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Can I get an interview with you?

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Introduce the title of your story: West Coast Games
Genre/Category: Hardcore
Format: Three Parts

Part One: The Beach

Part Two: The Free Fall

Part Three: The Fireworks

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

The first little spark of a concept came up in a casual conversation with Sprite. Without spoiling the story, it was something along the lines of “jeez, what’s a girl gotta do to get a Malibu beach house?” It was a solution to an inside joke – a term I came up with that appears in the closing paragraphs of Part Three.

Initially I’d intended this to be a very light-hearted short piece from Roxy’s POV – fun frivolous dirty sex. And then somehow in late January, the whole story began to flesh itself out in my mind and I realized that to accomplish what I wanted to, I needed to go deeper into the psychology of it, and it needed to be told from the male POV. This really is Leo's story.

I knew that I wanted to write something a little different than standard erotica fare with wild crazy sex and happy endings – I wanted to get into the complexities of a destructive relationship – the push/pull and love/hate dynamic. It isn’t always pretty and the reader isn’t always ‘comfortable’ with all the scenes, but that’s part of challenging myself as a writer as well as pushing my readers too.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

They are all composites of different people I’ve known in my life (including some of the actual attitudes and plot points) combined with my own mix of creativity, and yes, there’s some of me in there too.

The main characters of Roxy and Leo were really designed to be opposites of each other – she’s the exciting and unpredictable one and he’s the stable and analytical type. You can see these underpinnings in every scene, and even in the sex itself. While Roxy is set up from the beginning as a ‘cautionary tale’ of turbulent and ultimately doomed love, she really is the catalyst for everything that happens. I wanted to write her as the kind of girl that’s addictive and lusty, that acts on impulse and creates chaos by going after what she wants, but I also wanted to humanize her. There are several scenes of vulnerability as she goes through her own brief moments of self-reflection and uncertainty.

Leo is likely to be far more relatable to most readers (both male and female) as the guy that gets caught up in her web and while recognizing it’s an unhealthy relationship, he is still unable to let her go. He gets pulled back in by the intense sex and the adrenaline rush that comes from unpredictable relationships like these.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

This is the most psychologically complex piece I’ve attempted in the erotica genre. While the sex is crazy and rough and hot, it’s really about a love/hate relationship. To do justice to that, I go much deeper into the characters than I usually do. The length of the piece allows me to cover a lot of ground and show the evolution of both the relationship and the characters from the beautiful opening scenes in ‘The Beach’ to the slow downspiral in ‘The Free Fall’ to the final chapter in ‘The Fireworks’ where everything comes to a head.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Writing in the male POV in first person was something I’d never done before and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to pull it off. It definitely pushed me to really get into the headspace of this character and see the progression of the story from his viewpoint, with his particular brand of emotional baggage. In fact, I was so deep into this character that I ended up going back and rewriting portions of it in my second and third drafts/edits because it didn't feel 'authentic' to who he was.

I also wanted to create a kind of ‘atmosphere’ to the piece as a whole. It takes place on a variety of beaches on the coast, it pulls from surf culture, an LA nightclub, a Fourth of July beach party – the location itself is very central to the theme. I use the surfing metaphor quite a bit to show the nature of their relationship – the lulls, the highs and lows and the crashes. It’s also a metaphor for Roxy’s game plan – which is revealed by the end of the novella.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

This is a look at the dark side of human relationships and motivations and while it’s not the type of story that everyone will find easy to digest, it is my favourite piece of writing in this genre. I thought I was ready to put these characters to rest, but in the aftermath I’m not quite sure. I’m considering writing a Prequel from Roxy’s POV – her journey from Arizona to the Coast leading up to her relationship with Leo. I touched a little bit on this in ‘The Beach’ – setting up where she came from. This would be bundled together with West Coast Games and sold as an eBook.
Oh! It Burns!

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I've never made a secret of the fact that I'm a fan of a man in a kilt. I thought that I'd like to put that into a story somewhere, sometime. The opportunity never really arose, but I began to toy with the idea of a poem or ballad, in my mind.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

It was well over a year ago and I was chatting with a friend and the idea for a sexy poem came to mind, but written in Scot's English. I've always been a fan of the Scottish poet, Robert Burns and a friend put me onto the fact that he used to write dirty, saucy poems as well - I genuinely think that he would have approved of this and would probably be on Lush, were he alive today.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

Well, I was worried that people wouldn't understand it, so I took a long time, going back to it, working on it and reading it aloud - I figured that it really had to go out with an audio and I usually record those only after a story has been approved. This time I got the audio attached before it went onto the front page because I didn't it to posted without it.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

It wasn't the writing that was challenging, rather my worries about how it would be received by the Lush readers (if it even got approved in the first place!! I put in an "English" translation underneath - not really because I had to, but because I thought that it would be a funny contrast to the broad dialect of the poem) I was SO nervous about this one!!!

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

Yes, the fact that I've been suffering the most awful writer's block and wanted to post something, and then OMKN said something in a forum about reading a poem of mine in a Glasgow accent, finally gave me the guts to post this. I honestly had no clue what people would make of it but I've had some lovely feedback so far and it's certainly something a wee bit different, not just for me, but for Lush too...

It really was just a bit of fun and so far, people seem to be seeing it that way!

Quote by Mazza
Oh! It Burns!

