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The Walking Dead

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Alpha Blonde
In tonight's episode with the Pink Room, I think Michonne was most disturbed because I think her ex-bf had probably plotted a similar "out" option for the family. I think that's how he and her son died and either Michonne chose to live/fight at the last minute or he did it without giving her an option first because he thought it was in the best interests of the kid to not be in a scary world like that. That would explain her animosity toward him and why she dragged him and his buddy around on a leash for so long. Just guessing. It's an interesting plot line, slowly unravelling.

Also, there is no way Eugene is a scientist that's going to save the world. He's taking Abraham & Co. for a total ride if they actually believe that.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Also, there is no way Eugene is a scientist that's going to save the world. He's taking Abraham & Co. for a total ride if they actually believe that.

I agree! I can't take anyone with a mullet seriously.
Devil's Advocate
Fuck me! How much of a tool is Glen? I get he wants to try and find Maggie, but come on! The brooding loner thing is well past its used by date. He's really not working and playing well with others.

Speaking of though, the new guy definitely should have just let him go. I don't understand why you'd try and keep someone so destructive.

As for Dr Mullet, do you really think he has all the answers? And if so, why doesn't he tell as many people as he can? It seems to me that in an environment like that, operational security really isn't a high priority. Surely there's no competitive advantage in whoever is the first to Washington. It's the information, not the man.

I thought they did a fantastic job with Rick this week, and the tension they created in the house with those thugs was brilliant. It went way too quickly though. I'm gagging for next week to roll around...
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Mekhala

I agree! I can't take anyone with a mullet seriously.

Alpha Blonde
Quote by Wilful

As for Dr Mullet, do you really think he has all the answers? And if so, why doesn't he tell as many people as he can? It seems to me that in an environment like that, operational security really isn't a high priority. Surely there's no competitive advantage in whoever is the first to Washington. It's the information, not the man.

I know, right? He's been talking to "the guys in Washington" every day but now it's gone dark. Why couldn't he relay all this pertinent info to them directly? Abraham doesn't strike me as the brightest guy - he's mission oriented, but maybe he feels like he *wants* to believe Eugene because it gives him a purpose in a chaotic world, and also offers some last shred of hope that things can be saved.

I was also thinking that this 'Terminus' place might not be all that great. They have no idea who is running that place. With all the sketchballs lurking around, who's to say they won't end up enslaved there or under some Governor-style control. Not to mention maybe it's 'The Hunters' running the place and the whole thing is a trap "hey, survivors come on over"... *rings dinner bell*
Active Ink Slinger
I have not watched the famous "The Walking Dead"... at least not yet, but I’m not surprised of the proliferation and the enthusiasm of this thread. I’m aware that it has quite a following and I know several peoples who enjoy the show and I hear their conversations. I even know that some have left the show on the second season.. now I do know why, at least by DD explanation. They did return to it, I guess they craved some more flesssh.

So you too, enjoy the show.

Ahhh so many shows soo little time. Breaking Bad, The Americans, Blacklist, Scandal, True Detective, Elementary and The Walking Dead. It's practically (well sort of) impossible to watch them all.
Choose n Practice Happiness

Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
Active Ink Slinger
im leery of dr mullet and his crew.....seems soooo off the story line. Glen is annoying this season for various reasons. but im beyond excited that the baby survived. but is it me or the older of the two she mental. she almost killed the baby to hush her and she looked like she enjoyed it??? i wouldnt want to sleep around that kid....scares the hell out of me!
my newest :)
Devil's Advocate
Thunder and Lightning, but still no rain in post-apocalyptic Georgia.

Quite the metaphor really. Did anyone else think this was a bit of a nothing episode?

Daryl and Beth are probably my favourite characters, and I did like how Daryl challenged Beth's notable moments throughout the series, but I don't feel like I really learned anything new about either of them. Sure, he opened up and started talking, and she got some decent air time, but what else? I think they could have developed both characters just as well in a split episode like they had the other week, mixing in another couple of sub-groups of survivors to pick up the pace.

