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What's your favorite mafia/mobster movie?

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There's a new movie out on Netflix called "The Outsider."

It tells the story of an American (played by Jared Leto) who becomes a member of the Yakuza in the years following World War 2.

It's on Netlfix now. The critics didn't like it much, but I enjoyed it. It's the best representation of the Yakuza that I've seen in film. The story itself is mediocre but the film making is above average. Leto adds nothing to the film other than to probably get more views on Netflix.

The entire movie could have been made with an all Japanese cast, but the viewers in middle American probably wouldn't even give it a glace.

It's not great. But it's better that the reviews say.

Terrible fucking poster too... fire that marketing person...
Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
Casino would be at the top for me.
Also, I thought Analyze This was pretty funny.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Marx Sister
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
Casino would be at the top for me.
Also, I thought Analyze This was pretty funny.

Casino is high on my list too. Maybe I should give Analyze This another try.

In no particular order...

The Cooler
Gangs Of New York
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Southern Charmer
Outside of the obvious, The Godfather 1 and 2 (3 was meh) and Goodfellas I really like The Departed, Once Upon A Time In America and Gomorrah.

Gomorrah is dark, gritty and eerily real feeling. There is also a TV show on Sundance I am anxiously waiting for Season 3 to come back. A little warning for those that don't like them, it does have subtitles.

I have a new story out! Wish You Were Here A teasing sub may I have pushed too far, but the punishment is oh so sweet.

If you haven't already, please check out my story with leftlingula. A husband and wife rediscovered each other and It all started with one simple word...
Nightshade Part 1 & Nightshade: Part 2

Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by MollyDoll
Outside of the obvious, The Godfather 1 and 2 (3 was meh) and Goodfellas I really like The Departed, Once Upon A Time In America and Gomorrah.

Gomorrah is dark, gritty and eerily real feeling. There is also a TV show on Sundance I am anxiously waiting for Season 3 to come to Sundance. A little warning for those that don't like them, it does have subtitles.

Have not seen Gomorrah, but I agree with all else you said, that the first two Godfathers and Goodfellas are the obvious choices, and that The Departed and Once Upon a Time in America are remarkable.

If I HAD to choose one: Goodfellas.
Quote by MollyDoll
Outside of the obvious, The Godfather 1 and 2 (3 was meh) and Goodfellas I really like The Departed, Once Upon A Time In America and Gomorrah.

Gomorrah is dark, gritty and eerily real feeling. There is also a TV show on Sundance I am anxiously waiting for Season 3 to come back. A little warning for those that don't like them, it does have subtitles.

It actually took me a long time to find Gomorrah.

There is a movie and a TV series. For those that aren't familiar, it's about organized crime in Naples. The reviews are very very good, but like Molly says, the subtitles make it kind of hard to watch for American audiences.

The modern mafia in North America actually originated in southern Italy and Sicily... (Mafia is actually a Sicilian term) but the Cammorra are the mafia equivalent in the Mezziagiorno of southern Italy.

To this day, Naples is kind of an economically depressed area of Europe where the old world organized crime still rules. Think of a European "Narcos."

The great thing about these streaming services is that they give us all access to TV shows from around the world that we normally would never even know about.

Quote by Green_Man
Prizzi's Honor

Deep cut from the 1980s...

I've never heard of it.

Just downloaded it though....
Rainbow Warrior
All three Godfather films and Pulp Fiction.
Active Ink Slinger
I'll say Donnie Brasco smile

Southern Charmer
Quote by DamonX

It actually took me a long time to find Gomorrah.

There is a movie and a TV series. For those that aren't familiar, it's about organized crime in Naples. The reviews are very very good, but like Molly says, the subtitles make it kind of hard to watch for American audiences.

The modern mafia in North America actually originated in southern Italy and Sicily... (Mafia is actually a Sicilian term) but the Cammorra are the mafia equivalent in the Mezziagiorno of southern Italy.

To this day, Naples is kind of an economically depressed area of Europe where the old world organized crime still rules. Think of a European "Narcos."

The great thing about these streaming services is that they give us all access to TV shows from around the world that we normally would never even know about.

It was recommended to me and I was leary of the subtitles, but it was so well done that they weren't a distraction at all. Same with the TV show after the first episode or two you don't even notice them. If you give it a go, I hope you like it.

The Outsider is on my list of movies to watch. Did you like it?

I have a new story out! Wish You Were Here A teasing sub may I have pushed too far, but the punishment is oh so sweet.

If you haven't already, please check out my story with leftlingula. A husband and wife rediscovered each other and It all started with one simple word...
Nightshade Part 1 & Nightshade: Part 2

Princess D
scar face, and of course good fellas, n 3 god fathers
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by noll
Bugsy Malone

I love Bugsy Malone.
Quote by MollyDoll

It was recommended to me and I was leary of the subtitles, but it was so well done that they weren't a distraction at all. Same with the TV show after the first episode or two you don't even notice them. If you give it a go, I hope you like it.

The Outsider is on my list of movies to watch. Did you like it?

I actually did like it.

I understand the reasons why it was so hated by critics... but hear me out.

From a cinematic pov, it was very well constructed. Yes, they put a white person in as the main character. But ignore all that. Focus on the theme and the tone. If you want an action movie then look elsewhere. If you want a reasonable representation of Yakuza society this is the best thing I've seen.

If the Jared Leto character was replaced with a Japanese man the movie would be considered very good. This is not a "white savior" storyline. It's a Japanese story that replaced a Japanese character with a white one in order to appeal to a North American audience.

Because the average movie going audience will never pay money to see the next Tadanobu Asano film.

If you have any interest in organized crime or in Japanese society, then I highly recommend this film. It's dark. It's brutal. It's...better than ok. It's defiantly worth the while on Netflix.
I really think Casino and Goodfellas with are 2 of the best..... And don't forget it!!! If you Know what's good for yuh .....
If you're interested in seeing a different take on organized crime, check out "Revenge of the Green Dragons."

Horrible title I know...

It focuses on Chinese gangs in Queens, NY in the 1980s.

Side note: The director here, Wai-Keung Lau, made the 2003 movie "Infernal Affairs." "The Departed" which won Best picture in 2006 was actually a remake of Infernal Affairs. As such, Martin Scorsese is and executive producer on this movie.

The movie isn't great, but if you want to see something a bit different in the mobster genre I suggest it. In North America, we generally don't get a lot of movies with predominantly Asian casts unless they are doing martial arts.

There are a couple quite disturbing scenes.
Active Ink Slinger
Sexy Seductive Siren
Godfather and its sequels for movies. The Sopranos for TV series, unless you want to count Sons of Anarchy as mobsters.
Maker of Mediocre Jokes
The full cut of Once Upon A Time In America, yes the full 269 minute version is probably my favorite traditional mafia/gangster movie. If we count nontraditional ones, It's Branded To Kill.

Some others I really like, but don't know if they "count" are
In Bruges,
Leon The Professional,
The Usual Suspects
Seven Psycopaths
Advanced Wordsmith
Interested to check out The Irishman because Sebastian Maniscalco is in it.
The GODFATHER trilogy. Fantastic

Really not a mobster movie--THE STING
Active Ink Slinger
Little Rascals. the original series.
Movies (in descending order): Godfather, Goodfellas, Godfather 2, Casino, A Bronx Tale, Donnie Brasco

TV Shows (in descending order): Peaky Blinders, Sons of Anarchy, Sopranos
Never been my favorite genre, but the first two Godfather movies, Goodfellas and The Departed are all good movies, period. Third Godfather had potential and is far from terrible, but it suffers badly by comparison with the first two.