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Authors : What are you working on?

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Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by Spartan111

I am not a writer so before you criticize me and rip a new orifice into me for my technique, give me a break. Last time I read or wrote anything was in high school.

I can never type that well, so I’m using a speech to text app in office. Relying on auto correction, and comparing to other stories here on this site as examples.

I may miss some commas quotes and other things, but I’m doing the best I can. I like listening to the stories here, nice change.

I use the read aloud app, just sitting back listening, with the Microsoft Zira voice, sweat and pleasant Immersing myself in the scene of your stories.

I’m about to pour out my fucking guts out here with a true story to make a mark somewhere before I pass. Seems there’s no one to listen to me anymore on life itself. I’m almost at 2300 words, so I guess it’s time for part two? keeping parts to around 2500 words?

I’m at a loss here. I see you are a newer member and have not submitted any stories yet. Why would you automatically assume anyone would tear you a new orifice? I think you will find people here are mostly encouraging and friendly.

Sounds to me like you have a good strategy in place for creating your story. Perhaps when you submit the story, you can include a note in the Notes to Moderator section about this so we are aware.

Kimmie’s advice is good! She’s an amazing writer and knows her stuff!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have some specific concerns. I’m happy to help.

~ Kat

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

The Last Dance - Part Four was published today. I hope y'all will take a look!

Part 5 is ready and will be submitted soon.

I have several other stories in the works, including a micro I am trying to polish up.

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

With The Last Dance - Part 5 published, I’m currently working on a Mac and Grace story as well as a story my husband has worked on with me. It’s been a while since he and I have collaborated on a story, so I’m excited to see how it turns out.

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?

Quote by Spartan111

I am not a writer so before you criticize me and rip a new orifice into me for my technique, give me a break. Last time I read or wrote anything was in high school.

I can never type that well, so I’m using a speech to text app in office. Relying on auto correction, and comparing to other stories here on this site as examples.

I may miss some commas quotes and other things, but I’m doing the best I can. I like listening to the stories here, nice change.

I use the read aloud app, just sitting back listening, with the Microsoft Zira voice, sweat and pleasant Immersing myself in the scene of your stories.

I’m about to pour out my fucking guts out here with a true story to make a mark somewhere before I pass. Seems there’s no one to listen to me anymore on life itself. I’m almost at 2300 words, so I guess it’s time for part two? keeping parts to around 2500 words?

We've all got to start somewhere. Give it a shot. The worst that will happen is the mods send it back and tell you it needs more work. But that's the thing - writing, and building your craft as a writer (even of erotic fiction) is work. The more you practice, the better you'll get. Try not to get discouraged by feedback, but use it constructively to improve.

As a reader, yes, spelling and grammar make a story intelligible, but I'm definitely willing to overlook a few typos if there's a decent story behind them - e.g. engaging plot, believable characters, etc. Focus on that. Don't worry about the length - you've got 10K words to play with before you need to start thinking of breaking things into parts.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?

I'm still working on my radio idea - maybe about half way through it. I've also started working on a story in which the main character is impotent, just for the challenge of it. I'm 90% sure there aren't going to be any miracle boners by the end, either. Can I write a sexy story between two straight people without a working penis? Gonna find out. Kinda like where it's been going so far. I'm also, I figure, about half way through that one. Both of them are going to be longer pieces - probably too long, and I'll need to edit them quite a bit when I get done with the first draft.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Writius Eroticus

I'm about two-thirds of the way through a group sex piece. I tend to shy away from them because the ones I've read here mostly descend into Tab A of Person B goes in Slot C then Person D sucks the cock of Person A, and I get lost (and bored) very quickly in the tangle of body parts. So I'm trying to write one that is less prescriptive/easier to follow, but still hot. Challenging.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by WannabeWordsmith

I'm about two-thirds of the way through a group sex piece. I tend to shy away from them because the ones I've read here mostly descend into Tab A of Person B goes in Slot C then Person D sucks the cock of Person A, and I get lost (and bored) very quickly in the tangle of body parts. So I'm trying to write one that is less prescriptive/easier to follow, but still hot. Challenging.

