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Why do you vote on a story?

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Hey Lush, I have a question for you as an author.

As an author, I would never directly question a friend or stranger's vote on my story, but I received a comment lately that got me thinking. Is it appropriate to vote down a story simply because you don't like the style the author chose to write in? The member who left me the note said that they don't enjoy the style of poem I wrote, but that it's an excellent example of that style, yet still voted down. It's no problem to me if somebody doesn't like it, but if they think that it's GOOD, but not their cup of tea, is that really a reason for a negative review?

I'm also interested to ask readers why the vote on a story at all. What earns a positive or negative review? How much do you think about the score you're giving?

I asked myself all these questions regarding the stories and poems that I score as well. I really don't want anybody to think that I'm upset about my average score - I'm not, I'm very pleased. That commentary just made me think, and now I'm curious...
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Undeniable - Erotic Poem
Disappearing Act - Love Poem
Synthetic Hours - Fantasy/Sci-fi - Eighth Place, 'Some Like It Hot' competition, January 2015
Night Work - Erotic Poem
Eating Breakfast In Glass Slippers - Straight Sex - Fifth Place, 'The Morning After The Night Before' competition, November 2014
Miracle of Night - Love Poem
The Brightest Black You've Ever Seen - Love Story - Ninth place, 'Toy With Me' competition, September 2014
Scream Fire - Erotic Poem - Audio read by MadameMolly
At First Sight (He) - Quickie Sex
Quote by WhiteQueensKnight
Hey Lush, I have a question for you as an author.

As an author, I would never directly question a friend or stranger's vote on my story, but I received a comment lately that got me thinking. Is it appropriate to vote down a story simply because you don't like the style the author chose to write in? The member who left me the note said that they don't enjoy the style of poem I wrote, but that it's an excellent example of that style, yet still voted down. It's no problem to me if somebody doesn't like it, but if they think that it's GOOD, but not their cup of tea, is that really a reason for a negative review?

I'm also interested to ask readers why the vote on a story at all. What earns a positive or negative review? How much do you think about the score you're giving?

I asked myself all these questions regarding the stories and poems that I score as well. I really don't want anybody to think that I'm upset about my average score - I'm not, I'm very pleased. That commentary just made me think, and now I'm curious...

Well I've been scoring all the stories that I read as it stops me reading them twice. I usually leave a comment but they are generally good. As for the scores the genre plays little part, I vote on how good the writing is.
I recently read 2 stories 1 crossdressing and 1 both of which I didn't "enjoy" but couldn't stop reading! They both got 5, they were really well written and gripping.
I stopped voting on stories here. For one: the stuff that woukd get a 1 or a 2 just doesn't pass Lush scrutiny so everything is already a bit better for that. Then, I have fans and friends and I don't eant to gurt their feelings. So then that leaves me with fives and fours which isn't always honest accurate - so I just stopped voting.
I vote on stories as a way of giving feedback to the author and hopefully encouraging them with their writing. It's only my opinion, but it's a way of validating the effort they've made to create the story. I usually back it up with a comment too.

The category or type of story is irrelevant to me. Like dpw, I've given a 5 for a cross dressing story before, which really isn't my bag either. But it was well written and thoroughly engaging. I mostly vote 4s and 5s, with the latter being pretty well perfect and something I'd be happy to pay for, and the former being good, but just missing a little something.

I've voted quite a few 3s for stories that I thought were okay, but not particularly interesting. Not bad, just a bit...meh. And I've dropped a few 2s on stories that I felt had a fundamental issue of some kind.

Most importantly though, I always try to keep my feedback encouraging and constructive, no matter the score.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Stories that intrigue me I do vote on. I do not think I've given anything under a 4, but I also always try to leave a comment saying something.

I know some of mine have received comments about style or POV that were indicative of their dislike of that particular part, but the numbers are still high possibly due to the fact they still enjoyed the story.

I will continue to vote and comment on those I believe deserve the recognition, but will never vote a story down if I find it's not my cup of tea, that would be rude.
As a writer and contributor I'm only too well aware of the feeling either not appreciated or not noticed.
So.... long ago I figured out that the way to help overcome this was to actually take the trouble to vote and or comment on the the stories I liked.

Maybe Karma might kick in and I'd also get to be commented on or scored on. I also figured that I couldn't moan about the lack of feedback if I didn't actually give feedback myself.

