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Re-reading your own stories

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I always re-read my stories before posting though I do miss some silly errors but its inevitable if checking it yourself. I especially re-read stories to see where I left off in a previous chapter in order to write the next one. Even though it is necessary to read my writing over again, I do not enjoy it since I see where I can improve or change.
I HATE rereading my old stories! Every time I do I find mistakes and I just want to crumple the whole mess up and rewrite it! And if it isn't mistakes, I see how awful my old stories were compared to what I have learned - it just drives me crazy! So once I write a story and put it up... I move on! Besides, I have so many ideas rumbling around in my head that I would get my old stories tangled up in them if I reread them too often!
Quote by avrgblkgrl

I reread it, reread it, reread it and reread it before I submit a story.
Every once in a while I may go back and read something after
submission; it may be something I wrote last month or two years ago.
It's painful because each time I see a mistake, I see where I could have
done better or I wonder why in the hell did I let someone read that.P61ESBeH5GlQwvlw

(You guys do realize that reread does not need to be hyphenated.)

I agree. I rarely reread a story and do not find errors, or wording I would change. It is the same when I read others work. I guess I was a teacher so long that I read with a red marker in hand. Lol.
I'm always going back and reading my stories, but mostly for trying to figure out how to make the next one better. I also read all the comments, good and bad. I also try to reply to them all. I also never take a bad score or comment personally. We each have a our own likes and dislikes.

In my experience, a great way to pick out errors in your writing is to upload it to a Kindle and read it on that. It really works for me. I pick up nearly every error when reading my stories on my Kindle.

Bear in mind that most Kindles will only accept mobi files, so if you're writing on a .doc file, you'll have to convert with an online .doc to mobi file converter beforehand.
I've had terrible experience re-reading my own work. It always seems rash and unfinished. Knowing every word, I can only see the mistakes, mostly because I rewrite so much that I have to force myself to submit most of the times - one of the reasons why I haven't submitted a story in the past few months.
Yes, but I always want to change something. I never stop rewriting, sometimes to a fault. I have made stories less effective by rewriting them too much.
I read back through my stories frequently. Some of them, like Merchant Princess and my Magic of the Wood series, I read a couple of times a year.

I enjoy my stuff, or I wouldn't write it. Once a year or so has passed, I've forgotten enough of the small details to be tickled by them again when I read them.

Good Will ---|--- Got Me Pegged <= Both almost famous, give them a read and get them one step closer!

I like to reread my stories occasionally. I like to see how I can change the way I describe things from story to story. I want to make sure I am not repetitious and am presenting something that is a new creation, not something from the past revisited or copied. Most of my stories are based on personal experiences, so there is an added bonus of a reread... it's like looking through a scrap book or a picture album. Memories!!!
I have just started to write erotica but all the same rules apply. Writing short stories in general will help develope or hone your skills. It is good to re-read your stories for several reasons. It shows an author the progress in their writing, format, syntax, and flow.

I've been reading my husbands work (Chuckepoo). I am truly impressed by his progress from his first offering to his present story, The Miracle of Christmas. I've been encouraging him to expand his genre. His last three are all a remarkable improvement over his early work.
Being dyslexic, I can reread a story multiple times in a short time and continue to miss obvious mistakes. Conversely, if I wait several weeks, those issues stand out. I often go back months or years later and find mistakes or other issues that I didn't previously recognize. It's frustrating, but necessary.
Quote by Meggsy
How often do you as an author go back and read your own stories.
I have done it - but rarely.
...I have a file where I story my stories by categories...whenever I pull up a story to post I re-read it...of course I'm dyslectic...& what I actually type isn't what I its more necessary for me than the average person...spell check catches a lot of mistakes...but not always...