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Can I get an interview with you?

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Introduce the title of your story: Just A Tiny Spark
Genre/Category: Love Stories
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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

The turn of the year is approaching fast, and its a time where I catch myself feeling melancholic more often than not. Lately, there have been a lot of worries about relatives and friends filling my days, and I needed something sweet and deep to balance all the dark stuff I was wading through.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

Like almost always, they came to me on their own, begging me to be written. Molly, my main character, was a given. Joanne came in tow with her, with a good pinch of personality from a wonderful past lover sprinkled in. Jake was supposed to be mentioned in passing, but he's such a sweet guy, and before I knew it, he was filling a scene of his own with life.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

This is softer and sweeter. It's a bit of coming-of-age and coming-out, and it is less about the sex itself as a driving force. Those who've read my stories know that almost all of them have power balances and submissive moments. This one doesn't. It's about falling in love against all rules, with an intensity that can crush your heart or make it fly.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Not to rush things. I started what I thought were just a few thousand words, a short, sweet piece, but then it grew and grew.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

It's a little over 10,000 words, so reserve some time.
It's also a story I invested a lot of emotions into. If you could see me, you could tell by my sweaty fingers.
It's about finding love and about letting go, about discovering yourself and facing change, about conquering fears.
Oh, and I almost forgot - it's a sapphic romance, as we don't have a "Lesbian Love Stories" category and I feel that love is the dominant motive.

I'd love it if you let me know if my newest story could light, perhaps, just a tiny spark for you.
Introduce the title of your story:

Diamond Eyes


Flash Erotica

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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

When I was 16, my good friend fell in love with me. I rejected his advances but after the 4th time, I decided to give him a chance. The problem: I was already head over heels for my friend, Robbie. My boyfriend got controlling and around that time Robbie finally confessed his feelings for me and my feelings for him came alive again. I became conflicted, looking for answers as to what I should do. This story is a description of a dream I had that helped lead me to choosing Robbie, who is now my husband.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

Its just me and my then friend, Robbie.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

This holds a lot of meaning to me because its extremely personal and it was an intimate experience that, in a way, led me to one of the biggest blessings in my life.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

At first it was a poem but after sending it in to be published, it was returned to me because the moderator wasn't comfortable with poetry enough to help me with the structure. She simply gave me instructions to reformat and put it into "flash erotica", a category very sexual in nature, and added the tag "no sex." Needless to say the outcome was a bit disappointing.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

Not really. I just hope it was a good read for those who read it. It meant a lot to me.
Introduce the title of your story: The Pastor's Secret
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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

After writing my story April's Secret, I had this idea about a minister having and learning about sex and realized I could use it to delve into April's past a bit.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

April was created for a previous story (to which this is a prequel) while the pastor is inspired by my own many years of involvement and interest in religion (I am not a minister myself, but know many of them and I am an admin on a religious/spiritual discussion forum).

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

Not a lot, really. I do lean to more romantic, passionate stories that have some feeling in them rather than "stroke" stories. The fact that it relates to one of my existing stories is a bit of a rarity but even that's not totally new.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Trying to avoid turning it into some kind of lurid diatribe on Christian sexual hypocrisy and toning down the theological elements (which figured more explicitly in the early drafts).

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

I have experience with some local independent escorts and they are wonderful women. I'm hoping April does them justice because they get short shrift from the rest of the world too much of the time.
Introduce the title of your story:
The Angela series

various categories

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this is the link to Part 1, and the latest Part... 14

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
The 3 main characters were loosely based on my former boss, his ex wife and his girlfriend, but only in terms of that relationship, a few of the physical attributes and the fact they did own a business with 3 locations. When the company went out of business, they really screwed over all the employees, so i wrote the story making him nasty because I was rather upset with the whole situation.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
See above

