minor mistakes in dialogue. An unnecessary capitalization. A comma instead of a period.

Please proofread carefully for the issues mentioned above. PM me with any questions.

Instead of actually sitting down and trying to learn basic grammar rules, a suggestion I have made to you on many occasions, you repeatedly resubmit stories with the one or two errors pointed out in your rejection notices, corrected. The other same mistakes throughout the story remain. When they are pointed out to you in follow up rejection notices, you reply things like, "Why didn't you tell me this in the first place?" Verifiers are NOT your personal private editors. They point out where you are going wrong and give you helpful guidelines.

You are not even trying to improve your English.

Why would anyone want to try and help you, considering the attitude you show in your posts? I don't know if it's a language issue, but from the tone of your messages, I suspect not.

Do you think you'll improve as a writer by asking people on here to edit your stories for you? The answer is NO.

You seriously need to spend at least a few months offline, learning the basics. Please do not submit any more stories here, until you have done so.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by nicola

Do you think you'll improve as a writer by asking people on here to edit your stories for you? The answer is NO.

You seriously need to spend at least a few months offline, learning the basics. Please do not submit any more stories here, until you have done so.

you suspended me from LUSH for a month just because I asked a simple question, and tried to look for someone who could help me edit my stories? I didn't ask any moderator to edit my stories, I just posted a forum topic to find someone who is willing to help me.
I never argued with any moderator about why they rejected my stories, I never even bothered any moderator asking them to help me edit my stories. I did what I could do all by myself and got my stories published after several rejection.
This time when a story got rejected seven times (even when it did got publish a few months ago) I just asked a simple question about LUSH standards. Anyone could have just told me, 'Yes, LUSH has raised its standard and we can't verify your story until you edit it properly,' but my bad luck that moderators took it very personally.
You said that it doesn't matter how many stories I have written; 6 or 600, but LUSH won't accept them until they are written properly. I didn't submit any of the stories I have written in past because I know they need a lot of editing before submitting on LUSH.

Quote by nicola

The reason some of your stories have been published on here, is that our moderating team, have kindly spent hours and hours going back and forth with you, on every single one of them.

that means they also have worked on my story which was published a couple of months ago, but now it got rejected seven times, and I asked 'WHY?'
Be a man to treat me like a princess and fuck me like a whore.
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by BraveBitch

that means they also have worked on my story which was published a couple of months ago, but now it got rejected seven times, and I asked 'WHY?'

Don't you think it would be nice to submit your work, and have it verified without having to volley it back and forth with the story mods several times first?

Perhaps you should view this as an opportunity to learn about the aspects of grammar that the moderating team keep explaining and fixing for you. After publishing six hundred stories, that seems like a fairly sensible idea.

There really isn't that much to it.
BB, you wrote, " bad luck that moderators took it very personally..." I haven't been on Lush for very long, but rest assured, the moderators do not take much, if anything at all, personally, nor is it a matter of "luck" that your stories are being rejected. I mod on another, non-erotica related site, and I can assure you, as a moderator, one cannot take anything personally. We simply do not have the time in the day to do so.

I've told you that English is not my natural language (one of your excuses for your poor grammar and spelling), I've advised you in other threads to obtain a copy of the newest APA Style Guide and a copy of Barron's 501 English Verbs, Nicola has kindly taken the time out of her day running the site to advise you to take a break from writing until you have a stronger grasp of English grammar and spelling, and yet you continue to hammer away at the "it's not my fault, I'm a great writer" angle. STOP. I beg of you, stop. At this point, you're just embarrassing yourself. Stop, listen to the advice you've been given, come back and show us all how right you are, how you are a great writer.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

Active Ink Slinger
I want to thank Nicola for keeping this site relatively clean. I mean, a mistake here and there is common now in media. Shit, check out any article on a new site and you are bound to find a grammar or spelling error.

For those of us that love the genre, reading is an enjoyment and should not feel like grading assignments. The passive voice in most stories is bad enough... but I can't believe how many spelling errors I see in sentence one in ebooks for sale on Amazon.

As in all things - if you don't give a shit, why would anyone else?

PS. I'll edit your stories for $100 a pop ;)
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by BraveBitch

you suspended me from LUSH for a month just because I asked a simple question, and tried to look for someone who could help me edit my stories?

You weren't suspended from the site. If that were the case, you wouldn't have been able to create this post. You were suspended from submitting stories to the site.

Quote by BraveBitch
I didn't ask any moderator to edit my stories, I just posted a forum topic to find someone who is willing to help me.
I never argued with any moderator about why they rejected my stories, I never even bothered any moderator asking them to help me edit my stories. I did what I could do all by myself and got my stories published after several rejection.

