American idol, definitely. ER isn't on anymore, but went on far too long. Also, the big bang theory. I still don't understand how it's so popular.
I would keep it simple
Any and all Reality Shows
I would add what I refer to as a "ShitCom", that is any program with a laugh track. I DO NOT need to be told what's funny.
Plus all that junk they refer to as Reality. Yeah, right.
Reality shows of all kinds and two & a half men. Pure rubbish IMO
leave big bag theory alone...
if any show should get the boot are the re-runs of seinfeld
Two and a fucking half men. Never liked the show to begin with.
Oh! And that kardashian crap.
I agree, all reality shows especially the Kardashians even though Scott Disick is a legend. Half the game shows 'cause they really piss me off.
I have to say Simpson and big brother
All reality shows and all network news shows....there is no reality involved in any of these...
How I Met Your Mother. No one cares how
The mentalist. No one cares about "Red John" That show can't decide if its a comedy or a cop show, so it ends up being neither
Anyone from Down Under will tell you "Neighbours" closely followed by "Home and Away".
It's a pity the 'Bomb' didn't take out the entire cast.
(Damn, where's that chunder icon when you need it most).
Two and a Half Men...Sorry Ashton is NOT Charlie.
Scrap them all and start over.
I watch sports, news, History International, and National Geographic.
Big Brother
The Big Bang Theory
Modern Family
The Mentalist
The Good Wife
American Idol
anything with the Khardashians
The X Factor
the majority of the reality shows
Two and Half Men
How I Met Your Mother
and even two of my favorite shows --- Survivor and Law & Order SVU
Supernatural. . .and love Supernatural, but it should have stopped with Season 5. I mean after the Apocalypse, what else is there to stop? Sam, Dean, and Castiel; I love y'all though.
Two and a Half Men, for sure. And I will agree with most everyone here — 98% of the reality shows need to go.
There are a lot of shows that should be cancelled.
I am not a reality show fanatic but I do like the Amazing Race the rest can go.
Here are a few I would not miss.
Idol, Survivor, Bachelor and Bachlorette, I can't believe the crap they come up with.
90% of reality T.V.
Simpsons(it's been garbage the last few years)
any reality/talent/paranormal shows
fox news