And I get he put his hillbilly demons to rest by burning down the cabin, but destroying usable shelter in a zombie apocalypse seems a bit of a dick move. I do love they set the fire with a big wad of cash though. Nice use of irony.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Active Ink Slinger
This episode was just as important for their characters as the first one was for Rick and Carl. It defines their relationships with each other, and with the world around them. They both grow and develop into more well-rounded people. Imagine now how it'll be if they start up a relationship, and then meet up with Carol. Interesting times are coming.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by MrNudiePants
This episode was just as important for their characters as the first one was for Rick and Carl. It defines their relationships with each other, and with the world around them. They both grow and develop into more well-rounded people. Imagine now how it'll be if they start up a relationship, and then meet up with Carol. Interesting times are coming.

I agree. It was an interesting episode for those reasons. Beth was a bit of a shallow character up until now so I actually appreciated getting to know what makes her tick a little more. I was also impressed with the acting skills on display - especially that late night talk on the porch. That was a nice meaty scene for two actors.

I also think these two are destined for a relationship as well. This sets it up perfectly.
Active Ink Slinger
So we got to see a little bit more of Sasha, who (up until now) had been kept in the background. I like what's developing. Part of me wants to see a love triangle come around between Sasha, Maggie, and Glenn, with Maggie having to decide between the other two. Am I wrong, or would that be an awesome plot twist?
Alpha Blonde
Quote by MrNudiePants
So we got to see a little bit more of Sasha, who (up until now) had been kept in the background. I like what's developing. Part of me wants to see a love triangle come around between Sasha, Maggie, and Glenn, with Maggie having to decide between the other two. Am I wrong, or would that be an awesome plot twist?

LOL.. that could be interesting. There is one lesbian character on the show (Tara). It would be cool to see them mix things up a bit. Her girlfriend got killed off so quickly, it's like they barely teased the storyline before ending it.

Based on the clips they've shown for next week's episode, my jaw dropped a little. It looked like Carol was turning her back on one of the kids while a zombie dropped on her. Maybe it was just the editing to get us to freak out a bit... but I freaked out a bit. And then I remembered it's Carol, who doesn't seem to have moral issues with sacrificing the goners. Eeek. Still - if that's indeed how it plays out, I'm probably going to scream out loud. Next week definitely looks like an intense one either way.

Alpha Blonde
Quote by PlayWithMyYoyo
definitely editing, Doll...

Yeah, but... but...

Ok, fine. It might be editing.

There is a 'but' though. With only three episodes left, they are going to have to have some kind of shocking moment. There's always an "oh my god" scene at the end of the season - usually involving a (semi) major character death. It might not be this one, but it has to be coming. I guess that's me being bloodthirsty for some shock value. I blame the Walking Dead for making me this way. silly
Alpha Blonde
Actually - was just thinking. Let's say they (Carol and Tyrese) happen to find out or realize that Lizzie is a psychopath. Maybe they eventually see the way she's interacting with Judith. Or maybe they learn that she was the one serving up the rats at the prison. If you identity someone as a problem or potential liability to the group - do you exile them and tell them to go fend for themselves - even if they're a kid? I mean Rick did that with Carol and it seemed reasonable. But would you be able to do that with someone of Lizzie's age? I'm not sure how I'd handle it.

PS. I'm so bummed about the way they've pushed Daryl into this new gangster offshoot at this point in the season. It seemed so abrupt. sad
Devil's Advocate
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Actually - was just thinking. Let's say they (Carol and Tyrese) happen to find out or realize that Lizzie is a psychopath. Maybe they eventually see the way she's interacting with Judith. Or maybe they learn that she was the one serving up the rats at the prison. If you identity someone as a problem or potential liability to the group - do you exile them and tell them to go fend for themselves - even if they're a kid? I mean Rick did that with Carol and it seemed reasonable. But would you be able to do that with someone of Lizzie's age? I'm not sure how I'd handle it.