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I've never made a secret of the fact that I'm a fan of a man in a kilt. I thought that I'd like to put that into a story somewhere, sometime. The opportunity never really arose, but I began to toy with the idea of a poem or ballad, in my mind.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

It was well over a year ago and I was chatting with a friend and the idea for a sexy poem came to mind, but written in Scot's English. I've always been a fan of the Scottish poet, Robert Burns and a friend put me onto the fact that he used to write dirty, saucy poems as well - I genuinely think that he would have approved of this and would probably be on Lush, were he alive today.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

Well, I was worried that people wouldn't understand it, so I took a long time, going back to it, working on it and reading it aloud - I figured that it really had to go out with an audio and I usually record those only after a story has been approved. This time I got the audio attached before it went onto the front page because I didn't it to posted without it.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

It wasn't the writing that was challenging, rather my worries about how it would be received by the Lush readers (if it even got approved in the first place!! I put in an "English" translation underneath - not really because I had to, but because I thought that it would be a funny contrast to the broad dialect of the poem) I was SO nervous about this one!!!

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

Yes, the fact that I've been suffering the most awful writer's block and wanted to post something, and then OMKN said something in a forum about reading a poem of mine in a Glasgow accent, finally gave me the guts to post this. I honestly had no clue what people would make of it but I've had some lovely feedback so far and it's certainly something a wee bit different, not just for me, but for Lush too...

It really was just a bit of fun and so far, people seem to be seeing it that way!

MAZZA...I've never proclaimed to be a critic or an especially learned person about literature and language or even accents. I only can tell you if I "like"
something. I have come to appreciate the spoken word in the presentation of stories and poems. Yes ... I'm a bit nutty about accents! I wish that I had the ear for accents that my wife does...I swear she could probably tell you someone's postal code just by hearing them talk!!

So ... seeing this being put on the front page was / is a triple delight. First of all, I enjoy your rather unique style of writing about "adult" matters. Secondly, I enjoy your regular Scottish accent. and thirdly...this particular accent is a bonus of immeasurable delight. That truly made last evening an audio delight.

Thank you so much for posting it...and I hope you'll consider doing more in the future for your listening fan base.
Introduce the title of your story: A Bunnie To Play With
Genre/Category: BDSM
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

The short answer is: NaNoWriMo - for anyone not familiar with it, it's an annual, world-wide event through the month of November, where every participant tries to write a novel - 50,000 words is the goal to reach there.

The long answer: I always wanted to extend the classic college-roommate seduction-into-kink setup into something longer and more meaningful that the short stories I had written and read - a journey of discovery that keeps you breathless from the start and has emotional development.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

Bunnie just popped into my head while I was thinking about something completely unrelated. There's a nice, funny story around her nickname, which will be explained in one of the early chapters. Her roommate, Anne, has been standing on the sidelines and waiting for her assignment for quite some time. She's the tough, excitable, partly experienced and, at times, self-doubting domme.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

It's a novel. Around 75,000 words. And it's quite intense, in terms of BDSM. I usually focus more on the mental aspects of submission, but I delved into pain as an aphrodisiac as well with this one.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Keeping up suspense, that was really the hardest part in writing it. There were a number of times when I just felt like dropping the (metaphorical) pen and giving up because I got the impression that I was just tying scenes together. So I had to go back and delete half-written chapters to make it a smooth arc. There was also the temptation to "go all out", even more than with shorter stories, and it sometimes became a struggle to restrain myself.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

Let's see - Bunnie's quite naïve in some regards, and she's got quite the roller-coaster ride ahead of her. Anne's going to see that you sometimes haven't learned as much in your past as you thought. There's a mysterious, beautiful Asian girl who will play a central part in the story, and a little drama and reconciliation will be inevitable.

Paper clips - mustn't forget about those. I'm looking at them with different eyes ever since I wrote this novel. They're right up there now with whips and canes - those will make an appearance as well.

It's not an exclusive relationship. My main characters both have their inner sluts come out and frolic, sometimes making for a tangled web. So, yeah, plenty of big, kinky "O"s there to indulge in.
Introduce the title of your story: Summer Loving In The Park
Genre/Category: Exhibition
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

It was a fantasy told to me by an ex-boyfriend. He wanted me to write a story about it.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

They are very loosely based on me and him.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
This is the only erotic story that has anything to do with me. All the rest of my work is based on random characters in my head, who demand their stories be told.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
For me editing is the most challenging part of any writing, because I often don't see my own mistakes.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
This is just a fantasy, it never actually happened.
Introduce the title of your story: Samuel. The name of one of the characters. Because I'm creative like that.

Genre/Category: Gay Male.

Provide the link: Here (Pt. 1), here (Pt. 2), and here (Pt. 3).

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? On an immediate level, I'm trying to get back in the habit of writing at least five pages every single night, without fail. And erotic stories are fun to write. Don't need to search for motivation to write something that turns me on.

On a slightly deeper level, I'm probably still carrying some emotional baggage from the timing of my realization of my sexuality. Exploring that by writing fiction about it is a kind of therapy. With sex. Lots of sex.

2. How did you come up with these characters? They are very loosely based on the real me and my first serious boyfriend.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? It's a product of my new commitment to writing. I'm going to write, finish, and publish stories regularly as opposed to my old process, which was to over-craft every word until I got so frustrated that I just quit writing for several years. It shouldn't feel like work.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? Editing. Long as it is, it started out much longer. I cut three entire scenes and whittled others down tremendously. That 10k word limit is going to be my nemesis.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? Going to be more of these characters. I'm enjoying writing them. I suspect they'll be my go-to for light concept gay stories for a while to come. Two more chapters already ongoing, plus an idea for a third, and a piece of character exploration will be going up today if I have time to finish editing. So I really hope you like them.
Introduce the title of your story: Seducing Collette

Genre/Category: Seduction

Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

There were two factors that played together. Someone asked in the Reader's forum if people minded encountering their name in stories. Someone else (you guessed it, named Collette) complained that she had never seen hers. Which is a shame, it's an incredibly pretty name. So I offered, sure that I could find a spot in one of my story ideas.

