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Can I get an interview with you?

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Quote by Verbal
I just added 6-7 new stories to my reading queue! Good thread, lotsa good writers. I love to see the process behind the story.

I feel cheated - when I saw you had posted here, I excitedly clicked on it, thinking there was going to be a whole interview and I was going to sit and read it and feel all loving and proud of you.
Quote by LaylaJune

I feel cheated - when I saw you had posted here, I excitedly clicked on it, thinking there was going to be a whole interview and I was going to sit and read it and feel all loving and proud of you.

You can still feel loving and proud of me even without the interview. smile I'll do one soon. Maybe about the Shards. And you can interview me any time you like. ;)
Quote by Verbal

You can still feel loving and proud of me even without the interview. smile I'll do one soon. Maybe about the Shards. And you can interview me any time you like. ;)

Feeling loving and proud of you RIGHT NOW, even!!! And grinning like an idiot . . .
Introduce the title of your story:

Serious Moonlight

Genre/Category: BDSM. It took 1st place in the New Experiences competition.

Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I didn’t write it for the contest, and in fact started writing it several months before the contest was announced. That was just a happy coincidence.

I hadn’t written fiction in about a year. Then, when I decided to start writing again, this came out. I really had very little idea where it was going. Some aspects of it are taken from real life experiences, but with the volume turned up to 11.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

I just started writing dialogue, and the characters gradually formed (there is a lot of dialogue in it). In some ways they are similar to the characters of me and my significant other, but they are certainly not us. Again, I turned the volume up to 11 on certain aspects. Most things in this story have the volume turned up to 11. smile

When the contest category was announced and I realized I could enter with this story, I focused a little more on rough sex, and on it being a new experience for them.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

I stopped writing for about a year because of a pretty serious personal loss. Then I wrote this. It took a several months, and I realized my writing style had changed totally, so I just went with it. It’s very stripped down, and I threw away a lot of traditional elements of storytelling: very little description, almost no plot, and no backstory. I didn’t describe the characters, or even give them names. I tried to stay in the moment with every word, tightly focused, no distractions. I am still writing that way, stylistically, though I’m sure it will change into something else eventually.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

I wanted to push rough brutal sex right up against gentle tender emotions, and just sort of smash them together, to see what would happen. I wanted to show the very loving relationship dwelling within an extreme sexual one, and that the two are not only compatible, but that one is essential to the other. Getting the balance just right was challenging, and it took me a long time.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever written for Lush. I’m very proud of it.
Introduce the title of your story: Sweat
Genre/Category: Quickie Sex
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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

The basic structure of the guy sweating it out on a hot day and then getting laid in the grass has been in my head for years. I did a lot of yard work (planting, etc.) when we first built our house so I guess it came out of that.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

The man is pretty much me, a fiftysomething guy in a bit of a midlife crisis. His partner has kind of changed over the years. At one point, it was the "girl next door" having an affair with him but the idea of the wife coming home from her tennis match was another one I flirted with. Given that my own thoughts of having an affair have diminished and thoughts of rebooting my own relationship have been dancing in my head, I went with that version.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

Hm. A bit of playful spanking is something I don't include much. Other than that, a romantic piece like this is pretty on par for me.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Settling on which version to write as discussed above (neighbour vs. wife)

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

This is a really old idea of mine, predating my Lush membership IIRC. I'm glad to finally have it out of my head and available for folks to read and enjoy.
Introduce the title of your story: The Fall of Eden
Genre/Category: Straight Sex
Provide the link: [url=][/url]

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

A few months ago, I found the idea of beginning the story with a frustrated young woman looking in the mirror in much the same way, before a night out, and ending it, in a kind of juxtaposition, with her seeing herself wasted and defiled after a rough, anonymous sexual encounter. I had my beginning and end, a pair of bookends, and ran from there, really. It's really a set piece, and there is a deliberate, kind of twisted symmetry between the first and last paragraphs which is meant to be artful in, I admit, a pretty juvenile kind of way.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

The guy is pretty generic, if I'm being honest. His only interesting feature is his skin colour and sudden change in mood and manner once in the cubicle with Eden. That's deliberate in a way. It's meant to be anonymous, loveless sex; it's what Eden wants, it's the point, it's the thrill of it for her.

