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So you've written a bad story

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I've only written a couple of stories so far, and they've all been sent back for major editing. My latest, yet to be published, suffered a similar fate. After I re-read it to fix it, it was just bad. It needed way more than some dialogue and punctuation edits, it needed to be scrapped. Anyone else ever have this problem?
That has happened to be me before with my first story, but I kept on editing and I really tried to see what was wrong with my story. Eventually, it got accepted.
I can't tell you how many stories I read a day or week, but I looked on your profile and when I saw the title, I remembered the story easily. You're learning some things about grammar and what not and trying to make them habit, but the hardest part of writing is creating a piece that is memorable. You're doing that. The rest will come with time and effort. smile
Quote by TerriC
I've only written a couple of stories so far, and they've all been sent back for major editing. My latest, yet to be published, suffered a similar fate. After I re-read it to fix it, it was just bad. It needed way more than some dialogue and punctuation edits, it needed to be scrapped. Anyone else ever have this problem?

Respect to Delphi, firstly!

You Know, this is a MUCH MORE common problem than you might realize. All Writers suffer this. BUT there are ways to remedy the situation.

In my experience, a Lush Mod who returns your story will explain WHY it's being 'bounced' (Mod Slang for returned, the implication being that it WILL bounce back!) and often provide helpful links. Often these links CAN be confusing, particularly if you're not a terribly experienced writer, but as in all things, (learning to drive, play guitar, fly The Space Shuttle...) you can't expect to be perfect at once. During my time as a serving Mod here, NOTHING pleased my colleagues and myself MORE than to see a Writer return again and again, each effort better than the last until... YES! This is GREAT! You're POSTED!

But the FINEST Lush Writers ALSO get 'bounced'... Often for Stylistic GLITCHES... LIKE WRITING IN CAPS!!! (I'm not suggesting I'm among the finest... BUT I mostly know what I'm TRYING to do... Which is NOT the same as doing it, unfortunately!!!)

Lush Moderators ARE volunteers AND work a lot harder than you might imagine. (I didn't but the rest of them did...) IT CAN BE a VERY frustrating and even thankless job. (About 40% of what Mods read as submissions is IMMEDIATELY bounced for being WAY outside LS guidelines... BUT EVERY submission is carefully read... The reason MOST Mods DO IT is because every now and again you find that you can HELP develop an innate talent and the pleasure in that is enormous.

I no longer work for or represent Lush Stories in ANY way. However, I CAN offer you some advice just as a long-time member/writer here.

IF YOU ARE UNCLEAR about WHY a story of yours has been 'bounced' POLITELY MSG THE MOD and ASK! Busy as they are, MOST Mods will find the time to reply. Indeed, I have become GREAT friends with SEVERAL members who I initially bounced as submitting writers.

(The FLIPSIDE to this is the messages you get from RUDE IRATE WRITERS who can be nasty beyond belief... And THINK about that... A person DOING THEIR JOB as per LS rules is INSULTED, Sworn At, belittled, CURSED and even slandered!!! And EVERY MOD UPON LUSH has experienced this.) No wonder they can be short-tempered.

It IS frustrating when one is continuously bounced, but the facts are these. Lush Stories MORE THAN ANY SIMILAR SITE operates a RIGID (!) Quality Control system. It is PRIMARILY a READING site. (So Posted Stories MUST adhere to basic grammar, readability, Site Rules in terms of content etc...) WRITERS have THE FACILITY to submit stories and of course without our writers we have no site, BUT, as I always understood it, A Moderator NEEDS to be able to stand FULL SQUARE behind anything they agree to post. And among Moderators themselves and site owners and Senior Staffers, discussions happen, QUESTIONS are asked!

Everybody has to LEARN.

MANY MANY years ago, I was a singer in a band. WHEN we got SIGNED we were given money to buy BETTER gear... Well, I was JUST the singer, so I DEMANDED a guitar. (I don't play guitar...) But I said I'd LEARN!!! So I got an Ovation Balladeer bowl-back semi-acoustic six-string. (And I would have FUCKED that guitar...) After three lessons I gave it away. I was NOT WILLING to PRACTICE. Because I wasn't Very Good Very Quickly, I quit. To This Day I regret that. I shudda stuck with it...


In Ireland they say, "GOD loves a TRYER!!!"

I say this too... "GOOD LOVES A TRYER!!!"

So keep trying, Love!

xx Steph
Many people think that they can write a story without learning how to write a compelling erotic story. Writing is a craft and an art. The craft one can learn, for the art (talent) one has to dig deep within. Some say that great writing is 90% hard work and 10% or less talent. I work on my craft every day and I don't publish a lot of stories because I don't want to send out a badly written story or something that has been done to death.

This is one of the reasons why I write erotica: "Lifting sex above the purely physical and elevating it to the emotional and spiritual plane will be your job as writer. We don't fornicate: we make love. Discovering the subtle yet essential difference between the two will make you good at your work." (Valerie Kelly: How to write erotica.) We need to take erotica out the gutter and write great fiction.

