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Do you rate other authors?

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I vote on every story that I read through to the end, and leave a comment on most of those stories. Yes, every story posted has an author, including my story, so I do not view my voting as rating an author but rather as an opinion on how the story affected me. We probably all know an outstanding author who may sometimes share a story that does not move us--on this particular story a low score is not meant as punative toward the author.

I wish that Lush would create a better scoring mechanism. There are many stories that "fit" an acceptable level that are not any better than the run-of-the-mill erotic posting. These stories are, in my opinion, "average" or a score of 3. Now, if I score it a 3, the Lush bells ring and a message appears implying I'm horrible for saying a posting is just ok.

Often, especially when I see real potential, I will send private messages to authors of stories I read to tell them what most affected me--positive as well as negative. I really enjoy speaking with authors and I encourage them to critique my writing.

Let's keep on writing!

The quiet and always horny old guy in Sunny Florida USA
Well said Gramps.

The comments required on voting is going to be removed when we port the site over to the new server (hopefully in a month or so). It biases scores upwards if you force people to comment on lower scores.

People will still be accountable / trackable, they need to be a member to vote low.
Thank YOU so much... I hated having to state why .. when it just didint hit my mood at the time.. later it might have
Glad to hear that the voting system is changing. I too try to vote / comment / PM on all stories I complete. I sometimes feel pedantic but hope that my comments are constructive rather than destructive criticism. I appreciate feedback on my stories and think most other authors feel the same.
If you factor in the 80/20 rule/theory, then I would think that only 20% of the comments and votes are coming from a place of sincerity and genuine intererst in a story. What would be interesting to see is 2 voting options that cater to the respective voter types. As well, rather than the "poor-excellent" scale, provide a built-in comment.

For example, the 80% group may primarily be the non-contributing, looking to get their rocks off, shit-disturbing type who do not have the ability to even attach one descriptive word to their vote - not to mention too many choice causes confusion. Help them out and keep it simple.
3-Excellent/Great... means to them...loved it, got me heated, more/more
2-Good/Fine... means to them... kept me interested, would read another from this author
1-Okay... means to them...didn't finish reading, skipped to find another story

And for the 20% who appear to be genuinely invested in this site, seems like also keeping it simple may be of help since it sounds like most have adopted a three point scale already.
3-Excellent/Great... means to them... well done, interesting story, creatively scribed, etc
2-Good/Fine... means to them... not bad work, shows promise, needs tweaking, etc
1-Okay... means to them... got bored, needed more, etc

As for comments; I appreciate them. In fact it was comments that I read on other stories that I kept tucked in the back of my mind as I began to write my first erotic story only last week. I am someone who has always been encouraged to write, yet never had before coming to Lush. It has done wonders for my ego and simulateously crushed me as both comments and # of readers dropped as the story continued, when I thought I was developing a pretty decent story. No question I have a lot to learn about how to improve my style, and consider subject matter... and that will likely only come from the 20% group. So to those of you who commented... thank you kindly.

Overall I have had only a few comments, but would appreciate them all, good or bad. I do not know the difficulties in creating or altering the current systems. What I do know is that as a rookie scribe I have found myself affected by all aspects of the data provided. If I was bothered by one, I would hope I could take it on the chin, look a little further and consider the source.

And to answer the original question... since I have come to appreciate the value of votes/comments, I do, based on the same criteria that many have already stated. Mostly I try to show appreciation for the efforts an author has made.
I think the system works fine as it is...

As a writer, I welcome ANY votes and particularly comments on my work... The fact that people bother to vote and comment encourages me to write more and, frankly, boosts both my ego and my confidence... It's kinda like applause to a performer, I feel...

I have, of course, received some querying comments, some negative comments and some low votes. I tend to try and address these comments in that section. I think people that bother to post an opinion deserve a response.

As a Reader, I most often comment on stories that appeal. Mostly I try to explain why I particulary liked the story. With stories I don't like, am not engrossed by, I don't bother... If a story I like has elements I think might be improved upon I POLITELY suggest the area in which I think the Author might improve the story.

Finally, I think that the interaction between Writers/Other writers and Readers at LUSH is a vital part of what keeps me involved. My time at LUSH has definitely made me a better writer, through both reading and digesting the work of other Writers and by listening to the comments others make about my own work.

xx SF
I think the system of points is OK. The one thing I may change is that people who are logged into Lush have a 5 point system and those that are not can only vote Yes (Liked) or No (don't like) resulting in a 1 or 0, and don't leave them off the page until they vote - lol.