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
Well, this is a much longer story than anything I have posted on here before.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
Since it is a continuing story, rather than a series of stand alone stories with the same characters, it has been a challenge to keep timelines and details consistent throughout the entire story. Due to the fact that a small change in an earlier chapter can have repercussions on later scenes, or a slight change in direction in a later chapter might need a bit of retrofitting in the earlier parts for it to make sense, I had the entire story written before I posted the first part. Even with that, i made a few small changes in some of the earlier parts based on a few comments I got, which then forced an entire re-edit of the rest of the story. Also, just because of the nature of the story, I have walked a fine line to keep the content within the site guidelines, while at the same time telling the story the way I want, and having it go where I want it to go.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
This was one of the first stories I had written and I was posting on another site. It was about a 12 parter at the time. When I joined Lush, I started posting it here as well. After I had posted about half of it, Lush decided there were aspects of it they did not like and removed all the parts already posted. I let it sit for quite some time, but about 8 months ago, decided to revisit it and it ended up much longer than the original, as well as a much better story in my opinion. One of my goals here is to write a story in every category. This story has allowed me fulfill a good portion of that goal, by posting each part in the category it fits into the best, rather than posting the entire story in a single category, or as a novel.
Introduce the title of your story:
A Teutonic Temptation


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What first inspired you to write this particular story?

Katie - The idea to collaborate in the first place was totally Chrissie's. I think it would be fair to say that much of the plot and structure came from me. The inspiration for every other element of the story was completely shared, even down to the artwork for the story's banner. This is a true collaboration in every sense of the word.

Chrissie - I’ve been a big fan of Katie’s stories from day zero, and I’ve also toyed with idea of doing a collaboration for ages. When the topic came up in our talk, I simply couldn’t resist asking her if she was interested. And interested she was! We found that we both had the time, and like pulling a rabbit from a hat, she didn’t need but a moment to have a perfect story line laid out.

How did you come up with these characters?

Katie - I'm just Katie in the story. That doesn't change in all my written ramblings.

Chrissie - The same for me. I mean, not me being Katie. I’m very much myself here, which is different from most of my other stories.

How does it differ from some of your other stories?

Katie - All my stories are based on experience of inspired at least in part by my travels and things that have happened to me. A Teutonic Temptation has none of that in it. I've never been to Germany. I had to look up all sorts of things in research including castles, Bavarian food and even the name of Munich's airport to name but a few. What fun though!

Chrissie - As said above, there’s more of plain Chrissie in A Teutonic Temptation. It’s my first collaboration story too, so I had really no idea what awaited me. I was completely astounded by the ease with which everything flowed together though. Katie’s a wonderful planner and an even more wonderful co-author. Things just clicked, and waiting for her next part, hooking my part into hers and laying out some hooks of my own which she could build upon was a thrilling writing experience.

What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Katie - We wanted to write a story that played a little on the age difference between Chrissie and I. While 15 years isn't that much really, there was enough of a difference to make that an interesting plot device. It was fun to write about the insecurities I might have about trying to seduce an older lady, but the challenge for me was to make that sound natural rather than something odd or almost fetish like. Chrissie's also a very talented and prolific writer. It's fair to say I felt quite daunted about the prospect of trying to live up to any expectations she had or me.

Chrissie - Normally, when I write, I can go all out and not worry about where my imagination carries me. Working on this story together with Katie meant that I suddenly had to think about her views too, make sure that our descriptions matched up and reign in all these plot bunnies that suddenly tried to jump in the way. Watching the story grow piece by piece was an incredible experience, and Katie seemed to pick up my thoughts without me even having to voice them. I have to admit, to get a grip on my nerves and ask her in the first place was a challenge in itself, perhaps the biggest of all.

Anything else you want to tell us about it?

Katie - Chrissie and I hadn't really spoken that much prior to writing, so there was a little bit of the fear of the unknown before I started. Those fears soon disappeared. Chrissie was just amazing fun to work with and the whole experience was a complete delight.

Chrissie - As Katie said, we only knew each other a bit, so there were a lot of unknowns. Those evaporated quickly. Katie’s brilliant! The story itself is both sweet and steaming hot. We both were blushing a lot while we wrote it. There’s a lot of flirting and tentative seduction going on that should be as much fun to read as it was to write it.
Introduce the title of your story:Images Of Sin
Provide the link:Click Here To Read Images Of Sin

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
This story is based on a previous story, Made For Sin. I didn't intend to do a follow up, but when I reread it and talked to a friend, the idea for a continuation formed and the story has taken on a life of it's own. Images of Sin centers around the two women in the original story, one has a fascination with photography.

