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Silly question: stories with your real name

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If you have a common name the odds are higher that you'll come across it in erotica - or any other story for that matter.

How do you feel when you see this?

I get paranoid and refuse to read the story, actually. "I did no such thing!" LOL I can't get past it. LOL
I don't think I've ever read a story with my name in it...
Quote by Metilda
If you have a common name the odds are higher that you'll come across it in erotica - or any other story for that matter.

How do you feel when you see this?

I get paranoid and refuse to read the story, actually. "I did no such thing!" LOL I can't get past it. LOL

I have less issue with this then some of the stuff I've written. I wrote a nurse story, with the original thought that I would turn it into a series. Now I get comments regularly about it. But the professional side of me is horrified by the implication that what my flight of fancy composed is perceived as truth. So even though I still have the intention of writing a second chapter, I cannot.
being a story mod here, i run into it all the time, actually. sometimes i'm tempted to send the writer a little note along the lines of: i am rejecting this on the grounds that i would never do something like that. *giggles*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I have a very UNcommon real name. That will not happen.
This name is just now being surfaced, but I have no problem seeing my name used in a story, though, even if they are stories actually written about me. I have always felt that such opinion is none of my business, there are creative freedoms, and for that and other such things I really do not take it personal. The character may do things I would not ever want or do, or it may be reversed, lol. I am more and more paranoid about how much information can be out there, and accessible to strangers, for ill-begotten use, in many ways, regarding real name/stuff, not speaking of a story, per se, no... so I find it futile at times and yet try not to leak too much.

It hasn't bothered me yet anyway.
I probably use my own name in stories too often myself, but there is so much autobiographical content in my stories that I may as well own up to it. Beth is a common name so I've long-since disabused myself of the notion that seeing it in an erotic story should cause me offense in any way. I've probably disgraced my name more myself than any character in a story has!
Hmmm, as far stories not written by me go; I've found my name a few times in a few urban fiction novels. My name's a common black name. Now as far stories written by me go; I've put me name in a story only if it's an autobiographical piece.
I've seen stories with Lori & Cory in it.

Depending on the story it's easy to put myself into it which is something I enjoy doing as a reader
It doesn't bother me unless they are writing about ME and that is highly unlikely. There are lots of Megans around
I have an uncommon real name so I never read a story with my name in it.
As an Emily who's always had another friend/acquaintance with the same name wherever I go, stumbling across such stories is pretty common for me.

And I admit to deliberately searching out stories with my name in them. (Call me narcissistic, sure :-)) Remarkably, most fictitious Emily's resemble me. Character-wise, that is. So I kind of dig it. And even if they don't, that's fine. I've bumped into way too many fellow Emily's and it could be the other girl in Biology class or from church or maybe some random cross-dresser out there who took it up as his alternative name. See how diverse the Emily pool is?

As to whether I would get offended/disturbed if the character did something way too depraved, the answer's no. See above argument. And if the kink is something you're into, wouldn't it turn you on even more since you can visualise better with that extra bit of personalisation?

I've written a story with an Emily in it. It was non-autobiographical. And the coolest thing I've ever gotten around here is a Ms. Sharp cameo in a story. Bottom-line is I enjoy, rather than despise the use of my name in erotica.x
I used my real name twice, but those stories were based on fact so it just felt wrong to change it.

I've seen others use my name real name but its fairly common. I enjoy it really. It makes it easier to get into the story.
I've only come across it once so far, and I actually found it a little grating. It didn't help that the story wasn't that good and my namesake was a bit of a dick. But in principle, I've got nothing against it.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
For me, it's happened a time or two. I find it kind of odd, but it doesn't stop me from reading the story, especially if the characters personality is nothing like mine.
Mine isn't the common spelling variant, so it's rare to see my exact name in a story unless I write it myself or it's being written about me (or a character is being based on me), in which case I've already given it the thumbs up. It doesn't really faze me if I see my name attached to a random/anonymous character.
The one I use on here is a pen name, not come across any stories with either my real name or my pen name.