Eden is based on someone I know. Her physical characteristics are hers, but her personality is complete fantasy.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

The sex is much rougher and more aggressive than anything I've ever written before. I am quite pleased with the writing, but to my taste it's the least sexy full-length story I've ever written, here or anywhere else. I don't think I'd enjoy the sex, but that made it challenging.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Apart from the sex not really being to my taste, I went into more detail than I have before about penetration from a female perspective. I found myself scouring a few forums for ideas about how that might feel and then putting it into my own words. That was fun.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

The story nearly died. I started writing it 3 months ago and I never got beyond the first paragraph. I couldn't paint Eden the way I wanted to and it was left for months on end with only about 6 lines written. I came back to it a week ago, lived with it for about a week and it came out the other side as it is. I'm glad I didn't kill it.
My body begged for release and for more; for a perfect moment, a sublime stalemate held

Tori and Mr Renshaw (Part 1)

December 2017
I guess it's time to do one of these. It's total shit.

Introduce the title of your story: A Scarred Wonderland
Genre/Category: Hardcore/Psychological
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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

This is the only story I've written where I'm not exactly sure where the inspiration came from. I'm not sure anyone sets out to write something this...weird, intentionally. I mean, the nods are there. Alice in Wonderland. A misplaced "country girl." An element of supernatural.

And it was for a competition and I wanted to do something different for a change. Something you aren't really going to see on Lush I guess.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

There's really only one character in the entire story. That's the unique part of it all. And it's a character that appears in my first story in a much different way, in a far different form. I can't say exactly where or from what I created this character from other than a dark mind.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

Psychological. I guess imagine listening to the White Album or Magical Mystery Tour on acid and add a heavy dose of psychological, supernatural fuckery. It's dark in a way I won't ever be able to repeat.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

I guess not making it totally ridiculous where the purpose of the story is lost. I'm not sure how much I succeeded as some commentators have admitted not fully understanding what happened. Which is fine. You aren't always supposed to necessarily understand. Sometimes just traveling through a story is enough.

But the sex may have been the hardest. There were different themes galore and different styles galore. And I wanted the trippiness of the sex at the end to really seem otherworldly without seeming forced.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

I hope you read it?


I dunno. I'm terrible being the interviewee and even worse at self-promotion. Not a skill I have.
Introduce the title of your story: Naughty or Nice
Genre/Category: Exhibitionism
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

This is of course my entry for the Holiday Hijinks competition. I originally thought of getting a bit freaky with Mrs Claus when Santa took off to deliver the presents, but Mysteria27 beat me to it with her entry, Mrs. Claus Has Her Yearly Gangbang. So that left me scrambling for an alternative. A MILF trading sexual favours with Santa in exchange for a gift for her naughty son came to mind, along with a couple of schoolgirls busting out their feminine wiles.

My wife said that under no circumstances was I to go with the schoolgirl story, so that pretty much clinched it. If the Fun Police weren’t happy, it must be good.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

That’s easy, I just needed a couple of ratbags to pull this one off. We’ve all seen, or been, those hotties in their youth who sling their ass for a bit of fun. Who better for a holiday hijinks romp?

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

I’ve gone third person again, this time entirely in present tense. I’ve also kept it a lot lighter than usual, not delving into the emotional side of the characters like I usually do. Hopefully that makes for something fun for the holidays.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

I fucked myself on the timing with this one and I was up until 5 o’clock in the morning finishing it off. Unfortunately fatigue got the better of me and I just kept painting myself into corners with the finish. I just couldn’t get past the shattered lollipop. It looks okay after two hours sleep and the fresh light of day, but I’ll leave that up to you to judge.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

The competition closes tonight, so please get in there as soon as you can and slap a vote on it. And as long as you’re there, support the other authors who’ve entered too.

My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Introduce the title of your story: Curious for Cock: Jenny's Anal Adventure
Genre/Category: College
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

After writing a somewhat "heavy" run of stories, culminating in my competition entry for the fetish competition, I wanted to write something lighter and pornier, which resulted in the first installment of this series (of which this story is the second). That first installment was a similarly titled: "Curious for Cock: Jenny's Dorm-Room Deepthroat." For that one, what was intended to be completely "porny" wound up with a little bit more tenderness to it, so I ran with that in the second installment.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

Jenny so far is the more fully developed one. I wanted to write about an inexperienced yet very sexually curious girl, the kind of person who'd do research about how to perform certain sexual acts. She is nerdy, and somewhat shy, though with a certain determination that overshadows her shyness, which she is rapidly losing, especially with Adam. Adam will continue to develop as the series goes on. He's intentionally a bit of a sex object at first.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

I decided it would be fun to flip the stereotype of the woman as the eye-candy, sex object. So in the beginning of this story, he is referred to simply as "the boy," and it's his body that's described in detail, not hers. I thought that could be kind of fun.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

I am setting things up for an eventual installment featuring a MFF threesome with Jenny's roommate Kath, who is a sort of catalyst for things. So the scene between Jenny and Kath is supposed to set the stage for that later on, but I struggled having it be smooth, and I suspect that part still feels clumsy.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

I think it's a nice combination of raw and tender, and I hope you'll check it out and see if I'm right.

