I've had a couple of story ideas tumbling around in my head but they really aren't things I'm normally into. I'm a little leary of writing/posting them though because I'm a little afraid of what readers might think of me. After I published my first story, I got several inquiries because people thought I was into BDSM but I'm really not.
I'm curious how much you care about what readers might think of you personally after reading something you've written.
I have found that some people think everything I write is true. Most everything I write is Fiction. People insist on thinking this stuff is real.
You can put in your tags that the story is Fiction. That might help.
I don't let fiction stand in the way of my standards
Most work is a mix of truth, fiction, 3rd party, TV, books, history and anything else that makes a good story.
The genre that a person writes is where they are comfortable and know best. Some things are not my cup of tea and do not feel that I can write about them. Just my thoughts
I usually just write about stuff I'm familiar with, and I know very little about anything kinky. Despite the bi-sex, group-sex, and exhibitionism, I'm really pretty vanilla, sexually. I'm not all that confidant writing outside my comfort zone.
Writing stories is a wonder way of expressing creativity. So many of the books we read and movies we watch are vehicles of escapism for us. I love reading about reality just as much as I love reading about fantasy. While the majority of my stories are based on true events, I don't hesitate to put to pen where those true events could have gone, or where I might have liked them to have gone. Whether a fantasy would ever turn into reality... well, we shall see! In the mean time, have fun and explore new things via your writing!
I don't worry too much about what the readers will think of me. I tend to assume that adults can tell the difference between fiction and reality, though I did get one message as a result of a now deleted story that suggested the sender did not. That said, anything I'm willing to write is generally something I'm willing to do (though in most cases I have not actually done it, my real sex life much more vanilla than some of my stories would suggest) so assuming that a story of mine reflects a fantasy of mine isn't usually far off the mark.
Write what you feel, what you want, and say to those who judge you, "FUCK OFF!"
Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
People who judge others on their story content are pathetic, in my opinion.
I have censored my topics, of course, depending upon the site for which I'm writing. There are subjects that are not allowed here that may be allowed other places. But I can, and have, written about numerous subjects and will continue to do so. I am proud of my work and would be happy for any adult to read anything I have written.
I edit my ideas as a writer, not as such for my personal sexual tastes. As a writer, I would like to pursue storyline that would be consider in bad taste here, not disallowed perhaps, but some that my readers might find distasteful. There are emotions that Id like to explore but those will have to wait. Im quite content with those things that i am writing now.
I joined to share some of my stories and then found that pretty much all of them break forum rules on content, so yes, I will have to censor my topics in future if I ever want to get one past the moderators!
Lush can't handle full MF.
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
Sometimes a story is just a story (and a cigar is just a cigar). I wrote a story a little while ago that featured some homoerotic elements (in addition to demonic fornication). I don't consider myself gay or bisexual in any significant way (nor do I fantasize about supernatural sex), but those details were right for the story. Another story (my first, actually) featured a guy going around ejaculating into library books. Personally, I don't find that a major turn-on, but it was a great plot device, and the story wouldn't have gone anywhere without it.
Don't believe everything that you read.
NO I DON'T!!! But the moderators do. Since my stories are true events in my erotic sex life, I choose not to modify them to meet what I consider their ridicules demands. So I do not post any here. I do post on other site not so demanding.