2. How did you come up with these characters?Renee is very loosely based on two people I know, I am one of them. Natalie is based on a friend that I have a massive girl crush on. There are characteristics that both women share, and their relationship develops quickly in Made For Sin. In this story that relationship grows by a person that has his own plans for them.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?Most of my stories are based on fact, either from my life or those of my friends or colleagues. I've grown to love writing fiction as it gives me room for growth. The most important thing for me is to try to learn more about writing while getting better one story at a time.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?It was difficult to convey the range of emotions of Renee while embracing the sex that she desperately wanted. I could say more here, but that would ruin the story. I'd much rather everyone read the story and form their own opinions.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?I've been told that I should not delay on the remainder of the story, but honestly, I don't have any idea where the story will go. My hope is that I sit down and the story writes itself, taking me along for a helluva sexy ride.
Title of your story: Blue Light Special
Genre/Category: Humor Stories
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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
I thought of the basic premis for this story while sitting in Waffle House munching down on a All-Star breakfast special.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
They just came to me from having seen a lot of people much like these characters. I'm sure bits and pieces from a lot of experiences. I gave them Southern accents, but their characters are found everywhere you go. And I've traveled a lot.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
This is my second Humor story and the first one I started out totally in the frame of mind to write a humorous sex story.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
That's difficult to say. I just made an outline and started writing, getting into each character and bringing them to life. Writing the cops was a lot of fun. In this story I created a contrast between the attitude/morals of the city cops and the county deputies. You may catch the very subtle attitude of Sarge when the deputies talk about how they hand out traffic tickets.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
I've enjoyed eating at Waffle House restaurants all of my life. The corporation was started and headquartered where I live in Atlanta, Georgia, so they are everywhere in this part of the country. There are even interstate exits with a Waffle House on both sides of the interstate, in sight of each other. So having experienced so many, so often, the atmosphere felt like second nature.

The sex scene, well that was just pure fun. I knew the waitress character's crown of glory would be her hair, hence the "Not the hair!" while having sex. I also thought of John Travolta's character in Saturday Night Fever. For many people, the hair is a major investment.

And why can't there be some humor in the sex scene itself? So there you go.

If y'all read 'Blue Light Special' I sure hope you have a lot of fun reading it.
Introduce the title of your story: New Friends
Genre/Category: Group Sex
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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I love the idea of sex outdoors, even though I've never done it. Once I wrote the first paragraph, the idea of another couple similarly engaged appearing and joining them occurred to me and I ran with that.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

I did not originally start this as a story about Ross and April (from my older story April's Secret), but as I wrote the scene and tried to come up with a name for the woman sucking the narrator's cock, "April" popped into my head. She's pretty insistent at times, so I let her stay and it became a new Ross and April story. The others are new and mostly aimed at being different from Ross and April.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

I haven't really experimented with Group Sex much (a threesome in one story but that's about it) so that's the really new dynamic here.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

The ending. I knew I had to reflect on how the encounter affects the core relationship (Ross & April) but it took a long time to get that right.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

April and Ross seem to have wormed their way into my brain so expect more about them and definitely look back at the other April stories if you have not already done so.
Introduce the title of your story: A General Erection
Genre/Category: Humour
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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? With the British General Election dominating the news (until the royal baby) I thought it would be fun to do a little erotic satire.

2. How did you come up with these characters? They kind of wrote themselves. I thought it would be nice to have interplay between a sexy politician and a hard journalistic sort. I chose names that were sexually suggestive or contained some sort of sexual reference.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? Well, it's my first story in the humour category.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? making it funny. So far I seem to have pulled it of! *stop giggling in the back*

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? The parliamentary constituency names are lampooning actual names, which are generally silly sounding, e.g Old Bexley and Sidcup. I just changed them to be sexually suggestive.

Thank you for reading

Danny xxx

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

Introduce the title of your story: Secret Desires: A Tale of Affairs.
Genre/Category: Cheating
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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
I've tried my hand at writing 'regular' fiction a few times, but met little success. I thought I'd give erotica a go, so I sat and thought up a main character; what is she like? What is her life like? Most importantly, what is interesting about her, that is, why would we want to read about her?
2. How did you come up with these characters?
When I first put fingers to keyboard, I only had three people in mind, and not names. When I was writing names were picked at random - whatever felt right at the time - and the rest, well they just kind of, wiggled their way in, for whatever I need them to do.
3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
This is my first erotica story. As said above I have tried 'regular' fiction, but they were all terrible and never made it to the end. This however, I am loving, and have really high hopes for!
4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
This is a WIP, uploading by the chapter. The most challenging thing is; re-learning proper grammar and punctuation. Been a long time since I've written anything.
5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
As said, it is a WIP. As I have been writing it though, I have thought up a back-story for my main character. So my stand alone novella has become the fourth in a series of four books. They will follow both the life of, and the sexual endeavors of, Sarah - a brilliant young woman, who has had to overcome some serious challenges in life - as she grows from shy young 16 year old, (18 if that's lush rules, I need to check) to the crazy, woman she is today. I might also do some spin off's following a few people who will make an appearance in this series, there are a possible four spin off's, if I can make these people work, with a book of their own.
Coming soon...
Introduce the title of your story: Sinnerman
Genre/Category: Seduction
Provide the link: https://www.

