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What sports do you think should be in the Olympics?

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Now that the winter Olympics are in the rearview... We now look forward to the summer games in Tokyo 2020.

The IOC has already approved the inclusion of 5 new sports.

Skateboarding, surfing, rock-climbing, and they are reintroducing softball and baseball.

What sports do you think should be included?

What existing sports do you think should get the boot?

Winter or summer, what sports do you consider to worthy of Olympic status?

• Both men's and women's 10 member team tug of war. Strength, rhythm, and technique.

• Both men and women arm wrestling.

I am glad to see softball for women and baseball for men back. But baseball will always have that problem we had with hockey this past Winter Olympics as the NHL didn't allow it's players to skip their season and participate in the Olympics. That especially hurt Canada and the USA. Probably Canada more so than anyone as they produce the highest percentage of professional hockey players. Canada created hockey to begin with.

Baseball has such a strong summer professional season, you won't be able to get the world's best baseball players. From all over the baseball playing world, they will be busy and under contract during the summer games to their major league team.

But if you've got curling in the Winter Olympics, you can surely have arm wrestling which is much more physically strenuous.

Tug of war would really get people's nationalistic spirit going. Each country pitting 10 of their strongest most fit people against the best of the rest of the world. If you've ever participated in one, you know how physical it is. 60 seconds and a person with outstanding athletic conditioning is completely wiped out. Teams would probably compete every other day to give their muscles time to recover.

Surfing seems like it will be tough to pull off. The actual competition will have to be at an ocean beach capable of producing great waves, so it may be held quite a distance from the other Olympic events. For instance, in the USA if a city in the eastern half gets the Olympics, the Atlantic Coast is just mediocre as far as surfing. That would need to be done in California or Hawaii.

Rock climbing will also be a location and logistics challenge. In the USA there are some Applachain areas very good for rock climbing but out west in the Rocky Mountains, there are limitless possibilities for rock climbing. And what about rock climbers slipping and falling to their deaths, especially if they do freestyle?

I definitely say yes to skateboarding. I'm sure there will be a skateboard event very similar to the skiing halfpipe. But the falls will be on concrete. Ouch!

Will golf be back?

Eliminate: trampoline

..and seriously, curling seems kind of silly. It could go too.
Polo and cricket.
I wanna see ping pong!
Crazy stage antics...

And synchronized rocking...

True story, when I was in college (aged 18) one of my phys-ed classes was requesting the students to dress a list of their weekly physical activities. I added 'rocking my guitar' on my own list, because I genuinely believed that the energy expenditure was much greater than in many other uninvolving physical activities (I still do, actually). It all eventually converged into a heated argument in my teacher's office where I was vehemently debating that rocking punk rock songs was much more physically demanding than his boring volleyball classes, haha.

Seriously, if equestrianism, shooting and curling are considered Olympic sports themselves, the laughable thing is that including 'instrument playing' or 'stage performance' actually really wouldn't be that big of a stretch. What's honestly more physically challenging (and exceptional) between sliding a stupid stone on a sheet of ice, or playing an insane solo with your fucking teeth?
MarioKart Wii.
ah hem.... hot dog eating!

Quote by Buz
• Both men's and women's 10 member team tug of war. Strength, rhythm, and technique.

• Both men and women arm wrestling.

I am glad to see softball for women and baseball for men back. But baseball will always have that problem we had with hockey this past Winter Olympics as the NHL didn't allow it's players to skip their season and participate in the Olympics. That especially hurt Canada and the USA. Probably Canada more so than anyone as they produce the highest percentage of professional hockey players. Canada created hockey to begin with.

Baseball has such a strong summer professional season, you won't be able to get the world's best baseball players. From all over the baseball playing world, they will be busy and under contract during the summer games to their major league team.

But if you've got curling in the Winter Olympics, you can surely have arm wrestling which is much more physically strenuous.

Tug of war would really get people's nationalistic spirit going. Each country pitting 10 of their strongest most fit people against the best of the rest of the world. If you've ever participated in one, you know how physical it is. 60 seconds and a person with outstanding athletic conditioning is completely wiped out. Teams would probably compete every other day to give their muscles time to recover.

Surfing seems like it will be tough to pull off. The actual competition will have to be at an ocean beach capable of producing great waves, so it may be held quite a distance from the other Olympic events. For instance, in the USA if a city in the eastern half gets the Olympics, the Atlantic Coast is just mediocre as far as surfing. That would need to be done in California or Hawaii.

