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How effective is story spamming to friends?

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Internet Philosopher
I've turmoiled over it a I've had friends drop me because I do. The problem is, not everyone is here for the same reasons. Some like the social interaction while others want to read. For me, I want to write and get my work out to people who might enjoy it. I like other aspects of Lush, especially reading the work of others, but were I not a writer who is pimping his work, I'd have been gone for good years ago. Having people read and enjoy my work is the only reason I've stayed this long. I do apologize for advertising. A very good friend encouraged me to put my accomplishments on my banner and I finally agreed, but I am not totally comfortable with it. Still, if it allows people who don't know me to find my work, it's worth the occasional long glance I'll get.

So, I apoligize up front for spam and my gratuitous back patting. It's cheap and commercial, but it really is the only reason I'm still a member.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Milik_Redman
I've turmoiled over it a I've had friends drop me because I do. The problem is, not everyone is here for the same reasons. Some like the social interaction while others want to read. For me, I want to write and get my work out to people who might enjoy it. I like other aspects of Lush, especially reading the work of others, but were I not a writer who is pimping his work, I'd have been gone for good years ago. Having people read and enjoy my work is the only reason I've stayed this long. I do apologize for advertising. A very good friend encouraged me to put my accomplishments on my banner and I finally agreed, but I am not totally comfortable with it. Still, if it allows people who don't know me to find my work, it's worth the occasional long glance I'll get.

So, I apoligize up front for spam and my gratuitous back patting. It's cheap and commercial, but it really is the only reason I'm still a member.

It does make your sig obnoxiously large
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Internet Philosopher
Quote by overmykneenow

It does make your sig obnoxiously large

It isn't easy to get ten ribbons in such a small space.vYfmpTDPohmZfpSX
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Milik_Redman

It isn't easy to get ten ribbons in such a small space.9Yp7qdvMr8U0K1wT

Then don't. Sadly the forum is already suffering from people who can't design as well as they write.

I was sure that rule was one image at a maximum of 150px high - but I see three mods on this thread alone breaking that
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Quote by overmykneenow

Then don't. Sadly the forum is already suffering from people who can't design as well as they write.

I was sure that rule was one image at a maximum of 150px high - but I see three mods on this thread alone breaking that

I don't know. I'm very conflicted over it. I've done it with two stories, my most recent ("Fire and Ice") and I think that I did it with "Tension", IIRC. As far as receiving a message about a piece that a friend has posted, though, I'll always go and promptly read and score the piece, no worries. So it doesn't bother me to receive a general message notifying me of a friend posting a piece, but it definitely bothers me to send out a general message regarding a piece that I've posted.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

Active Ink Slinger
It is an interesting topic. I would have to say that when I receive a (spammed) note from a friend announcing a new story, I generally read it as quickly as possible. If I can't read it at once I leave the message in my in-box to remind me to read it later. If an author is a 'friend' then it is the right thing to do. However, on the reverse side of things, I can say that my messages to them announcing a new publication has rendered very few reads and/or replies. I have a group of followers that will read everything I publish, regardless of the subject matter. But my friends ... not so much. So, you do have to wonder if the practice of 'alerting' your friends to a new story is worth the effort.
Story Verifier
Yes, a very interesting topic.

I have only done it twice , like HeraTeleia, but I found that my story comment count rose quite quickly. So from that point of view it has been successful. However, I am also aware that it can be annoying as well. I also find it pressurising. Getting lots of spam about latest published stories can make you feel pressurised to read them and comment etc., So, I am also conflicted over it.
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
Active Ink Slinger
I'm torn. I would love more feedback on my work, but I also don't want to pester my friends with spam. Once in a while i will mention a new story I've published to a friend during regular conversation, but that's the extent of it. Milik seems to be on the right track, and like him, I'm here to read and write stories. So many others are here for the social interaction, which is great, but those may not appreciate spam.

Like I said, I'm torn.

Please check out my stories. <3
Quote by overmykneenow
Sadly the forum is already suffering from people who can't design as well as they write.