"Literary erotica will often show sex as being an unpleasant experience or an experience with negative repercussions. Oftentimes, literary erotica will show sex as being boring or disappointing or dissatisfying on some other level..... Genre erotica tends to promote an ethos of social responsibility. Characters in genre erotica will rarely indulge in the use of recreational drugs and characters in erotica will practice safe sex whenever practicable and possible for the story. ♦ Genre erotica, particularly contemporary genre erotica, is usually more sex-positive than literary erotica. In genre erotica, characters enjoy the whole gamut of sexual experiences and go from one exciting liaison to another. Usually characters in genre erotica discover that each sexual adventure is more fulfilling than the previous one." (Lister, Ashley (2013-11-15). How To Write Erotic Fiction and Sex Scenes)
I've been fortunate enough to only ever have one story rejected, and to be quite honest, it was just...crap, written when I was in an emotional state and quite rightly rejected. It went straight into the recycle bin. I later turned the bones of that "story" into "Under Fire", which has run straight 5's (don't everybody rush to give it 1's, please) since it posted. Honestly, I have stupidly high standards for myself, and I would not hesitate to kill a story that fell below the 4.80 score mark.

As for the original question, have you considered asking someone to be your beta reader? Or to straight up edit your stories prior to submitting them? The difference is, generally, you don't give any kind of credit to your beta, and he/she doesn't make any edits, just gives feedback on the story itself and any errors he/she may have noticed, whereas, with an editor, you generally note that the story was edited by X, and the editor does make physical edits to your story (the best way to do this is to use Google Drive, share the document with your editor, allowing him/her to note edits made and suggest other edits). I have a beta, although I don't always use him, and his feedback is invaluable.

Also, consider what Steph said. The mods are generally very busy, but they're also very dedicated, and will give you good, solid feedback on exactly what needs to be fixed (and even how to fix it) if asked politely and with patience.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

I often end up writing crap. Usually, I realize that after two or three thousand words. A few of those get binned completely, but most end up simply getting re-written (some more than once) paragraph by paragraph and scene by scene until I'm satisfied. My belief is that this re-writing is the best way to improve writing skills and to find what works and what doesn't for oneself.

As writers, we need to multitask between storytelling and writing properly. A creative thought process doesn't want to care about commas and verb tenses all the time, and when you're already three paragraphs ahead in a fantasy you try to bring to paper, mistakes are bound to happen. Some parts are going to completely miss the target, but unless the whole point of the story turns out to fall flat, very little is beyond salvageable.
Thank you this helps a lot with the writing
Have lots of fun
In my experience, most story submissions are bounced for bad writing, not bad story-telling. As long as your technicals are in order and you follow the Lush editing format, your story will most likely be posted... but from there, your story is yours to own. You're free to fall flat on your face if your story-telling sucks. What the mods are great at here is improving your writing. Telling a good story is a skill you must find within yourself, or learn by reading the giants.
Quote by TerriC
I've only written a couple of stories so far, and they've all been sent back for major editing. My latest, yet to be published, suffered a similar fate. After I re-read it to fix it, it was just bad. It needed way more than some dialogue and punctuation edits, it needed to be scrapped. Anyone else ever have this problem?

Eh - over the years I've published probably over 20 stories and poems at Lush and about half are kicked back.

"Oh Was I Horny and Half Asleep When I Wrote This Or What?"

"Yes," the mistress replies, "You've been very naughty, Metilda, and must be punished for your transgressions."

- She's got it out for me, always looking for a reason to inflict pain. What gives? I don't know but it'll continue until she gets all her SPAG thrills.
Quote by TerriC
I've only written a couple of stories so far, and they've all been sent back for major editing. My latest, yet to be published, suffered a similar fate. After I re-read it to fix it, it was just bad. It needed way more than some dialogue and punctuation edits, it needed to be scrapped. Anyone else ever have this problem?

...mine got sent back for simple things...when I first started posting on here I posted 1 a day for 5 days...they all came back because I used numbers instead of writing them out...then a couple came back because I repeated the title with the text...then a couple came back because I had my file number in parentheses by the title...I've written over 500 short stories so without the file number its hard for me to find them...I'm dyslectic & see some words backwards or whatever...what I type is not always what I see, so I got burned on that a couple of times...most of the time spell-check will catch it...but if its something like was & saw...they are both real words so spell-check wouldn't catch that...but I finally got 5 posted & 1 pending...
Quote by Metilda

Eh - over the years I've published probably over 20 stories and poems at Lush and about half are kicked back.

"Oh Was I Horny and Half Asleep When I Wrote This Or What?"

"Yes," the mistress replies, "You've been very naughty, Metilda, and must be punished for your transgressions."

- She's got it out for me, always looking for a reason to inflict pain. What gives? I don't know but it'll continue until she gets all her SPAG thrills.

Well it's interesting to look back and see how much things have changed.

I've now written over 50 short stories and have a substantial career as an erotica author going for me... And I still get stories kicked back from time to time. Just - not as bad.

In fact, my readers have decided I have some sort of standard in my writing (??) and now I'm held up to it (??) because they're mean! So mean! (lol - kidding. I love ya!). My readers will call me on my shit if I let too many errors slip by, though. Rightfully so.
Quote by Metilda

Well it's interesting to look back and see how much things have changed.

I've now written over 50 short stories and have a substantial career as an erotica author going for me... And I still get stories kicked back from time to time. Just - not as bad.

In fact, my readers have decided I have some sort of standard in my writing (??) and now I'm held up to it (??) because they're mean! So mean! (lol - kidding. I love ya!). My readers will call me on my shit if I let too many errors slip by, though. Rightfully so.

...I've been writing & posting on the inter-net for over 15-years...I've written over 500 short stories...if people follow you from one web-site to another for 7 or 8 years...would that be considered a loyal reader?...what I find funny is how often I find my stories posted by others...a few years ago my stories kept showing up on the Alaska board of CL...I sent the person an e-mail telling him to repost my stories all he wanted...just credit me with them...he added my credit & posted them for a couple of more years...