Frankly, I'm a little disappointed!!!
Quote by ColletteXx
The one I use on here is a pen name, not come across any stories with either my real name or my pen name.

Frankly, I'm a little disappointed!!!

I might have an opening for a Collette in one of my stories. I'll let you know how it goes... don't blame me though if she ends up with red cheeks - and I'm not talking about faces! *giggles*
Quote by ChrissieLecker

I might have an opening for a Collette in one of my stories. I'll let you know how it goes... don't blame me though if she ends up with red cheeks - and I'm not talking about faces! *giggles*

Oooooh!!! An opening for a Collette? Don't hear that every day!!
My name isn't particularly common and I've yet to find it written in a erotic sense.
Actually, my name just doesn't seem to go with erotic story writing. Perhaps it doesn't conjures up the right image?
I don't have a common name (or at least I feel it's not that common) so I doubt, very highly, that my real name will ever be used. However, if I do see one with it in there, well, it won't bother me because I know it's just a character and nothing else.
"So don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
Don't lie to me,
Just get your things.
I've made up your mind."

Quote by BethanyFrasier
I probably use my own name in stories too often myself, but there is so much autobiographical content in my stories that I may as well own up to it. Beth is a common name so I've long-since disabused myself of the notion that seeing it in an erotic story should cause me offense in any way. I've probably disgraced my name more myself than any character in a story has!

Me too. I like the kind of person I strive to be. I'm pretty good at it, I've learned a lot, and I like my main character to be a nice person. Me.

Paul is pretty common too and it's never bothered me. I like details and when the characters name is mine I can burrow in farther. I use me in my stories. I know a lot about me so it's easy to say what the character will do, it's what I would do. I write pretty much what I believe and try to keep the lead character there. The type of person I am, or at least try to be.

Other people are based on the thousands of characters I've met. Only a couple are composites but most of the woman are fantasies. Several are real and I tell you. In either case they were about me when they happened or I fantasized so why not use me. My ego needs a stroke now and again. I don't allow him much control.
I am always a gentleman.
my marie stories are my true tales of my early life of discovering myself so its only right I use the name I chose to use instead of my real name. I've yet to come across my real name in lush stories and only once in a book, even though I don't think Marcus is that uncommon. I would love to see any character named the same as me in erotic stories, as long as he is not abusive to anyone. well saying that as long as its only sex play abuse.
My name has been in lots of stories. It's a fairly common name. It does not bother me at all.

Sometimes, stories are even written with me in mind. Those stories are very dear to my heart.

My name isn't common nor uncommon. Average. I may run across it and it doesn't bother me at all. Coincidences. Hmm...maybe a message from the universe.6AyE3fAbh11dKGdH It's rare. I have had poems and stories written for me or about me. It is an honor.SRFNcwDocLAZLJ1G I don't mind that, but I will make it clear that I do not like to be directly mentioned. If I know you and you use my name, and the situation feels familiar, we may have some words.hEyKSWdnnl7HYPTQ I think that is in poor taste. Post it and I'm coming after your a**.
? A True Story ?
I have a very different kind of name, so I have never seen it in a story. Which, I'm kind of glad for. I think it would be a little weird, to be honest.
I have read a lot of stories, here on Lush and elsewhere, where there was a character named Nikki or Nicole. Kind of surprised actually, it is definitely not an obscure name but it isn't that common either. It doesn't really bother me unless the character is a total asshole or something, LOL!
My name is so average and international that would be astonishing to see it in the story. Usually - and that is my opinion - writers, specially in short stories as they are here, are trying with limited words to express as much as they can. The same is for characters in the stories, name says few things and mine doesn't say much . To answer the question, no, I have never read story with my name in it and that doesn't surprise me smile
I have a name that's popped up every now and then, but I'm not offended by it. I used my real first name in my Roommates trilogy, but won't use my real last name, unless I vary the spelling of it.

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