I feel like mentioning it will get this post removed. However...
I Spit on Your Grave. (Whatever the original one was).
Don't watch it. Every trigger warning under the sun.
Most Lush moderators will accept tips (read: bribes).
The Wahnsee Conference, a drama based on the minutes of the meeting the Nazi brass held to plan the Holocaust.
Not disturbing in terms of gore or violence or such. It's disturbing because on the surface, it's a bunch of guys having a business meeting. One guy plays with his dogs. They flirt with the secretary there to take minutes. But then, as they actually discuss business, you start taking in what that business is and ... yeah, this is the banality of evil played out. It reminds us that these were not raging monsters like a Dahmer, but hard-working guys who meticulously planned how to kill millions, then went for a beer after work.
I watched "the Butterfly Effect" once. Once. Never again. I watched "the Butterfly Effect" once.
"The Punished Nonpartisan" <- Extreme BDSM and humiliation story. Heavy on plot. Served on a plate of political drama with a side of domestic terror. Currently Free download.
Jocelyn the Wicked <- futanari, fantasy fan fic, and some tentacles that escaped the laboratory
There's a thread like this one already.
I still haven't watched a film that's left me feeling disturbed.
I've watched the film's mentioned above too.
Michael Haneke's Funny Games (either his original or his remake with Tim Roth) was pretty disturbing. Probably pipped to the post by Ben Wheatley's Kill List. Michael Smiley, whom I'd previously only seen as Tyres in 'Spaced', was amazing as one of the hitmen.
Those are probably fairly tame compared to some psychological thrillers out there, but then I thought Se7en was fucking dark.
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The Human Centipede is up there for me. Don't even remember why the fuck I ended up on it. *shudders*
THe Joker was very disturbing and dark.....I wish I never saw it....
"Hostel" gave me some really fucked up nightmares.
And also "Snowpiercer", which is a brilliant movie, but caused me significant distress.
Ken Park was fairly disturbing yes, and after seeing a couple of Larry Clark films, I would have him on some kind of register.
The Human Centipede, yes, a truly awful film, as was A Serbian Film. Disturbing and terrible.
"Come and See"
It's a story about the true events of the early Holocaust, absolutely harrowing.