Rock climbing will also be a location and logistics challenge. In the USA there are some Applachain areas very good for rock climbing but out west in the Rocky Mountains, there are limitless possibilities for rock climbing. And what about rock climbers slipping and falling to their deaths, especially if they do freestyle?

I definitely say yes to skateboarding. I'm sure there will be a skateboard event very similar to the skiing halfpipe. But the falls will be on concrete. Ouch!

Will golf be back?

Eliminate: trampoline

..and seriously, curling seems kind of silly. It could go too.

I agree with surfing. It seems like it depends too much on natural conditions.

I believe the rock climbing is on artificial walls. I'm a rock climber, but I still don't think that this is not something that will translate to a spectator sport. I'm guessing there are going to do timed runs?

Golf is in, ping pong is in (its actually called table tennis though).

I understand the criticisms of curling... I'm not a fan. But the winter Oympics need sports. Lots of people think that they could compete in curling...but you can't.

I can understand baseball being excluded because there are so few countries that actually play baseball.

Softball should definitely be in because for women, the Olympics are the epitome for that sport.

The events that I think should be excluded are the equestrian events.

Dressage? Are you serious? If you can wear that ridiculous getup, then you are not an athlete. I get that this is a throwback to the ancient Olympics.... but then I guess we should have naked wrestling? Or running while wearing suits of armour? (That might actually be kind of cool).

Horse dancing is not a sport.

You might as well have turtle races and NASCAR in the O games.
Punching Howie Mandel in the mouth would be a great Olympic sport.

Yeah, fuck that guy.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Quote by DamonX

The events that I think should be excluded are the equestrian events.

Totally agree, while I enjoy equestrian sports, they shouldn't be an olympic sport. Might as well include fucking driving/racing events in the olympics.
It may sound like a joke but seriously a pole dancing event would be awesome. It would get ratings, it takes incredible athleticism, plus there are a ton of countries that would be competitive. I can see Ukraine, USA, Netherlands seriously contending for the gold. Judge it just like gymnastics with required skills judged on style. I really see it no different than pommel horse or balance beam or anything like that. It's the same kind of shit, just on a pole.
Quote by robertl
I wanna see ping pong!

They have it, under the name table tennis. Been there since '88. Needless to say, the Asian countries clean up in it. While we treat it as recreational thing, it's a major, serious sport over there. My Chinese wife used to play well enough to play with the men back when she was still living in Shanghai (she migrated to Canada in the late eighties) and one of her cousins came close to making the national team IIRC.
Well, my two favorite sports are jousting and Sumo. I somehow doubt jousting will ever happen...

Fun bit of trivia: anybody know the only year that bike polo was an Olympic event?
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I doubt this will ever be adopted as an official Olympic sport, but an event I'd absolutely looove to watch is some kind of crazy obstacle course where just about every factor which contributes to a peak physical condition would be tested to the fucking max: overall strength, explosive power, muscular endurance, stamina, speed, agility, flexibility, balance, coordination, precision, etc.

I mean, marathoners and skaters are in outstanding physical condition for sure, but their feats are usually only focused around a few limited physical aspects or a few limited body parts. And yeah, you could argue that some full-body sports like hockey or tennis already assess a good portion of all that to a fairly accurate degree, but to me there's also a rather big 'chance' element in all those sports where you're playing against an opponent. Anyway, I'd personally love to see one such event where it would just be a bunch of athletes competing against the clock and essentially putting a definite number on their overall physical condition.

I actually did quite a few physical jobs in my mid-20s which would come pretty damn close to what I have in mind. The harshest job of that kind (and also the funnest since I'm an occasional masochist) was working in a tire warehouse: emptying a 53' trailer containing nearly 2,000 tires at full speed before the other scheduled one arrives, piling up a bunch of Hummer H2 wheels (which weight around 70lbs each), climbing a 16' rack with a 25lbs tire wrapped around my torso because the goddamn ladder doesn't fit into the alley, throwing hundreds of tires into a truck that's 30' away because you can't lose any time walking (there's actually a clever technique for that), running to the nearest drugstore during my lunchtime to buy an analgesic cream because my wrist hurts like fucking crazy. Oh, and you're not doing it all for a very short session at a time, you actually have to be in good enough physical condition to perform that job for up to 50 hours a week without losing any steam.

