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What is with all the haters here

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What I find frustrating about this is the anonymity.

For years I didn't allow any scoring on my stories. I don't really agree with the principle of assigning a story a score and generally don't score other author's works (if I like it I'll leave a comment or send a message, if I don't like it I'll leave it for others to enjoy).

In more recent times I decided to allow scoring as long as it was accompanied by a comment. Something I did to nudge readers to comment who would not have done so otherwise.

Since the relaunch, as far as I'm aware, both of these options have now been removed (and if they haven't I would be grateful it someone could let me know how I action either of them), so now a reader can add a score (of any number) without it being evident to me, the author, as to who (or why) they have done so.

So would it be possible to have either of these scoring options re-activated?

Yes, you should have a hazard label on you, "warning CG will be your every fantasy"

There are a number of "genres" that I am not interested in, so I do not read these stories nor do I give them a low score.

Quote by redcaramel01

Do these people actually read the story, or just give '1' or '2' because of the author or subject.

There are "genres" that I have no interest in reading, so I do not read them. Why read a story about something you do not like and then give it a '1' or '2'.

That's my view as well. I've been here for quite a few years now and have read (and modded) a lot of stories, and I've never given a 1 or 2 score on anything. Why? Because if I was verifying it and it was that bad, I returned it for more work rather than approving it. I will mod stories in categories I don't care for, of course, but if they're well-written, properly punctuated, and relatively error-free, I still approve and often vote on them for quality rather than genre.

If I was the reader and the story was that bad, I merely stopped reading. Why spend my time on something I'm not enjoying - and, by the same token, since I didn't finish it, I have not earned the right to vote on it.

As for the random '1' votes, back when we could see who had voted on our stories (yeah, we used to be able to tell) I NEVER saw a '1' vote on a story which had come from another author. In my experience, the low votes were always, always from people who'd never written anything.

Those that can, do; those that can't write become critics instead...

I have my own, special, trollish hater, it seems...perhaps a group of them, how yummy...waiting to crawl out and ambush each new story to tell me that "I'm #1". Consider it a badge of honor. You're living in somebody's head, rent-free, to the point that they seek you out to tell you that you suck. Writing should provoke a strong, emotional response, so let the haters hate; we'll be too busy enjoying our craft.

Am I a good witch, or a bad witch? History will decide

Quote by krystalg

Writing should provoke a strong, emotional response, so let the haters hate; we'll be too busy enjoying our craft.

Amen! I got a '1' on my comp piece. It did sting for a minute, then I shook it off. Not gonna let it change my love of entering comps. smile

The usual '2' has just appeared on a story of mine only published within the last hour. The 2 does seem to appear quite early in the voting on my stories so I very much think that it is the same person every time.

I imagine they see that I have a story published, almost certainly do not read it and then give their 2 vote.

I just wonder why they do it?

It could be that it is not always the same person but I think that it is likely that it is.

Presumably, they get some sort of pleasure from doing it.

Quote by PJH

The usual '2' has just appeared on a story of mine only published within the last hour. The 2 does seem to appear quite early in the voting on my stories so I very much think that it is the same person every time.

I imagine they see that I have a story published, almost certainly do not read it and then give their 2 vote.

I just wonder why they do it?

It could be that it is not always the same person but I think that it is likely that it is.

Presumably, they get some sort of pleasure from doing it.

I rely on George Carlin for a rule of thumb: "Human beings are capable of anything." It's worse on another site that allows non-members to vote. (I don't think this one does.) But there are still thousands of readers , and who knows who they all are and what they are thinking? But, yes, I wouldn't be surprised if some got pleasure out of down-voting.

We live in a world in which people kill each other with tanks and missiles. (And some some version of that has been going on for over 12,000 years at least.) So the shenanigans on an online story site are a relatively minor thing.

