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Silly question: stories with your real name

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Quote by ChrissieLecker

Here it is... (I might have taken some inspiration from your avatar and profile pics too) *drumroll*

Hope you like it! Only one set of red cheeks though, as I somehow had a romantic streak when I wrote it.

I feel honoured, Chrissie, very hot tale beautifully written smile Romance is good, so thank you very much xxx
I leap right in... just in case someone has been telling tales! ...giggles
Then it's .. "did I do that?" .... "I didn't do that!" ... " mmmmm I Could do that!"

Quote by ColletteXx

I feel honoured, Chrissie, very hot tale beautifully written smile Romance is good, so thank you very much xxx

I MUST read this !!!!!
It is an instruction manual isn't it ????

I have a name that is fairly common in my generation (it seems to have faded in my son's) but I rarely see it in stories here. If I do, it's no big deal. Being common, I'm used to seeing used for characters in literature.
Quote by seeker4
I have a name that is fairly common in my generation (it seems to have faded in my son's) but I rarely see it in stories here. If I do, it's no big deal. Being common, I'm used to seeing used for characters in literature.

Teehee, can I point you in the direction of one? smile

The Manor (Scott's the main character!)
I've used my name in a few of my stories, probably because I didn't feel like using something else. Now, as for some of the characters in my stories, any similarities to people here on Lush is coincidental. Then again, maybe it isn't.
Quote by hayley

I MUST read this !!!!!
It is an instruction manual isn't it ????

Why don't we have a nice dinner and invite Collette over to see if it works? *flutters lashes*
Quote by ColletteXx
The one I use on here is a pen name, not come across any stories with either my real name or my pen name.

Frankly, I'm a little disappointed!!!

Your name appeared as a middle name in my story Brown. *giggles*
Quote by Possibly

Your name appeared as a middle name in my story Brown. *giggles*

I had to go back and re-read that, Possibly smile No surprise I missed it, what with all that sizzling sex!!

Suitably chastised...
Quote by hayley

I MUST read this !!!!!
It is an instruction manual isn't it ????

Gosh, I do hope so!!!
Quote by ChrissieLecker

Why don't we have a nice dinner and invite Collette over to see if it works? *flutters lashes*

I don't know if it'd work on collette's, but I'm positive it would work on dianna's
My name is too uncommon. But if I ever did happen to stumble across a story with a character using my name, especially if it was told from that character's point-of-view, I think it could only add intensity to the connection of the story. Make it seem more personal and real.
My name is also uncommon, but I have encountered a minor character in a fantasy novel who shared my first name.

She was a fat, matronly old sorceress. She was something of a legend, known for her strictness and for her punishments (It's always a paddlin').

My life has no meaning, no direction, no aim. No purpose. But I'm happy. I can't wrap my head around this. What the fuck am I doing right?
My stories are all written in the first person and I use my own name in all of them. I've had one or two written for me too using my name which was flattering in the extreme and also a massive turn on smile
My new story has been awarded the Recommended Read. If you adore a needy bottom and fancy a short, but very naughty read...
Quote by Metilda
If you have a common name the odds are higher that you'll come across it in erotica - or any other story for that matter.

How do you feel when you see this?

I get paranoid and refuse to read the story, actually. "I did no such thing!" LOL I can't get past it. LOL

...I assume any name I see on the net is if I see my real name it doesn't bother me...