Then, there was this idea - not much more than a situation and a feeling at first - that suddenly wanted to be written down. It all started out with me licking my sticky fingers and the old 'what if' game suddenly going off in my mind. Can't give away too much, though.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

Collette was a given. And John and Lydia, I guess, must have been standing at the sidelines for some time and waited for their entry. There are parts of me in both Collette and Lydia, and the rest just snapped together when I let them talk in my head. Did I tell you that I'm sometimes a bit crazy like that? No? Well, now you know.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

This one was written in one go. I didn't even need a coffee break (more that the story didn't allow me one) so engrossed was I. It just, how shall I say it, flowed. Really. As if the story had been there all this time, finished and ready to go out into the world, and I was just the midwife making sure it took its first breath.

It's also more romantic and sensual. I've usually got a narrower focus on power games and that dark, unspoken of corner in my characters' minds. This one is lighter, written from straight from the heart.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

No coffee. Definitely that. I'm a coffee addict. Other than that, I'm afraid, nothing. If every story flowed like this one, I could write two novels each month.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

It's hard to say much without giving things away. Lydia and John are married and move to the countryside, where the first person they encounter is their neighbor Collette. She's a pretty redhead, and they are instantly smitten. Of course there's only one direction into which their thoughts go, and they are definitely no slouches when it comes to seducing a beautiful country girl.

I hope you enjoy it!
Introduce the title of your story: The Microbrew
Genre/Category: Fantasy/Sci-Fi
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
Two things.
1. I read a good, short, sci-fi story that sparked an idea in my own mind (and I'm sorry to say the story title escapes me at the moment as I read so many stories.)
2. I hadn't done a sci-fi story for Lush and the idea I had would not only work, but I felt strongly it would be a fun story to write.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
I love strong female characters, and being a teacher, writing stories about teachers is always fun. Like with many of my stories, there are some ties to my real-life. I try to not repeat my character names which is why having access to Google helps (I search names if I'm stuck.) Phoebe is a lot like me in many ways. She often feels like the "fifth-wheel" in a group situation so if or when anyone pays any attention to her, it's often a surprise.
Zylen just fit with the genre and if you've read the story, his name fits the character. I got lucky with his sister's name, Zyana, it's just was the perfect complement.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
My female lead is older than most, and is more "real" than a few of my other ladies. I've always said my characters are flawed, and here again, that is a common thread. But this one has elements I've never tried before and to my shock, it worked. I'm really happy I took this chance.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
The science-fiction/fantasy elements. Keeping it relevant to the story, without getting to... "far out". The other was the title. The working title I had wasn't right, and I knew it. However, I always have at least one other person read my work before I submit to catch my errors & he suggested the title.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
I'm beyond thrilled and flattered that his too earned an RR. I had intended this to be a one-shot deal, but the feedback I've gotten already tells me I need to rethink that and continue the story. After all, we haven't met Zylen's parents yet.... hehehehe
Introduce the title of your story: Satisfaction in the Park
Genre/Category: Straight Sex
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

Wanting something fairly quick and hot along with wanting to work more with female characters. Sexual frustration, unfortunately, comes naturally to me these days so someone satisfying their unmet desires is a theme I wanted to play with.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

Pretty much came out of the scenario. I wanted a frustrated single woman and a hot, frustrated guy to come together.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

I wrote it in the third person with the woman as the main viewpoint character. Really, I would normally have written this story as Brent, the male protagonist.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Trying to make the woman seem real. I am a guy so writing guys comes naturally to me. Women I have to base more on reading others and on the women I know.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

It's not over. I am going to continue Michelle and Brent's story (it's about half written) but first I'm finishing off a short piece that introduces two more characters who will become part of their story.
Introduce the title of your story: Heat
Genre/Category: Group Sex Stories
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

Uhm. Heat. Really, it was topping 100°F here, which is not really common, and I'd been sweating my ass off for days. Then I tried to continue one of my ongoing storylines, but I simply couldn't focus due to the heat. The idea to write a story centering around just that was almost inevitable.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

I guess they were born from emotions. My female main character is the personification of my barely contained annoyance about not being able to write what I had intended to, and the situation that sets off the story just came naturally. She's fed up (having all reasons to be, unlike I myself had when I wrote it) and easily irritated, but she's about to make a major discovery about herself. My male character needed to mirror a lot of her traits to enable them to bump heads, so he took shape right along with her.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

It's driven more by outside influence than most of my other stories, which work from a deep-seated need inside my main characters - that outside influence being mostly the constant heat. It has got more conflict, and to make that palpable, I wrote it in present tense.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Even if I run into the danger of sounding repetitive - the heat. I was feeling as if I'd never be able to rid myself of that clingy coating of sweat, and the idea of stepping under the shower and staying there forever got more inviting with every typed word.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

Keep a bottle of water and a towel handy. Read at your own risk. It earned a Recommended Read, so I don't think it is too shabby. There's a serious confrontation, a mean little act of revenge, one or two embarrassing moments, a naughty twist and, at least I hope, some sizzling heat which doesn't have anything to do with the weather.
Introduce the title of your story:

Title: The Geologist
Genre/Category: Lesbian
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

Another author, a friend, read one of my stories and commented on it. When I answered they offered advice to improve then offered to read it and make suggestions. I tend to write a lot of detail and it interfered with the sex parts. To much detail to soon and this was to try and fix that.

They suggested that I write about a lesbian encounter because I never had and maybe being in a new area would help. They were right, it has and I'm seeing a difference. They read five iterations before saying it was good enough. Then it was rejected twice. Very valid rejections and after essentially rewriting a large part for the second one, I have a problem with tense, the first reviewer approved it.

