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Help! Mum has written a book.

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My mum has written a book (not smut) and asked me to help with comments etc. She is serious about getting it published.

problem is - it has no chance of getting published the way she has gone about writing it etc.

Now she wants me to help her with a cover design - title.

Should I keep humouring her or what?

No idea what to do.

I have given her constructive advice - referred her to creative writing websites etc - but she seems to have ignored that.

Also - it bloody well annoys me when someone - even my mum - send me work to evaluate and they dont even proof read the damn thing and tidy up basic errors.
I think if they cant be bothered to do that why should I help them.

But it's my mum


any advice?
Send her to a website called Scribophile.
Gift her a membership for Christmas (though anyone can join for free).

It's an online (private) community built around critiquing pieces of writing - a lot of authors have built a career by using it as a foundation for stronger storycrafting.

Kindly explain that this is above your pay grade and you feel that she would benefit much more from a group of writers who endeavor to help other writers improve communally.


Forever ago I used to feel pressured to 'help family' whenever they asked, including my husband. He couldn't do something so he'd bring me into the project. And I found it nearly impossible, due to internal pressure to please them, to say no. Until I realized they were actually taking advantage of me. The more I did, the less they did, until I was actually doing everything on my own. The last time I 'helped' my husband he stood up in the middle of a work hour and walked out the door to go to the store and buy something. He came back to a project that went on to never be finished because that was the last straw for me.
Remind your mom that she has accomplished this on her own, without any outside help, and she should see it through to completion on her own. At some point, she will face rejection, so don't give her any excuses to blame anyone but herself. If she can write a book with no writing talent, she can also select a graphic design for the cover without help. Actually, if she submits it to a publisher and it is accepted, they will select cover graphics.

If she's willing to accept help of any kind, she should also accept editorial advice first and foremost. She won't get anywhere with a publisher if her book is filled with technical and compositional errors. If she has already spurned your advice to seek guidance in creative writing, she's not really serious about getting her book published. Let her fail on her own if she thinks her book is good enough as written.
Fake your own death, move to Paraguay. It's your only hope.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by BethanyFrasier
Remind your mom that she has accomplished this on her own, without any outside help, and she should see it through to completion on her own. At some point, she will face rejection, so don't give her any excuses to blame anyone but herself. If she can write a book with no writing talent, she can also select a graphic design for the cover without help. Actually, if she submits it to a publisher and it is accepted, they will select cover graphics.

If she's willing to accept help of any kind, she should also accept editorial advice first and foremost. She won't get anywhere with a publisher if her book is filled with technical and compositional errors. If she has already spurned your advice to seek guidance in creative writing, she's not really serious about getting her book published. Let her fail on her own if she thinks her book is good enough as written.

I returned it to her with some comments on the story itself rather than the writing quality etc, pointed out it would need thorough proof reading, proper formatting of speech etc and implied that's not something I would have time to help her with. She now tells me she has someone to proof read and type up. I gave her an idea for the cover, she's an amatuer artist, and she had now done her own cover. I also sent her a link to elite publishing academy where they can do 100 paperbacks and kindle isbn etc for 1000 GBP - she did not reply to that.

The problem is - she had a traumatic experience 2 years ago and thinks it somehow makes sense to turn this into a book and she does want to make money out of it. I dont want to discourage her - a lot of what gets published is in my view very poor, but it is obviously professionally done. My mum's story could be a good book - but she is no writer from what I have read.
My grandmother wrote a book about her childhood and my dad had it vanity published. No one bought it, but it's been disseminated throughout the family. It's actually quite fascinating. I've been using incidents described from her life for a story I'm writing about life in the Great Depression. The first chapter is already on the blue site. I've learned more about writing here and on StoriesSpace than I did in school! Too bad your mom won't take advantage of sites like this to improve her writing.
Quote by BethanyFrasier
My grandmother wrote a book about her childhood and my dad had it vanity published. No one bought it, but it's been disseminated throughout the family. It's actually quite fascinating. I've been using incidents described from her life for a story I'm writing about life in the Great Depression. The first chapter is already on the blue site. I've learned more about writing here and on StoriesSpace than I did in school! Too bad your mom won't take advantage of sites like this to improve her writing.