Quote by LakeShoreLimited

I rely on George Carlin for a rule of thumb: "Human beings are capable of anything." It's worse on another site that allows non-members to vote. (I don't think this one does.) But there are still thousands of readers , and who knows who they all are and what they are thinking? But, yes, I wouldn't be surprised if some got pleasure out of down-voting.

We live in a world in which people kill each other with tanks and missiles. (And some some version of that has been going on for over 12,000 years at least.) So the shenanigans on an online story site are a relatively minor thing.

I agree that it is a relatively minor thing although the frequent '2' vote might damage my chances of ever getting The Nobel Prize For Literature.

Quote by PJH
I agree that it is a relatively minor thing although the frequent '2' vote might damage my chances of ever getting The Nobel Prize For Literature.

This deserves a reply...

Unfortunately, because I write about strong British Indian women, my stories are often targeted. Surprisingly, it’s not racists or right-wing cranks. In the main, it’s Indian guys. The accompanying crap they send is usually around interracial marriages being wrong, or that Indian women shouldn’t be depicted as whores and sluts.

Since I never depict us as either whores or sluts, I can only assume they mean we shouldn’t be depicted as sexual beings, or perhaps we shouldn’t be depicted at all?

I’m disappointed haters are on here too. One of the main reasons I chose to move my stories here was to get away from these cranks. I’d never rubbish anyone’s work.

‘The pious fable and the dirty story
Share in the total literary glory.’

W.H. Auden

Someone gave me a ‘1’ on one of my stories. I think I know who it was. It was done for spite.

Quote by MrSlutResort

I write some of the hottest erotica on the web. I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst. My stories on another site all have a "HOT" stamp on them because they rate so high. But here, I get a lot of 5 stars then some shithead comes along and votes a 1 or a 2 out of the blue. First, my stories are well written and grammatically correct. That alone should count for half of the rating. If you don't like the topic then don't read it. If you hate that my stories are rating higher than yours then too bad. Learn how to tell a story better.

JEEZ complain much?

Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know

Unless you're shooting for universal appeal (and good luck with that!) stories are going to hit different ways with different readers. Some readers enjoy what I write, and that's great. Others don't and they're free to fuck off to a different story that is more up their alley. Making some people happy (including myself) with my writing is a more satisfying goal than trying to please everyone.

Exactly! Great Point!

Quote by PlinyTheYounger

Someone gave me a ‘1’ on one of my stories. I think I know who it was. It was done for spite.

What if it was just their honest score of your story?

Quote by PlinyTheYounger

Someone gave me a ‘1’ on one of my stories. I think I know who it was. It was done for spite.

Also which story of yours was it cus I've read all of them? I think I know the one it was if it was given a 1 by that reader.

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Amen! I got a '1' on my comp piece. It did sting for a minute, then I shook it off. Not gonna let it change my love of entering comps. smile

I'm pretty sure that if it didn't sting you wouldn't bring it up and assert so clearly and unconvincingly that it didn't sting. Still you write very well. I've read all your work. You should show more confidence. Chin up, Sir.

Quote by PlinyTheYounger

Someone gave me a ‘1’ on one of my stories. I think I know who it was. It was done for spite.

First of all i feel no one has a right to score (rating) stories or poems (including me) . How much hard work, emotions, goes into it . We should appreciate the effort of a writer!!! I think who score low are jealous, they cannot Express in the form of writing!! Smile now , don't waste your energy!! Even my poem had low scores .

To unknown user above ...

Firstly, I'm a woman, not a "Sir".

Secondly, I admitted it stung at first. Then shared with the sole purpose of trying to persuade others not to let it deter them from sharing their writing. We all get the low votes from time to time.

Thirdly, I'm working on the confidence... work in progress in many areas

Quote by PJH

I agree that it is a relatively minor thing although the frequent '2' vote might damage my chances of ever getting The Nobel Prize For Literature.

