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What's a TV show, that's still on, that should have been canceled long ago?

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American idol, definitely. ER isn't on anymore, but went on far too long. Also, the big bang theory. I still don't understand how it's so popular.
I would keep it simple

Any and all Reality Shows
I would add what I refer to as a "ShitCom", that is any program with a laugh track. I DO NOT need to be told what's funny.

Plus all that junk they refer to as Reality. Yeah, right.
I am always a gentleman.
Reality shows of all kinds and two & a half men. Pure rubbish IMO
Quote by kornslayer1
American idol, definitely. ER isn't on anymore, but went on far too long. Also, the big bang theory. I still don't understand how it's so popular.

The Big Bang Theory Is Popular Because According To Some It's Funny...
Quote by pj2012
Reality shows of all kinds and two & a half men. Pure rubbish IMO
I Agree, Two And A Half Men Should've Been Canceled After Thee End Of The Eighth Season!
Quote by Sssnake

The Big Bang Theory Is Popular Because According To Some it's Funny...

big bang is very funny
leave big bag theory alone...

if any show should get the boot are the re-runs of seinfeld
Two and A Half Men.
Two and a fucking half men. Never liked the show to begin with.
Oh! And that kardashian crap.
Quote by newandimprovedxx
Two and a fucking half men. Never liked the show to begin with.
Oh! And that kardashian crap.

agree on the kardashian one silly
I agree, all reality shows especially the Kardashians even though Scott Disick is a legend. Half the game shows 'cause they really piss me off.
I have to say Simpson and big brother
Quote by Peta31
I have to say Simpson and big brother

Yes agreed. Xfactor too. Not because i dislike watching people trying to sing, but because the auditions are solely intended to give a crowd of people an unnecessary power over somebody's life. An audience of useless people booing somebody else for being useless, is not my idea of a social life. You could argue that people don't have to apply to sing if they don't want/can't handle the audience, but I say kudos to them for saying fuck you and having a go.
All reality shows and all network news shows....there is no reality involved in any of these...
Without a doubt.............SISTER WIVES!!!
How I Met Your Mother. No one cares how
The mentalist. No one cares about "Red John" That show can't decide if its a comedy or a cop show, so it ends up being neither
Anyone from Down Under will tell you "Neighbours" closely followed by "Home and Away".
It's a pity the 'Bomb' didn't take out the entire cast.
(Damn, where's that chunder icon when you need it most).
Two and a Half Men...Sorry Ashton is NOT Charlie.
Scrap them all and start over.

I watch sports, news, History International, and National Geographic.
Supernatural. . .and love Supernatural, but it should have stopped with Season 5. I mean after the Apocalypse, what else is there to stop? Sam, Dean, and Castiel; I love y'all though.
Two and a Half Men, for sure. And I will agree with most everyone here — 98% of the reality shows need to go.
Quote by LasarDaddy
I would add what I refer to as a "ShitCom", that is any program with a laugh track. I DO NOT need to be told what's funny.

Plus all that junk they refer to as Reality. Yeah, right.

Daddy, I could not agree with you and Jason much more.....BUT I need to add that some of the shows are clearly geared to audiences with ADD.....
In short, they are just not making "entertainment" for people our ages much anymore...but for newer technology influenced younger people. I can't even watch the NEWS. That is a dog and pony show.

I am down to the ballgame....
There are a lot of shows that should be cancelled.

I am not a reality show fanatic but I do like the Amazing Race the rest can go.
Here are a few I would not miss.

Idol, Survivor, Bachelor and Bachlorette, I can't believe the crap they come up with.
90% of reality T.V.
Simpsons(it's been garbage the last few years)