PS. I'm so bummed about the way they've pushed Daryl into this new gangster offshoot at this point in the season. It seemed so abrupt. sad

I think Judith is a much bigger liability than Lizzie, and my money's on Carol having to decide about the baby. There's no way she'd dump Lizzie, especially now that she's got her replacement daughter back.

If it was me, I'd try and teach Lizzie some discipline, a la Dexter (which I've only just discovered). If she didn't come around and became a liability to the group, honestly, I'd kill her. Exiling a psycho would likely end up with her threatening you from the outside, or someone else. And leaving her to death by walker, is a bit too cruel. It's the lesser evil. I'd give it a red hot go to try and control her first though. There's a big difference between potential liability and liability.

Rick was a bit quick to offload Carol in my opinion. I would have given her another go. I would have killed Merle up on that roof in Season 1 though. So, swings and round abouts.

Yeah, I was so sad about Daryl. What a shit thing to happen to him. Hopefully he'll be driven to find Beth and won't go too dark before he gets the chance. As for her, do you think she got snatched by the same group, or someone different? Is there any chance she got lifted by decent people trying to get her out of dangerous territory?
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
When Daryl met that gang, I honestly, for the briefest moment, thought it was Ron Perlman... And I thought how fucking cool would it have been to have a one-off episode where the Sons of Anarchy gang is in it... Seriously, I love it when there are show cross-overs

(I'm not even kidding - it could have been an excellent sort of cameo thing...)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Actually - was just thinking. Let's say they (Carol and Tyrese) happen to find out or realize that Lizzie is a psychopath. Maybe they eventually see the way she's interacting with Judith. Or maybe they learn that she was the one serving up the rats at the prison. If you identity someone as a problem or potential liability to the group - do you exile them and tell them to go fend for themselves - even if they're a kid? I mean Rick did that with Carol and it seemed reasonable. But would you be able to do that with someone of Lizzie's age? I'm not sure how I'd handle it.

PS. I'm so bummed about the way they've pushed Daryl into this new gangster offshoot at this point in the season. It seemed so abrupt. sad

That little kid scares me and i work with troubled kids...she needs help more then i think any can give. Maybe doc could have but unfortunately hes gone. i cant wait for the next episode. i felt for daryl when he ran after beth...and who has her and who kept that house so perfect...related? possibly that person went from making dress up with zombies to taking beth for real life doll???
my newest :)
Alpha Blonde
Quote by [url=

We’re hitting the home stretch of season 4 for AMC’s The Walking Dead, and according to creator Robert Kirkman, said homestretch is going to be a doozy. That doozydom — yes, I just made that word up — will begin this Sunday night with an episode that Kirkman insists is “definitely one that people are going to remember and it’s definitely one people are going to talk about. If there is one episode of The Walking Dead that you absolutely had to watch this season, it would be this one. You kind of have to watch all of them, but it’s going to be a big episode. We’re going to catch a lot of people off guard.”

EW: I remember chatting with Andrew Lincoln a few months back and him telling me there was one episode where he could not believe you guys were actually doing what you were doing. I’m starting to get the feeling he was talking about this next episode.
ROBERT KIRKMAN: That would definitely be this episode.

Ruh-roh... Looks like a rather screamy Sunday night is ahead!
Flutterby Pharie
I am so excited for Sunday's now. I honestly count down the days until the next episode comes on.
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Advanced Wordsmith
with the storytelling and editing to make things vague enough for us to fill in the blanks with how we react to the story. I'm always just trying to maintain my suspension of disbelief while watching.
Alpha Blonde
"Just keep looking at the flowers, Lizzie..."

Damn... intense episode!

The writing, the symbolism, every little detail on this one was absolutely perfect and so multi-layered. I'm in awe over the quality of the storytelling and the way they bring back references to previous episodes and themes - even down to the puzzle pieces on the table as Carol makes her final confession. And even the super crispy walkers being reminiscent of Karen's demise for Tyreese. And that kettle boiling scene with the image outside the window was sooo creepy.