I don't see anything wrong with Milik's banner, nor with any of the banners in this thread. I have the artistic skills approaching that of a rock, and so I don't usually have a banner. If I had as many awards accorded my stories as Milik has, I would most certainly lean on a more artistically inclined friend to design a banner for me that included those hard-earned ribbons all over it.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by HeraTeleia

I don't see anything wrong with Milik's banner, nor with any of the banners in this thread. I have the artistic skills approaching that of a rock, and so I don't usually have a banner. If I had as many awards accorded my stories as Milik has, I would most certainly lean on a more artistically inclined friend to design a banner for me that included those hard-earned ribbons all over it.

The problem comes when people start having conversations and the overly intrusive artwork is repeated over and over. As you scroll down a thread you see more banners than comments

On my screen, Milik's banner is taller than his actual post

On another note, some people pay good money not to see banner ads on Lush. Why should the forums be exempt from that option?
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
In-House Sapiosexual
Quote by Milik_Redman

It isn't easy to get ten ribbons in such a small space.ECgkuqheuv363xlj

That's a hard earned banner Milik. I don't blame you, STRUT!
I would if I had it like that. ?
? A True Story ?
Rainbow Warrior
I can't say from personal experience, because I refuse to spam friends to get them to read my stories. Its just not me. It feels like I am imposing on people. I try to make an effort to read my friends' stories/poems when they spam me, but I have a reading queue a mile long at the moment, and its looking like I'll never catch up! So I apologize to my friends for not getting to your stories as quickly as you'd like me to.
Internet Philosopher
Quote by HeraTeleia

I don't see anything wrong with Milik's banner, nor with any of the banners in this thread. I have the artistic skills approaching that of a rock, and so I don't usually have a banner. If I had as many awards accorded my stories as Milik has, I would most certainly lean on a more artistically inclined friend to design a banner for me that included those hard-earned ribbons all over it.

Thank you. My talents are in manufacturing and I know little of this computer wizardry. I would rather have some of those nifty book covers all line up nicely, but these ugly red banners are the best I can do for now.
I was guilty of 'spamming' and even a suggestion that one would beholden. I soon discovered that spamming is nothing but prostituting your works out. If someone wants to read your 'stuff' they will, if not, so what? There isn't a Pulitzer here, unless one sniffs the cork to frequently.
Story Verifier
Quote by adagio_sabadicus
I soon discovered that spamming is nothing but prostituting your works out.

The same's true for selling what you've written, so I fail to see a reason to feel bad about it ;) I don't spam for just any story I've written, but from time to time, when I think I've written something that is either better than my average or outside my usual playing field, I PM my friends list to let them know about it and add more of a description than the one-liner and first paragraph can provide. I don't expect huge numbers of votes or comments through that, and I'd never see this as an obligation for anyone to read the story, but I also get such "spams", and while I don't ready every advertised story, there have been a number of really good ones I'd otherwise have missed.
Internet Philosopher
Quote by avrgblkgrl

That's a hard earned banner Milik. I don't blame you, STRUT!
I would if I had it like that. ?

Thanks. These things are insanely hard to get and I still can't believe it sometimes. It's very possible I'll never get another, so I am proud to show them off.
Alpha Blonde
Important Note re Forum Signatures

Forum signatures have been in discussion behind the scenes recently and Dani wrote up and posted this very helpful guide just yesterday.

Forum signature styles are all up to personal taste and preference (we all have different capabilities when it comes to creating banners, although bannerfans and other easy-use banner sites are good options).

Liz also created a great template (also posted on the link above) to help people understand what the maximum allowed size of a forum banner is. Sometimes it helps to have a visual comparison. Forum mods will be removing banners that are outside this max, starting this weekend, so if everyone can have a quick look at this guide and make sure they're correctly sized, it would be very appreciated.


And... to answer the OP - I'm not sure how effective story spamming is, but I don't use it personally. I may send out one all-friends spam once a year, but that's about it. To advertise stories/eBooks, I use my profile and my forum signature. I figure if people are interested in what I write and want to be the first to know when I post something, they'll follow me as an author. That's what it's there for, after all.

When I receive them - it doesn't really affect how likely I am to read or not read someone's work. When I see all-friends spam asking for help reaching a minimum # of votes on a contest or a rare request for feedback because they wrote something meaningful, I'll jump right on it and give it a read straight away. Otherwise... I get to my reading queue when I can - sometimes it takes me a while to get caught up.
Internet Philosopher
I should also like to point out that there is a setting that a allows you to block mass emails. If someone is truly against receiving them, this is a good place to start. Other than that, my thought is why did someone wish to become my friend? I don't chat often and when I do, it's with a very short list of people. I don't often share my heartbreak unless is truly consuming me. The vast number of emails I get are from other writers seeking advice, which I give freely. My passion is in the creation of these stories and that's my focus.