I was quite pleased that it was the original reviewer too. She is not an English speaker but hers is better than mine and I grew up with it. I am never upset with rejections. My ego screams like a scalded monkey but I kick it into submission and send it back to the hole I allow it to live in.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

I own a small store selling mineral specimens, among other stuff, so it lead right into them being geologists. The locations, minerals, are all factual. The dildos are available online but can be very expensive depending on the materials. Premium Lapis Lazuli is quite pricy and the best does come from Afghanistan, India and surrounding areas. The cheapest I found was $400 but I don't think I could make one for that. Those are done off-shore where they pay pennies to get it done.

Mostly it's the sex though, this is and that's what everyone expects. When I write the story it excites me, feeling it all as it's happening, then when I read them, proofing and fixing things, I get excited again. If I'm allowed to write a sequel to this - contest entries can't be part of a serial story - they're going to have a lot of fun in a couple of mines.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

I was challenged to write about two women. I started the first iteration and had them meet a guy (me of course) with no sex but my friend said it's about lesbians, not guys. It was hard not being there in the story but I think I pulled it off. With major help that I will never forget. One day they'll need help and I'll be standing there waiting to give it

It's also the first using the authors suggestions. I hope it does well and people enjoy it.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Trying to understand what a woman really feels inside as she has whatever experience she's involved in. I read a lot of lesbian stories and borrowed thoughts. Never there words but "How" they described it. There is a marked difference sometimes when a male writes about women versus a woman. The same holds true for women writing about men and how they feel. In reality with this genre, erotica, it makes much less difference.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

I want to collaborate on a story, with a female author first. I want her to write the guys part while I write the girls. We'll read each other's and offer suggestions on what, how, etc. I want her to tell me what it feels like, inside, but I'll write the words. The same for her. I want a lot of mutual respect as we do this.

It has the potential to be spectacular. I think about the two egos involved and the conflicts that will arise. There WILL be conflict, there always is. It will be line getting married and learning how to get two adult egos to live together and not kill one another.

Of course my ultimate fantasy existence is to actually live with a female author and write together. We could "Live" the story, do all that stuff and then write about it, but it'll never happen. I'm to old and can't do most of it any more. I don't have the physicality any more, but I like thinking I do, that's what I write about now.

I am always a gentleman.
Sometimes stories get lost in the shuffle. Wouldn't it be great to have our own sexy Lush correspondent, with microphone in hand, to ask you a few quick questions about your latest story, just as it hits the home page? Maybe you've already published something that has more meaning than a lot of your other pieces and you'd like to give it a little air-time and inspire new readers to check it out.

Well, I'm tipping the microphone in your direction, so please answer the following mini-interview questions.

Introduce the title of your story: A Night in the Old South
Genre/Category: Lesbian
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

Since one of my degrees is in history, I like to frame stories during other periods in time. Wartime creates a sense of drama and danger in which to frame the counterpoint of personal intimacy between the main characters, who in this case are especially innocent and vulnerable.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

The setting is the Civil War south. My characters needed to be accustomed to the comforts of gentrified life, only to face losing everything, including their own personal safety. I wanted the innocence of young, sheltered daughters of the Old South finding succor in each other, when the world their parents provided them came crashing down around them.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

It is a period piece, so the surroundings and the specific events of the time needed to be alluded to more carefully, to create the sense of danger. The setting takes more space in this story than in most of my stories.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

It became a challenge to avoid cliche's and creating racial stereotypes which might be offensive to contemporary readers.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

This story is for readers who enjoy literature in general as opposed to a quick sexual pay-off.

Good luck with the votes and views and thanks for your time, XO.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Aww... thank you, naughtynurse! Ok, here we go. smile

Introduce the title of your story: The Blue Room
Genre/Category: (VIP comp entry story)
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
I actually wasn't originally intending on entering the VIP competition. The inspiration came out of a conversation I was having with DamonX late one night about our party days. We were talking about the idea of how much you can get away with on a dance floor. I've gotten away with quite a lot at this EDM event that I go to every year in my city - the intense darkness, swell of the crowd, heat and the general vibe are just conducive for pushing the limits. I started thinking about how the concept would make a great story, and then I realized that it would tie in perfectly with the VIP comp theme.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
Megan is definitely me. The relationship between Megan and Shane is a bit of an echo from one of my past relationships - the issues and dynamics were very similar. I was definitely not thinking of Shane as my ex however (because I hate him.. lol), so he was more styled as any typical guy/BF on that kind of scene, with some DamonX influence as well since it was our fantasy concept. Zach is a composite of various club promoters and party guys I know. These were probably the easiest characters to create in that I drew heavily from real life, and the setting was described just as it is.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
I think it's a mature piece of writing, and it felt much more personal than many of my other stories. The club/location is almost a character in itself - the heat, the music, the way the club space draws you into this dark hedonistic kind of lair. Writing about it brings up a lot of amazing memories. I have always wanted to have this as a setting for a story because I absolutely love this event, so I was excited to have the perfect opportunity to do so.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
Maintaining the bond between Megan and Shane while they're playing with other people. It can be a very disconnecting kind of thing that can spark jealousy, anxiety, and anger. Megan is reluctant at the beginning but I needed to find a way to make the reader understand how she might be willing to suspend her relationship-rules in that environment and go with the flow. The jealousy and arousal of watching your partner with another person is a difficult one to put into words, so I hope I did it justice in this piece.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
A few people have pointed out that I used the "L" word in this story, which surprises them since I typically write with more hardcore themes. lol In a strange way this is one of my more loving and couples-affirming stories, which is a bit odd considering what I put these characters through. I just wanted to say... at the end of the day, shhhh... but yes, Doll does have a soft spot...