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
It's not the first erotica I write, but for the first one I wanted published, I loosely based it on a personnal experience. Good memories are a powerful supplement for imagination and as a writer they also provide a much more intimate connexion to a text. There must be pride in there somewhere too.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
Well, obviously, they're alternate versions of real people. That is myself and one exceptionnal italian lady, whom I shall not speak about. Though I chose to put it into a second-person point of view, to try and share the proximity I have to the story with the readers.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
I have no other stories. But it differs from my other writing by not simply be a crude outlet for personnal fantaisies. It's more sophisticated than that.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
The most challenging thing is certainly that it was to be erotic while not actually being about sex. It's a precarious balance. I didn't want to fall into something either too detached or too dirty. What I wanted to do was write about the tension between a man and a woman who know they will fuck, but enjoy themselves so much they will bring the tension between them to an uncontrolable point. What happens after that point is fun too.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
I guess that if you won't find immediate sexual relief in this. Also, don't read if you're too much into religion. And go visit Roma.
Introduce the title of your story: Wife Writing: Dripping Wet
Genre/Category: Wife Lovers
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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
Hmmm... The question should be, can I and should I answer this question. I'll just let your imaginations run wild with this.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
I can say that I have known and carried these characters with me for a long time.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
This is my first Wife Lovers category story. This isn't related to anything cuckold, its not a swinger story. It does deal with past relationship issues of the two main characters, a husband and wife. And quite frankly, despite all the rough sex, it's a love story.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
The most challenging thing was to write a sustained hardcore sex scene. This story does have just enough back story to lead in, but it soon becomes a sex scene – a long and vivid sex scene. In fact that was what I was experimenting with, the writing of a story that is mostly a prolonged sex scene. Not just a sex scene, but a hardcore sex scene, rough and wild, written to carry the story while selling the emotional perspective. I wondered if I could pull that off and make it work.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
This story is not for everyone, but if you do enjoy a very descriptive story about sex – hardcore sex, that you can lay back and soak it up for several minutes then this may just be the story for you.
Introduce the title of your story: The Fast Lane
Genre/Category: Straight Sex
Provide the link: Click Here To Read The Fast Lane

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
Honestly, I don't really know. When the competition was announced I had no idea that I'd want to enter it. It's been so long since I've written anything. I was messing around with the theme of the comp and watching ESPN when the story line just popped.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
I thought about the newly rich, old money men, and Maelynn's story formed out of those characteristics. The story is about her, every other character was birthed because of her story.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
I wrote this story free form, when I normally write off a thorough outline that explains what I want to say in a I want to develop the characters. I didn't do that this time. Also, the heavily detailed sex isn't present in this piece. I mean sex is there, but it's just a backdrop.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
I took the theme to heart. I wanted to explore more than one aspect of why money talks. So I tried to delve into the lifestyle of money and how it speaks to society. The story is about more than sex for money, and I tried hard to convey that even with the limitation of 3500 words.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
I just hope some won't dislike the story because of the French. I decided to go ahead with bits of the language because of the setting of the story, but everyone should know that every line of French is clearly explained in English. The reader isn't missing any important elements of the story.
Introduce the title of your story: Adrenalin
Genre/Category: Oral Sex
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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

It’s an idea I’ve had for a few years now. I wanted to take a look at how two people who have a really close relationship, but otherwise shouldn’t be together, might cross that line with each other after an unusual shared experience. In this case, a pair of marine park divers who have a brush with a great white shark. The recent call for submissions for the Lush Summer anthology was the kicking I needed to bring it to life.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

George is an amalgam of a couple of women from my life in an attempt to create the coolest chick I could. Drawing from a petite ex-, I took her fierce intellect and highly capable physicality, together with her maturity and the genuine warmth that lay just beneath her sometimes-intimidating exterior. Combining those qualities with the wickedly filthy sense of humour and lifelong bond I share with my best mate, I had the perfect female character.