Introduce the title of your story: Departures
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

Roald Dahl. This story idea is totally stolen from his short story 'Galloping Foxley'. I've thought about interpreting it in my own way for years and finally got around to it.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

Well, Victoria/V is a little like me and a little like a dream of me. Harry is (to me) the kind of messed-up, kinky, bad boy that you just can't help falling for.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

It's probably a little less explicit and more of a battle between right and wrong. It's held up by this all-too-common experience of mine which is KNOWING what's right and what you SHOULD do but being finding yourself giving into wants.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Making the characters sympathetic. Harry's not a faithful husband and while V was younger during their affair, they were both consciously being selfish. I find it difficult to write about protagonists without liking them and so I had to make them sound like decent people.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

I love it. I'll probably hate it by next week, but right now, even though I want to rewrite and tighten it, I'm super proud of it.
Introduce the title of your story: Stormy With a Chance of Passion
Genre/Category: Straight Sex

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I was mentally working through a possible longer piece about a couple separating and then reconciling. This is the only part that got written and posted and would have been somewhere in the middle. It would have been been preceded by the story of them separating and the relationships they have while apart. Not sure where it would have gone after this.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

The idea of a troubled couple who come back together was probably me working through my own relationship. We have never separated but there's a definite lack of passion so that we are kind of "separated but together".

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

Given that it was my second Lush story (and the first was subsequently taken down leaving it as my first), it probably defines my style moreso than is different from it.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Thinking back, I was mostly just trying to get something that would pass muster. I was still trying to get a feel for what Lush mods and audience wanted out of a story.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

As I said, it was conceived as part of a larger whole and I periodically contemplate filling that out. I'd love to see comments on whether others think it is worth pursuing.
Introduce the title of your story:

Lost Angels

Genre/Category: Reluctance

Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

The idea for this story came to me late at night. I was sitting up in bed, the Wi-Fi was fucking lousy and I was watching the music video for Blue Jeans by Lana Del Rey. That video has fucked with my mind so many times; the way the guy slowly undresses, the way she watches. It's so aching. I found myself furiously tapping the story plot onto a Notepad document on my tablet (the free Word subscription on my Linx has expired!) A lot of the original ideas for this story made it to the final piece. Some I forgot about which annoys me. The story was inspired by a lot of things though, not just a music video. It's mainly about wanting things.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

Wow. I really don't know. I think I often want to fall into the trap of writing about rich people and how their lives are fucked up and stuff. But this was about poor people. Lise and Aiden. I really have no idea where they came from. I never described their appearances in much detail in the story but I know vaguely what they look like. I think the ideas, plot and characters just snowballed. I added their history, personalities etc. as I wrote. It wasn’t pre-planned. So these characters kind of formed as the story did.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

This story is different to my others because it feels like more. It feels like I wrote it to put people right there, like voyeurs on all the different scenes.
The thing is, I feel as though I tapped into something and while I didn't get quite as far as I would like to get, it's further than I've ever got before.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

I've never been to Los Angeles (the story's setting) but I've heard a lot about it and I researched it furiously. It's hard when you find out things because you automatically want to show off your newfound knowledge but you can't because the characters see these things as normal. I hope that makes sense. You can't show off. You have to be all nonchalant and slip in one thing out of a thousand. I totally indulged while talking about (minor spoiler alert!) Bill's lieutenant status and the pins. I thought it was so cool that there was like this insignia system for cops in the USA (there might even be one in the UK but idk about it) and I JUST COULD NOT RESIST.

As a British citizen who's never been anywhere but Paris (for two weeks, hardly came out of the hotel), I'm obsessed with the USA. I'm obsessed with New York City and LA and Florida and Boston and all that. I guess if I ever went (don't particularly want to anymore) my ideas of it might get dampened a little. But what the hell. I'm writing fiction.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

The title came from a 30 Seconds to Mars video called City of Angels. Of course, Los Angeles is meant to mean something like "the angels"(?) but there was this dude who commented in the video saying something like he thinks it means 'Lost Angels'. I felt that it fit. It was only yesterday evening (three days after the story came out) that I realised I'd named my characters Lise and Aiden, their initials being L and A respectively. It's kind of weird and unplanned but amazing. I still can't understand whether it was a coincidence that I gave the characters those names, or a subconscious decision. Must've been a coincidence.

It makes me enormously happy when a reader tells me a sentence/quote that they liked. I had this one that JohnDoe specified. It goes like this:

“It never took long to turn him on. In fact, I privately believed he was always half-ready, sex just beneath the surface, ready and waiting patiently like an appliance on standby.”

