Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
If they don't adhere to our standards, then it's unlikely that they'll be missed here. I also know that many publishers frown on dual submissions or 'double-dipping.' It's essentially self-plagiarism. All content should be 'exclusive.'
Yeah, that's usually traditional publishers, not sites like this one. I have seen, maybe two sites that want exclusive content. But every site I publish on, doesn't care. They're concern is actual plagiarism. I'm on several. Fanfic sites, for example, do not. I read submission guidelines, tos, and the faq of every writing site before I join. If I recall; even KDP and Smash doesn't mind it.
I'm not really concerned if they'd be missed or not. I don't get snide comments like this. I'm not complaining that I can't post them here, or about the site specifically. It was a general grievance about censorship one has to deal with, in general. With the number of sites that employ socially left thought police, like TikTok, YouTube, NextDoor, and especially Facebook, one would think sites like these would be the last bastion of freedom of expression, at least to a reasonable point. Especially with the way people attack books. I've been seeing the Demolition Man landscape creeping up for years now, and one day we won't have a place to outwardly express ourselves. It'll be a digital Ferenheit 451, where we'll have to risk even the most vanilla of erotica on the dark web, and possibly incure some sort of punishment and social demerits.
It's not like the two stories are something heinous, like snuff, or . They'll find a home, and one that isn't like buying a Jay-Z CD at Walmart. That's why I'm on more than one erotica site.