The male character is loosely based on me, in another self-indulgent exercise. His backstory as an ex-special forces soldier gives him the necessary skills to keep up with George, and the mettle to face off with the great white shark. But the core of his character, and the heart of the story, is how the adrenalin rush from the encounter throws him off balance. This similarly confident operator becomes racked with doubt and uncertainty in the aftermath, leaving him very much vulnerable.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

In addition to just being an oral sex story, this one’s an incredibly slow burn. I originally thought it’d be all done and dusted in a cheeky four or five thousand words. But by the time I finished, I was approaching eleven thousand. I certainly think the payoff is worth it, and there’s just as much fun to be had in the lead up. Still, I’m surprised it took me so long to get there.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Capturing the tension in the encounter with the shark was a lot more difficult than I expected. I of course needed to ratchet up the fear and suspense, but I also needed to pace it right. I didn’t want this to be a Jaws knock off. It was hard to keep the shark from stealing the show. It’s merely the catalyst for the two of them to have an encounter of their own.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

This is just one of many amazing stories in the Lush Summer anthology. Buz, Poppet, MadameMolly, Jimmy Starling, Liz, Pervystoryteller and SITTING all have smoking hot contributions to it as well. It’s definitely the best value read you’ll get your hands on this summer.

And despite the recent spate of shark attacks in the headlines of late, it’s still worth remembering that more people are killed by vending machines each year than sharks. Just sayin’…
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Introduce the title of your story: Neighbours
Genre/Category: Straight Sex
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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? It was unusually hot, I couldn't sleep because of the heat and because of pain from recent major reconstructive surgery on my right ankle, I was trying to distract myself until the narcotics could kick in.

2. How did you come up with these characters? The female protagonist is essentially a description of myself and what I was actually wearing that night, the male protagonist was very loosely based on some neighbours, all male, who had the only real (albeit an obstructed one) view into my backyard. All of the ephemera in the story--the description of the yard, the description of the female protagonist's attire (or lack thereof), the names of her dogs, the description of her kitchen and living room and the furniture within, even the name of winery on the bottle of Riesling the female protagonist pours into glasses at the start of the story, those are all quite real. I wasn't feeling terribly imaginative when I wrote Neighbours.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? Probably in the extent of the details...also, I think I knocked out Neighbours in about two hours.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? Honestly? Proofing it, because by then the narcotics had kicked in, and hard, and I refuse to use a spellcheck or grammar check programme, even though English is not my natural language.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? Oddly, it is the story that (I believe) has generated the most views. It's not my best, but clearly the whole voyeurism/female domination (she asks him to watch her masturbate but refuses to allow him to touch either her or to touch himself) is something that appeals to a wide array of people.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

Introduce the title of your story: The Bookworm & the Surfer
Genre/Category: Straight Sex
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1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? I was invited by SandyMonroe to write a story for an anthology with a "song" theme. My husband suggested Summer Nights from Grease. I liked how the song was a "he said, she said" song where both told their side of a story, and it wasn't always the same story. So I took that approach with my story, shifting from one character's POV to the other and back again.

2. How did you come up with these characters? I liked the idea of a surfer who on the surface might not look intelligent, but actually is. I did model him after a real surfer who was more than generous with his information. Though the character is fictional, the information is real. My source was invaluable in making sure this read without being insulting and disrespectful. I also liked the shy, quiet girl who stereotypes the surfer. The female "bookworm" was easy as she's a lot like me.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? My first story with a changing POV from male to female as well the first time I've ever had a male 1st person POV.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? The changing POVs, not making the male characters sound too feminine, and making sure my surfing facts were correct. I've never written a story where the POVs switch, nor had I written one that had a male 1st person POV before this. In the end, I'm very pleased with the final result.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? It was blessed early on with a Recommended Read and this is a story I'm extremely proud of. The feedback has been amazing and I feel so blessed that so many have enjoyed it.

