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How did it all start?

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Active Ink Slinger
I was just wondering what it was that got the authors here started on writing erotica.

For me, it was when a flatmate of mine at university asked if I thought I could write an erotic story. I said I'd give it a go and a few days later presented the results to her (more fun than a Physics paper). I was quite amazed when I saw how turned on she got from reading it, but I didn't think too much of it. A few years later, I was talking with a female colleague about erotica and mentioned that I'd written a story. She asked if she could read it. I must admit, I was quite reluctant to let her, but in the end I did. I got the same reaction from her as from my flatmate, but with my colleague I ended up in bed, exploring some of the themes of my story.

How did you get started?
Active Ink Slinger
I got started as a form of self exploration or perhaps more accurately a way to relax and share my fantasies.

My husband has always been perplexed by how I can be such a perv... so totally into erotica and porn in all its various forms and fetishes... I can talk about sex and my own sexuality quite openly and without reservation... but get all shy when it comes to "dirty talk" in bed. So I began writing short fantasies and scenarios and emailing them to him. He loved it, and it's brought us closer.
amor est spiritus qui nos alet
love is the breath that sustains us
Way back when, I thought it would be cool to have someone on the other side of the world read one of my stories. My dream came true, thanks to this site.
I started when a friend sent me a short piece he had written. It was supposed to be the end of a story, and instead, I felt it was the start of one. I asked him if he would mind if I wrote what followed, he said please do, and I did. It gave me the impetus to start writing my own stories, most of which had been in my mind for some time. The few poems I've put up here on Lush are ones that I've written over the years, the inspiration and knack of writing poetry is something that is more difficult, I find, but I wish it would happen more often.
I have two avenues I pursue, one is auto eroticism, the other is exploratory. Auto eroticism came first, I have written a lot of stories for my own pleasure. The exploratory nature of writing developed, it was an accidental discovery for me. The more a story is exploratory the less it arouses me sexually. One thing is there are different ways of writing a story, I don't have a plan, I let it unfold as I write it. I do think about it first, so I have an idea but not the pathway from beginning to end.
After finding a copy of my dad's Penthouse Forum in high school, my two best friends and I decided we should write our own and send them in. As the “writer” in the group I was chosen to put it together with our ideas. After that I was hooked! And then came the internet....
Active Ink Slinger
I watched a lot of soft-core porn on Skinemax as a teen, and got the idea that I can write a better smut story than what's on the shelves today. It started with one story about a 21st birthday party that turned into an orgy (Surprise Party), then it moved towards the direction of office romances.

Latest story:

  • TBD

  • Bump in the Night-Microfiction

  • Smoke Break-Interracial

Active Ink Slinger
To ward off my raging hormones and exercise my horny demons.

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Forum Whore
Quote by Bunny12
To ward off my raging hormones and exercise my horny demons.

Yeah, sounds about right.

In high school my friends and I were into the Twilight series (before it exploded into the stupidness I believe it is now) and my friends and I were wondering what happens in a gap when two of the characters supposedly have sex. I was the English/writer buff in our little group, so they asked me to come up with something. I did, and I've been writing erotica ever since. And I love it
A guy I met online wrote erotic stories. One day he sent me one and asked me to continue the story. I thought that would be interesting and he loved my ending. Later on, I met another guy who wrote sex stories and he wanted a proofreader. I volunteered and made suggestions to improve his stories. He had asked for my input. Again, time passed. One night I wrote a short paragraph that popped into my head and told an online friend about doing so. He asked to see it and enjoyed it. I was shocked so I sent it to someone else and he loved it too. I then tried another story only a touch longer and the reaction from my contacts was very positive. A year or so later, I wrote a few full stories for my own entertainment and remembered where that first author told me he had his posted. I ending up posting there and I am on that site's top authors list.

What I tell others is simple. Do it for yourself first. I care what readers think and get excited when my stories come out but first and foremost, I love writing. I wouldn't do it otherwise.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Elaine
What I tell others is simple. Do it for yourself first. I care what readers think and get excited when my stories come out but first and foremost, I love writing. I wouldn't do it otherwise.

Great advice I think. Cx
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by roccotool
Way back when, I thought it would be cool to have someone on the other side of the world read one of my stories. My dream came true, thanks to this site.

It's nice to have people read them on the other side of the world. I agree with Elaine, do it for yourself first. And I care also what others think. I found the site by accident and thought I could add something slightly different to what was on show already. I'm my own worst critic and some of the stories I've written recently don't pass my required standard, so I'll keep them for now, but maybe sometime who knows ...

*The Dark Room*

How do you talk to an Angel available from Amazon.
I started reading erotica from my early twenties...I joined this sight as a reader and I thought I could write as well or better than some stories...I always have a story brewing in my head and it's nice to write them out and share them with people
I always had a filthy mind as a teen. The hot cave sex story is based on an imagery I had as a teen(I do have a couple of other teen imagery's I used to have that need to be put into words) . But I didn't make that image into words till this Lush web-site. I used to get turned on my my step-dads photography magazines hot shots of naked women and men I loved it; little did I know i was getting turned on by it.

