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Re-reading your own stories

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How often do you as an author go back and read your own stories.
I have done it - but rarely.
Since I have so many stories, I will just glance them over to make sure I don't re-write the same story again.

I will read them several times over and over again before I submit them. At that point, I probably have the whole thing memorized.

If I'm working on a series, I always have to re-read the last chapter to help me with the current story. I always will need to know
the characteristics of my characters. I write so much I do forget and that is really the only time I need to go back and make
sure everything is the same story to story.

I always leave nice comments for anybody who has read my stories. So in that way I do have to go back.

But, just for shits and giggles, I don't normally read my stories again. Certainly, not to arouse myself.

I reread it, reread it, reread it and reread it before I submit a story.
Every once in a while I may go back and read something after
submission; it may be something I wrote last month or two years ago.
It's painful because each time I see a mistake, I see where I could have
done better or I wonder why in the hell did I let someone read that.vttWTVQGChpANOaU

(You guys do realize that reread does not need to be hyphenated.)
? A True Story ?
Occasionally I go back to reread and edit my oldest stories. I know much more now, plus I'm much better now at finding mistakes. But I'm mostly rereading in order to make my older stories better.

On my new story submissions I reread it several times looking for any error, typo or whatever before I send it to my proofreader. It's a process to get it ready for final submission.
My oldest stories are posted on another site and I never re-read them 'cos they're blinkin' awful
I've tweaked the ones I have on here a fair bit too, particularly the older ones. I spend a lot more time editing before posting these days, but I still re-edit after submission if I spot a mistake, or have mistakes pointed out to me. It never hurts to improve what you've written.
I'm my own biggest fan (since no one else is!), so I re-read my stories even years after I've written them, especially after someone leaves me a nice comment.
Once in a while I'll go back and read some of my favorites and if I find mistakes (which I always do) I'll edit or even resubmit it. I try not to do that too much, or I'd be re-writing all my old stories.
When I receive a comment on an older story I will read it again, just to recall what I was saying at that time. If I find blatant mistakes I will correct them. Also, I will read older stories when I need to continue a series. It's necessary to make sure the continuity works well. Of course, if putting together an ebook I would do a complete reworking of any stories or poems to be included.
Quote by avrgblkgrl

I reread it, reread it, reread it and reread it before I submit a story.
Every once in a while I may go back and read something after
submission; it may be something I wrote last month or two years ago.
It's painful because each time I see a mistake, I see where I could have
done better or I wonder why in the hell did I let someone read that.CSiMc88QjZNtHw5A

Ditto. I read it so many times before submitting that I have it memorized. Then read it aloud. It's good to know your approach is the same.
Quote by HotWife4U

Ditto. I read it so many times before submitting that I have it memorized. Then read it aloud. It's good to know your approach is the same.

You are right
I don't even read them while I'm writing them. Yuck!
At some stage we have to let go.
I read and re-read stories several times (even paragraphs as I'm writing them) before I submit.
Yet, once published, we always see not only the minor errors but where the work could be improved.
It's too darned late in book form, of course, but, on here, it's possible to tweak, correct and rewrite.
And after all that it still will not be perfect. That's guaranteed.
(Hang on while I read what I've written here!)
I like to reread my own story, only because it reminds me of a time in my life that was totally blissful und full of joy. I was at a time in my life that I really want to explore, und explore I did.

If I read my own stories I ALWAYS find something I want to change, so I avoid it. I love my stories, but it drives me nuts

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by JWren
At some stage we have to let go.
I read and re-read stories several times (even paragraphs as I'm writing them) before I submit.
Yet, once published, we always see not only the minor errors but where the work could be improved.
It's too darned late in book form, of course, but, on here, it's possible to tweak, correct and rewrite.
And after all that it still will not be perfect. That's guaranteed.
(Hang on while I read what I've written here!)

I wish it was possible to do that~ but I think it's a mod's tool, because once I submit it, it's out of my control, unless i want to send it thru moderation again...

You guys all do a great job, and really, my sending a story back isn't the way I want you to have to spend your time :-)

I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.

Quote by avrgblkgrl
I reread it, reread it, reread it and reread it before I submit a story.
Every once in a while I may go back and read something after
submission; it may be something I wrote last month or two years ago.
It's painful because each time I see a mistake, I see where I could have
done better or I wonder why in the hell did I let someone read that.3jfkQD3njd7H1hXh

Pretty much this.

Although from time to time, like now for instance when I'm in a bit of a slump, I will reread my old stories to try and kick start a bit of inspiration. I find it helps to remind myself that I can actually write.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Quote by JWren
At some stage we have to let go.
I read and re-read stories several times (even paragraphs as I'm writing them) before I submit.
Yet, once published, we always see not only the minor errors but where the work could be improved.
It's too darned late in book form, of course, but, on here, it's possible to tweak, correct and rewrite.
And after all that it still will not be perfect. That's guaranteed.
(Hang on while I read what I've written here!)

I completely agree with this.

I read, read and reread them so many times when I’m writing and editing that I’m (usually) happy with the finished product and content to let them go. However, if I started reading through them again later on, the temptation to tinker would drive me crazy. Plus, I think that once a story’s published it takes on a life of its own.

For example, I’d hate to change something that perhaps I don’t like, and inadvertently remove or alter the very thing that made someone connect with the story in the first place. After all, just because I wrote it, it doesn’t necessarily mean I can control every aspect of how people read it. We all take different things from the stories we read.

So if I saw a grammatical or spelling error I’d quietly make a swift correction, but I don’t think I’d ever want to go too wild with the changes. Therefore I just try to let them go.
Oh My God!!!