I perhaps overstated that a bit. I didn't mean to belittle the fact that arbitrary ratings and comments can be - difficult to handle or accept. I will say that I've been publishing online for more than four years and I've been on various forums and other places long before that. So I've seen a lot of weirdness, or just plain craziness.

I had a guy just about a month ago (he was on an email list) who went off on me - in a really nasty way - because I questioned, believe it or not, the restoration of some Amtrak train that hasn't run in forty-three years. I mean, wow, Amtrak!

Quote by LakeShoreLimited

I perhaps overstated that a bit. I didn't mean to belittle the fact that arbitrary ratings and comments can be - difficult to handle or accept. I will say that I've been publishing online for more than four years and I've been on various forums and other places long before that. So I've seen a lot of weirdness, or just plain craziness.

I had a guy just about a month ago (he was on an email list) who went off on me - in a really nasty way - because I questioned, believe it or not, the restoration of some Amtrak train that hasn't run in forty-three years. I mean, wow, Amtrak!

I don't think you overstated it, getting a '2' or even a '1' on a story is not life changing. It just begs the question why? though. It is possible that some low marks that I and others have received are the genuine opinion of someone that has read the story. I think it more likely though it is just done for the sake of it by someone who has NOT read the story. That then goes back to the question why?

Quote by PJH

I don't think you overstated it, getting a '2' or even a '1' on a story is not life changing. It just begs the question why? though. It is possible that some low marks that I and others have received are the genuine opinion of someone that has read the story. I think it more likely though it is just done for the sake of it by someone who has NOT read the story. That then goes back to the question why?

I think there are just some people who get off on dogging others. And online is the easiest place for cowards to bully people. I think some give a '1' because they truly hated an element or character or storyline; others are just being nasty. No way to know which you got if they don't comment.

I got a lot of "1"'s on my three part story "Cuckolding The Boss." My readers hated .... or extremely disliked how things went down. But...they left a lot of lengthy comments and were completely engaged in the story. I respect that. To me, those "1"'s were actually "5"'s because I truely touched my readers.

I received a 1 vote on a micro a while ago. "As nimble and entertaining as a dead cockroach," I was told.

Perhaps that's true, but I suspect Miss Pixel's derision had more to do with my reducing her salmon kitty treats from 4 times a day to 2.

The reason whys wear many a guise.

Quote by PJH

I don't think you overstated it, getting a '2' or even a '1' on a story is not life changing. It just begs the question why? though. It is possible that some low marks that I and others have received are the genuine opinion of someone that has read the story. I think it more likely though it is just done for the sake of it by someone who has NOT read the story. That then goes back to the question why?

I'm being a bit facetious here, but they do it because they can! Maybe some of them have read it and maybe some of them haven't. Some of them are just messing with your for spite. or fun, or maybe even they don't know the exact reason why.

Never assume that the way you think or act is the same as how other people do it.

This quote from Oscar Wilde is pretty good. I wonder who it was that defined man [okay, humans] as a rational animal. It was the most premature definition ever given. Man is many things, but he is not rational.

Quote by MrSlutResort

I write some of the hottest erotica on the web. I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst. My stories on another site all have a "HOT" stamp on them because they rate so high. But here, I get a lot of 5 stars then some shithead comes along and votes a 1 or a 2 out of the blue. First, my stories are well written and grammatically correct. That alone should count for half of the rating. If you don't like the topic then don't read it. If you hate that my stories are rating higher than yours then too bad. Learn how to tell a story better.

I'm going to say this without ever having read your stories but the fact is just because you think they are hot or well written doesn't mean others well think that. Example most people would agree that Stephen King is a great writer ( even Stephen King) but he doesn't appeal to me. Everyone has some opinion or different taste than others

I once co wrote a story on here called Slasher party massacre and some twat literally gave us a low score because it had gasp had a 🔪 lol I'm not sure what she thought the slashing meant or the cover with a literal knife lol. So just shrug it off and enjoy writing for writings sake.