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How do I get people (readers) to comment?

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My name is Aquadude, and I wrote two stories. I got one comment. Obviously I didn't do something right. Is there something that I could do to bring in some feedback?
Aquadude, fer sure.
I'll read them and comment.

not this second, but I will.

sorry to hear that.

it takes a while to build up a following, and it's more complicated that just writing a few stories. socializing is a big part of it. forum posts, making friends, commenting on other peoples stories. the more people recognize your name, the more likely they will be to read as well as comment. it's not an overnight thing - it took me a bit of work to get from a couple of comments to more than that, but i just kept putting myself out there until i did. smile best of luck to you.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.


Sprite is absolutely right and she one of the better ones here so listen closely when she talks. For a lot of others too.

Do what I did, read a lot of stories that get good comments then try to model yours like them. Do not copy but learn the styles, formats and what people like. Comment on their work and talk to them. Do not jam yourself into their lives but ask a question or 2 and listen to them. Almost all are helpful and very friendly.

NEVER be anything but grateful for comments from the moderators. They are working their asses off for US, not themselves. They volunteer to help and I am never anything but VERY grateful that they took their time for me. In the forums there are many guidelines and I highly recommend you read them. Several very talented people wrote them.

Get out on the internet and study how to write erotica. There is a formula that works and if you follow it you'll get recognition. It's not all about that anyway. I get so every nice remarks but not excessive numbers. The stats show a lot of people read them but few comment. I am just starting and if you read my first submittal then the latest you'll see what I've been struggling with. That first story I thought would make me famous, it did for different reasons. Mostly it is just a good example of how not to do it.

Write, there is no other way to get there. Put words on paper and reread them until you want to scream. Then get someone like this to help you.

Find someone to proof-read for you but don't just indiscriminately ask authors here. That's a big burden of time. I have had a couple offer but ones a teacher and schools restarting so I won't burden her and the others had some family problems.

This is the magic formula for getting there.

I am always a gentleman.
I read both your stories and they are not bad. Stop putting yourself down too, there's many out there who want to do it for you. You did not do anything wrong. You have good words but you need to study some techniques. You tend to tell us what's going to happen or happened then tell us how it happened. Epode get confused and you lose their excitement. It's all about getting them excited and keeping them there.

"...her orgasm could be the eighth wonder of the world..." Was great. Descriptive and short and it allows us to add detail of our own that makes it even better.

You're drawing pictures with words to excite someone you do not even know.

Read yours back, record them if you need to and listen then decide if it's exciting. I use a Speak utility to read them back and that stilted, choppy alien voice shows me problems. I'm new here too but I've learned a lot from all the really good authors here. If anything I said helps I'm glad. I remember submitting my first story too and thinking I'll never be able to do this. I usually prove myself wrong when I do that though.

The "Just Do It" sticker applies here so get one for over jour work area.

Good fortune with this.
I am always a gentleman.
Quote by LASARDaddy
I read both your stories and they are not bad. Stop putting yourself down too, there's many out there who want to do it for you. You did not do anything wrong. You have good words but you need to study some techniques. You tend to tell us what's going to happen or happened then tell us how it happened. Epode get confused and you lose their excitement. It's all about getting them excited and keeping them there.

"...her orgasm could be the eighth wonder of the world..." Was great. Descriptive and short and it allows us to add detail of our own that makes it even better.

You're drawing pictures with words to excite someone you do not even know.

Read yours back, record them if you need to and listen then decide if it's exciting. I use a Speak utility to read them back and that stilted, choppy alien voice shows me problems. I'm new here too but I've learned a lot from all the really good authors here. If anything I said helps I'm glad. I remember submitting my first story too and thinking I'll never be able to do this. I usually prove myself wrong when I do that though.

The "Just Do It" sticker applies here so get one for over jour work area.

Good fortune with this.

I think this link is going to show what you are trying to say. It's one I've shared with a number of writers that I've helped.

show vs tell
It is a struggle. But listen to Sprite. Its a bit of a popularity contest. Begging helps too! See? I just went and commented one of your stories. Maybe I should try this!
Quote by Aquadude

My name is Aquadude, and I wrote two stories. I got one comment. Obviously I didn't do something right. Is there something that I could do to bring in some feedback?
Aquadude, fer sure.

Let me throw this back at you. How many stories have you read and how many scores and comments did you leave?
Also fill out your bio, get an avatar, make yourself more real.
My view is, I like scores. I like comments but I wish some were a bit more critical, I even asked someone to give a 'warts and all' critique. What I really want is reads, that's what counts for me.
Quote by Aquadude

My name is Aquadude, and I wrote two stories. I got one comment. Obviously I didn't do something right. Is there something that I could do to bring in some feedback?
Aquadude, fer sure.

Hi AD, welcome to the forums.

I see you've already been given some top notch advice, but I'm going to add my two cents' worth as well.

In order to get lots of scores and votes you've either got to get very lucky or you've got to up your game a bit. I see that you've been here for quite a while and yet, looking at your profile, you don't have much info about yourself, you've still got a standard issue red and white AV and it doesn't look as though you've voted or commented on any stories.

Stand out from the crowd. You should get yourself an AV, something that people will recognise on the front page and click on your stories. Fill out your bio - people like to know who they are reading.

There are many writers here, with many stories posted. You need to make yours stand out a little from them, as the chances of them simply finding yours are slim. They're not very likely to click on them by accident (or on purpose). It helps if your stories are well written and laid out, it's easier for the reader to like and enjoy them.

Diversify. You might want to take a look at the story categories - you'll notice that some genres get more interest than others and you might benefit from posting something in one of those.

Make some friends. Every time you post a story, comment on a story, vote, blog or post in the forums, it shows up on your friends' timelines (depending on your privacy settings) and people are more likely to click on you if they see you there.

Vote and comment on the stories written by others - people will often return the courtesy and it can be helpful to get votes and feedback too. Add some to your favourites, add some to your reading queue - these things show up on the writer's timeline.

Socialise - Get yourself out into the forums. Again, people will start to get used to seeing you around and it's also a great way to meet some of us other Lushies and make new friends who'll be more inclined to read your stories.

Promote your stories. Make up a forum sig - it doesn't have to be a fancy schmancy one, just enough to link to your stories or have something eye-catching. Choose a cover picture to put on your stories too - again it can encourage people to read your story once they click on it (because clicking on it does not guarantee and actual read).

Keep trying. It can take some time to build up a following, don't be disheartened. Keep writing, get some more stories posted - they stay on the front page for some time now, giving you time to be seen. Improve your craft. experiment with different styles and genres, see what the readership likes...

Anyway, I hope some of this helps. Good luck!
Thank you all! I will try to follow all of this good advice.
Thank you thank you thank you.