My last word on this is simply that Lush is an erotic literature site. The day I have to feel bad about promoting my literature here is the day I find another place to put it.
The Linebacker
I like getting story announcements from my friends. It really helps me keep up with everything. It is an option that has been built into the site since before I ever joined. Since I joined Lush to write erotica, I use it myself to promote my work. With membership growing all the time and story submissions growing with them, our stories and poems get less and less time on the front page. So stories and poems can tend to get lost. Its just one more way to promote your stories. I don't see it as any different from having a Forum Signature which acts as advertising for your stories. I love this site and the fact that Nicola had the vision to build in these ways to promote our work.
Active Ink Slinger
i have never spammed my own work, besides while we were talking one on one, but not in email. but i do recieve them all the time. i dont mind, to a point, but when it is more then a few a week then yea....i hit delete. i personally try to check my friends walls and read whats new when i get a chance.
my newest :)
Active Ink Slinger
If the email is written in a funny way, or just makes me giggle, I will check it out. Most of the time though, I automatically put the story in my queue and read it when I have more time.
Fancy Schmancy
This is similar to another thread where I posted a similar statement: I HATE to be spammed. I particularly hate the "fake friend message" spam. I can barely bring myself to thank a friend publicly (i.e. by posting on his or her page) for reading one of my poems, because I feel like I am advertising on their page. I expect that I am just super-sensitive to all that, but for some reason, spam really evokes a strong response in me.
I'm guilty of spamming at times, but also aware. If people wish to read you, they will. Unfortunately many just pick and choose, and that leads to select'tism AKA favorites.
I’m a relatively new author around these parts, and although three of my four stories have been awarded Recommended Reads, they all have a comparatively minuscule number of views. I’ve thought about engaging in spamming to increase my readership, but as my friend list is so small I doubt it would make a difference.

I guess the only way for someone in my position to build a readership is to keep writing and hope that people notice. But if they don’t, I’m happy to wallow in obscurity with the small group of readers who seem to genuinely enjoy my work.
The Linebacker
I send out an announcement to my friends list when I post a new story or poem. I've done this for almost 5 years. In fact I like it when friends send me a notice about their new stories. A story announcement among friends shouldn't be a big deal. It sure doesn't hurt anyone and they can always hit the delete button. I doubt that burns many calories and it doesn't take over 2 seconds.

Is it effective? Having done it for almost 5 years I have almost two and half million story views, three legendary stories (with others climbing toward that) and well over 30 famous stories.

Doing this reflects me and my personality. I am a business person who understands and believes in marketing. On Lush I love to write stories and poems as well as read lots of them and I like to make friends.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LaylaJune
This is similar to another thread where I posted a similar statement: I HATE to be spammed. I particularly hate the "fake friend message" spam. I can barely bring myself to thank a friend publicly (i.e. by posting on his or her page) for reading one of my poems, because I feel like I am advertising on their page. I expect that I am just super-sensitive to all that, but for some reason, spam really evokes a strong response in me.

Her Royal Spriteness
i spammed a couple of times, ages ago, when i was kind of new. now? i write a story, i post it - if people want to read it, cool. if they don't, cool. either way, it doesn't take away from my experience of writing which is the real joy. the views, the votes, the comments, all fun and appreciated, but yeah, i don't dwell on them or the lack thereof.

as for getting spams, i follow a number of writers who i love to read - those notices come automatically to me. sometimes something will catch my eye on the front page, and i'll read that, or i'll read it when i'm modding, but the spam usually gets deleted without being opened *shrugs* just how i roll. i don't really have time to read more than a story or two a day, tops.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Primus Omnium
I have never spammed. When I first came here I didn't realize you could. Later it didn't seem necessary. I get plenty of people reading and commenting. Enough for my large ego, at least. As it is I only read and comment upon people I follow, as a rule. And I only follow people who follow me in return. Quid pro quo, don't you know. So friends spamming is wasted upon me. I ignore it once I have deleted it from my message queue. Anyway, I don't do it. I never saw the need. I have 1.7 million views. That seems adequate to me.