I just saw The Wolf of Wall Street, and it wasn't his best or worst movie. The Departed still reigns at the top. I love the gems like Cape fear, Goodfellas, and a few select others, but what's your favorite?
This is a difficult one for me but I have to say Goodfellas, followed by Taxi Driver and Shutter Island
I have not seen a lot of his very early stuff (Taxi Driver, Raging Bull). Of what I have seen, I would say Goodfellas and The Departed are my favorites, leaning to the latter.
The Aviator. For sentimental reasons.
1. Last Temptation of Christ
2. Goodfellas
3. After Hours
The Best Martin Scorsese Directed Films In No Specific Order Are.
Bringing Out The Dead(1999)
Raging Bull(1980)
Shutter Island - marks Scorsese's highest grossing film
The Departed
Shutter Island

Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed. Last Temptation of Christ