I SO don't follow the rules! I write REALLY quickly, (often LIVE on the 'Submit Story' page...) I tend to edit as I go rather than edit PROPERLY at the end and I frequently don't proof at all! (That is THE WRONG WAY to do it!)

However, because I write in this fashion, I confess to rereading my stuff quite a bit! I'll usually find something in there that I wasn't consciously aware of at the time of writing. Almost indeed, as though the story was written by somebody else! I'll also invariably find mistakes. Sometimes I'll even correct them!

There are, of course, as many writing styles as there are writers. It speaks VOLUMES that the LS Story Mod crew are able to edit/correct/advise our many and very different contributors while maintaining the integrity of each. I've certainly been helped by the comments by LS mods who bounce my stuff.

xx SF
Occasionally. Some make me SERIOUSLY cringe. I totally detest my old self for writing them. But some make me smile, so long as I read them very rarely.
Quote by Saucymh
My oldest stories are posted on another site and I never re-read them 'cos they're blinkin' awful
I've tweaked the ones I have on here a fair bit too, particularly the older ones. I spend a lot more time editing before posting these days, but I still re-edit after submission if I spot a mistake, or have mistakes pointed out to me. It never hurts to improve what you've written.
A trick I learned at University was to read my paper or story backwards. I'd read the last sentence first, then the 2nd last sentence, etc. This way you are not reading the story, but reading the sentence. I read the story from the beginning, or at certain defined breaks in the story, for flow and continuity, but backwards for accuracy. Sadly, I forgot about that trick until I saw this Forum topic. It's been a couple decades since University. I'll start doing it again. And work on my punctuation. And stop starting sentences with And. And But. Right Buz? smile
Interesting idea, ThisPing4U, to read a story backwards, and I will have to give it a try. In art classes I have taken, the instructor recommended occasionally turning our drawings upside down, particularly when sketching portraits. The idea is the same, to disrupt how we "see" an object or figure, as we tend to fall into repeatable and not easily detectable patterns.

As for my stories, I do occasionally reread them long after posting (and invariably find an error). I tend to steal descriptive phrases from myself, and this helps me to not do that. Rereading also helps me gauge if my writing is improving - in my own mind, at least.

"It seemed like a nice neighborhood to have bad habits in.” Raymond Chandler

The Gin Rickey Singularity -- Dirty Talk competition entry

Lucia Makes a Bet

Barn Dance

Shock Wave

I reread my stories from time to time. Really depends on why. If I'm writing a follow-up story, then I need to remember what the characters had done before so I don't fuck up the new story. Sometimes I get the urge to reread on old one... and thus I find a typo I've missed. I'll resubmit it and the awesome Mods get back up in no time.

I find rereading my older pieces helps me see my own personal evolution in writing. I see how I've improved, how I've used that idea before, or a character name (I try not to repeat older names if I can help it.) Plus... like Bethany... I'm my biggest fan as I always write stories I want to read.
Quote by NymphWriter
and thus I find a typo I've missed. I'll resubmit it and the awesome Mods get back up in no time.

or i'll get it and add lots of stuff you never intended to write. watersports are always fun to slip in to unsuspecting writers stories.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

or i'll get it and add lots of stuff you never intended to write. watersports are always fun to slip in to unsuspecting writers stories.

Ooo! Please edit one of mine! Or all of them!

07 February 2025 - My latest dirty story is now online. Free Spirit on the Nudist Beach - Part 2 | Lush Stories Please read, comment and maybe give it a ❤️ - or even a⭐ if you really enjoy it! Thank you! Annie xxx

Quote by avrgblkgrl

I reread it, reread it, reread it and reread it before I submit a story.
Every once in a while I may go back and read something after
submission; it may be something I wrote last month or two years ago.
It's painful because each time I see a mistake, I see where I could have
done better or I wonder why in the hell did I let someone read that.PfUDtsjXAX0Ve3BM

(You guys do realize that reread does not need to be hyphenated.)

What? Re-read does not need to be hy-phenated? What if I just en-joy hy-phenating things?

But yeah, I'm like this too. Except I don't usually regret posting anything and letting people read it, even if I do cringe a bit after the fact. Maybe if I was charging for it I would... probably not. Free will and all that; I hope people enjoy what I write, but if anyone finds it not to their liking they can always simply move on, the beauty of free stuff.
I mostly find myself rereading my older stuff after someone has just made a very thoughtful and detailed comment referencing some aspect of the story - mostly because I want to figure out what they are talking about so that I can sound at least semi-intelligent when I reply!
Quote by naughtyannie

Ooo! Please edit one of mine! Or all of them!

i really need to start charging for this service. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Are there any other stories?


Quote by sprite
or i'll get it and add lots of stuff you never intended to write. watersports are always fun to slip in to unsuspecting writers stories.

You only work to make me a better writer Sprite. And for that I love you.
Quote by sprite

or i'll get it and add lots of stuff you never intended to write. watersports are always fun to slip in to unsuspecting writers stories.

(Raises hand enthusiastically) Oooh! Oooh! I'm an unsuspecting writer.
Quote by Meggsy
How often do you as an author go back and read your own stories.
I have done it - but rarely.

I re-read my stories occasionally. Some of the characters live large in my imagination and I enjoy going back to them as much as I enjoy writing them. Blaine is my guilty pleasure in Seeing Red. A contract killer with a soft spot for redheads and a brutal beautiful kind of lyricism to his inner thoughts. He's delicious.