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Not scoring and commenting on stories.

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Quote by TheDelightfulAsh
I always tend to score a story as soon as I have read it, and most of the time I do leave a comment, it only takes a few minutes, so I can't understand why they wouldn't. They could be busy with themselves though :P. Often I get a message back in thanks, which is much appreciated by me, and I always want them to write more. I always comment on stories which lack ratings, or comments though, they are needed to help the author.

shush you!! rub it in more ok?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by jollylolly
I read for my own pleasure, so don't really need or expect to be thanked for it. If it's a friend's story, it's nice to get a thanks for a comment, but I'm not bothered if I don't.

...I agree...I read to entertain me...not to get a thanks from someone...I appreciate votes & comments...but to me there not that big a deal...I'm more concerned about hits...I consider anything under 1000 a failure...
Active Ink Slinger
Since the above author commented on this old theme I decided to also. I almost always answer a comment, although it may be several days old before I see it. If it's just a "Hot story" or a comment someone posts on every story, I probably won't reply. I never thank someone for a vote, as I don't bother to see who voted. What I don't understand is why such a small percentage of readers actually vote and/or comment. Voting is such a simple and quick process. Good or bad, vote! Also, although I don't relish receiving negative comments, I'd like to know why someone didn't like my story. Instead of only praise, I'd like to sometimes receive constructive criticism. It, at least, would make the praise that much sweeter.
Active Ink Slinger
Interesting that this topic popped up again, (after almost two years). I was just today wondering about what was happening with my latest story.

It seems to be doing just fine with views and votes - even the number of comments isn't all that bad. What I do find depressing however is that only two of the five comments and two of the fourteen votes came from among my 96 friends.

Nearly 4000 have viewed the story but only 15 have voted or commented on it. My past history suggests that that is normal but it still looks to me as if something is wrong.

Is there something I can do to improve this?

Oh, and by the way, I believe that I have personally thanked everone who ever voted, commented on, or faved one of my stories - not all that difficult when the most votes I've ever gotten on a story is 48.
Active Ink Slinger

I wrote a story.....
Did you read it?
did you like it...
it was o.k....
did you score it? Nope....
Didn't wanna hurt your feelings...
Oh so you didn't like it...
Well.... what did you mean?
You want me to score it?
What did you do?
I scored your story...
ya... but you gave me a 4.... why not a 5?
I scored it as I saw it... there were things that could be improved
I don't think so.... it was approved as is.... it was the BEST!!
Well.... I personally thing....
I don't care what you think....
Why did you want me to score it?
I thought you'd give me a 5... it was good... it was approved...
I think there have been many that are better... what would I give them?
This was good... good as any....
Not everyone can be the "BEST"
Creep (or any number of other words of wisdom)
Dropped as "Friends"....

Do you all realize this started in the world when the rules of the playground games were changed, and everyone got a blue ribbon... some even when they were not there!
Back then there were Varsity and JV Teams, as well as "Intramural Sports".... for those who couldn't make the teams!!
I follow a big bunch of auteurs here! I receive and follow up with about 3-5 writings a day.... read about half, first word to end... Some are of no interest at all... hardly read any of those! Start some and never finish!
Either way.... I give feedback to maybe 1 out of 100 by commenting or scoring there at the posting! A small few others... I catch around site and comment! Those are ones that strike me as "Really Good"!!
The rest may be JV and many strike me as "Intramural Writings"! There I said it!!
I read for my interest and what ever.....
I openly invite anyone to send me a "pre-copy" to ask my idea on it but you'll get my views! As many may see here... my spelling sucks.... I skip words when I type... I'm dyslexic and my sentence structure....does not exist! (and I like "......", despite what others say about it!
My thoughts on what I read are just that.... they do not matter in the greater picture of you being a writer! I don't buy your stories.

I would like to take this time to graciously say thank you all, for posting stories.... or not.... as it keeps me entertained and off the curve....
Please keep posting so I don't have to go back to Penthouse Letters, or what ever is out there, these days!
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by weekender

I wrote a story.....
Did you read it?
did you like it...
it was o.k....
did you score it? Nope....
Didn't wanna hurt your feelings...
Oh so you didn't like it...
Well.... what did you mean?
You want me to score it?
What did you do?
I scored your story...
ya... but you gave me a 4.... why not a 5?
I scored it as I saw it... there were things that could be improved
I don't think so.... it was approved as is.... it was the BEST!!
Well.... I personally thing....
I don't care what you think....
Why did you want me to score it?
I thought you'd give me a 5... it was good... it was approved...
I think there have been many that are better... what would I give them?
This was good... good as any....
Not everyone can be the "BEST"
Creep (or any number of other words of wisdom)
Dropped as "Friends"....