I might seem like I'm bragging (I'll concede that I totally am), but I've seen plenty of ex-convicts much bigger than I was getting teary-eyed after only a few days working at that place. One of them even completely lost it and yelled that he'd come back with a gun to shoot us all before vehemently slamming the door, haha. And since I'm already bragging, I'd really love to take a few Olympic athletes out of their air-conditioned gyms just to see how they would fare in that kind of relentless regimen/environment. Anyway, I'd simply be thrilled to see that type of multi-faceted activity being featured as an official sport. Call it a very personal fascination, I guess.
A lot of people are pushing to get MMA into the Olympics.

As a huge MMA fan, I just can't see MMA being included. The main issue is that its not a sport that lends itself well to a short term tournament style.

After a fighter competes in MMA, there are usually numerous injuries that prevent fighters from competing again. This can vary from broken hands, to mild concussions. The fighters have to be cleared by a doctor before fighting again, but most people need weeks to months to recover.

I think maybe Jiu Jitsu could be added in.... that would be be valid. The have wrestlin, boxing, tae kwon do (which is a worthless martial art.) and judo, which is a semi-useless martial art.

Straight up rock climbing as an Olympic sport is just nonsense imo. Especially since it likely won't be free climbing. It'll be walls. And it'll be timed. I guess. Meh.

I'd rather they just make the courses a bit more complex and a bit longer and morph American Ninja Warrior into an Olympic event instead. At least that's watchable and highly entertaining, especially went athletes wipe out.
Quote by DamonX
tae kwon do (which is a worthless martial art.) and judo, which is a semi-useless martial art.

Wow you give your opinion as if its true and informed or even worse generally accepted. As somebody who has done Tae Kwon Do I can reassure you that despite your lack of enthusiasm for it, it happens to be one of the most powerful styles of martial arts and I've seen and done most. It's also ingrained into the culture of an entire country. No need to be offensive just because you're bored.
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
Quote by Buz
•Surfing seems like it will be tough to pull off. The actual competition will have to be at an ocean beach capable of producing great waves, so it may be held quite a distance from the other Olympic events. For instance, in the USA if a city in the eastern half gets the Olympics, the Atlantic Coast is just mediocre as far as surfing. That would need to be done in California or Hawaii.

I agree. As a long time surfer it is not a sport you can just pick a date to do like track and field. Even if you pick a traditional place like North Shore Hawaii, there is no guarantee there will waves. I’ve been there when it’s ripping and when it’s like a lake. The competition would probably have to be late or early winter because that’s storm season. Plus there are only a handful of top surfers anyway.
Quote by DamonX
A lot of people are pushing to get MMA into the Olympics.

lol - i was just coming in to suggest exactly that. great minds think alike! apparently, so do demented ones...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Do they currently have mountain biking? cause a mountain bike race, or timed trials, would be awesome, as would BMX. and what about inline roller skating short track? or darts (the curling of the summer olympics). ROLLER DERBY!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by PrincessC

Wow you give your opinion as if its true and informed or even worse generally accepted. As somebody who has done Tae Kwon Do I can reassure you that despite your lack of enthusiasm for it, it happens to be one of the most powerful styles of martial arts and I've seen and done most. It's also ingrained into the culture of an entire country. No need to be offensive just because you're bored.


Finally... someone wants to debate me on fighting!! smile

Most powerful styles of martial arts? You have to be joking.

I would love to see a Tae Kwon Do "expert" try and fight a wrestler. TKD only works if your opponent is playing by the same rules. It's a cheesy point-fighting martial art that has almost zero applicability when it comes to actual fighting.

Please excuse me if I'm not "reassured" by your claims. I'll be waiting on pins and needles to hear about the next time you actually win a fight using Tae Kwon Do....

If you want to continue this line of discussion, then I suggest that you learn a bit more about actual fighting beyond your latest cardio kickboxing class.

Haha... "powerful"?? That's awesome. Please let me know... does all your knowledge of fighting come from 1980s action movies?
Quote by sprite
Do they currently have mountain biking? cause a mountain bike race, or timed trials, would be awesome, as would BMX. and what about inline roller skating short track? or darts (the curling of the summer olympics). ROLLER DERBY!

Inline skating short track would be great. I didn't even think of that.

I don't think darts would be great. Then you would have to add pool and bowling.
Quote by DamonX


Finally... someone wants to debate me on fighting!! smile

Most powerful styles of martial arts? You have to be joking.

I would love to see a Tae Kwon Do "expert" try and fight a wrestler. TKD only works if your opponent is playing by the same rules. It's a cheesy point-fighting martial art that has almost zero applicability when it comes to actual fighting.

