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Do you think women read more books than men?

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Who do you think reads more books, women or men?

I see more women than men in the bookshop most times I go in there, more women reading books on the train etc.

What is your perception?
Women are just looking at pictures. Flipping pages and trying to make eye contact.

How do I know this?

Cuz I get an eyelash in my eye, while reading MANY books and look up to swipe it out, and see some woman checking me out.

When does she have time to read, if she's always scoping me out?

Men are much more articulate, Nic. It is a proven fact. Hell, just look at my current tagline.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
It's time to step away from the bottle Wmm
definitely, all the women I know read a lot of books ...
the men I know seem to read more magazines (Maxim, Techie mags, FHM, etc)

me? I seem to read for work and Lush ... does that count??

At one point in my life I was a bookstore manager. Men, generally, bought mostly magazines and newspapers. Women were the major buyers of books.
Quote by ReallyHard
At one point in my life I was a bookstore manager. Men, generally, bought mostly magazines and newspapers. Women were the major buyers of books.

I'd have to agree with that, it's probably something to do with their short attention spans (j/k guys )
Women read more. Statistics tend to confirm that. My experience working in a library and an independent bookstore also supports that. My girls are both heavy readers. My boys, not so much. As a born troublemaker, I outread them all though.
I'm going to say women. All the time, I see book bags made for women, book groups composed mostly of women, and usually it's 80% women in the library.

I love that av, Dark.
I do a good ammount of reading myself but nothing near what my girlfriend does but what I tend to read is like what Van said more techie stuff. Basically my thing is more non fiction but when I go to the bookstore I do see a lot more women myself.
Quote by nicola
I see more women than men in the bookshop most times I go in there, more women reading books on the train etc.

What is your perception?

Yeah, women are the ones reading on the train...and men are too busy checking out the women while they're least from my perspective...

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I do not know.
Anecdotally, I would say women read more than men. The experts are worried but experts are always worried about one thing or another. Most guys I know don't choose to spend their time reading much more than technical books and special interest magazines. You can forget poetry when it comes to guys and most women too. I read more than the average woman. I wouldn't read to much into it.

Why Women Read More Than Men
Study: Men Talk Just as Much as Women
Women are out getting the books for their men. Mysogynistic stereotyping out of the way, in the world around me its mainly men who read with women reading popular gossip celebrity magazines. But thats my world and competely non reflective of the rest of society. These days its just nice to see people appreciating creative writing irrespective of gender. I know people who are proud of the fact they've never read a book.zDdNNV6VQpqdhGhP
In the publishing world, I've noticed there are far more women authors and far more women readers. However, genre plays a hand. Depending on the genre, the balance shifts. In the genres I write and the publishers I work with, the divide is far prominent. the split being roughly 95% female readership... but that's to be expected of Romance sub-genres. I think the industry is partly to blame. There are alot of romance books that I've read that men would enjoy... if minor changes were made.

But I suppose the same could be said of Militaria. If a few aspects common to the genre were made, more women would read it. *lol* .. I'm pushing hard with my published pieces, to appeal to both, but I have to play "in-bounds" with my publishers... anywho.

I'm friends with a lot of published authors, literary agents and publishing editors... they all concur that women readers outnumber male readers by a significant percentile... where they disagree is, on how large that percentage might be.

paranormal • erotic • romance
There is no way guys read more. There is the exeptional rule that a few guys fit in but women read way more then guys
I think mostly women read books.
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

In my high school psychology classes, they had studies showing that women were more reactive to words and verbal ques than imagery. That's why men are usually just looking at the pics:they're visual creatures.

If women DON'T read more, then I'd be confused as all hell
I'm a bit of a hunter mercurial gatherer when it come to reading, If it's not a book then it's the newspaper any localpaper/magazine and if it's not a paper it's anything that has got words on it haha.
My girlfriend reads more than I do but she does read fluffier stuff that in my opinion is an "easy read."

My sister and my mom have never cracked a book open if it wasn't a requirement for school. They can't even watch a movie with subtitles. Dopes...
Women do, I believe. I might be unusual though. Although I have over 3,000 books in my private library, almost all of them are non-fiction related to my interest in mathematics, sciences, and history with only a few specially selected fictional titles. I probably should read more fiction, but finding the time is problematic for me.
Actually, it depends upon the books that are being read. Some have a habit of reading, and gathering information, and some just read to pass-time.
Has to be women for sure. It is very rare to find a man that out reads a woman generally.

My last published story: Good For Nothing

Its definitely women, in virtually every category and in both fiction and non-fiction. Which beggars the followup question? Why?

a) because their brains are different; their 'empathy receptors' more sensitive which somehows makes them more connective to non-fiction and books in general?
b) because women are more naturally interested and curious in acquiring knowledge? ("Women are cats, men are dogs." - Lyf's Here Kitty Kitty Theorem)
c) because women have more to learn?
d) Lyfbuz is an idiot.
Yes, I read a lot of diverse material, far more than any man would.
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Quote by Guest
Women read more. Statistics tend to confirm that. My experience working in a library and an independent bookstore also supports that. My girls are both heavy readers. My boys, not so much. As a born troublemaker, I outread them all though.

Come to think of it, I've always heard that there were statistics that showed that women read more, but I've never looked into it myself.

But I'd be surprised to learn that it isn't true. I read slightly more than my brother (only slightly) growing up, but significantly more than my other male cousins. Most women I know read more than most men I know, especially the guys who don't have "knowledge worker" careers. There's plenty more books marketed to women than marketed to men, but that could be either a cause or effect of reading habits.

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