So... that scene. Don Carol Corleone came through. I wasn't sure if they would just let Mika - the Walker Version - finish off Lizzie (on some level I think that would have been more appropriate, although obviously more gruesome), but it was clear she was past the point of no return as far as rehabilitation. Everything Lizzie did in this episode was so disturbing. I think it's easier to make a more pragmatic decision because these aren't anyone's real kids. Imagine if you were the parent of the girls - not sure if the decision would have been so clear. Or maybe it would have been? Not sure how I would process it if it was me.

Do you think they should have taken more precautions with Lizzie after seeing obvious red flags with her behaviour? Like would a reasonable person have seen this coming? They were certainly able to list off all the warning signs after the fact.

I was so sad for Mika though - she was so adorable on every level.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
"Just keep looking at the flowers, Lizzie..."

Damn... intense episode!

The writing, the symbolism, every little detail on this one was absolutely perfect and so multi-layered. I'm in awe over the quality of the storytelling and the way they bring back references to previous episodes and themes - even down to the puzzle pieces on the table as Carol makes her final confession. And even the super crispy walkers being reminiscent of Karen's demise for Tyreese. And that kettle boiling scene with the image outside the window was sooo creepy.

So... that scene. Don Carol Corleone came through. I wasn't sure if they would just let Mika - the Walker Version - finish off Lizzie (on some level I think that would have been more appropriate, although obviously more gruesome), but it was clear she was past the point of no return as far as rehabilitation. Everything Lizzie did in this episode was so disturbing. I think it's easier to make a more pragmatic decision because these aren't anyone's real kids. Imagine if you were the parent of the girls - not sure if the decision would have been so clear. Or maybe it would have been? Not sure how I would process it if it was me.

Do you think they should have taken more precautions with Lizzie after seeing obvious red flags with her behaviour? Like would a reasonable person have seen this coming? They were certainly able to list off all the warning signs after the fact.

I was so sad for Mika though - she was so adorable on every level.

This was an insane and sad episode.

I definitely agree, the kettle boiling scene with the image outside the window was definitely creepy.

I will say the crispy walkers were interesting. My question is how come they didn't die? They showed that fire would kill the walkers in the barn but why did these walkers just burn?
Alpha Blonde
Quote by smoothwetkitty

This was an insane and sad episode.

I definitely agree, the kettle boiling scene with the image outside the window was definitely creepy.

I will say the crispy walkers were interesting. My question is how come they didn't die? They showed that fire would kill the walkers in the barn but why did these walkers just burn?

Did they die in the barn fire? I thought they were just wandering around the burning barn. I can't remember that scene exactly.

I do remember that other scene when Milton torched the walker pit - when the Governor's henchman showed up the next day and saw the outcome, they were all melted together at the bottom of the pit but were still "animated"... So I figured fire doesn't work.

I think the crispy walkers were just singed/burned though. They probably walked through the fire at Darryl's old place but weren't trapped there for any prolonged period of time so they just keep on walking.
Active Ink Slinger
Oh my god. I did not see that coming. At all.

Logic would imply that if you get a walker's head hot enough, you'll damage the brain. Being a zombieverse, logic may not apply.
Devil's Advocate
Just heartbreaking when they came back and found Mika. I was totally gutted.

Definitely no potential left in Lizzie's liability. Carol had to kill her. There was really nothing else for it. Interesting question though, Doll, would the outcome have been the same if she was her real daughter? As much as it pains me, I think the answer's yes. Lizzie was too far gone, and there was no reasoning with her. And if she'd killed my other daughter, I just couldn't look at her anymore. I just couldn't. Here and now, the best mental health care I could find/afford. Zombie apocalypse, she's done like a dinner.

Sure, all the warning signs were there, and I can sit here on my couch and say I never would have left Lizzie alone with the other children. But hindsight is 20/20. I don't know that Carol and Tyreese knew as much as wee did, to say nothing of the limited options they had there in the moment. Still, you've got to wonder why they didn't keep a closer eye on the kids.