Lush Readers are more generous inn their feedback which is good. A different site that I've been contributing to for over ten years, where the number of 'hits'/'downloads'/'reads' (whatever measure you care to consider the counts actually mean) has long since passed the million and is closing in on the second million has in the same time generated less than a 100 comments and at times desultory scoring.

As an author that could be disheartening to say the least, but long ago (and far away! smile ) I realised that fame and fortune of that nature was not going to occur and I'd better write and publish for my own pleasure as much as anything else.

Which is my view to this day.

However it is nice to get good/happy feedback though - helps to make you want to continue for one thing.
And there is just the thought that if we didn't continue and didn't write, sites such as Lush and the others wouldn't be here....
It's always good to feedback to the writer either score the story or message them direct and say how much you enjoyed it, it don't hurt to feedback after they have taken the time to write and good enough to share with us all.
I feel it shows appreciation on the authors writing ability.
I think of the voting system as more of a rating system, on a scale of 1-5. So I vote accordingly.

I vote to show my appreciation and because I believe it's encouraging...even if I don't give it a 4 or a 5, it lets the author know that there's always room for improvement.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

I'm pretty easy. I like to be bribed.

Bribed with cookies = 3 (NOTE: I deduct points for raisins)
Bribed with wine = 4
Bribed with chocolate = 5
Bribed with all of the above = 5 + gushing and glowing comment about your literary work/style

Now that I'm done joking around. (I'm not. Send cookies/chocolate/wine!) I asked for feedback on my first story.
I was told it was average.
I'm not saying average is a bad thing. Average is good, but I wanted to be better than average.
So I always kept that one comment in mind every time I wrote another story.
Hopefully it made me a better writer. And it made me think about how I scored stories.
Everyone starts with a 3. From there it goes up or I quit reading and don't bother scoring. Life is too short to waste time reading something I don't enjoy in some aspect.
First off, I don't put much stock in the scores I receive. I know that what I write may not appeal to everyone and I'm not the most accomplished writer. The pieces I do read are either A) something that tweaks my interest or B) something a friend has written. I score accordingly and when I comment try to show that I really read the piece and understood what the author was trying to convey. IMHO, I do think if you score it below a 3 or 4 you owe it to the author to give them some feedback. How else will we ever improve.
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
I take the votes with quite some grains of salt, and I'm aware that looking at a single story's score tells almost naught. I do use them as a comparison tool to see how different techniques, perspectives and choices of words may tickle the readers' fancy, but that requires stories in the same category and with similar topics to work.

That said, I'm very much with the majority here and try to score based on the literary quality and not on the topic and setting. And I never vote on topics that are totally out of my comfort zone (not that there are too many of those).
In a site such as Lush, most of the users will vote the stories according to the way their nether regions feel after reading them. Literary quality or style, among others, are necessary to build a good story to a certain extent, but I don't think they are among the most important criteria for the majority of the voters.
Quote by sirrobertstories
Literary quality or style, among others, are necessary to build a good story to a certain extent, but I don't think they are among the most important criteria for the majority of the voters.

Just to clarify, by "here" I meant this forum thread, not lush in general. In the latter case you are, without doubt, right.
Voting is a hobby. I'm registered to vote in 21 states, 102 municipalities, 12 secret societies, and 9 countries.
As a new writer on Lush, I like to hear what people think. I feel it will make me a better writer.

I like to encourage other writers and I think that a fair vote with comments will let them know what other writers think. If a writer has taken the time to write a good story, then why not tell them.

I am blown away at the reception my last story has received. I look forward to writing more and hearing from all of you.
Quote by sirrobertstories
In a site such as Lush, most of the users will vote the stories according to the way their nether regions feel after reading them. Literary quality or style, among others, are necessary to build a good story to a certain extent, but I don't think they are among the most important criteria for the majority of the voters.

I think that I tend to agree with you. Even though I try to make the "boner" aspect of a story only part of my score. It seems to happen a lot in the Gay Male category where an author mentions a 10" cock and the readers vote 5. Well a 10" cock does not, a good story, make, and throwing in 2 or 3 of them doesn't make it better!
I usually only rate a story if I really liked it then I will give it a 4 or a 5. I don't see the usefulness in giving a negative score when the writer doesn't know what he did wrong. So for me I score if I like it and if there's something wrong IMO that's what the comment section is for
The main reason I vote or comment is to encourage my fellow writers. I know how much time it takes to write a story and the aspects it takes to get one published on this site. So when I read a story I feel the best compliment I can pay that author is to at least score and leave some type of comment. First to thank them for taking the time to write and 2nd to encourage them to continue.