A final thought... I wish to thank ChuckEPoo for his surfing knowledge and feedback. That helped so much and this story would not be nearly as awesome without him. I also wish to thank WSCLG for proofreading I don't know how many times for me and catching my silly typos. His feedback helped so much as well. Finally... a HUGE thanks to SandyMonore for a second chance to write a story for another amazing anthology. I'm so honored to be included with so many amazing authors.
Introduce the title of your story: A Taste Of Sweetness
Genre/Category: Oral
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

A friend of mine had a little obsession with a woman riding his face and had never experienced it before.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

One is me one is him..Not very imaginative I know but I am a novice writer

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

It was the fastest one I ever wrote, basically about an hour and stories usually take me a lot longer to write. I prefer to write poetry.

It is also the naughtiest one I have ever written as far as my writing goes story wise and by far my most popular??

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

It was pretty rude for me.

I think as far as sex stories go mine are pretty timid but I was a lot naughtier in my writing in this one..prolly why it did better than the rest

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

The person I wrote it for REALLY liked it.

Hi Nymph
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Introduce the title of your story: The Legend Of The Lust And The Undead
Genre/Category: Historical
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

As a kid I enjoyed reading stories of pirates and watching old black and white pirate movies and thought it would be fun to write one.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

I did some research on names of the time period for some ideas and went from there.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

It has more of a story line.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Writing the dialogue in the way pirates spoke.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

It is my first RR story. It's about pirates who go after one of their own who turned traitor and of course there are ship battles and more. So come and read this exciting swashbuckler of a story.

Introduce the title of your story: Quest For Dalbinth Destroyer Of Life
Genre/Category: Fantasy-Scifi
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I have always wanted to write a story with a dragon in it.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

I did some research on names that would fit the time period and went from there.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

It has more of a story line, more characters and interaction between them. There is more detailed description.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

What I mentioned above in question #3

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

It is my second RR story. It's about a young man out to avenge the death of all those in his village and the people he meets on his quest for the dragon.

Introduce the title of your story:
The Diary


Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
I read several Cuckold stories that seemed impossible to believe. Wimpy guys with small equipment craving big cocks for their gorgeous wives with big tits. Then the submissive hubby is humiliated beyond belief. Wife gets big cock and everyone lives happily ever after. I wanted to display a story showing the manipulating manner of the whole thing with consequences, showing what happens when you play games with people's lives.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
The name Mark seemed perfect to be feminized to Marky. Julie was a name from my past. A real bitch.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
This story has true villians and the triumphal emergence of Mark as a man breaking away from his brain washing, gold digging, bitch of a wife but also using humor in her diary.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
It was a challenge to get the reader to hate Julie and root for pathetic Mark. I wanted to have all the readers cheering fo Mark at the end.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
I think this is my best work to date and am grateful for all the support I recieved through this project and that Nymphwriter believed enough in it to give it an RR.
Introduce the title of your story: Pretty Feet
Genre/Category: Fetish
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? The Money Talks Comp... I wanted to write a story worthy, but different. I was getting my nails done when I was hit with the idea.

2. How did you come up with these characters? I love getting a good manicure & pedicure. I have a great nail gal, so Ciera was modeled after her. The narrator... well... I wanted a character with that unique "famous" name & I love Madonna's Vogue so I picked Rita Hayworth because, "She gave great face." As for the owner, I so often seen non-white men who own these places (black, Asian, Middle Eastern) so I just created a character for that. Even Cagaha name means "feet" in Somali.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? My first fetish story. I think the word count limit actually helped (thank you Nicola!)

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? The foot fetish element. I've avoided this category as I'm not a fan normally, but I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and push myself. From the feedback I've gotten... I feel I have successfully done this.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? Some already know this... but this story was actually the 2nd draft. The 1st draft was lost (as was a few other pieces) due to an OS crash on my laptop. Being force to start over from scratch made me rethink my approach. I took it from a 3rd person POV to a 1st person POV. I know some readers don't like the 1st person POV, but honestly, for this story, it was the right decision. The proof was the RR and placing in the Top 10 of the Money Talks Comp & it's an honor to have this story under the Suggested tab for Fetish stories with the amazing ChrissieLecker.