That's the kind of thing that would interest me too. People who lived 50-60 years ago have some great stuff to tell about how life was in those days.

My mum has this absurd belief that you are born with a set of talents ready to go so a creative writing advice site would not be of interest to her.
I think she's got the message.

She proudly told me she would not do a vanity publication.
I know a late reply but has your mum considered sending her story to one of those real life magazines? Maybe as a way to promote her book. I read real life magazines when I'm bored and I notice a few people get their story (shorten version) published and then their book is promoted.
Quote by Sirene_Jaune
I know a late reply but has your mum considered sending her story to one of those real life magazines? Maybe as a way to promote her book. I read real life magazines when I'm bored and I notice a few people get their story (shorten version) published and then their book is promoted.

That's not a bad idea.

In fact I was thinking that what happened to her is not really enough to warrant a novel - unless she is really accomplished.

The problem is, from the story she had told me and what I have read - I am not 100% convinced her claims are true - and this comes across in the book.

The book is about a date drug and . I have read accounts in magazines etc and found those fully believable,convincing etc - but somehow my mum's account does not add up - and if she goes to a women's mag with her story - they will reject it for certain.

It's a tough one for me because I have to be her son and support my belief in what she tells me. And I did, when she first gave me this news - but I am less keen on helping her turn this into an enterprise. She went to the police 2 months after the events but they said there's no evidence.
That is really tricky, you want to be supportive as a son should be but on the other hand I guess it is hard to say her book doesn't really work. Maybe if she just submits her story to a magazine she doesn't have to publish it in a book format.
Amazon will allow her to publish it for free, and she will get 70% of every book sold. It's not vanity publishing - they don't charge you. All she needs is cover art.

Of course, marketing the book so anyone other than her friends buys it is the hard part.
Quote by Verbal
Amazon will allow her to publish it for free, and she will get 70% of every book sold. It's not vanity publishing - they don't charge you. All she needs is cover art.

Of course, marketing the book so anyone other than her friends buys it is the hard part.

I have suggested she do it as an ebook and self publish but she wants to send it around various publishers.

she will have to learn the hard way.
Just be there when she gets the rejection letters.
Help her, she is your mom.

Quote by Sirene_Jaune
Just be there when she gets the rejection letters.

I'll be there all right.
Quote by NOLAHotGal
Help her, she is your mom.


she has had it proofread professionally and wants me to be her agent.

I said no - dont have the knowhow or the time. I told her to find a literary agent.
The latest - she has had it proof read with critical comments - a service she paid for.

and is now busy revising

she wouldn't revise when I advised her to do so previously
Quote by rafael
The latest - she has had it proof read with critical comments - a service she paid for.

and is now busy revising

she wouldn't revise when I advised her to do so previously

Maybe that is what she needed, an unbiased opinion. If she is revising the story, who knows, perhaps she will be able to improve it enough that some publisher will be interested. One can only hope so anyway, as it sounds as if she is serious in wanting it published. As a previous reader said, just be there for her and support her. It’s possible that will be the best help you can give her.
If you're feeling bored during this Covid-19 epidemic I’d like to suggest
you take a peek at a story I collaborated with SueBrasil, a brilliant author.
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conniving person succeed in ruining a beautiful friendship, or will she see
through his lies? It's gradually creeping up towards the 30,000 mark
and we’d love any votes or hearing whatever comments you may wish
to make. It is listed in my profile under ‘FAVOURITES’ as Apologize.
I am guessing she wanted your thoughts on her story and didn't like your response, perhaps with her sending it to be professionally proof read, their advice was more received as it is was a "professional" and not her own son. LOL. Glad you are supporting her in your own way.
Quote by rafael
The latest - she has had it proof read with critical comments - a service she paid for.

and is now busy revising

she wouldn't revise when I advised her to do so previously

Great, that's good news. It's easier to take criticism from a stranger than a relative and it gets you off the hook. Win-win. And you never know, she might just whip the book into shape.

