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What's Thee Last 'Scary Movie' That Actually Scared You?

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The Last 'Scary Movie' That Actually REALLY Scared Me Was "The Exorcism Of Emily Rose"(2005)! ONLY Thee First Time I Saw It In The Theater And ONLY The Actual Exorcism Scene. I Remember I Was Noticeably Shaking!
There's different levels of fear - moments where you're caught off guard and just jump when the monster jumps out. Or movies that get under your skin and give you nightmares.

I love watching scary movies / horror / thrillers (albeit - they don't have my attention much lately). . . but I do not - ever - watch movies with kids.

I don't need more nightmares of my kids being killed or some shit - I've had enough of that.

The last one I watched was The Ring (I and II) - no fucking thank you. LOL Keep the zombie ghostly kiddos away from my sanity, thanks.
Scary movies just don't do it for me. At all. Too ridiculous to be scary.

So I have to go all the way back to when I was a kid.

X-Files movie.


Dante's Peak. Didn't wanna get out of bed in the middle of the night after watching it. Fraid there was lava on the floor.
Prince of Darkness. The mirror - someone reached through the mirror and was pulled in, I believe. When I saw that I was horrified. Surely they didn't actually have someone fall into a pool of mercury just to take that one short. There's no amount if money I could be paid to do that. There are villages in the world with poisoned water from people using mercury or arsenic to extract gold from low-yield gold ores. The end result is money for food and ciggies and alcohol for a time. Following this there's children born retarded, disfigured, cancer laden, or stillborn. The price of gold goes up and it makes it worthwhile to eke out the tiniest portions of gold from all over the world. Mercury being used in a pool for a movie special effect was both scary and awful.
I get scared pretty easily, but I honestly can't remember the last time a horror movie genuinely frightened me. Which sucks because I actually like the horror genre now. Well, "like" is a bit of a stretch. I just want to be scared, haha.

I saw "Apartment 143" a while ago and there were a few scenes that actually made me jump (by a "few" I mean two or three), but I can't really say I was really scared or anything. "Cabin in the Woods" wasn't all that scary, either. Neither was "Lovely Molly", "Mama" (stupid ending, omg), "Insidious" (though this one was pretty suspenseful), "Devil Seed", "Mother's Day" (I still liked it), "Dark Skies" (decent), any of the "Paranormal Activity" movies, etc, etc.

Basically every horror movie I've seen in the past year has been a major let down as far as scaring the crap out of me goes.

I'm going to try watching some Asian horror films on Netflix, like "Pulse" and "The Eyes 2". I just want to get scared, dammit.
The only movie that genuinely bothered me was cabin fever.
It wasn't scary at all, just disgusting. I had nightmares of people roting alive for a week.
I don't know why, but The Grudge freaks me out.
Quote by kiera
Ok well Simplyjohn is never gonna let me live this down but ok, the amytyville, poltergiest and arachanaphobia .

Thats ok .. I understand .. actually I avoid scary films since they do give me nightmares .. top of my list has to be Aliens and then a close second Predator and thirdly Chitty Chitty Bang Bang .. why I have no idea (rofl).
The last horror film I saw that actually scared me was The Strangers
Mirrors (2008) but what still scares me is Jeepers Creepers
To this day I will never be as scared watching a movie as I was when I watched the movie IT by Stephen king. I was 6 years old and physically terrified of any dark space in my house.
I guess it would have to be The Last House on the Left. What scares me most about it is that something like that can actually happen. There are so many sick weirdos in this world. The best part of the movie was when the main bad guys' head was blown up in the microwave. Now those were some great special effects.
Death Of A Ghost Hunter is pretty good.
The last horror film that scared me was the first "Scream".
I found the ending... terrifying (for a change)

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by Autumn17
The last horror film I saw that actually scared me was The Strangers

Good call. This was a great movie for this kind of genre of horror and it totally hits the mark as being genuinely scary and uncomfortable to watch. Those final scenes - ugh. They had so much impact, I think in part because of the 'quiet realness' of it. No sinister music or over-the-top gore. And the Manson'esque feel to it makes it far more unnerving than a film featuring monsters or extreme supervillains. Plus we actually come to care about the fate of these characters, which is often overlooked in a lot of horror films.
anything with Will Ferrell or Adam Sandler in it. *shudders*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
anything with Will Ferrell or Adam Sandler in it. *shudders*


Anything with Tyler Perry's name in it.
Quote by sprite
anything with Will Ferrell or Adam Sandler in it. *shudders*

I agree... I was mortified by just this short skit I heard on a CD once... Can you imagine seeing it as a short film? *ewww*

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
"Mama" the monster lady lived in the closet and my closet door cant be closed
The only one I can remember scaring me was Deliverance. I still cannot stop shaking when I hear banjo music.
The Ring. Sh*t freaks me out.
The "notorious gunman".
As a lover of horror movies - not the crude attempts with blood and gore, but the suspenseful ones - I have to say that not one has actually frightened me.

I'm strange that way
The Conjuring scared me and my friends several times!!!
The first Nightmare on Elm Street when it came out in 1984. For some reason that scared the crap out of me but none since.

Literally prior to that it was at a drive in theater on Grand Island New York in 1953 when I was 11 years old. I hid my eyes when the Martian hand appeared at the end and didn't see that scene until I was probably 55 or 60. I'd just never seen it again.

I don't frighten easily.
I am always a gentleman.
The Ring. I was watching it alone at home at night and my blood literally ran cold during the climax. Little girls are creepy as shit.

A Kiwi mini-series called Doves of War deeply haunted me, but it's not a horror.

Paranormal Activity also got under my skin a bit more recently. There's something about someone standing over you while your sleeping that really freaks me the fuck out.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
In The Ring, the stop-motion-y way the girl comes out of the well (and then out of the tv set), and the freaked-out corpse in the closet, are the only things I can think of that gave me some heeby-jeebies in quite some time.
The only other scary film moment I can think of, in the first Hallowe'en - whenever Micheal popped up, out of nowhere, the soundtrack would always blare a super loud synthesizer riff each time - quite effective, especially for a flick made for $300,000.