Thank you for interviewing yourself. I can use the L word with you. I LOVE your stories. I love your style and skills.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Aww... thank you, naughtynurse! Ok, here we go. smile

Introduce the title of your story: The Blue Room
Genre/Category: (VIP comp entry story)
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
I actually wasn't originally intending on entering the VIP competition. The inspiration came out of a conversation I was having with DamonX late one night about our party days. We were talking about the idea of how much you can get away with on a dance floor. I've gotten away with quite a lot at this EDM event that I go to every year in my city - the intense darkness, swell of the crowd, heat and the general vibe are just conducive for pushing the limits. I started thinking about how the concept would make a great story, and then I realized that it would tie in perfectly with the VIP comp theme.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
Megan is definitely me. The relationship between Megan and Shane is a bit of an echo from one of my past relationships - the issues and dynamics were very similar. I was definitely not thinking of Shane as my ex however (because I hate him.. lol), so he was more styled as any typical guy/BF on that kind of scene, with some DamonX influence as well since it was our fantasy concept. Zach is a composite of various club promoters and party guys I know. These were probably the easiest characters to create in that I drew heavily from real life, and the setting was described just as it is.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
I think it's a mature piece of writing, and it felt much more personal than many of my other stories. The club/location is almost a character in itself - the heat, the music, the way the club space draws you into this dark hedonistic kind of lair. Writing about it brings up a lot of amazing memories. I have always wanted to have this as a setting for a story because I absolutely love this event, so I was excited to have the perfect opportunity to do so.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
Maintaining the bond between Megan and Shane while they're playing with other people. It can be a very disconnecting kind of thing that can spark jealousy, anxiety, and anger. Megan is reluctant at the beginning but I needed to find a way to make the reader understand how she might be willing to suspend her relationship-rules in that environment and go with the flow. The jealousy and arousal of watching your partner with another person is a difficult one to put into words, so I hope I did it justice in this piece.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
A few people have pointed out that I used the "L" word in this story, which surprises them since I typically write with more hardcore themes. lol In a strange way this is one of my more loving and couples-affirming stories, which is a bit odd considering what I put these characters through. I just wanted to say... at the end of the day, shhhh... but yes, Doll does have a soft spot...

Thank you for interviewing yourself. I can use the L word with you. I LOVE your stories. I love your style and skills.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Aww... thank you, naughtynurse! Ok, here we go. smile

Introduce the title of your story: The Blue Room
Genre/Category: (VIP comp entry story)
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
I actually wasn't originally intending on entering the VIP competition. The inspiration came out of a conversation I was having with DamonX late one night about our party days. We were talking about the idea of how much you can get away with on a dance floor. I've gotten away with quite a lot at this EDM event that I go to every year in my city - the intense darkness, swell of the crowd, heat and the general vibe are just conducive for pushing the limits. I started thinking about how the concept would make a great story, and then I realized that it would tie in perfectly with the VIP comp theme.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
Megan is definitely me. The relationship between Megan and Shane is a bit of an echo from one of my past relationships - the issues and dynamics were very similar. I was definitely not thinking of Shane as my ex however (because I hate him.. lol), so he was more styled as any typical guy/BF on that kind of scene, with some DamonX influence as well since it was our fantasy concept. Zach is a composite of various club promoters and party guys I know. These were probably the easiest characters to create in that I drew heavily from real life, and the setting was described just as it is.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
I think it's a mature piece of writing, and it felt much more personal than many of my other stories. The club/location is almost a character in itself - the heat, the music, the way the club space draws you into this dark hedonistic kind of lair. Writing about it brings up a lot of amazing memories. I have always wanted to have this as a setting for a story because I absolutely love this event, so I was excited to have the perfect opportunity to do so.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
Maintaining the bond between Megan and Shane while they're playing with other people. It can be a very disconnecting kind of thing that can spark jealousy, anxiety, and anger. Megan is reluctant at the beginning but I needed to find a way to make the reader understand how she might be willing to suspend her relationship-rules in that environment and go with the flow. The jealousy and arousal of watching your partner with another person is a difficult one to put into words, so I hope I did it justice in this piece.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
A few people have pointed out that I used the "L" word in this story, which surprises them since I typically write with more hardcore themes. lol In a strange way this is one of my more loving and couples-affirming stories, which is a bit odd considering what I put these characters through. I just wanted to say... at the end of the day, shhhh... but yes, Doll does have a soft spot...

Thank you for interviewing yourself. I can use the L word with you. I LOVE your stories. I love your style and skills.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Sometimes stories get lost in the shuffle. Wouldn't it be great to have our own sexy Lush correspondent, with microphone in hand, to ask you a few quick questions about your latest story, just as it hits the home page? Maybe you've already published something that has more meaning than a lot of your other pieces and you'd like to give it a little air-time and inspire new readers to check it out.

Well, I'm tipping the microphone in your direction, so please answer the following mini-interview questions.

Introduce the title of your story:A neighbour inner dis a neighbour indeed.
Genre/Category: cheating
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? It transpired from a similar experience I had experienced.

2. How did you come up with these characters? He was a real person.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? It happened almost as I had written it.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? Remembering all the details and reliving the experience without getting too involved with myself.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
let's say I enjoyed his company more than once.

Good luck with the votes and views and thanks for your time, XO.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Sometimes stories get lost in the shuffle. Wouldn't it be great to have our own sexy Lush correspondent, with microphone in hand, to ask you a few quick questions about your latest story, just as it hits the home page? Maybe you've already published something that has more meaning than a lot of your other pieces and you'd like to give it a little air-time and inspire new readers to check it out.

Well, I'm tipping the microphone in your direction, so please answer the following mini-interview questions.

Introduce the title of your story:A neighbour inner dis a neighbour indeed.
Genre/Category: cheating
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? It transpired from a similar experience I had experienced.