I'm actually in a similar situation at present with a family member who's given me a totally unreadable book to edit. I think I'll suggest they do the same thing your mother has done. Thank you for the idea
Quote by Saucymh

Great, that's good news. It's easier to take criticism from a stranger than a relative and it gets you off the hook. Win-win. And you never know, she might just whip the book into shape.

I'm actually in a similar situation at present with a family member who's given me a totally unreadable book to edit. I think I'll suggest they do the same thing your mother has done. Thank you for the idea

Her book seems to have stalled since it came back from the proof reader. I haven't seen the proof reader's comments.

My advice to anyone, not just my mum, if they have an idea for a book - is first learn about the craft of writing - spend 1 year doing that and experiment with short stories etc - get feedback and maybe join creative writing class. Then, and only then - read some books on how to tackle a novel. Make more notes - chew over etc. next start to think about your idea for a novel. You may realise it's not such a good idea after all - it may be nothing more than a short story's worth - which really is what I think my mum's idea is.

I hope she forgets this project and moves on with her life.
Quote by rafael

Her book seems to have stalled since it came back from the proof reader. I haven't seen the proof reader's comments.

My advice to anyone, not just my mum, if they have an idea for a book - is first learn about the craft of writing - spend 1 year doing that and experiment with short stories etc - get feedback and maybe join creative writing class. Then, and only then - read some books on how to tackle a novel. Make more notes - chew over etc. next start to think about your idea for a novel. You may realise it's not such a good idea after all - it may be nothing more than a short story's worth - which really is what I think my mum's idea is.

I hope she forgets this project and moves on with her life.

I agree that you need to spend time learning to write before trying to get a book published, or self-publishing, but I admire your mum for getting her idea down on paper at all. Having done that, she has a storyline and characters she's passionate about, she just needs to learn how to write it up properly. If she's gone quiet, maybe the hard work ahead is too much... or maybe she just needs to take a step back for a while
Quote by Saucymh

I agree that you need to spend time learning to write before trying to get a book published, or self-publishing, but I admire your mum for getting her idea down on paper at all. Having done that, she has a storyline and characters she's passionate about, she just needs to learn how to write it up properly. If she's gone quiet, maybe the hard work ahead is too much... or maybe she just needs to take a step back for a while

Quite - in fact I admire anyone that can start and more importantly finish a novel - something I have tried many times but always run out of steam.

My mum has now submitted a synopsis to a publisher.
Keep us up to date on how she goes.
Quote by Sirene_Jaune
Keep us up to date on how she goes.

Thanks for your interest.

Sadly - I am beginning to think my mum is dealing with some mental health issues as she mainly tells me, by email, stories of paranoia - victimization - mostly by her neighbors - but her claims lack credibility. For example - she started claiming that 50 cars follow her when she goes shopping - she has now upped that figure to 100. The police have accused her of paranoia and thankfully sent a mental health expert to her and I am hoping she will now get some help.
This is tragic - I've not seen her for 10+ years - she is 73. I always assume people will stay the same including myself. How wrong.
Quote by rafael

Thanks for your interest.

Sadly - I am beginning to think my mum is dealing with some mental health issues as she mainly tells me, by email, stories of paranoia - victimization - mostly by her neighbors - but her claims lack credibility. For example - she started claiming that 50 cars follow her when she goes shopping - she has now upped that figure to 100. The police have accused her of paranoia and thankfully sent a mental health expert to her and I am hoping she will now get some help.
This is tragic - I've not seen her for 10+ years - she is 73. I always assume people will stay the same including myself. How wrong.

I am so sorry about your mum. I hope she is getting the treatment she needs.
My mum has been offered a "contribution" contract which involves her paying out £2000.

I have advised her that amazon will print 100 hard copies and promote her ebook for £1000 - so £2000 is a poor deal indeed.
Quote by rafael
My mum has been offered a "contribution" contract which involves her paying out £2000.

I have advised her that amazon will print 100 hard copies and promote her ebook for £1000 - so £2000 is a poor deal indeed.

Wow, I didn't know you have to pay a contribution fee to get a book published. I learned something new today. Also yeah go to a self publishing or as you said Amazon.