Hi Kiera!
Introduce the title of your story:
The Diary


Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
I read several Cuckold stories that seemed impossible to believe. Wimpy guys with small equipment craving big cocks for their gorgeous wives with big tits. Then the submissive hubby is humiliated beyond belief. Wife gets big cock and everyone lives happily ever after. I wanted to display a story showing the manipulating manner of the whole thing with consequences, showing what happens when you play games with people's lives.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
The name Mark seemed perfect to be feminized to Marky. Julie was a name from my past. A real bitch.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
This story has true villians and the triumphal emergence of Mark as a man breaking away from his brain washing, gold digging, bitch of a wife but also using humor in her diary.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
It was a challenge to get the reader to hate Julie and root for pathetic Mark. I wanted to have all the readers cheering fo Mark at the end.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
I think this is my best work to date and am grateful for all the support I recieved through this project and that Nymphwriter believed enough in it to give it an RR.
Introduce the title of your story: My Orgasms Are His
Genre/Category: Straight Sex
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

Wilful did. This story was actually a cheeky/naughty email I sent to a friend who was stationed in Iraq.

Will always encourages me and I had never written/published a story before only poems. The person I wrote the email for said I should make it a story so I asked Will who gave me some great advice on how to do it and encouraged me to do so.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

I did not add characters to this story. Will gave me options on how I could make the story work, one being that I could leave them blank for the readers to imagine they are the characters. I tried all the options he gave me with several attempts and failures but found this way worked best for me as I was not comfortable making myself an "actual" character at the time.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

It does not as it was the first story I wrote and published here.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Writing it at all. I am more comfortable at writing poetry but was encouraged to step out of my comfort zone and try something new.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

Nymph saw my story and was wonderful.

It all went tits up and would not format properly when I sent it in and she was really kind and helpful to me.

She asked me to send her the original format. I really was about to give up as my story when submitted turned into a big pile of goo. But she helped me after I sent her what I had and formatted it a bit differently than I had but it only made it better imo and she published it for me smile It is people like her and Wilful and Buz ect who help us and encourage us new writers not to give up and to progress that make this site so amazing.

I also had a woman email me saying this story turned her on so much she made her man read it aswell and then had him reenact it with her biggrin Now That was the best compliment I ever had thus far and I was chuffed to bits.
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Introduce the title of your story: Stroker Ace Part 1 of 2
Genre/Category: Seduction
Provide the link: https://

Lush: What first inspired you to write this particular story?

Lilah(The Lady of Shalott): I was invited by Sandy Monroe to take part in Summer Songs - the erotic stories anthology containing the work of several other authors. We were given creative freedom to write whatever we wanted as long as the content of the story is interwoven with the lyrics of a song. Since I have always had a soft spot for plots involving FFM threeways with kinky elements I started searching for a song related to that. Finally a friend of mine suggested Stroker Ace by Lovage by saying "this seems so much like a Domme seducing a couple". And it clicked right into place. If it were just for me I'd probably come up with something trivial such as a dark, seductive man sweeping a girl off her feet and bringing her as a sexy gift to his wife.

Lush: How did you come up with these characters?
Lilah:They were inspired by the song lyrics and partly because of the music video to the song. However mostly they came from my imagination and were revolving around themes that were arousing my curiosity such as the doubts we are tormented by before we finally embrace our true nature. Annabelle and Evan - the couple going through marital crisis and struggling with their sexuality - are very loosely based on people I have met in my life.

Lush: How does it differ from some of your other stories?
Lilah A much more established background and backstory of the characters, a lot more development and greater level of build up before we get to the fun part.

Lush: What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
Writing the sex scenes is always a huge challenge for me, as silly as it may sound coming from a smut writer. But it is always difficult to come up with arousing sex scenes without turning into copy-paste/rehashing of earlier works of yours. Also I found it challenging to come up with a realistic, controlling yet caring Domme. I really wanted to show the rough/tender aspect of submission, hopefully it worked well.

Lush: Anything else you want to tell us about it?
Lilah Expect Part 2. ;)
Introduce the title of your story: Butterfly Beach I : The Wreck of the Golden Dove or The Consequences of Familiar Fruit.
Genre/Category: fantasy/sci fi.
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story

Poppet likes Sci fi Fantasy stories? smile My history of reading is strange. i like comic books. I learned how to read from Winnie the Pooh, The Lord of the Rings, and ERBurroug's John Carter of Mars, which my dad loved, because his dad did... i also have been threatening to do a tentacle sex story for ages, and i think Nicola is getting impatient for me to actually do that. also, i'd just finished off a 6 pack of Coronas.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

honestly? Olivia has been floating around from another series that i never wrote that had the same flavor. the other were actually created by her when she sat down and wrote her first journal entry. they just seemed to fit the story, so i let them stick around.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

a lot of my stories are kind of dark and gritty and realistic. this one is a much lighter piece - much more fun, i think. :)