I remember thinking of what kind of metaphor/simile I could use at that part. I wanted to convey that sense of patient readiness. It took me maybe a couple of minutes to write and then I promptly forgot about it. But when JohnDoe mentioned it, I felt so fucking happy. I felt like, 'YES! He gets it! He appreciates it!' I swear to God, if I ever see that line anywhere else, I will be crushed. And the funny thing is, I wasn't even sure the line would work. I was thinking, 'Do they call them appliances in the US? Do they use the word 'standby'? Ah, fuck it, who cares?' And even if every other reader didn’t even notice that line or skimmed past it, I don't care. Because one person liked it. I touched one person in a non-physical way through a fucking story I wrote from the other side of the world and that just about makes me feel on top of the aforementioned world.

I know that I'll grow to hate this story. I always end up hating them. But I had to write about it because right now, it makes me really happy. My attitude towards my writing is obscenely influenced by what other people think of it. I know that on Lush sometimes you read a story and you race through it and don't appreciate it and do the old vote/nice comment and I accept the fact that a lot of people probably did that for this story. But there's some who GOT it. And it's kind of in a raw form, like freshly-mined, needs polishing, needs bits to be less rambling but I didn't want to overwork it. I didn't want to ruin it.

Reading this back makes me feel so, so self-centred and pretentious. I should stop. I will stop. My closing statement: if you plan to read it, don't do so just to make me happy. Read it because you want to read a story and you're prepared to read a story. And please criticise it as much as you want (privately, via PM!) because that's the best thing you can do for me.

That must’ve been the longest interview you guys have ever had! Oh, we’re off air? Since when? The FIRST QUESTION??!! Fuck y’all.

EDIT: Said story has been awarded with an EP. And can also be listened to as an audio story, thanks to the wonderful efforts of jimmasters who kindly narrated it.
Introduce the title of your story: The Best Laid Plans
Genre/Category: Cheating
The Best Laid Plans

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I'd had the basic idea rattling around in my head for some time -- a frustrated married woman prodded into having an affair by a more adventuresome friend who has someone in mind for her, but she winds up fucking the wrong guy. It was on the back burner until browncoffee suggested working together. When she asked, "what should our plot be?" I suggested more or less what you see here. In fact "the Wrong Guy" was our working title for a while.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

Hannah (browncoffee) did most of the characterization of the main female character, Kerry. I provided the idea of the woman who was so frustrated for so long, and therefore so close to cheating that it didn't take much more than some prodding and some opportunity. For the male lead, I cooked up a very alpha-male, ex-military guy. There are hints that he comes from a poor background, and he tells us he was in Afghanistan.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

It's not the first female-pov story I've written (or been involved in writing, I should say), but it's one of the first I didn't feel like a total fraud about, and that was largely because of Hannah's help. When she liked something I wrote, I felt that I had done well, and if I went astray, she'd tell me something didn't work for her. As a result, I felt more confident in the story ringing true. Why female POV? Generally, when I've gone that route, it's been because I felt the plot demanded it, and wouldn't work if I told it from another character's POV, or switched the genders around.

As far as other differences, I think I haven't done a lot of "dominant male" stories, or at least not without the guy either being or turning into a prick, and in this one, I don't think he did, completely. You can decide.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

It was the collaboration, honestly. I've collaborated before, with VirgoGo, but those were different for a couple of reasons. First, those were very short, c 1000 words. Secondly, they were written with her doing audio versions in mind, so every word was considered from that angle. Here, we each wrote things that the other liked, and we each wrote things the other didn't like. I think we were both a bit concerned about how to get that across at first. We'd leave these long, polite comments in the google doc we worked in such as "perhaps this could be cut down a bit, unless you think it's vital, but otherwise, I dunno..." Eventually, I realized I should just trust her, which wasn't hard, b/c she's an outstanding writer. For example, there was a point when we were actively trying to cut the word count down, and we were paring and chopping. We both happened to be in the document at the same time, and I noticed that the word count was growing, and that she had added a couple of sentences to something I'd written at the end. Mt first reaction was "crap! now we have to cut more." My second was "wait, what I'd written was terse and to the point -- why are you adding to it?" And then I looked at what she'd done, and she'd improved it a lot. She cleaned up a lot of my mistakes. So it was hard at times, but exhilarating by the end, when I realized I was in better hands than my own.

Another balancing act, which VirgoGo noticed right away, was that her husband had to be annoying enough to sort of warrant cheating on, but not so awful that it would have made sense for her to just leave him. I hope we got that right too.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

I've babbled on long enough. I hope you'll give it a shot and enjoy it!
Quote by oceanrunner
when I realized I was in better hands than my own.

muhahahaha. i will hold this over you FOREVER!


whatever. i loved writing with you, Mike. one complaint? you're way too fast! like fucking The Flash or whatnot.

anyway, our story's been the top pick for AGES now. i'm so happy.
My story is called "The Games Some People Play"

Genre/Category: Oral Sex, though there's a bit of sci-fi and fetish thrown in with it too.

