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The Walking Dead

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Alpha Blonde
Quote by Wilful
lucybabee wrote:
"I was really surprised that Rick mentioned nothing in his speech, about how the Governor brutally murdered all of his last group in anger, only that they took in some of the survivors, or did I not hear it properly?"

Yeah, Rick's speech had some holes in it. He really needs to get himself off to Toastmasters. There's heaps more he could have said to win them over. But the Governor was going to snap his biscuit regardless, so it doesn't really matter. If it was me, I certainly would have tried to talk some reason into the group.

lucybabee wrote:
"Now that they are all split up into 5 different groups, do you think the rest of the season will be them all surviving in their own and gradually finding eachother? Or will they find eachother again and be stuck back in the same problem as season 2 when it was sooo slow with them trying to find a safe place to live?"

Hmm, good one. I think it'll be a combination of both. There's drama in the search for each other, and there's drama in the quest for a safe haven. My money's on some of them linking up quite quickly, but I think it'll take the rest of the season for them all to get together. There might be an opening for Carol to get back in with some of them though, which will certainly ratchet up the tension. And there's that rat baiter to deal with too.

I can't wait. I'm out of my mind!

I always assumed the rat-baiter is that little girl that Carol took over as a daughter-figure (can't remember her name). The one who wanted to act like the walkers were like 'pets' or still human in some way. It's possible she was trying to feed them like stray dogs because she'd humanized them in her mind.

Or maybe there's still a nutter in their midst.

I'm wondering what the major obstacle will be in this next season - like they had to overcome the walkers, then the governor, then the plague/flu. I haven't read the comics, but I read somewhere that there is some other group of survivors that become cannibals, called 'The Hunters' that factor into the comics? I'm wondering if they show up in the next season to become the new bad guys.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll

I always assumed the rat-baiter is that little girl that Carol took over as a daughter-figure (can't remember her name). The one who wanted to act like the walkers were like 'pets' or still human in some way. It's possible she was trying to feed them like stray dogs because she'd humanized them in her mind.

Or maybe there's still a nutter in their midst.

I'm wondering what the major obstacle will be in this next season - like they had to overcome the walkers, then the governor, then the plague/flu. I haven't read the comics, but I read somewhere that there is some other group of survivors that become cannibals, called 'The Hunters' that factor into the comics? I'm wondering if they show up in the next season to become the new bad guys.

Oh yeah that might be a point... With the rats, they still don't know who it is, I hope they don't leave that plot hole open

I haven't read the comics either, but like 'Wilful' said I think the rest of this season may be them finding eachother, finding the rat baiter... Also the woman that The Governor was sleeping with and her daughter may try and join the group, they were the only survivors, and she didn't answer Rick when he shouted at her, they may try and say they didn't know he was like that etc, which in fairness they didn't... I don't see any other reason why they wouldn't of killed off atleast the younger one if they didnt have plans to have her in future episodes

With "the Hunters"... I have heard something's about Cannibals, seems logical there would be some when the world has ended. If they are coming into the show, I honestly reckon that one of the current group will run into them, after getting split off or something and join them.. Like Anndria with the Governor

Who knows though, can't wait till It starts up again, felt so weird not watching it this week :/
Alpha Blonde
Quote by lucybabee

Also the woman that The Governor was sleeping with and her daughter may try and join the group, they were the only survivors, and she didn't answer Rick when he shouted at her, they may try and say they didn't know he was like that etc, which in fairness they didn't... I don't see any other reason why they wouldn't of killed off atleast the younger one if they didnt have plans to have her in future episodes

Yeah, I quite like the younger sister character that froze up when the Governor killed Hershel and started blowing stuff up. She seems like she has a solid moral compass and could be an interesting character. It's a shame though, that just as they'd established a proper lesbian couple, they kill off her curly-haired girlfriend one episode later. Hopefully Tara sticks it out and becomes part of the regular cast. I think since both sisters weren't involved in any violence against Rick's group, they would be able to find a place among them, assuming that group can still exist, given how fragmented it is now.
Devil's Advocate
My wife just gave me The Walking Dead Monopoly for Christmas this morning. I'm so excited, I feel like breakdancing! No prizes for guessing what we're going to be doing after lunch. I only hope she lets me be the bucket of body parts. I don't want to be Rick's hat.

This should hopefully hold me over until February.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Devil's Advocate
Man, that was a long couple of months!

I thought it was a pretty good return from the break. I would have liked to have seen how a few more of the others were getting along, but not bad considering.

I'm especially glad Carl had a bit of a light bulb moment because I don't know how much more arrogant teenager I could have put up with. I was actually hoping the walker would get a little more than his shoe. As long as it scared him straight though, I suppose.

What do others think?
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Alpha Blonde
Carl was so unlikeable in that episode. I know they're trying to show his 'rebellious' teenage side but after years of reminding us that he's no ordinary kid, given the environment he's come to age in, he was acting like a total ass.

When he was sitting on the roof eating that vat of pudding while his father was unconscious and near death on the sofa, I was rooting for the zombies to chomp him. I mean wtf? No water for Dad? No tending to him or trying to revive him, but basically just assuming - "well he's going to die anyway, but who cares - I can make it on my own - plus I got pudding!" Ugh. If ever there was a TV-made marketing dream for birth control, Carl was that kid.

Re the rest of the episode, I love the development of Michonne's character - I thought that story arc was very strong. I really, really like this character. For me, she's on par with Daryl as favourites.

I'm not a huge fan of the style of fragmented story lines this part of the season is taking, however I understand the need for it with the group split up the way it is. Hopefully there's some convergence of the groups so it's only two or three divisions max sooner than later.