Your description made me giggle! I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

I am nearly done with the next part of Boardrooms and Boudoirs. As much as I loved writing The Last Dance, it took a lot out of me emotionally. So, it has been fun to focus on Mac and Grace again.

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

I don't think I have ever gone beyond four in a group scene. Even in One of the Wildfolk, the orgy scene focusses on the protagonist and the people she interacts with, which is a threesome at most (or maybe four at some point).

Should be writing a poem for the new comp on StoriesSpace but I have a Lush story on the go that I am finding hard to move away from, even though I am unsure if I like where I went with the actual relationship. Might need to change some ages and other characteristics of the characters.

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?

I write most of my stuff from a 1st person perspective (or sometimes a close 3rd). I've tried tackling group scenes a couple of times, and it seems easier to limit the perspective instead of taking a 'God's eye view' on everything going on all at once.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Inventive Writer With A Fertile Imagination

I dreamed up a completely new story the other day and scribbled down a bunch of notes, scenes, characters and back story - the way I like to jot my notes before I start. It is loosely titled "the family business" and is a three generation tale, told by the youngest daughter growing up. Absolutely nothing sexual until she turns 17 when the reality of the lies, and misdirections she has been led to believe are explained by her plain talking Nan. She tells her that the family hotel was really a series of brothels, that mum has worked there for years, and her older sister also works there and gave up on university and now they want her to work there too.

It sounds different enough to warrant writing, but having set it all from her viewpoint, I fear it would be a longish story before any sexual content arrived, if at all. Do any more experienced readers and writers think this may be one to leave in the notepad and let it sleep peacefully?

Active Ink Slinger

having set it all from her viewpoint, I fear it would be a longish story before any sexual content arrived, if at all.

I would recommend opening the series with the conversation between the youngest daughter and her Nan. That lets you jump into the action, as it were.

When writing erotica, I'd be leery of spending a LONG time before you get to anything sexy. If you feel you must tell the backstory before the youngest daughter is brought in, I'd recommend changing your POV character to the older sister, or even the mom. You can still tell the story you want, but look for ways to bring it back to the erotica part of the story.

Or, if that feels like it's compromising the idea too much, consider that this story may not be a good fit for the erotica genre. Perhaps you're telling a different type of story that won't be well served by the need to get to the sexy stuff.

Having fun!

Quote by john456berry

It sounds different enough to warrant writing, but having set it all from her viewpoint, I fear it would be a longish story before any sexual content arrived, if at all. Do any more experienced readers and writers think this may be one to leave

I think your idea has traction and is worth exploring. Maybe you could start the story with the daughter discovering the secret family brothel. Have a sex scene to draw the reader in. Then some backstory, before the main story.

Could you limit each generation to 3 chapters of 5,000 or fewer words? Maybe just write the first generation with only loose future thoughts for the second and third generations to see how it goes.

A standalone gay male story: The Queens Head

A standalone historical story: A Good Life

A standalone monster sex story: "Shadows"

Active Ink Slinger

I'm putting the finishing touches on the next chapter of Sage Silver: Broken on Break. The morning after voyeuristically watching her best friend's parents, Sage is left enraged by the personal insults endured by what she's seen. But this morning she has Maxwell all to herself. Sage enacts her sultry vengeance in the next chapter, and it includes the most hardcore scenes I've ever released.

Sage Silver: Broken on Break - Chapter Three: Bruised and Used

Quote by john456berry

I dreamed up a completely new story the other day and scribbled down a bunch of notes, scenes, characters and back story - the way I like to jot my notes before I start. It is loosely titled "the family business" and is a three generation tale, told by the youngest daughter growing up. Absolutely nothing sexual until she turns 17 when the reality of the lies, and misdirections she has been led to believe are explained by her plain talking Nan. She tells her that the family hotel was really a series of brothels, that mum has worked there for years, and her older sister also works there and gave up on university and now they want her to work there too.