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
I'm new to the site and while I'd posted a poem and two very different Flash Erotica pieces in quite quick sucession, this is my first full length story. I wanted to write something which (hopefully) included some humour, some realistic techy descriptions of the setting and surroundings (I love sci-fi) and some pure naughty smut. I have no idea if I've achieved that!

2. How did you come up with these characters?
The astronauts names I got from a Wikipedia list of former astronauts and cosmonauts. I mixed and matched surnames and forenames until I settled on four fictional names that sounded really realistic.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
Well I don't have too many stories for it to be different from, so I suppose the big difference is its length.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
The Russian's accent. I could do it in my head but had no idea with where to start actually typing an accent. I took a little bit of inspiration from the brilliant JK Rowling and the way she wrote Victor Krum in the Goblet of Fire. Okay, so he's Bulgarian, but I think that works well with Russian too

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
I had fun writing it. It took about four hours all up over three mornings in bed before I got up.

Here's a couple of pictures for you..

For lovers of blow jobs, either giving or receiving...
Introduce the title of your story: Arianrhod
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
It was a historical competition and history was my college major, so how could I resist?

2. How did you come up with these characters?
Life in the Dark Ages has always fascinated me, so I characterized some fairly typical vocational roles from those times: a knight, his yeoman and squire, a blacksmith, the viccar, the abbot, the local witch, and of course, the beautiful 'virgin' maiden.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
I moved the story forward by changing the POV from one ancillary character to the next, each one relaying his or her part of the story about a mysterious young girl in their midst.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
The language of the period needed to be pervasive and consistent throughout the story, so just getting the dialog sounding authentic to 9th Century Wales took some extra research

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
It's unquestionably the best historical erotica you will ever read in this lifetime or the next, (and I want a third Famous Story), so hop to it and click the link already!
Introduce the title of your story: The Corruption of Kat
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
It was an idea I'd had for a while, but didn't really find a way in until recently. It had been in my "to-do" list with the working title "Louche" for more time than I care to admit. I'm happy that I finally finished it!

2. How did you come up with these characters?
I love the idea of a French woman who is aware that she can use her "Frenchness" to inspire a sort of feeling of inferiority in American women, when it comes to being chic, fashionable, or sexually open. And the idea of a decadent MF couple selecting and seducing a much younger woman was an exciting one.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
Although I've written a few stories that involve threesomes or group sex, I mainly write MF stories, so even just the MFF nature of this is a bit different from my usual fare.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
The logistics of the seduction. I wanted the couple's interview of the girl to break down her defenses, but making that make sense was hard. I re-wrote the sequence of their questions, the nature of her answers, how they eventually get her to take off her blouse, etc., several times.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
I think it's pretty good! I'm inching uncomfortably close to 100 stories on the site (89), and one friend who's read LOT of my stories says she thinks it's the top 10% of them. I'll take that!
Introduce the title of your story: Used
Genre/Category: Flash Erotica
Provide the link:

1.) What first inspired you to write this story? I couldn't sleep one night and I was thinking about makeup, as you do, and I had the sudden idea of what makeup may look like, post-sex. What if it was smudged and messy and ruined? The more I thought about it, the more a basic story outline formed in my mind.

2.) How did you come up with these characters? The characters themselves are 'faceless' you don't know much about them, and I purposely kept it that way as it added to the mystery of the situation and how they got there and what sexual acts they performed. I do give a description of the woman, but the male character, we know nothing about him.

3.) How does it differ from your other stories? I feel it is more descriptive than some of my other stories, despite being a flash piece I think I managed to cram a lot of information in there and set the scene quite well. It is also my first RR, so that sets it aside from all my other stories.

4.) What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? Trying to make it erotic and sexy after the sex scene had happened, which I did not delve into. Post-sex stories can be difficult to write or to capture the mood. But I think I did an okay job at capturing the mood and feelings someone may have after sex.

5.) Anything else you want to tell us about it? It is my first RR and I am super duper proud of the story. I think it may be my best writing yet. It is also an audio story, so if you want to hear a Kiwi accent, then click the link!
Oh good, there’s no one here (sneaks into author’s chair). Wow, nice soft leather, and look…a real microphone (tap tap tap). Might be a vintage RCA? Wonder if they keep any Tootsie Pops in the desk drawer?

Introduce the title of your story: Summer of Addictive Saturdays - Part II

Genre/Category: Seduction
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? I was looking for a credible way to explain the start of the relationship in the series, and came up with a dialogue during which the shy, slightly awkward teen Fiona rebounds after being caught in an acutely embarrassing situation by the middle-aged neighbor she’s crushed on for years.