2. How did you come up with these characters? He was a real person.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? It happened almost as I had written it.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? Remembering all the details and reliving the experience without getting too involved with myself.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
let's say I enjoyed his company more than once.

Good luck with the votes and views and thanks for your time, XO.
Introduce the title of your story: The babysitter

Genre/Category: Lesbian

Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? I wanted to write something that combined both a lesbian storyline and something with a slightly element. Babysitter is a bit obvious, but I decided to add a twist to the scenario, where the girl has an unexpected reunion with her babysitter.

2. How did you come up with these characters? Getting the ages right took a bit of thought. I wanted to make the older girl around 24-25, which left quite a narrow window for the age of the younger girl. I was sure that the older girl would be confident but sensitive, but I found the younger girl quite hard to 'pitch' and ended up making her also confident but vulnerable and inexperienced.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? I think the alternating point of view is quite unusual for my stories. Also, this story took me eight days to write, which is forever for me. I made lots of changes and re-wrote lots.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? I just couldn't get the balance of erotic versus plot right. I deliberately didn't overplay the element too much or over emphasise the baby-sitting history as I was weary of it coming across a bit creepy. Never the less, I I did want to make the girls' background 'an issue' for Claire particularly, and I thought I dealt with this okay. I am happy with it now, though I can see why some might be critical. Going down the reluctance path was certainly an option I considered, but I opted for a more 'adult' interpretation of this scenario.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? Claire began the story as Faye, but I changed her name after writing half the story. The name Claire just 'felt' better.

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

Introduce the title of your story: Wanna Play?
Genre/Category: IR
Provide the link: https://(I have no idea why this isn't showing the link)

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
Most of the other stories that I've written have been longer, and more involved stories. I wanted to try and write something in one sitting that still captured interesting characters and hot sex.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
Usually, my female characters are some version of me. The males are versions of men that I know, so that I can add both things I like about them, and things I don't. Finn is a mixture of two of my best guy friends. I find it easier to write characters when I base them off of someone that I know.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

For one, this story is much shorter. For another, it focuses on one single scene, and it is also a first-time story. I hadn't written anything before where one the characters is losing their virginity. Although I know that first-time experiences usually suck - for a variety of reasons - I wrote Bree's first time as being sweet and fulfilling because,'s fiction.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

It was trying to write everything I wanted to say in as short a story as possible. When I first wrote it, it was about twice as long as the version that is on the site, but I tried hard to cut it down.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

I think it's sweet, and I'm sure that the character will feel real to you.
Introduce the title of your story: Would you like ketchup with that?
Genre/Category: voyeur stories
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

i was hungry. for fries.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

one of them's me. kind of. the other one, well, guess she was just floating around in my head a bit.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

lately, i've been writing some darker and emotional stories, or at least a little heavier. this one's a bit lighter, shorter, and more 'just for fun'.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

keeping it short, to the point, and fun. smile

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

this came after a long dry spell. you have no idea how many ideas i've shelved over the last 8 months. it felt good - i wrote most of this in one evening, finished if off the next day, edited, and it was done. oh, and for all those curious, no, it's not going to have a part 2 - doesn't really need one - if you need to know how it all plays out after the last note, use your imaginations. :)

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Introduce the title of your story: Illusion
Genre/Category: Group Sex/Toy With Me Competition
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

My wife and I went to Waffle House with some strippers we know from our favorite 'Gentleman's Club.' We all sat and talked for a few hours listening to stories from their personal lives, many of which were very dark and twisted. It turned out that the strippers also did escort work. They told us a great deal about what that is like and the stuff they do. Their tales inspired me to write a story.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

The male characters are based on several quirky guys I knew from college. A lot of the girls' characters are taken from the strippers that told us stories and on a friend of ours that worked as an escort to pay her way through college.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

This is darker than most of my stories. Also, it is not based on me personally as many of my stories have been. It is just fiction, which is something I've become much more interested in writing. I like being inspired by something real and then creating an entirely new story direction from that.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Not giving away too much too soon in the story. I wanted to create an intriguing ending. Also gathering up information on how the escorts work and what they go through in the city where I based the story, which is the city I live in.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

The dialogue in the story is based on local dialect, so it may seem quirky to some who read it. Also, I didn't write it with the intention of entering it in the competition. I actually wrote off and on for quite a long while on this story, many times rewriting scenes. When I finally got it finished and proofed the competition had started. One of the people proofing it for me, asked if I was going to enter it. I had never even considered that. I realized that the story was comp eligible since it has an important scene with a 'pink dildo.' The Lush Store has several pink plastic dildos of different sizes and shapes for sale. So I decided to enter it into the competition.
Introduce the title of your story: Special Assistance
Genre/Category: Office Sex
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

This was actually an attempted submission for a publisher in the United Kingdom. They had called for stories up to 5,000 words involving people in uniform. To try and stand out from the herd of cliché police and nurse stories, I opted for a flight attendant going above and beyond for a passenger with a disability. But in the end, I blew the deadline and the word limit, so here we are.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

I was at Melbourne airport a few years ago, and there was a blind guy with a white cane struggling to make his way to check-in. He went from one end of the rope line to the other, trying to find the entrance into the maze, without success. He eventually cracked the shits, threw his head back with a frustrated “Fuck this!” and barged his way straight through the middle. He unhooked the nylon barriers, sending them whipping back like retractable vacuum cleaner cords, and knocked over several of the steel pedestals as he went.

He was almost to the front by the time an attractive young woman from the ground staff halted his path of destruction. As soon as he realised she was a good sort, he immediately turned on the charm and started flirting his ass off. The instantaneous transformation from belligerent rage to impish charm was hilarious. He was a fuckin bandit! How could I not base a character on him?