I don't mind voting low if I think the prose can be better written, so I have no worries on that score. I bet my stories could be better written too, but few people will actually give criticism. I don't mind it, as long as it's positive.

I welcome not only votes but comments. I would prefer more comments even if they point out the wrongs. I agree with Stephanie above, but comments more than votes encourage me to write more.

Very high votes, in my opinion tend to handed out for excellent stories no matter what topic they are under or for stories. That's one of my observations so far, and I have written both types of stories.

I often comment on stories that have explained things around the sex, but I also like punchy stories as well. I know I have commented on people's stories where I thought they handled topics like emotion, hesitation etc very well. It's not just the sex.

I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!

Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!

Like any vote, I generally vote for the things that I like.
I seldom give less than a 4 and don't always have a particular comment to offer.
No rating system is perfect, but I'm pretty comfortable with the one we have

Let's look at the comments on a couple stories I have done:
"Whoo! Extremely arousing! The way you set the story up, developed the characters, built the sexual tension, and brought it all home is truly a work of art. Great job!"
The fact that it got 37 votes in a little over a month with an average score of 4.78 suggests that a number of readers agree

Another comment on the same story: "Scored with a 2 because: This story just didn't seem to fit the topic. Sure it involved married people, but it was straight sex, with no extra tension or forbiddeness to it."
This was a little disappointing, but I saw it as more a comment to the effect that this reader didn't find what he expected in that particular category than a mean spirited comment; with the suggestion that he might have given it a better rating in another category.
Personally, I didn't see that dwelling on the fact that they were sneaking around behind her husband's back would have added to the story; but that's one person's opinion.

A comment on another story: "Excellent build-up, sets the mood just perfect! The foreplay and oral sex is great, but the main event is way too short...more detail would have made this an outstanding story! Very good, to be sure, but could have been just a tad better."
He was right; and the slightly lower scoring of 4.59 tends to confirm that
It was 4 in the morning and I was anxious to finish the story.
I could have added more detail and at some point, I may go back and do so.
always after i read
I am the newbie here but I enjoy rating other stories, not the authors. If I finish the story I will rate it, usually well or else why would I have finished reading it... But, I also enjoy making a comment, usually favorable sometimes with an opinion on what I would have changed. I came here to get criticism and honest appraisals of my writing, feeling it is the best way to improve. If I comment, then I consider it an invitation for the author to read my stories and comment on them.
I try to rate/score nearly every story I read. I appreciate everyone's insight into my work and thus feel as though it's my obligation to provide my own take on their writings. I really try to not give bad scores. Usually I stop reading something if it's poorly written/not of interest to me so it wouldn't be fair to score something I haven't completed.
Quote by FtLMale
I am the newbie here but I enjoy rating other stories, not the authors. If I finish the story I will rate it, usually well or else why would I have finished reading it... But, I also enjoy making a comment, usually favorable sometimes with an opinion on what I would have changed. I came here to get criticism and honest appraisals of my writing, feeling it is the best way to improve. If I comment, then I consider it an invitation for the author to read my stories and comment on them.

Ok, nearly another full month here and my opinion has changed. I now shy away from saying what should be changed. It is a public forum and telling an author what you might have changed in public is likely to hurt them. Authors are a serious group and quite easily hurt. I now would rather say what I like in a story and don't mention the other areas. As authors, they should be astute enough to read between the lines. If I do have serious constructive thoughts, I email the author direct (in private). Most appreciate it and don't seek revenge.

But, it pains me that anyone can vote an amazing story low! I have read some truly amazing stories here that were rated low 4's. Why? In the past any low score required a comment, now that has been stripped away.

I think if someone is willing to vote, they should be willing to comment.
All votes need to have the voters comments beside them. Only then would their be a fair voting system here.

But that is just my opinion and aliens don't have rights, Yet!

Do you rate other authors?
Yes, but with reservation.
I rate the story, not the author. I don't really like giving negative comments. I'm more likely going to message them politely to let them know what seemed to be lacking than post a negative comment which everybody else can view.

I appreciate it a lot when another author reads and comments on my story especially when many of them published some great works and I'm like wow! he/she actually bothered to read my story! yaaay!!!
Since I started to write stories a few months ago I always try to write a comment and rate the story I read. I also like to see what other people wrote about the story I just read. I enjoy reading the comments that people write about my stories.
Since I have started to write, I rate and leave comments on almost all the stories I read. Personally I love to see comments on my stories, so this is a big motivation to do the same.
I comment on every story I read. I also try very hard to learn from all that I read and/or what gets left on my stories.