2. How did you come up with these characters? Sometimes I think the pool ended up being the most important character (laughs). I admit to going heavier on ambiance than on personalities, trying to engage the reader with the same atmosphere that claims Fiona and Mr. Weston.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? Oooh, a hanging curve over the plate (spins chair around)! It’s the only one without a sex scene. Might be the only one with an element of reluctance, too.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? See Question 3. But seriously, one of my readers nailed the difficult element: Mr. Weston’s integrity and how to undermine it in a way that doesn’t knock him too far off Fiona’s pedestal, or ours.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? Out of all my scribblings, it’s the one I’m happiest with.

All right, all right, leaving. Can I keep the Tootsie Pop?
Introduce the title of your story: Susannah

enre/Category: Straight Sex

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? This was a very old story, perhaps 8 years old, that I never quite got right. It was inspired by a fantasy I had about a friend of the girl I'll was dating at the time. She was the original Susannah.

2. How did you come up with these characters? The only interesting character is Susannah, or at least she was the one I was interested in exploring. She was originally based on a friend of my girlfriend at the time. The other week, I saw a photograph of an astonishingly beautiful, red-haired woman and somewhere in the back of my mind I thought of my poor, orphan story, Susannah. I went back and finished the story, rewriting Susannah's appearance and part of her character to fit this woman. Http://

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? It really doesn't. It's a shortish, very detailed and florid vignette. want to try new things with my writing now. My next piece is another old draft (about 10 years old, actually) edited to 65% of its original length to work as a flash piece. I am really pleased with that and excited to see how it's received. Longer term, I am going to get around to writing a three part story from multiple perspectives. As much as I am happy with Susannah and it's my second RR, my stories are very similar and I do want to branch out both in terms of subject matter (though to be fair, my sexual tastes are pretty narrow and I'd struggle to write in some categories), but especially written format and style.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? Returning to it after all these years.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? As you can probably tell, I think I can do better... smile
My body begged for release and for more; for a perfect moment, a sublime stalemate held

Tori and Mr Renshaw (Part 1)

December 2017
Introduce the title of your story: Cougar Clickbait
Cougar Clickbait

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

Honestly, just the prompt for the competition. I had a few ideas for some of the episodes described in the story, and the search for a plot for the competition allowed me to put them together.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

The main characters are Craigin and Jessica. Craigin is twenty years old and in college. Jessica is his step-mother, in her late thirties. They didn't meet until Craigin was already past eighteen, and so she had no part of raising him. [It's , but it's not that kind of . See below.]

Craigin is essentially an opportunistic asshole, although in some ways, he can be seen as oddly solicitous, depending on how you look at things. The premise is that Craigin confronts Jessica with the news that the person she'd been having cyber sex chats with has in fact been him. She's confessed her secret fantasies to him, with no expectation that they would come to anything - she was confessing to the ether, as far as she knew. One of her confessions (and we learn this indirectly, though fairly obviously) is that she has a forbidden crush on Craigin, who looks like a younger version of her husband. So when he's "making" her do all the things he makes her do, it's really the things he knows she wants to do, deep down. Oddly, he doesn't display any desires of his own that are different from the ones he is simply reflecting back onto Jessica.

Jessica is a bored, frustrated woman, whose older, successful husband is often away traveling for business. She clearly has a thing for younger men (another of the episodes that Craigin sets up for her is a reflection of those fantasies), and she inevitably strays by indulging in her cyber chats, which gives Craigin the key to her lock.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

I don't write too many stories, because I don't like the " in all but name" plot lines. In fact, the few stories I've written have been constructed where any "step" situations were not what I think of as yucky. That is, step siblings don't become step siblings until they are already 18; step parents (as here) have no part in raising step-children; they don't even meet the step-children until after they are legal adults.

Here, Craigin represents to Jessica a more youthful and handsome version of her absent husband; she likes younger men. To Craigin, who likes "cougars," the opportunity to seduce Jessica because he has all this inside information about her deepest, darkest fantasies (from when she was chatting w him without knowing it was him), is too good to pass up.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

I was playing around w various plot ideas for a while, but it didn't come together until very soon before the competition deadline. So it was a last-minute haul to set it down on time and do a reasonable job of editing and proofreading.

I was torn about making Craigin a bit more nuanced, perhaps more sympathetic. I decided to keep him more of a pure bad boy for a couple of reasons. I didn't have the space to make him nicer without sacrificing some of the filthy content I wanted to include. I also decided that it would be more effective if the reader sympathy lay more solidly w Jessica, and so making him a jerk makes it easier to resent him.