Do you all realize this started in the world when the rules of the playground games were changed, and everyone got a blue ribbon... some even when they were not there!
Back then there were Varsity and JV Teams, as well as "Intramural Sports".... for those who couldn't make the teams!!
I follow a big bunch of auteurs here! I receive and follow up with about 3-5 writings a day.... read about half, first word to end... Some are of no interest at all... hardly read any of those! Start some and never finish!
Either way.... I give feedback to maybe 1 out of 100 by commenting or scoring there at the posting! A small few others... I catch around site and comment! Those are ones that strike me as "Really Good"!!
The rest may be JV and many strike me as "Intramural Writings"! There I said it!!
I read for my interest and what ever.....
I openly invite anyone to send me a "pre-copy" to ask my idea on it but you'll get my views! As many may see here... my spelling sucks.... I skip words when I type... I'm dyslexic and my sentence structure....does not exist! (and I like "......", despite what others say about it!
My thoughts on what I read are just that.... they do not matter in the greater picture of you being a writer! I don't buy your stories.

I would like to take this time to graciously say thank you all, for posting stories.... or not.... as it keeps me entertained and off the curve....
Please keep posting so I don't have to go back to Penthouse Letters, or what ever is out there, these days!

*unfriends and blocks you*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Gee, Sprite... that's like getting a divorce and never been married!!,,,,
scoring and commenting is fine ,,however .just being read and viewed is what is the real jewel ,,to be read by your peers .. means more than anything ,, even ones that don't like ..a view is still a view
Active Ink Slinger
scoring and commenting is fine ,,however .just being read and viewed is what is the real jewel ,,to be read by your peers .. means more than anything ,, even ones that don't like ..a view is still a view

He gets it!!
Active Ink Slinger
I always score and comment on stories I read. With my own stories I think it's nice that someone takes the time to let me know they enjoyed it. Or didn't, if that's the case. However, the fact that it's been viewed and read makes me feel that someone has appreciated my work.

Click Pegasus4's Profile ( to see my profile.

Click Pegasus4's Stories ( to see a list of my stories.

Kiss My Wiggleass Baby
When I read a story I always comment and score on that story. When it comes to my own stories or poems I get a massive kick out of the fact that hundreds, sometimes thousands, of people have read them, for little me, just a no-one woman, living in a no-where place that is such a compliment. I don't expect a comment or a score but I have been very lucky and received both on my writing and I'm always blown away when people take their time to do that.
Happiness will never come to those who don’t appreciate what they already have
Quote by poppyx
When I read a story I always comment and score on that story. When it comes to my own stories or poems I get a massive kick out of the fact that hundreds, sometimes thousands, of people have read them, for little me, just a no-one woman, living in a no-where place that is such a compliment. I don't expect a comment or a score but I have been very lucky and received both on my writing and I'm always blown away when people take their time to do that.

I agree
Advanced Wordsmith
I don't mind if I get a reply from an author or not if I've scored their story.
Active Ink Slinger
I like comments on my stories good, bad or indifferent. I always reply back and answers questions or explain things. I try and comment on the stories I've read. I may not comment right away but I will comment.
Quote by weekender

He gets it!!

I don't think he does. Maybe it depends on the author but I value comments on my story - good and bad - above anything else. People have taken the time to read the whole story and then offer their opinion of it. To me it seems a bit insulting to your readers to dismiss that.
1 like
Quote by puddleduck

I don't think he does. Maybe it depends on the author but I value comments on my story - good and bad - above anything else. People have taken the time to read the whole story and then offer their opinion of it. To me it seems a bit insulting to your readers to dismiss that.

I also far prefer comments to anything else. While it's nice to see a story have a lot of views, I feel as if my stories that are well commented on (even with a negative comment or two) reached the audience much better than those that don't. There's no difference after all between a view of a reader who enjoys it and a reader who abandons a story after a paragraph. I'd rather have 1 comment than 1000 views of those views are all people who made it a paragraph or two into a story I wrote.
The Linebacker
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Generally getting quite a few comments and votes leads to more views.
Quote by Buz
Generally getting quite a few comments and votes leads to more views.

Agreed. Basically word of mouth. I like comments on my stories not going to lie. But I also like views as well. I also like hearing/reading. Why a person liked the story, gives room for improvement. Whether it's negative or positive. Saying you love a story or think it's total garbage. Without a sound reason is kinda pointless.

Well that's my two cents anyway.
I love the comments, but I've got to admit I've been drawn into the voting. Damn it. I fight it, I do. But I'm weak.

Getting few votes can feel like a punch in the gut. A person spends countless hours creating, writing, and proofing, thinking it's the best one they've written to date.

Then, the story gets a handful of votes and few comments. Ouch.

Comments can be like mini-deconstructions of stories. They give the author a chance to answer some questions and then ponder what they could have done differently.

Regardless, both or neither tell me I still have a lot to learn.


Has there ever been a deconstruction thread for stories?

For example, if a story has done well, voting, comments, etc. have some of the better writers or Mods explained in some detail why that particular story was so well written?

At first glance, it does seem time consuming to do this. All the Mods are volunteers and it would be a lot to ask of them.

Just a thought... it would be neat to see this done. Then other writers could take from that and apply those insights into their next project.

I rate and comment on all the stories I read but w/ that said, I personally don't like those types of inbox messages.
Don't inbox me a thankyou for reading your story.

If you need to, you can now reply to my message left on said story.

Even worse when it's a pic or a .gif of said story title.