It sounds different enough to warrant writing, but having set it all from her viewpoint, I fear it would be a longish story before any sexual content arrived, if at all. Do any more experienced readers and writers think this may be one to leave in the notepad and let it sleep peacefully?

Just an idea, but consider making this a flashback story, told by the daughter as an old woman looking back on her unusual family situation and how it was revealed to her.

I'm polishing my 'uniform' genre story, which is Olympics inspired and, I think, a fairly original concept.

Writius Eroticus

I'm hashing out a variant of this over a few chapters. Not verbatim as outlined there, but a similar character arc. It'll probably be ready in 2059 when I'm happy with it.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Having fun!

Quote by WannabeWordsmith

I'm hashing out a variant of this over a few chapters. Not verbatim as outlined there, but a similar character arc. It'll probably be ready in 2059 when I'm happy with it.

We will be here, waiting to read it!

A standalone gay male story: The Queens Head

A standalone historical story: A Good Life

A standalone monster sex story: "Shadows"

English Gentleman

writing a commissioned (not for money) milf/cougar story. nearly there. it's short and sweet, not long at all. under 3000 words (like most of my stories actualy)

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

I've published a short little piece in the cheating category: Under The Doctor's Desk.

I'm working on the rewrites for the next few parts of Boardrooms and Boudoirs (Mac & Grace) since I took the story in a different direction than originally planned.

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

Writius Eroticus

@Adamsandeves. Sounds... dark. Please keep our acceptable content guide in mind throughout. Wouldn't want you to write your story, submit it and find we can't publish it here.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Having fun!

If you want to find out what a Bruce is, check out my latest story - "Shadows"

This is my take on the Monster Sex theme, and should certainly appeal to the Lush ladies. 😊

A standalone gay male story: The Queens Head

A standalone historical story: A Good Life

A standalone monster sex story: "Shadows"

Simple Scribbler

Quote by wxt55uk

If you want to find out what a Bruce is, check out my latest story - "Shadows"

This is my take on the Monster Sex theme, and should certainly appeal to the Lush ladies. 😊

Loved it!!! 😊 And yes, I want a Bruce of my own!

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Went back to a story, a long multipart thing, that I started back in the spring. Starting over so I can fix some plot issues that came up. Not sure if it will be explicit enough to reside here. There's a strong romance element but not sure how graphic I want to get with the sex.

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Simple Scribbler

Quote by Seeker4

Went back to a story, a long multipart thing, that I started back in the spring. Starting over so I can fix some plot issues that came up. Not sure if it will be explicit enough to reside here. There's a strong romance element but not sure how graphic I want to get with the sex.

I love romance!

Writius Eroticus

Quote by WannabeWordsmith
I'm hashing out a variant of this over a few chapters. It'll probably be ready in 2059...

New update: I've written two chapters and have planned it as a trilogy. So it might even be out this year. Maybe even this month if chapter 3 goes as well as the rest have. 😱

I'm going to write all three up front, because I want to be sure of continuity in case I dream up something in the third instalment that I need to reference earlier. I'm like that.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Quote by KimmiBeGood
I love romance!

LOL. The romance is one of the things that triggered the rewrite. Wasn't happy with the relationship I set out originally. Ended up splitting one character into two.

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

I’m currently actively working on three stories: one for the clean site, a new Mac and Grace episode, and a longer story to expand upon my new micro, Another Man’s Wife.

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

I'm working on my femdom story, which is requiring more research than I'd anticipated

Voyeur @ f/64

A micro, which is coming up shit. Three longer pieces that aren't even worth a wipe yet. A new sour dough starter that looks promising. The usual.

Amateur Muse, Professional Lover

At the moment, I am working on a tan. 😜

However, I do have an idea, not very original, and I am looking for the twist in the tale. Unfortunately, I am not very optimistic.

This is my collection of muses and stories. Stories of note include:

Little Bird - A true story of submission and dominance set in Paris between an older couple and their younger lover.

Le Weekend - Six lives intertwined during one weekend create events that change their lives forever.