Still, even though he's a jerk, he does limit himself only to the things he knows that Jessica wants, deep down. So in a twisted way, he's actually being filthily kind, making all her fantasies come true. He doesn't cook up any situations that Jessica has any reasonable likelihood of not actually wanting and going along with.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

It's pretty filthy, so I hope you enjoy!
Introduce the title of your story: Where's the Glory in That? - Ch.1
Genre/Category: Oral Sex
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? A special person in my life gave me the idea for it. It was meant to be a part of the Pure Filth competition on Lush as well but in the end, I didn't finish and when I did - it was too long, lol.

2. How did you come up with these characters? They're actually based (loosely based, kind you.) on my group of friends from when I was young, lol.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? It a lot more dirty, in my opinion.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? It's still ongoing - the difficulties. I want it to be detailed and still flow properly, something I have yet to master.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? The setting for the hole is actually based on a rundown gym just outside of my town. It's condemned now but of course, when I was younger I'd get into trouble with my friends by going in and running around, lol.
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
– William Shakespeare (from A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
Introduce the title of your story: Becoming Josie
Genre/Category: First time
Provide the link:
Becoming Josie part 1
Becoming Josie part 2

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? To be honest I saw a pretty bad porn when flipping through the channels. It took place at a stripper club where there was interaction between the dancers and patrons. I changed it and went to bed, woke up in the middle of the night with this whole idea of a young girl coming into her own. It was not supposed to be a bdsm piece but evolved as I went.

2. How did you come up with these characters? I really wanted a young girl that didn't have any fun in school. She just studied always. She wanted to do something out of her norm because she is leaving for college. Siblings always compete with each other and I thought why not the opposite of the social cheerleader type. In the club the characters just kind of came to me. The owner being a Master just kind of happened.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? This is my first two part story as well as first time. She tries everything in one night. I wanted to show how vulnerable she was my making her safe word.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? Knowing if I was going to end it at the use of the safe word or make it a second part. Keeping her vulnerability and naivete was also a bit challenging. She started the night thinking she was go to a dance club. The strippers were supposed to take her under their wing but as I wrote the characters kept speaking to me.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? This was a fun story to write. I also changed my editor during this story and it was interesting working with someone new. There is always the possibility I could revisit this character at a later date with something new and exciting at college.

My Anti-Valentine Entry 💔

My first EP and a top ten from the Pride Competition

Hanging in the background but around

Introduce the title of your story: Kiss Chasey
Genre/Category: First Time
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I’ve been gagging to collaborate on a story with someone for ages now. Browncoffee and I were casually messaging each other about stories and ice cream and music, when we struck a chord over a shared love for a particular artist. In a none too cowardly approach, I innocently suggested that The Chainsmokers’ Closer (which gets a shout out in the story) lent itself nicely to a collaboration, with two people picking over the wreckage of their long lost relationship until they rekindle a spark. She took the bait and agreed to write something with me, instead mentioning another song she liked as the idea for a story she always wanted to have a crack at. I gave it a look, and bam! It pretty much wrote itself.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

These are perhaps two of the most subtle characters I’ve ever come up with, noting that they’re just as much Hannah’s creations as mine. I had a daughter of a friend of mine in mind when writing Cassie – grounded, mature, determined. Of course, Browncoffee brought the authenticity to her with that rambling inner monologue she does so well, really bringing her to life in a way I never could.

Blake’s that Mr Perfect who can do no wrong. Guys want to be him, girls want to do him. But underneath that façade, there’s something darker. He’s flawed and imperfect, which actually makes him interesting. Hannah really opened that up during the tennis court scene, which I think develops his character beautifully. It’s a shame we didn’t have more space to really run with that.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

This one’s first person from the female point of view, which was a bit of a stretch for me. You know, since I have a penis.

And of course, it’s a collaboration with the immensely-talented Browncoffee. I’ve never written a story with someone else before, which was actually a lot of fun.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Bridging the 10,000 miles between us was actually easier than I thought it was going to be. In the tick tacking back and forth, we only wrote the same scene at the same time once. But even then, we were able to blend it together so nothing was wasted.