As to what I score, I know that some give their friends higher scores simply because they are friends. That does play into my voting as well as whether the author or friend supports other writers as well. But it is not the only thing.

It takes a lot for me to give a story or poem a 5. I am very discriminate about that. I do give a lot of 4s and only give below that when the story really warrants it.

I rate the story on how well it draws me in, how good the characters are, if they are explored, the build, and yes since it is an erotic story it must first excite me. And that can be done in many ways. A story that is unique will usually rate high with me too.
someone has gone to a lot of trouble to write the story I pass my opinion on how good i think it is to give them encouragement i hope and also usually pass comment as well
I recently rejoined Lush and have not rated any stories this time around yet, but my previous avatar only rated stories that i enjoyed (either 4 or 5). I'm certainly not a professional reviewer, so I believe in passing on positive feedback and refraining from the negative - certainly would not want to do anything to discourage any writer!
I vote on the stories in order to encourage them. It's too tough writing a story or a poem (which I've tried), with a difference and here you could see them most. So in order to appreciate their work I vote. Even if we don't encourage them, it's better we don't discourage them ... a friend thought me that smile
I vote on stories because the writers have given me their talent to enjoy. If it's good or not I'm gonna vote then give my feedback. I'm not just gonna give a story a 3 when it has 4 and 5 then not explain myself. I detest when people do that, ugh.
I try to either comment or score every story that I read. I do not judge the story for whether or not I like the actions in it rather how it is written. if I cant stop reading it, it gets a 4. If I find myself wanting more of the story, like a second chapter, I will give it a 5.i have also received a great comment but givin a low score.
Quote by Kal-El85
I vote on stories because the writers have given me their talent to enjoy. If it's good or not I'm gonna vote then give my feedback. I'm not just gonna give a story a 3 when it has 4 and 5 then not explain myself. I detest when people do that, ugh.

Yeah, I get that. Ill look at its current score and grade that against what I think. Experience has shown me that a single low score that is substantially below it's current rating can have a very big impact on its standing in the list. Ultimately this denies others the opportunity to even find the story.

I'm just not into having that big an impact. I'll vote a 5 if I love a story, other than that it's more of a curve or I don't vote.

But hey, that's just me.
Voting and commenting as well is really important to the writer. I know that it is important to me, not just a formality. It lets the writer know how they are doing. Votes should be based on the writing, not the friendships or the cliques. Comments should be encouraging, but specific. I vote because I love the art of writing and I care. I comment because I care. I also go outside of my circle of friends to read, vote and comment. I don't want to get caught up in only reading certain people.
? A True Story ?
to encourage the writer ... I don't always comment.. but really I should shouldn't I ?
Quote by hayley
to encourage the writer ... I don't always comment.. but really I should shouldn't I ?

Yes, it requires a little bit more from the reader but it means a lot.
? A True Story ?
I have been going back and forth on doing the forced comments thing. I have not had it happen too often but I have had a few random votes here and there where the majority of the votes are 4 and 5 and then all of a sudden out of the blue you get a 3 but the person doesn't comment so you have no idea whatsoever why they voted a 3. And I am just not the type of person to send a PM and ask why.

I tend to be like some above when I vote. Even if I think for me the story is more a 4 but if everybody else has voted a 5 I will go ahead and give a 5 too just so that I am not that lone vote.

I don't do the friends thing either as I said above. I try to vote everyone fairly. I do try to support the stories of all my friends or people that have read my stories esp. those that have commented or scored my stories.

I know one thing I have wondered the most since I have been here is you get PM's from folks that tell you they absolutely love your stories. Yet they never score or comment on them. And you think well maybe they just don't do that. Then you check out their profile and they comment on or score other stories. Just another one of those mysteries.
As a reader, voting and commenting on a story or a poem allows me to express my appreciation for the work and the author. I’m inclined to leave positive words of encouragement. I’ll also let the author know exactly what moved me in the piece. When I come across a piece that I really don’t care for, I’ll simply move on without voting or commenting. I would move on and say nothing rather than leave a potentially hurtful comment or low score.

As a writer, I read every comment. I am so appreciative of supportive comments and the critical ones too. It’s my desire to grow and become a better author. Therefore, I put just as much stock in the critical as I do the positive. But that’s just me trying to learn and develop my passion. The comments and PMs I receive help in the process of self-improvement.