Then I met my to be now ex-husband he liked bondage and I didn't like the de-comforting this that came along with it. He bought me women's erotica an american book, when we split he took the book with him and I had to re-knew it it after he left me.

Then after being divorced I was looking to fill time for my sexual frustration. Hated him the ex still, but god I missed the sex we used to have.

I was looking to read stories on the net one night and came across Lush and decided to pluck up the courage to write a story for you guys and gals.

It has been quite cathartic especially the couple of poems I've wrote.
I've always had a perverted sexual mind. As a kid I wanted sexually mature girls to exploit and abuse me but as I've gotten older its young girls I desire this way. My mothers porn gave me wild and vivid sexual fantasies very early on and a friend exploited me at a vulnerable age and time in my life fueling and twisting my concept of sex. My stories are as much about those things as they are my deepest sexual desires. They are as much fiction as they are truth. Its up to the reader to discern what stories are true and which are fiction or which parts are true or which are fiction. Its come about from adolescent fantasies, self exploration and the desire to write and direct my own porn movies with factual and fictional characters of all of those things.
I like captioning porn and non porn images. My own dirty little mind at work. So, now I'm trying to expand on that and due to the advice of others that I should write. Might as well start with something a boy really likes. I figure it'll keep me more interested in getting better at writing.
I started to enjoy reading these kind of stories and I soon had idea of stories and I wanted to share them. I googled the topic and got this site.
Constant Gardener
At the tail end of my last long-term she and I began sleeping in separate rooms and agreed to start seeing other people (while not bringing them back to the house we shared together - our finances were so took almost a year to amicably part), I began seriously fantasizing about another young woman I knew - an entertainer at a strip club I'd started attending, after I realized that I'd forgotten how to socialize out in public, after 8 years of domestication.

/run-on sentence <enter>

I began to write down my desires and fantasies on my laptop, while my soon-to-be ex was out on various dates with whomever, and I stayed at home to tend to the pets, plants and bury myself in my career.

I haven't actually written anything remotely erotic, since 2003, but it was a nice seven year run while it lasted.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
Well for me, I wrote before, but a cousin told me about this site. I started to read others work and decided to try. I did and liked it, although its only poetry. Haven't tried stories yet.
Active Ink Slinger
I live in China.

Porn is blocked, and as a foreign woman, I am very noticeable where ever I go. So I just couldn't go out to a DVD dealer and ask to look at their collection as the whole city would know about it. Started looking online, found a great site, played around a bit, and was told that while playing I had a way with words. Gave it a go after reading hundreds of stories and figuring out what kind of stories I enjoyed most.

LOL! I should really post my first erotic story here!! It was... unusual.
Living life and enjoying life are two different things... just need to figure out how to do both at the same time to live it right!

Woman... GO FLY A KITE!!!!! Take a slideshow walk with me on a walk through the parks of Inner Mongolia, China. Then enjoy the tale of a very traditional day in the life of a white Woman in China.
Active Ink Slinger
I have always had trouble saying whats on my mind and being able to say out loud if i am upset about something so instead id write my thoughts and feelings down, sometimes for people to read and understand and sometimes i write things down just to get things out of my mind.

My first story was called "Fury" and i wrote it quite by accident and unintentionally. It started after i felt betrayed by someone i loved very much and trusted with all my heart, i needed to talk to that person properly but really struggled to say what i wanted too and in my head id replay the confrontation over and over wondering how i could have handled things differently so in secret i started a story and it just developed into something i hadnt expected at all. It was quite an emotional erotic story but i was really proud of it so wondered if i could do it again and the rest they say is history lol.

I have read erotica online for a good few years but only recently came across Lush And thats when i realised i could post my stories for the world to see
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
I started on another site...joined just as a reader at first, never imagined myself writing anything. After a few days, and looking at the "Hottest Stories" list, I thought I'd give it a shot...I looked at it as a bit of a challenge, to try to come up with the hottest fantasy. My initial reluctance to write was more a matter of now wanting to write the same fantasy stories that have been written a hundred times over. I came up with a story based on a story an old girlfriend told me and posted it. It barely got noticed. I decided to give it another shot a couple of days later with "Morning In The Park" which was inspired by a girl on who liked to get tied up and had hair that reminded me of rope...that story was huge, so I just kept on writing...

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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Active Ink Slinger
I was in a lonely time in my life with a lot of transition going on. I found my fantasies growing cruder and more salacious. I think I needed an outlet for some of those feelings and I unleashed them in my first long series of Aaron Black stories. But it was the fame that got me stories were so popular I felt compelled to keep writing them out of devotion to my hoards of wonderfully perverted fans.