Please excuse me if I'm not "reassured" by your claims. I'll be waiting on pins and needles to hear about the next time you actually win a fight using Tae Kwon Do....

If you want to continue this line of discussion, then I suggest that you learn a bit more about actual fighting beyond your latest cardio kickboxing class.

Haha... "powerful"?? That's awesome. Please let me know... does all your knowledge of fighting come from 1980s action movies?

All martial arts are like that though. They only work if everyone follows the rules. A wrestler would fuck themselves up if attempting to grapple someone on the street. Like paisa fighting would win in that instance. Like someone’s primo would just kick the wrestler in the head. Honestly, TKD’s ability to land a sucker kick in some random confrontation might take out a wrestler before the wrestler even knows a fight is happening. In Bruce Lee’s book about fighting he states that the number one thing to do in a real fight is to kick in the balls and gouge out your opponent’s eyes. Both of which are illegal in any type of competitive fighting.

Wrestlers tend to shoot for legs and a lot of the time the opponent is able to step back and avoid this attack. If the rules didn’t prohibit the wrestlers opponent to kick the brains out of his head while he’s on the ground the fight would be over pretty quickly. If anything MMA rules protect wrestlers more than other fighters.
Quote by sprite
Do they currently have mountain biking? cause a mountain bike race, or timed trials, would be awesome, as would BMX. and what about inline roller skating short track?

I was going to suggest these myself. I'd really love to see inline roller skating short and long track.
 Kissing your lips while straddling your lap. 
I have to agree with Damon. MMA is too physically intense to work well as an Olympic sport. Tae Kwon Do and Judo are mostly boring for me. Jiu Jitsu would be great to add.
 Kissing your lips while straddling your lap. 
Quote by Magical_felix

All martial arts are like that though. They only work if everyone follows the rules. A wrestler would fuck themselves up if attempting to grapple someone on the street. Like paisa fighting would win in that instance. Like someone’s primo would just kick the wrestler in the head. Honestly, TKD’s ability to land a sucker kick in some random confrontation might take out a wrestler before the wrestler even knows a fight is happening. In Bruce Lee’s book about fighting he states that the number one thing to do in a real fight is to kick in the balls and gouge out your opponent’s eyes. Both of which are illegal in any type of competitive fighting.

Wrestlers tend to shoot for legs and a lot of the time the opponent is able to step back and avoid this attack. If the rules didn’t prohibit the wrestlers opponent to kick the brains out of his head while he’s on the ground the fight would be over pretty quickly. If anything MMA rules protect wrestlers more than other fighters.

Old school MMA actually allowed soccer kicks and head stomps. Those prevent Jiu Jitsu specialists from constantly pulling guard, which is why most MMA fighters actually favor them. The general public just doesn't feel comfortable with head kicks on the ground.

I would love to see one TKD specialist try and defend a takedown from even a high school wrestler....

Now if the TKD fighter had some wrestling and could defend a takedown, then he/she might have a chance.

If you're talking about cheap shots and groin strikes, eye gouges, etc... then it's a different issue. And TKD would probably do a lot worse in those situations than they would a controlled fighting environment. It's just not a martial art that lends itself to actual fighting situations. I did karate for 10 years and I feel karate is quite bad when it comes to actual fighting.

And Tae Kwon Do is far worse that karate.
Quote by DamonX

Old school MMA actually allowed soccer kicks and head stomps. Those prevent Jiu Jitsu specialists from constantly pulling guard, which is why most MMA fighters actually favor them. The general public just doesn't feel comfortable with head kicks on the ground.

I would love to see one TKD specialist try and defend a takedown from even a high school wrestler....

Now if the TKD fighter had some wrestling and could defend a takedown, then he/she might have a chance.

If you're talking about cheap shots and groin strikes, eye gouges, etc... then it's a different issue. And TKD would probably do a lot worse in those situations than they would a controlled fighting environment. It's just not a martial art that lends itself to actual fighting situations. I did karate for 10 years and I feel karate is quite bad when it comes to actual fighting.

And Tae Kwon Do is far worse that karate.

kung fu/wushu is actually a good fit for street fighting, or at least for self defense, if you just sort of throw the rules out the window and go for the kill.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

kung fu/wushu is actually a good fit for street fighting, or at least for self defense, if you just sort of throw the rules out the window and go for the kill.

Especially the Dim mak...

I wonder why no one has used that in MMA yet???