As for Anna, I needed someone warm, with a kind heart, but I also needed her to be fun and impulsive. I immediately thought of a waitress my wife and I had at Jamie’s Italian a few months back. She was young and bubbly, with a genuine interest in taking care of us. I found it an incredibly attractive combination. To top it off, her voice was thrashed from having to make herself heard above the din night after night, which for some reason, really did it for me. So, run a comb through her hair and slap a uniform on her – presto chango – Anna.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

This one’s told through the failing eyes of a man with a vision impairment. While there’s obviously a limitation in what he can describe throughout the story, it provides a great opportunity to call on some of his other senses to get the job done. While I did cheat a little and allow him to see something, the reality is that 90 percent of all blind people have some vision, and I wanted to be true to that. I thought it was important to show that despite his blindness, he was a regular person, with the same thoughts, feelings and desires as everyone else. Or at least the same as a cheeky Aussie ratbag.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Getting the connection between him and Anna right. His disability was quite disarming, and a great vehicle for breaking down the barriers between them. But still, I wanted it to be believable that he could charm his way into her panties so quickly.

Getting the flirting right was the big thing. It needed to escalate, and it needed to be mutual. It was quite a struggle to find the right balance of smiles, touches and teasing. I also had to squeeze in a few uncertain missteps to inject some tension. It took a lot of space to do that, so much so, that I was worried it was taking me too long to get to the good bit.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

Although it’s told from Will’s perspective, it’s really all about Anna. She knows he wants her, and she can see through his clumsy attempts to flirt with her. She has the power in this encounter. It’s Anna that locks the door. It’s Anna that watches him undress. Even down to the dirty talk, it’s Anna that sets the pace. She’s herself. And for me, that’s the essence of this story.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Introduce the title of your story: Shall I Serve You Myself?
Genre/Category: Lesbian
Provide the link:

1. I had one or two conversations with two very good friends on Lush. Both conversations were very similar in nature i.e. meeting me at work with lots of flirting. My imagination raced away with the rest which wasn't hard considering how gorgeous they both are smile

2. Easy! It's me and a combination of my two friends.

3. It's probably much sexier than my other stories which have a far more romantic slant to them

4. I kept distracting myself writing the steamy bits if you know what I mean It's hard work writing sometimes lol

5. I thank my friends for the inspiration and if you take the time to read it, I sincerely hope you have fun :)
My new story has been awarded the Recommended Read. If you adore a needy bottom and fancy a short, but very naughty read...
Introduce the title of your story: HIs & Her's Secrets Ch1
Genre/Category: Trans
Provide the link: His & Hers Secrets Ch1

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
Me and my gay friends were talking about Trans porn Stars one day and he brought up Buck Angel. Later in the day I was thinking about it and I realized that i have never read a story where the main character is a Trans-Man so I decided to write one

2. How did you come up with these characters?
Purely from my demented imagination mixed with features I like

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
As of this moment it is the only Trans story I have done and is by far my favorite out of everything I have up.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
Just getting the characters right. At first I was just going to have the main character be Trans but the story evolved in my head as they like to do and I Had to rework everything. It was difficult but made it better than it would have been originally.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
It's been a very long time since I have posted Ch1 and over the months I have promised and started Ch2 and it going nowhere due to real life issues. This time I can say with 100% confidence that Ch2 will be up by the end of September. I am very sorry it took so long.
1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
I had a very flirty conversation with a very very good Lush friend that was laced with train metaphors. The idea to write The Ghan was pretty instant.

2. How did you come up with these characters?
As usual, one's me. The other is a figment of my imagination, though the name is only one letter different from my "train metaphor" friend.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
I've tried to be much more descriptive with my adjectives i.e. a cobalt blue sky, rather than just a blue sky

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
I knew very little about The Ghan other than the name and where it ran from/to. I had to do a little internet research to fill in the details

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
I just hope you enjoy it. I definitely had fun writing it, especially the last third!
My new story has been awarded the Recommended Read. If you adore a needy bottom and fancy a short, but very naughty read...
Title: Take Her Down to Paradise City, Part 1
Genre/Category: Supernatural
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
Well, I've always enjoyed the supernatural, so I love that category of stories. I decided I wanted to write a story for/about a friend of mine (who shall remain
nameless), and this just occurred to me. smile

2. How did you come up with these characters?
Lena is based off of my friend (still remaining nameless) because she is a constant inspiration for my little stories and someone I think would certainly deserve
some magical luck coming her way.
Arion (Air-ee-on), on the other hand, was a combination of things. A little bit of me (I usually put a bit of myself in my stories), a little bit 1970's-era rock star
and a little bit Ax (from the K.A. Applegate series, Animorphs; if you've read the series, you'll know what I mean).

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?
It differs in the sense that I never intended this to be a one-shot, wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am kind of story. I wanted to give the characters a rich backstory
as well as lots of time to develop. Not in a "Bewitched" or "I Dream of Jeannie" type way, but... similar. Lena learning to trust and love again and Arion learning
to be free and adjusting to the modern world.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?
Probably trying to fit an ancient Greek character into a modern-day world. I didn't want him to adjust too quickly and lose believability, but I also didn't want
him to just be continually baffled. It's a delicate balance.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?
Since finishing it, "Paradise City" has become one of my favorite of my stories; the sequel (linked at the bottom of the story) has also become a favorite of
mine; the third part will, hopefully, be even better. So keep watching, Lushies! :)

Thank you for your time!
Introduce the title of your story: Renaissance of the Heart
Genre/Category: Love Stories
Provide the link: Part 1 can be read here

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story? I have had this idea for a while. I wanted to write a story that combined my interest in fine art with a passionate and erotic love story.