You messaged me just for that? What a waste.

Advanced Wordsmith
The comments really are a type of personal, and helpful, interaction between reader and writer, the scores are less so because they are not identified with any particular reader, unless I’m overlooking something. The scores are made anonymously. Comments are really helpful in providing feedback because they give the reader a chance to explain why they liked or didn’t like something about the story. With a simple numerical score alone you won’t know why it was given, so it isn’t really helpful at all in providing feedback to a writer.
Quote by poppyx
When I read a story I always comment and score on that story. When it comes to my own stories or poems I get a massive kick out of the fact that hundreds, sometimes thousands, of people have read them, for little me, just a no-one woman, living in a no-where place that is such a compliment. I don't expect a comment or a score but I have been very lucky and received both on my writing and I'm always blown away when people take their time to do that.

I must disagree on one point, poppyx; I don't believe you are a no one woman, in a no where place. I'm not sure there is such a thing.

No one men, on the other hand…

So, my 2¢ – Most of us joined either to read, to write, or both, so, we started this for our own selfish needs and interests.

It is only when we become part of a community that we realize that what we do affects the others in said community. Everyone who has posted in this thread knows that many people appreciate comments and scores. If they don't choose to do so, that's fine, no one says they need to. Or, to quote Ram Dass, "I'm tired of being should upon."

But if you are interested in building and supporting this community, then commenting and scoring is one way to do so. Not the only way, but kind of a universal currency on this site that recipients mostly appreciate.

I almost always comment & score because I want to encourage others to write, and further, to work at improving their writing. When I chose not to, it's mostly because I don't like a particular story. I'd rather not leave a comment or score than a negative one, preferring positive feedback to negative.

There's no right or wrong here, in my humble opinion, but there are different objectives that lead to different behaviours.


An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by C_R_R_Crawford
Agree its best practice for the author to acknowledge the feedback. But if the reader has enjoyed the story, its also good manners for them to let the author know!

I almost always respond.

But I also recognize that very few will even take the time to vote on a story.

Around 2,000 reads, 5 votes. In other words, less than 1% can even bother to do that much. And then laughing when the stories that got the most votes almost all are some variant of fetish story. In which the actual story writing and ability is meaningless. Just how well it satisfied the lover of the fetish itself.
Gentleman Stranger
Quote by JamesLlewellyn

But if you are interested in building and supporting this community, then commenting and scoring is one way to do so. Not the only way, but kind of a universal currency on this site that recipients mostly appreciate.

I almost always comment & score because I want to encourage others to write, and further, to work at improving their writing. When I chose not to, it's mostly because I don't like a particular story. I'd rather not leave a comment or score than a negative one, preferring positive feedback to negative.

There's no right or wrong here, in my humble opinion, but there are different objectives that lead to different behaviours.


Pretty much in full agreement with what James wrote. I enjoy the comments because some come from friends and their feelings and opinions are important to me, but getting one from a stranger is great too because I try to always reply with something beyond "thanks, glad you enjoyed it" and to make my reply more personal or humorous, and it often will lead to making a new friend. It's time-consuming, of course, so if I'm traveling or something and fall way behind on replying to comments it may take me a long time to get back to them... but I do try!

Likewise, I will virtually always vote and comment on stories that I read thru to the ending. Accordingly, I rarely low-score or criticize a story because if I didn't care for it I probably didn't finish reading it, which means I'm not qualified to score or comment - it would be very unfair to form such a strong opinion on something I didn't make the effort to read completely. Still, taking a moment to say thanks or pass on a word of praise or encouragement seems like such a tiny gesture for the time and effort an author spent putting together something for my enjoyment that I look at it as merely a way of being polite, or having decent manners.

That does seem to be something that is becoming a lost art, maybe because parents are too busy to teach it to their kids. Maybe that's part of why everyone is always at each other's throats about crap that really doesn't matter in the long run. But what do I know?
Rookie Scribe

@geometry dash world It's likely you want recognition or gratitude for taking the time to read, rate, or comment on stories, especially when it comes to authors who aren't on your friends list. Feeling like your efforts aren't appreciated can make you depressed. Everyone has different communication styles and preferences. Some authors may not actively engage with readers or may not be aware of the impact their stories have on individual readers. While it's nice to receive a thank you or acknowledgment, it's not something you should necessarily expect or ask for.

Trust people to be themselves...
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I make an effort to reply to everyone because to me, the site experience is more fun that way. Building rapport with my readers is fun and makes the publication of the story more worthwhile.

My last published story: Good For Nothing


Quote by CarltonStJames

I make an effort to reply to everyone because to me, the site experience is more fun that way. Building rapport with my readers is fun and makes the publication of the story more worthwhile.

I'm just getting into a good flow, but I totally agree.

Easily amused
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I always respond to comments on my stories. If the reader makes an effort to reach out and let me know they liked it, I make an effort to acknowledge that generosity.

I don't think readers are obligated to do anything but read what they want to read. But commenting/responding builds a connection between reader and writer that is kind of the connective tissue of the site. It's what helps build a community of writers.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)