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Does what you think of a story match the response?

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Quote by BethanyFrasier
This could almost be an axiom for writers and artists in general. It mystifies me what is going to be popular. Fifty Shades of Grey, for example. WTF?? I can aim for popularity, like I did with Arianrhod, and come close to the mark, but I consider it far from my best work, which often goes un-noticed. I find it curious that my most recent stories have all received RR's and an EP, but my earlier stuff, which I consider every bit as good (or better!) was completely ignored for critical acclaim. Does it mean that I'm pandering now when I write, and before I was just writing to please myself? Scary thought, artistically speaking. Or... is "art" truly just whatever panders to popular taste?

Well Beth, your writing is always terrific.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by PervyStoryteller

As someone who has always had slightly odd tastes, not really able to embrace the stuff critics like, nor the really popular, I can relate to this. Some stuff you just know is only going to have limited appeal, but it might just be even more important to publish it for precisely that reason.

As regards the "randomness" of RR's. I don't mind that so much. All taste is in the end inherently subjective.

Great question, and really interesting answers. I didn't realize this happened to so many writers here.

As you (and others) have pointed out, there are two issues. RRs are by nature gonna be a little random, as it is only one mod moved by your story. I love getting RRs, but I never expect them. EPs are less random because they are awarded by a group of mods (I think, I don't know the mechanics exactly). I've never gotten one, but the ones I have read have nearly all been excellent. One day I hope to write a story well-written enough to nab one.

The more interesting question is that our favorite stories are rarely picked out as excellent by others. Readers really like the ones I find conventional and kind of boring. In my favorites I tend to ignore conventional techniques like backstory and character and linear action, trying to find a new way to tell a story, because let's face it, the plot of most of the stories here is pretty much "two (or more) people meet, then they fuck." The beauty is in the telling. And there is some beautiful writing here that results from such a simple premise.

My favorites also tend to delve into trippier subject matter (time is a lie, identity is a construct) that is probably better suited to sitting around a dorm room doing bong hits. smile
In-House Sapiosexual
Quote by ChuckEPoo
With my own work there are two of my poems that are my favorites that got no nod.

I nodded.

Oh yeah. I'm thinking of one particular poem that is my absolute favorite because it is how I react to good poetry, "My Body a Poem". Not even a Recommended Read, but I love that poem to death. I don't think the person I wrote it for liked it. I wrote a fiction piece and it did quite well, but it bugged me to death. When I read it I cringed, it was rushed and embarrassing to me. It did not represent where I am as a writer. I had to rewrite it, even if it meant that the award would be taken away. The reception of "The Muses Poem" shocked me. It blew me out of the water. I loved it, but I didn't think the Lush audience would.

Everything I write is highly personal on various levels. Admittedly, I take responses personal too. I don't rely on them though. That could be a crutch that is easily pulled from beneath you. I'm going to be honest with you here, I can't look at responses right after something of mine is posted. I know that seems strange because I've been around here for a while. I have to give it a couple of days because I don't know how the audience is going to take it. Sometimes I'm not sure I want to know. The struggle is real people! I don't know if they are going to appreciate it or even understand it. They may pat me on the back or tear me into little pieces. That's the chance you take with any type of honest art. You do have to ask yourself: How do I feel about it?

I try to write from my heart and use my instincts and my insights. I strive to be a better writer. Unfortunately that may or may not lead to popularity. It is nice when something is popular (really nice and encouraging), but if inside you know it was shit or you were catering to an audience (even if it is just with the title)… What is that really giving you?

What's better than numbers or accolades to me, even on here, is who is reading your stories and why they like it (or dislike it). It's not the number of readers or even the scores. Please don't get me wrong, I like attention and awards just as much as everyone else. I'm proud on any successes here. When something doesn't do well, I ask myself why. But, I will not let go of something unless I like it. Some take forever to write and some take a few minutes. It's not going anywhere if doesn't make me feel good. I have to be satisfied with it. Somehow that softens any punches thrown. It makes the wins feel a hell of a lot better too.
? A True Story ?
You SIMPLY NEVER KNOW what will hit/connect...

It can be ODD when something YOU LIKE doesn't seem to TRAVEL, but for all of that, the most throwaway things often surprise you...

Writer's WRITE... (You can't HIT every time!!!)

xx SF
And sometimes you (I mean me) do something stupid like categorizing the new story you're most proud of as a "love story," thereby ensuring relatively little response of ANY kind.

Gentleman Stranger
Quote by stephanie

You SIMPLY NEVER KNOW what will hit/connect...

It can be ODD when something YOU LIKE doesn't seem to TRAVEL, but for all of that, the most throwaway things often surprise you...

Writer's WRITE... (You can't HIT every time!!!)
xx SF

This, however, hits the nail squarely on the head, Steph. I've been disappointed in the response to some things and pleasantly surprised by others which I thought were lesser works. You're right; write what seems good to you and interests you, and hope for the best. It's all a crapshoot, just have fun with it.
I can never tell what people are going to like. It doesn't matter if it's a piece of selfish writing that I did just for my own enjoyment or something I did thinking of an audience.

Non-erotica writing is even worse. I've had things rejected (over and over and over) that I completely adore. I've had stuff that I thought was predictable and trite accepted to paying markets (not paying much, but still...).

I've stopped even trying to guess.
I have given up worrying about what people think about my erotic stories. I write for my own pleasure and satisfaction, just putting down the sexual fantasies that excite and arouse me.

Poetry is different, and in my poems I try to express my deepest feelings about life and love. But these intimate revelations of my soul are written for one other person alone and her judgement is the only one that is truly important. I am happy for Lush friends and members to eavesdrop on my inner life, and if they find some sentiment that chimes with their experience I am content.
In-House Sapiosexual
Quote by KnightOfLove
I have given up worrying about what people think about my erotic stories. I write for my own pleasure and satisfaction, just putting down the sexual fantasies that excite and arouse me.

Poetry is different, and in my poems I try to express my deepest feelings about life and love. But these intimate revelations of my soul are written for one other person alone and her judgement is the only one that is truly important. I am happy for Lush friends and members to eavesdrop on my inner life, and if they find some sentiment that chimes with their experience I am content.

You know I just had to PM you.
? A True Story ?