I just feel numb after that one.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by Wilful
Just heartbreaking when they came back and found Mika. I was totally gutted.

Definitely no potential left in Lizzie's liability. Carol had to kill her. There was really nothing else for it. Interesting question though, Doll, would the outcome have been the same if she was her real daughter? As much as it pains me, I think the answer's yes. Lizzie was too far gone, and there was no reasoning with her. And if she'd killed my other daughter, I just couldn't look at her anymore. I just couldn't. Here and now, the best mental health care I could find/afford. Zombie apocalypse, she's done like a dinner.

Sure, all the warning signs were there, and I can sit here on my couch and say I never would have left Lizzie alone with the other children. But hindsight is 20/20. I don't know that Carol and Tyreese knew as much as wee did, to say nothing of the limited options they had there in the moment. Still, you've got to wonder why they didn't keep a closer eye on the kids.

I just feel numb after that one.

If Tyrese saw her nailing a bunny to a board "for fun", that definitely should have rang the alarm bells. And then Mika saying she wasn't "messed up like her sister", and the incident playing tag with the walker in the yard. I dunno - like all of these things would concern me that she's not right in the head and therefore unpredictable in a bad way. I agree though, at a time like that I guess they don't have the luxury of overthinking things like trying to help rehabilitate her or reason with her. Maybe Tyrese even felt protective in a way since technically Lizzie saved his life back at the prison.

I'm still not totally sure how I'd handle it if they were both my kids. It would be hard to lose one, but then the idea of losing two - the second at your own hands. Not sure I could deal with that and still go on. I mean it's a pretty brutal environment for any kid to grow up in - it would probably be hard for me to just place the blame on Lizzie and wash my hands of the whole thing. I might be tempted to just keep Lizzie away from everyone else and stay at the house at the Grove to play things out until things end for one or both of us.

Anyway, since these kids weren't really strongly affiliated to anyone - the decision was much easier. I do wonder what would have happened if, when walking toward the flowers, Lizzie had been saying "I'm sorry" for what she had done to Mika rather than apologizing to Carol for pointing the gun at her. If she'd shown some shred of remorse, I can't imagine it would be that easy to do what was done.

This episode gave me some nightmares last night.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll

I'm still not totally sure how I'd handle it if they were both my kids. It would be hard to lose one, but then the idea of losing two - the second at your own hands. Not sure I could deal with that and still go on. I mean it's a pretty brutal environment for any kid to grow up in - it would probably be hard for me to just place the blame on Lizzie and wash my hands of the whole thing. I might be tempted to just keep Lizzie away from everyone else and stay at the house at the Grove to play things out until things end for one or both of us.

I spent the night trying to figure out stay I would have done had Lizzie been my daughter. I think I would have felt like I had no choice but to put her down, but I know for a fact that I wouldn't have been able to live with myself. This is why Carol confessed to Tyreese. She wanted to die but couldn't bring herself to commit suicide. Carol is going to bear watching in the future.

God, I'm talking about this like they're real fucking people. Somebody help me...
Alpha Blonde
Quote by MrNudiePants

This is why Carol confessed to Tyreese. She wanted to die but couldn't bring herself to commit suicide. Carol is going to bear watching in the future.

I interpreted it as Carol affording Tyrese the same kind of retribution/sentencing that they'd just carried out with Lizzie. Like technically Carol had killed Karen and David - so why should she be forgiven when Lizzie had not been given a second chance? Now - obviously I understand why - Carol's actions were done with intent to protect the group. Lizzie's intentions were psychopathic. But still... Not to mention with something that emotionally devastating behind them, it was a good time to come clean and deal with whatever consequences he felt were justified.

If I was Tyrese, I would just forge onward with Carol but then when they find the rest of the group, I would distance myself and probably not be going out of my way to be chummy with her. At this point he has no choice but to forgive and deal with the situation. Going at it alone (with a baby) would not be fun.