2. How did you come up with these characters? The characters are totally made up, though Cindy is based loosely on myself, while Elizabeth is based on a very good friend of mine on Lush.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories? I have deliberately limited the explicitness of the sex, emphasising the romantic element of the storyline and weaving it in and out of the plot. I am attempting to introduce a degree of mystery and suspense into the drama, as the story unfolds.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece? Probably keeping the plot tight, and not rambling on and going into unnecessary detail. Making the sex scenes fresh and original is always tricky

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it? I envisage this being my longest story to date, but I do have the whole narrative kind of sketched out in my mind, so I don't just wander along pointlessly. I'm not going to add lots of padding just for the sake of it.

A First Class Service Ch.5

A steamy lesbian three way

Hi, I am AvrgBlkGrl

Introduce the title of your story: Piddling With A Hainted Heart
Love Poems
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I come from a long line of very strong willed women, but I can't remember ever existing and not loving men. I'm blessed in that I have a wonderful father who loves me to a fault. My earliest memories involve him and my happiest childhood moments involve somehow being the center of his attention. He along with my mother helped establish my self-value and set a high bar for any lovers that are brave enough to enter my atmosphere. I am thoroughly loved. I’ve been very lucky in my life, not everyone is. I love men, romance, sex and all that it encompasses. Crave it. However, I'm not what I call "man hungry". I won't tolerate or sacrifice everything for just a portion of what I crave. That means that I had to realize that I could end up and be willing to be alone.

Even though I’ve been blessed, at different points in my life I have had to come to the decision that I am better off without someone (male or female), have had to literally pry my own self away, I've been unloved, taken for granted, abused, heart broken and, worst of all, lonely. It’s a terrible feeling to be told that you are beautiful, smart and strong, yet sleep alone every night. It seems unfair. But I know what it feels like to be loved and won’t settle. Alone can be a scary word. Women who are “man hungry” or anyone regardless of their sex that has that type of hunger will settle for anything just as long as they are not alone.

What makes a person strong and what makes them weak has always fascinated me because there is nothing that guarantees it. I realize that I’m lucky. These thoughts play themselves out in a lot of my writing.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

When I was ten, my father brought me to the states to spend the summer with his mother. They lived in North Carolina, a really small town with one stop light. It was an experience. I saw this old lady one day. She was talking to herself and in dress clothes. They were winter clothes and it was like one hundred degrees outside. Her face was wrinkled up badly, her hair was all white and wiry. Her eyes were empty. She looked right at me, but didn’t see me. She was talking up a storm and started singing too. I asked my grandmother if she was homeless. I had heard that there were a lot of homeless people in the United States. She said no and she told me the lady's name. She told me the woman’s story.

People say that someone put a root on her, my grandmother said. But, my grandmother was not superstitious like most southern black women her age. She told me that the woman’s “mind done been broke”. I’ll never forget that phrase. My English was good by that time, but sometimes people would say things that I just couldn’t understand—specifically that summer. Then she explained. The old woman had been beautiful when she was young. She was the prettiest girl in that town. She was really smart too. She went to a teacher’s college in New York. But, she fell in love with this man. He was married. He was going to leave his wife and run away with her. His wife found out and put a root on her, which meant that the wife went to a witch or a “root-worker” and the witch put a spell on her. “That’s what some people say,” my grandmother said. The wife put a root on her and him too. He didn’t ever go anywhere. He left that poor beautiful child waiting on him at the Greyhound bus stop. She waited for three days before she let her family take her home. She was never any good after that. She never had another man, never had any children. “That’s what some people say,” my grandmother repeated. I asked my grandmother what she thought happened. My grandmother said that the old woman let her broken heart break her mind. Looking at that woman, I told my grandmother that I was not going to let anyone break my heart. My grandmother laughed and said, “That’s what we all say. Hearts get broken. What you need to do is make sure no one breaks your mind.”

My grandmother is dead now. She had eight children. Her husband left her when her children were young. He went to Michigan to work in a car factory and was supposed to send for them once he found a place to live. They never saw or heard from him again. My grandmother and that woman were the same age, grew up in the same town. Both of them ended up alone romantically. But, there is alone and there is a-l-o-n-e.

That old woman is who I was thinking about when I wrote that poem. I’ve never forgotten the image of her.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

I’m a romantic, but I like realism too. Usually for me, love can be found even in a thick forest of reality. There is always something to celebrate. That’s how I feel about life. This story is sad in a way that I don’t usually write about. I usually write about survivors or where pain is associated with joy. The situation doesn’t get better for her. There is nothing you can do but learn from it. It is a poem about love, but a warning for everyone—man or woman.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Conveying that level of sadness and hopelessness, the tragedy, without turning the reader off. I'm not sure if I did that well.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

My grandmother used to say piddle. “Girl, stop piddling.” It was years before I realized what she meant. I picked up the word haint from a Toni Morrison novel. It is amazing how the mind makes connections.
? A True Story ?
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Well, I'm tipping the microphone in your direction, so please answer the following mini-interview questions.

Introduce the title of your story: 'The Dance'
Genre/Category: Interracial
Provide the link:

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?

I've been getting braver lately about revealing more autobiographical information about my life in my stories.

2. How did you come up with these characters?

They are all real people from my life, so I just had to decide how to flesh them out, which details were relevant to the story, and which were extraneous.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?

Most of my stories are about lesbian sex, because that is what I'm most into, but this one is different in that its about one of my experiences with a guy, and the fact that it was interracial sex.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?

Telling a real experience in a way that makes it as interesting as fiction. When we write fiction, we can be as unlimited as we wish in our storytelling, but it can be more difficult relaying factual events in a way that makes them compelling.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?

I had a lot of fun writing it, because recalling the events from which the story is drawn, was very enjoyable.

Good luck with the votes and views and thanks for your time, XO.