The kind of help that your writing requires is a full time commitment that quite frankly no one would do for free. This isn't a numbers game. As you've been told several times by several people, Lush writing standards have changed and for the better. It's not about simply making a story good enough to pass muster. It's about producing a worthwhile piece of writing. Instead of making that someone else's burden, use this month off to actually improve your skills.

You have access to all the writing resources here. People in this very thread who have even said that English isn't their first language have also provided advice and resources. No one's out to get you. Improve your own writing and your stories won't be rejected as often. It'd save a lot of people a lot of time.

And going back to you trying to find an editor, if anyone was actually willing to volunteer to do the type of editing your work requires, I'm quite sure they'd do so on their own time. And considering the frequency with which you like to submit your stories, you'd grow even more frustrated with that. It's really in your best interest to just improve your writing.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Liz

Don't you think it would be nice to submit your work, and have it verified without having to volley it back and forth with the story mods several times first?

Perhaps you should view this as an opportunity to learn about the aspects of grammar that the moderating team keep explaining and fixing for you. After publishing six hundred stories, that seems like a fairly sensible idea.

There really isn't that much to it.

600 badly written stories! I'm getting in touch with The Guinness Book of Records.
One would think that one of them would be correct just by luck.
Head Nurse
Quote by dpw

600 badly written stories! I'm getting in touch with The Guinness Book of Records.
One would think that one of them would be correct just by luck.

Unless they are simply all wrong by ill design.
Quote by BraveBitch

you suspended me from LUSH for a month just because I asked a simple question, and tried to look for someone who could help me edit my stories? I didn't ask any moderator to edit my stories, I just posted a forum topic to find someone who is willing to help me.
I never argued with any moderator about why they rejected my stories, I never even bothered any moderator asking them to help me edit my stories. I did what I could do all by myself and got my stories published after several rejection.
This time when a story got rejected seven times (even when it did got publish a few months ago) I just asked a simple question about LUSH standards. Anyone could have just told me, 'Yes, LUSH has raised its standard and we can't verify your story until you edit it properly,' but my bad luck that moderators took it very personally.
You said that it doesn't matter how many stories I have written; 6 or 600, but LUSH won't accept them until they are written properly. I didn't submit any of the stories I have written in past because I know they need a lot of editing before submitting on LUSH.

Quote by BraveBitch

that means they also have worked on my story which was published a couple of months ago, but now it got rejected seven times, and I asked 'WHY?'

Let me break this down for you... follow the bold text
1. No, you haven't asked any moderator to edit your stories. But by repeatedly sending your stories back with massive amounts of editing needed, you are assuming that we'll just edit for you. Something that I personally was disappointed by in our back and forth over this story you keep pointing out. (the one I rejected 7 times... but yeah, it's not about one story or one mod, right?)

2. Maybe actually talking to a mod when they reject your stories, working on your story with a mod that offers their help to you, or swallowing your pride and just asking for guidance would help cut down on the amount of times your story is rejected. I had to send this story back to you 7 times because when you would resubmit, you would only half-ass the edits! I'd ask you to look over 3-4 things, and only 1 thing (or even less!) would be edited. When a thorough proofread is called for, I suggest doing so.

3. Yes, you asked a question that didn't get answered for a bit... but your question was so deeply hidden behind poor grammar and sentence structure, it took me a few messages in our back and forth to even figure out what you were asking. BUT, I did figure it out, and I DID answer your question. Your redundancy is tiring.

4. The mods didn't take this personally. This response to you, is all about being done with attempting to help you and having it shoved back in our faces. Again, I've spent hours with you and your story, offered my personal help countless times, AND asked you to keep your issue with your story in PMs with me. You've ignored all of my offers and requests, so they are no longer on the table.

5. Again, this has been already answered, by myself and a couple other mods. Take the time that has been awarded to you as a learning hiatus. Practice honing your grammar and your grasp of the English language. Maybe take this as a lesson in hubris as well? It will suit you well, when you return to writing.
Active Ink Slinger
I have a lot to say and reply to the people who have commented on the topics/forums I have posted, but I won't because now people have started getting personal.
LUSH is great. Thanks Nicola for creating Lush. Last week was very bad for me, but I enjoyed these few months on here.
Thanks you moderators for helping me out all the time. I guess I misunderstood a little, this whole 'moderating' thing. I never said any rude/offensive things to any moderator just tried to work on my stories, but still if some of you have felt offended by my recent forum posts then I'm sorry. I was just trying to find some answers and people misunderstood me.
I will try to improve my writings skills, and think about coming back on LUSH.
Be a man to treat me like a princess and fuck me like a whore.
My offer still stands.

If you want help feel free to PM me.