The hardest part, as is always the case with me, the wheels fell off a thousand words from the end. We were racing along at quite a nice pace, but all of a sudden, we both got lazy. That’s probably a little unfair. Our lives swamped us and we just couldn’t find the time. It took us longer to write those last few hundred words than it did to write the rest of the story.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

Part of the deal in getting Hannah to agree to write a story with me was that she could choose a new avatar for me. She’s not a fan of the donkey. So as much as it pains me, I have to regretfully announce the imminent retirement of Eeyore. The end of an era that comes with no small amount of sadness. Goodbye, Little Buddy.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Introduce the title of your story: Open
Genre/Category: Bisexual
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

The story began with the idea of having an erotic dream, then meeting (and fucking) the person from the dream. I was looking to continue the saga of Julia from A Bride's Awakening so I made her the one having the dream. Originally, the further adventures with the wife was going to be a follow-on but it flowed naturally and the story kind of became more about how Julia becomes involved in Pete & Maggie's open relationship and how it affects her.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

Julia, as I said, is a continuing character. Pete is loosely inspired by a contractor who does jobs for my employer and did some work on my kitchen a couple years back. Really nice, together sort of guy and I figured he'd make a good lover for someone like Julia. Maggie is pretty much original though her description is based on a couple women I've been attracted to over the years.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

It's woman's perspective but I'm writing a lot of those now so maybe not as different as it might have been even a couple years ago.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

As always, writing from the perspective of the other sex has its challenges. Trying to get the sex and the relationship between Julia and the couple right while still keeping the emotional content about Julia still dealing with the fallout of ending her wedding was probably more of a challenge.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

This story was a bit of struggle (as regulars in Rump's already know), especially how to tie things up at the end. I went through three or four endings and even got input from an outside reader (thanks, Rump) before settling on the one I used.

It is, of course, one more episode in the saga of Julia and her ex Curt. I'll return to them soon, though I'm still dancing around whether to do more individual explorations or start bringing them back together for some kind of resolution to the event that started it all.
Introduce the title of your story: Adrenalin
Genre/Category: Oral Sex
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

This story was published as part of the Lush Summer anthology on Amazon a couple of years ago. I previously had a teaser posted on site, but Nicola recently asked if I and the other contributing authors wouldn’t mind releasing the whole thing here on Lush. So here we are.

As for the story itself, I wanted to take a look at how two people who have a really close relationship, but otherwise shouldn’t be together, might cross that line with each other after an unusual shared experience. In this case, a pair of marine park divers who have a brush with a great white shark.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

George is an amalgam of a couple of women from my life in an attempt to create the coolest chick I could. Drawing from a petite ex-, I took her fierce intellect and highly capable physicality, together with her maturity and the genuine warmth that lay just beneath her sometimes-intimidating exterior. Combining those qualities with the wickedly filthy sense of humour and lifelong bond I share with my current best mate, I had the perfect female character.

The male character is loosely based on me, in another self-indulgent exercise. His backstory as an ex-special forces soldier gives him the necessary skills to keep up with George, and the mettle to face off with the great white shark. But the core of his character, and the heart of the story, is how the adrenalin rush from the encounter throws him off balance. This similarly confident operator becomes racked with doubt and uncertainty in the aftermath, leaving him very much vulnerable.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

In addition to just being an oral sex story, this one’s an incredibly slow burn. I originally thought it’d be all done and dusted in a cheeky four or five thousand words. But by the time I finished, I was approaching eleven thousand. I certainly think the payoff is worth it, and there’s just as much fun to be had in the lead up. Still, I’m surprised it took me so long to get there.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Capturing the tension in the encounter with the shark was a lot more difficult than I expected. I of course needed to ratchet up the fear and suspense, but I also needed to pace it right. I didn’t want this to be a Jaws knock off. It was hard to keep the shark from stealing the show. It’s merely the catalyst for the two of them to have an encounter of their own.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

This is just one of many amazing stories in the Lush Summer anthology. Buz, Poppet, MollyDoll, Jimmy Starling, Liz, Pervystoryteller and the long lost SITTING/papergirl all have smoking hot contributions to it as well. It’s still available on Amazon, so pick yourself up a copy if you haven’t already

And it’s still worth remembering that more people are killed by vending machines each year than sharks. Just sayin’...
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Introduce the title of your story: One Beautiful Morning
Genre/Category: First Time
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I had a longstanding "stroke" fantasy about an older man and a younger woman that I had toyed with writing down for a while at the time I joined Lush. So, naturally, I spun it into my first Lush story.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

I needed two people, an older man and a young woman, living in some kind of close proximity while keeping within Lush rules. The widowed father with the live-in nanny seemed about right.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

Perhaps a little less character-focussed. It was the first of several "older man deflowers younger woman" stories I have written. I'm actually consciously avoiding that theme these days after writing three of them.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Getting the sexual tension in the early going right and making sure there was the right amount of build-up.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

What can I say? It was my first published piece of erotica so it's a bit of a personal favorite. As I hit 5 years on Lush, I thought I'd plug it a bit to see if I could get it some more views. The present version is actually the "second edition" after a rewrite when it was a couple years old, but the basic story remains the same. I had just matured a bit as a writer and needed to address some content issues so took it down and gave it a patch and polish.