I have been reading some stories lately, I find them a real turn on. Can you please give me names of a few good authors with some hot stories that are actually good on this site.
Disclaimer - i'm not a huge fan of , that said, i am a story mod, so i see a lot of them passing through...
TeilaWolfe and SweetestSins are two names that stick out at present, so you might want to give them a try. also, i'm sure authors will chime in with their own work. Hope that helps a little.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Honestly, not to toot my own horn, but I've been told by people that they really like my stories.
I have written a lot of stories here, some of which have over a 100,000 hits. Lots of them are over the top, pure fantasies. But try "Professional Mother" -- I think it's my best one. After that, try my series, "How I Became the Family Slut". Enjoy!
You've been a bad girl! Now take your pajamas off and go to my room!
There are many I think. I am one, I find so many people write interesting stories but I think it depends on the type of you are interested in frankly. I am not into sisters so...I don't choose those. Not into Mom and daughter...don't choose those. I have some that had me rolling with laughter they were creative and funny. Then I think it is about what you want out of the story. Intense emotion or just out and out sex. Both have their place.
Like Sprite, I'm not a fan of the genre, but am a story mod, and as such read a lot of the good, the bad, the ugly, the WTF?, and the average.
My suggestion, read the stuff that was written by predominantly NON- writers. If they write stories you like in the other genres, chances are their stories are going to be great too.
I've written quite a few stories. Give them a look!
Try Reeb. He's got a huge collection and has been writing for years. He's your guy for that genre'
Not my genre at all, but I remember when I was verifying stories, that Frenchtoastman wrote very well on that subject.
I'm not one to say I'm great or a top choice but I have a three part story, all about one guys journey through a family full of women and the shenanigans that go within, so feel free to read them here:
Also if you please rate and constructive criticism would be appreciated.
People tell me they like mine *shrugs*
Only have 1 up so far though
Any advice on how I can get my aunt to fuck me