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

the language. it's her telling the story - a well educated victorian woman - i really needed the tone of the language to be a bit archaic and of that period - i think i captured it fairly well.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

i really do intend to get a little crazy with it in terms of ESB and Jules Verne-like element. there will be lots of adventure and strange creature coming into the story as it develops. i am not sure how many chapters it will end up being - i'll write until i am done with it, i guess. not sure, yet, how it will end, either! lol

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? I was inspired by some other hot stories I've read recently. They were written so well.

2. How did you come up with these characters? I like to base the main character on me a little bit. Personality and physical likeness, and the other is a secret.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? I feel really vulnerable with this one. I am exposing more of myself and that's scary. LOL

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? I made it emotional on purpose and I don't know if anyone will like that.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? I hope that you enjoy it. I can't wait to see where it goes!

Kyong by BDSMBarbieDoll
Introduce the title of your story: A Compromising Marriage
Genre/Category: Historical
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I was writing a totally different type of story based in the same era, so when the new Historical Category was launched it just seemed natural to use my research for a Lush story too.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

My non-erotic story is about a young woman in the early nineteenth century from a very caring family with comfortable resources, and it just made me think about someone of a similar background in less fortunate circumstances, and fewer options.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

This is my first fully-fledged erotic story.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Trying to give sufficient relevant, seamless historical background within the competition word limit!! Also having written the story in a Regency Romance style, I didn't want to ruin the story by making the erotic element seem crass or out of place - but at the same time it needed to be really sexy. That was tricky and I hope I succeeded to some small extent.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

I got really intrigued by the idea of a young woman who was limited by the sexual mores of her time. The notion of making her this passionate woman who was trapped by her circumstances, and finding a way to overcome that without overtly rebelling in a way that would de-stabilise her existence really caught my imagination.
1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? The first one that I looks like there will be a third chapter as well.

2. How did you come up with these characters? They were in the last chapter, which is the first story that I wrote.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? I'm a little more confident in my writing.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? I can feel a little pressure to do it well. The first one was very well liked. I'm not a story teller, although maybe it's becoming a teensy bit easier. I'm more of a poet, or poet wannabe. I never know if it's good or bad or just horrendous, to tell you the truth. I can just say that I like it personally. I hope that it's not too cliche. I realize this now and after the fact, but it's where I WANT to be with the story.
Just read it with an open mind.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? It got me excited so I hope that it gets others excited as well. ENJOY!
1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? The first two chapters. I'm not a story teller and I'm actually enjoying writing stories now, regardless of the theme.

2. How did you come up with these characters? They were in the first two chapters.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? It's going to be at least 4 chapters long, longer than any other story I have written.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? The whole concept of it.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? Just enjoy and thanks for reading it. My first two chapters have had almost 12,000 views. lol
Quote by sprite
Introduce the title of your story: PRINCESS JAYNE AND THE ELVEN QUEEN

Genre/Category: Fantasy/Supernatural/Humor

Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? [i]I was, at the time, involved in QUITE a loving FLIRT with another member... She was ABSOLUTELY unavailable... Yet, I allowed myself to imagine, What If??? Always a fan of Faerie Tales, and knowing how DARK they often are, I decided to put my characters in THAT genre to see what might happen...

2. How did you come up with these characters? Well, I based the MALE character on me, (very loosely!) and the girl character on my friend... Again, I exaggerated aspects of each character...

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? It's my FIRST fairy story!!! (Not my last!!!) It was HARD to make it LIKE a children's story AND YET do what we need to do here!!! I got quite CAUGHT UP in it, actually...

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
As it DEVELOPED, I found MORE CHARACTERS arriving... (Based on some of my LUSH friends...) That was CHALLENGING, but also FUN to write... ASPECTS of how I perceive people EXAGGERATED!!!

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? I don't DRAW... (I CAN'T!) Many readers said, 'Oh, this should have illustrations!' and really IT SHOULD! I can SEE the various characters... (The GOBLINS are FUCKING SCARY!!!) Maybe some day somebody will send me drawings!

xx SF