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Do any of your friends or family know you write erotica

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Mmmn, kinda! Hello, everyone! Cherry xx PS I write as HJ Furl (Basque-Love Stories / Strange Taste on Amazon) - so they should know! And I have an okay audiovisual website: with, um, quite a few 18+ audiostories but best of all, I'm here!

Quote by WannabeWordsmith
My wife knows, but that's about it. She doesn't read my writing though. Well, she read one and didn't like it, thus proving that even EPs are no guarantee to please everyone, haha.

Many a true word...👍

No, no one knows I write erotica except for my partner. He always encourages me and is my biggest fan and cheerleader. I can honestly say my writing is gotten better because of his guidance. Actually he's the one that encouraged me to write in the first place.

I've always had the talent for writing but for school papers or something like that. I didn't dive into writing erotica until 2006. It's great outlet for me.

puts the ‘ass’ in ‘class’.

Quote by HisSexyPet

No, no one knows I write erotica except for my partner. He always encourages me and is my biggest fan and cheerleader. I can honestly say my writing is gotten better because of his guidance. Actually he's the one that encouraged me to write in the first place.

I've always had the talent for writing but for school papers or something like that. I didn't dive into writing erotica until 2006. It's great outlet for me.

I agree - my husband is fully supportive of my writing and is both my biggest fan and biggest critic. He’s forever coming up with new ideas for scenarios and he loves it when I build them into my stories.

Some work colleagues know I write but none have ever asked to see the stories which I’m glad about because the published ones are little better than first drafts.

I’m not embarrassed about the fact I write erotica but there are people I wouldn’t tell, especially Indian family.

‘The pious fable and the dirty story
Share in the total literary glory.’

W.H. Auden

Active Ink Slinger

My wife liked the one that she knew was about her (us).

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by AnotherChain

My wife and my therapist knows.

My wife has read my work.

I will die before I let my therapist get her hands on it.

I have been thinking about telling my therapist but I’m just not sure. I’m not embarrassed it’s just a part of me that’s in its infancy and I’m not sure how to handle it.

Latest Story (coauthored w/Kat): Please Take Your Seats

My Latest Flash: Consumed by Fire

Series: The Deviants of Dorchester (EPISODES 1-8):


The Deviants of Dorchester - Episode 8: Peek-A-Boo

Active Ink Slinger

My FWB know and I have used a few of their experiences as a basis for a story or two - letting them read them. The changes I have made often make them laugh. “I wish” is a comment I have heard occasionally.

Generally they are not that interested in my involvement here as I have given them a promise I will never meet any of my Lush friends.

I don't write erotica but my parents and Krew know I'm part of a few adult sites.

Dirty Stop-out

No, no one in the RW knows I write, let alone write erotica. It’s my little secret.

I like it this way. I don’t even know how to begin telling anyone… and some of the stories I’ve written might cause people to look at me in a different light.

I’m a different person in here from in RW and I never want the two worlds to collide.

2 competition winning stories, 1 Famous story, a smattering of Editor's Picks, a handful of Recommended Reads and one Clitorides award are scattered amongst my stories.

One of a handful of writers to get the Omnium badge for writing in every category

For a book club with a difference... try this lesbian romp

Simple Scribbler

My son found out by accident a few years ago and now uses this information to blackmail me. 😳🤣

There's a handful of trusted people IRL who know.

Active Ink Slinger

Only my sister knows

Active Ink Slinger

To the best of my knowledge no family or friends know.

I sometimes wonder about someone I know 'discovering' me on here or maybe me seeing an avatar of someone that I know in real life.

Advanced Wordsmith

I use a pen name for erotica and haven't told anyone that name. Nor have I told anyone that I write erotica so no one would have a reason to look into it.

I am faced with an ethical dilemma though. I was asked to volunteer with a local game night and there might be kids there. I turned them down once but they asked again. Obviously I would never share my work or even bring it up in that setting but I'm worried some prudish parent might find out (how would they unless they are reading it themselves and do alot of snooping) and make a stink. I feel like I should tell the person asking me to volunteer and let them decide, on the other hand then I've tipped my hand after I've actively tried to keep it close to my vest.

Do you folks limit contact with minors to avoid controversy as a result of writing erotica?

Easily amused

A whole bunch of folks know. It's not a crime, and it's not immoral.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Quote by PJH

To the best of my knowledge no family or friends know.

I sometimes wonder about someone I know 'discovering' me on here or maybe me seeing an avatar of someone that I know in real life.

Didn't you used to be my postman?

Rookie Scribe

The only person that knows that I write erotica is my wife. None of my friends or other family know that I write anything at all. I MAY let those close to me know once I have a diverse portfolio. I do enjoy my solitude in this endeavor

Active Ink Slinger

Writing erotic stories is a solitary pleasure shared only with my Lush friends. My wife and family know about my scientific writing and presentations, which is how I learned to write in a concise and easily understandable way. I confess that my style is very English and seems rather formal to some people who often criticise my dialogue, but that really is how I speak as you would discover if I shared those presentations which are on YouTube.

“Books are finite, sexual encounters are finite, but the desire to read and to fuck is infinite; it surpasses our own deaths, our fears, our hopes for peace.”

Series: The Eternal Joy Of Sex

A long erotic poem in 4 parts


Active Ink Slinger

Quote by CallmeJayne

Didn't you used to be my postman?

No, that was my granddad.

Gentleman Stranger

Only my wife, who has read most of my stories at one time or another. The only friends that know I write erotica are Lush friends or former Lushies who have left here but remain friends, and I have met a number of them in person. I guess that means they're not just Lush friends.

My wife is fine with it and sees it as my hobby, and is a Lush member too but rarely visits anymore. Maybe she's just glad my hobby is so inexpensive compared to some other things I could be doing.

Trust people to be themselves...

A few know. They've read a few also, but they don't know what site I am on or my username.

My last published story: Good For Nothing

Active Ink Slinger

Nope, no one!

Active Ink Slinger

When I told my wife I’d started to write some fiction, she said: ‘what? erotica?’ She got there in a heartbeat. She enjoys when I read it to her. Nobody else knows, though.

Living bi-cariously through Lush

Absolutely no one. And zero intention of changing that.

My Dirty Talk competition entry: No-Dating Policy

I get dicked by a federal agent. My top-ten Noir competition entry: Dick Job

My alliteration-addled Free Sprit competition entry: Buff Bluff in Banff

Card catalog? Hard catalog! My library

Easily amused

Yes, and they're probably sick of hearing me talk about it

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Chaos Bringer

No. I like having it to myself smile

Active Ink Slinger

Everyone in my life knows I write. I published a novel earlier this year.

But, none of my family has ever read anything I've written. My wife refuses for whatever reason. I'm not sharing that I write erotica.