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How long does it take you to write a story?

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Active Ink Slinger
If the story that I am writing is a true account of my activities then I can usually put it out to you in a few hours with out much embelishment of facts or timelines, but if the work is of the fiction nature then it will take considerably longer to write and edit as there are no facts or memories to draw on.

But, like has often been stated in this topic, if I have the time, the inclination and the hormones needed to keep going, then I can bang it out in a relatively short amount of time.

Like Sprite and a few others of note have said, the true enjoyment is in the editing process... thats where I can tweak and tune the story to read more fluently and give it more realism. I try not to overthink it though, a bit of crassness can go a long way in having the reader explode in his/her pants!!!!
Flash a Trucker... It's appreciated!!

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I really wished I had more time to devote to thinking about writing a story. These two poems that are posted here were writen relatively fast one hour or so. But the idea for them were in my heart for a long time. The first one about 6 months and the last one during 2 months... lately I have had a similar feeling, kind of like knotted ball of feelings in my chest -- i sense there will be another discharge soon . hehe.
I have written one in ten to twenty minutes and have had one take a few days. Depends how the thinking goes.
Active Ink Slinger
Well I've only written 2 and for those I sat down when I was kinda turned on and typed them out off the top of my head in one sitting of about 2 hours (allowing time in the middle for furious masturbation). They're at 4.8 and 4.9 ratings so I'm pretty pleased with them (thanks to people who rated, obviously!) Not being boastful, just pointing out that for me, bashing out a story in one go for a couple of hours and then checking for mistakes and submitting results in something pretty good for me. I think if I thought about it more it wouldn't work.

Just started to make my very first story in to a series about 3 years later. Here's where it began!
Quote by HandsomeScientist
Well I've only written 2 and for those I sat down when I was kinda turned on and typed them out off the top of my head in one sitting of about 2 hours (allowing time in the middle for furious masturbation). They're at 4.8 and 4.9 ratings so I'm pretty pleased with them (thanks to people who rated, obviously!) Not being boastful, just pointing out that for me, bashing out a story in one go for a couple of hours and then checking for mistakes and submitting results in something pretty good for me. I think if I thought about it more it wouldn't work.

You make a good point but I feel I must add something.

If you're like to write a hot, passionate sex scene and that constitutes the bulk of your story then bashing it out in one sitting can work really well. You're in the moment, you don't have time to over-think it and there's much less chance of you losing focus or having "out-of-place" sentences.

However, for a longer, more thoroughly detailed story, it can be good to do it over a few days or weeks. This allows you to really think about what you're writing and tweak it so that it's absolutely how you want it, down to the length of her fingernails. It can be gratifying to dedicate a few days to delicately crafting what is essentially a work of art.

I, myself, have spent days just thinking about a story without writing a single word. I let the characters form in my mind and work out minute details of their life, some of which won't even come up in the story. Then, when I come to write, I know exactly where the story's going to go and the detours are minimal. It's flexible yet structured.
Internet Philosopher
Quote by clum

You make a good point but I feel I must add something.

If you're like to write a hot, passionate sex scene and that constitutes the bulk of your story then bashing it out in one sitting can work really well. You're in the moment, you don't have time to over-think it and there's much less chance of you losing focus or having "out-of-place" sentences.

However, for a longer, more thoroughly detailed story, it can be good to do it over a few days or weeks. This allows you to really think about what you're writing and tweak it so that it's absolutely how you want it, down to the length of her fingernails. It can be gratifying to dedicate a few days to delicately crafting what is essentially a work of art.

I, myself, have spent days just thinking about a story without writing a single word. I let the characters form in my mind and work out minute details of their life, some of which won't even come up in the story. Then, when I come to write, I know exactly where the story's going to go and the detours are minimal. It's flexible yet structured.

This is spot on. A pure erotic short is fairly straight forward but in many of my stories even the way the characters speak is important. I prefer to write more complicated plots and these things take time tip get right. Those stories can take weeks to write.
Don't get me wrong though, an erotic short can be very good and I have written my share of these. I just prefer a longer more complex tale.
Head Nurse
Let me add: the writing is not the longest part frequently.

Don't forget to edit your story. Even the very best writer will have to go back and change things. Sentences might be missing words, punctuation, or even phrases. As you write and the process goes from brain to paper(or computer screen) It is easy to get things wrong. After all, the brain can work so much faster than fingers!

I might write my story today, but you wont see it till next week(or better). I want to have the time to put it away and come back to it!
Her Royal Spriteness
meh - forever

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