It's a toss up between Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman.
Hubby and I really enjoyed DeadPool because of the irreverent humor and some wild action scenes. Looking forward to DeadPool 2, coming soon...
I am badly out of date on my movie watching, so this is drawing what I have seen:
1966 Batman (the definitive Silver Age superhero movie adapted from the popular TV series)
1989 Batman (Tim Burton takes the first stab at a more serious Batman)
2002 Spiderman (just a terrific take on a classic origin story from one of my favorites directors, Sam Raimi)
Captain America : The First Avenger (good retelling of Cap's origin story, has the Howling Commandos in it for the win)
The Avengers (closest movie I've seen to the feel of the old Avengers comics I used to read in the seventies)
This list could change drastically, however, if I finally find the time to plunge into the Nolan Batman trilogy and more of the Marvel cinematic universe.
And a bit of an outlier. This one is an original (ie. not based on a comic book):
Darkman (pre-Spiderman Sam Raimi creates a dark hero who is kind of a mashup of Batman and The Phantom of the Opera, good performance by Liam Neeson in one of his early roles)
1) Captain America: Winter Soldier
2) Guardians of the Galaxy
That was a really good year.
It gets really murky beyond that with Wonder Woman, Avengers, Tim Burton's Batman, Iron Man 1, Spider-Man 2, X-Men 2, Logan, Deadpool...
The next tier down isn't any more clear.
Then you get to the bottom of the heap. Amazing Spider-Man franchise, Batman V. Superman, Fant4stic Four...
I can rewatch the old Batman movies past 2, the two FF films, and X-Men origins. I will never subject myself to the Garfield Spider-Man, BvS, or Fant4stic again, even for free. I was mad that I wasted the time to watch those in the first place.
I think I can trust Marvel Studios to make a good FF film.
Marvel's track record of taking obscure, not particularly fan-favorite characters and making fun, profitable movies around them is hard to ignore. Let's not forget that Iron Man was B-list before the first Iron Man movie came out. Guardians. Ant Man. Dr. Strange. If there's a good premise for the first family, Marvel will make it.
I can't imagine them not using Galactus and the like, even if they don't make a FF movie.
The most difficult thing they have in front of them if the merger goes through is recasting Wolverine. It's more or less a necessity, as introducing any mutants without Wolverine is asking for trouble. At the same time, it's going to be hard as hell to sell putting the claws on anyone other than Hugh Jackman.
Trying to replace RDJ as Tony Stark is going to be the same way, eventually.
No, but Spider-Man had Spider-Man 3 and the Garfield Franchise. Fans trusted Marvel, and didn't hold the previous films against the character. Casual movie-goers took a liking to Holland as well. He was a major selling point for Civil War, and I think the end of Infinity War demonstrates how much of an impact he's having on viewers.
I have the feeling they would use the same sort of introduction for the FF characters. Bring them in for a reasonably short guest spot in some other movie, see how people react, and then decide whether to green-light a full movie.
I'm old enough to remember thinking "Beetlejuice is frikkin' BATMAN! FAIL!" I ended up kicking myself for not going to see it in theaters when I got the chance to watch it on VHS. That's why I never balked at Jackman, or Affleck as Batman.
While we're on the subject of B-list and below — Black Panther. Never been able to sustain a comic run or make any real money, but the movie blew up big time both because it was a good movie, and hit with excellent timing as well.
It's still holding on to a top 10 spot in the box office, and it's already out on digital! It was up to #7 again the week Infinity War came out. Even with weak competition, that's a hell of an accomplishment.
For me, there are two lists that do have some overlap. There's a difference between "favorite" and "best."
To start, let's throw out ALL of the DCEU films sans Wonder Woman which are total garbage meant for the dump. Hate all of them. And we throw out Wonder Woman, because, while it is a solid film, I wouldn't rate it as the best. An eh villain, a decent plot, with a Zach Snyder CG-I ending.
Here's what I'm thinking.
1.) Logan.
2.) The Dark Knight
3.) Captain America Winter Soldier
4.) Iron Man
All four of these bring a level of directorial skill, acting ability, cinematography, and real world issue nods. Logan is an acting tour de force. The Dark Knight transcends the "comic book movie" label. Winter Soldier brings in the very real issue of governmental surveillance and oversight of the populace and using preventative measures of mass murder.
Iron Man was darker than I remember it being with a far more serious vibe. It was an angry, guilty Tony Stark.
Everything else comes after those 4 in interchangeable order. I won't rank them, I'll just include the last 6 in my top 10 list.
Batman Begins (it's a very underrated in the trilogy and is, imo, one of the best origin movies of any hero)
X2 X-Men United
Thor Ragnorak
Guardians Vol 1
The Incredibles gets an honorable mention as I kept it as live action films only. But it is easily one of the best superhero movies animated or not.
Loved the Incredibles as well. And Megamind. Looking forward to Incredibles 2 in my overly packed movie-going summer. Deadpool's next weekend.
I never even made it all the way through Fant4stic. I made the mistake of going to watch Amazing Spider-Man 2 in theaters even though I had barely found the first one tolerable. After that experience, the reek of Fant4stic — even for free — was too much to deal with. I shut it off in less than an hour and said, "Nope!"
I ended up watching the older one instead, out of pure spite.
At least Michael B. Jordan followed Chris Evans' lead and escaped to Marvel, where he was allowed to thoroughly redeem his association with that stinkburger. Two former Human Torches in an MCU without an FF yet.
I really should get around to watching Creed, too...
Have to say that Infinity Wars is the best superhero film to date, having just seen it yesterday
Ironman 1 and 2. RDJ is really good and the character is kind of a dick. I saw these right before I got sick of superhero movies in general and the endless parade of 20 minute fight scenes. I suppose Wonder Woman and Black Panther were good, l saw them, I am just too burnt out on the genre.
The Incredibles was good, though I don't know if it qualifies. Also, the first Spider-Man 2 (does that even make sense?) with Alfred Molina playing Dr. Oct was good (trivia note - Michael Chabon got a screenwriting credit on it).
Oh, and Deadpool made me LOL several times.
Okay I'm going to go with verbal with Iron Man #1 and throw in Guardians of the Galaxy. Both movies were entertaining as hell. While I will admit there are flaws in the story the pure enjoyment factor I experienced during those movies superseded any other flaws.
Okay I'm going to go with verbal with Iron Man #1 and throw in Guardians of the Galaxy. Both movies were entertaining as hell. While I will admit there are flaws in the story the pure enjoyment factor I experienced during those movies superseded any other flaws.
The old Batman movie with Michael Keaton, Kim Basinger, and Jack Nicholson. Like all Batmans, it is hokie and campy, but a lot more fun than all of the newer ones. I watch and enjoy those but to me the old one is the best.
I liked Jack Nicholson as the Joker better than Heath Ledger.
I have to go with Captain America: The Winter Soldier. That felt more like a good old fashioned spy thriller with some awesome superhero moments. Just watching Cap trash an elevator full of special forces guys was with the ticket all by itself
does unbreakable count? i know it's not a superhero movie per se, but i ABSOLUTELY adore it. it truly is m. night shymalan's most underrated movie and should be watched multiple times to be appreciated.