One thing I can't understand - with all the sitting around at the prison thinking about possibly being attacked by the Governor, why wouldn't they have discussed a couple of default secondary locations to meet up at if things went down and they were unexpectedly split up. I mean my mom always did that with me at amusement parks incase we got separated or I got lost. Can't imagine why they wouldn't have had a couple of meeting places already lined up just incase.
I am so made up this has started again. I watched the latest episode earlier an i agree with Dancing_doll Carl was such a tit in this episode but i was gutted at first with Rick i really thought he was a goner.
Just wish there were more episodes to watch i hate watching only an hour a week lol
Active Ink Slinger
Iv been a fan since the first graphic novel came out. And now the show has me hooked.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by iTz_JASMiNE
I've only seen 2 shows, I'm so lost, I thought the guy with the eye patch was a good guy. :/

No, no, he's a very bad guy. Well, he's dead now anyway... Although I've heard it rumoured he will be returning in some of Rick's upcoming 'dreams' or 'psychotic breaks'.

It's pretty easy to follow along - for now it's just the zombies that are the bad guys. All the remaining people are good, until proven otherwise. I think nearly all the bad guys got off'd before the season break. There are some new characters being introduced soon though - not sure about them.

Omg... and in my post, I didn't even mention Hershel's head not even five minutes into the show. I screamed!
The Almighty Space Potato
Quote by Dancing_Doll

No, no, he's a very bad guy. Well, he's dead now anyway... Although I've heard it rumoured he will be returning in some of Rick's upcoming 'dreams' or 'psychotic breaks'.

It's pretty easy to follow along - for now it's just the zombies that are the bad guys. All the remaining people are good, until proven otherwise. I think nearly all the bad guys got off'd before the season break. There are some new characters being introduced soon though - not sure about them.

Omg... and in my post, I didn't even mention Hershel's head not even five minutes into the show. I screamed!

Luckily I had no season break, the show with the "governor" (I believe that's what my friend called him) getting killed was on last night, and now I'm in the middle of watching that episode with the guy's head.
Active Ink Slinger
I love watching The Walking Dead. It's absolutely one of my favorite shows, though I'm not normally into watching this kind of a show. The thing that appeals to me about it is seeing how various people react and deal with life threatening situations; when they've been stripped of everything they own and care for, how they react and deal with that. That, is what I find fascinating about this show.
Quote by Dancing_Doll

All the remaining people are good, until proven otherwise.

Not until we find out what the deal was with the rats. I don't remember anything from the latest episode being in the comics, so we're in uncharted territory now.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by kissyboots

Not until we find out what the deal was with the rats. I don't remember anything from the latest episode being in the comics, so we're in uncharted territory now.

Oh yeahhh... Good point. I still think it was one of those renegade kids (Carol's new 'daughters'). They were - at one point - looking at the zombies through the fence as 'pets' and giving them names. I think someone told them not to humanize the zombies. It's the only thing that makes sense to me... it's something a kid would do as well - feeding a stray pet.

Although who knows... maybe another loose cannon is among them. If Carol could be as ruthless as she was, anything is possible!
Active Ink Slinger
I loved the walking dead during the first seasons. It was a new and fresh show. And I enjoy that I got to know the characters and saw them grow during this extremly difficult time. And the explanation for the whole zombie thing - the virus - is great and makes it all more plausible. However I got bored during the last season and therefore will not watch the new episodes.
But on another topic. Have you guys heard the rumors about a spin off? What do you think?
The show is definitely pointing to the creepy little girl as the prime suspect.

The bad human void will be filled soon; good zombie stories are never about zombies, they're about characters, and a constant in genre-defining zombie stuff is that even in a zombie world, people are always the greater threat.

The comics haven't had any really memorable villains since the governor, though.

The spin-off is happening, but I don't know anything about it. I don't think it's in production yet.
Rookie Scribe
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Oh yeahhh... Good point. I still think it was one of those renegade kids (Carol's new 'daughters'). They were - at one point - looking at the zombies through the fence as 'pets' and giving them names. I think someone told them not to humanize the zombies. It's the only thing that makes sense to me... it's something a kid would do as well - feeding a stray pet.

Although who knows... maybe another loose cannon is among them. If Carol could be as ruthless as she was, anything is possible!

I agree that one of the newer kids is most likely the one feeding the walkers, if not both doing it together. I've been wondering about Maggie's sister Beth as well, she seems to have become fairly detached and emotionless. A few episodes back when Darryl returned from the supply run and told her that her friend (boyfriend?) didn't make it back she reacted like she didn't care at all.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by kissyboots

The comics haven't had any really memorable villains since the governor, though.

What about The Hunters? I haven't read the comics at all but I have heard rumours that these Hunters/cannibals will factor in at some point. I assume they are bad guys.

I also haven't heard anything about a spin off. I guess it could work - it would be interesting to have a non-zombie spin off that worked to explore storylines of people in the pre-zombie world in a more significant way than just flashbacks. On the other hand, I think part of what makes the show so watchable is the pacing. During the second season on 'The Farm' - many complained that it was getting too talky and slow and that there wasn't enough action. I'm not sure how a spin off would go without the intense pacing of a post apocalyptic world.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by bobalonian

I agree that one of the newer kids is most likely the one feeding the walkers, if not both doing it together. I've been wondering about Maggie's sister Beth as well, she seems to have become fairly detached and emotionless. A few episodes back when Darryl returned from the supply run and told her that her friend (boyfriend?) didn't make it back she reacted like she didn't care at all.

I'm on the fence about Beth. I feel like I want to like her, but I can't really relate to who she is - she's such a blank canvas for the most part. All she did was feed the baby, sing, and then shrug off her boyfriend's death.

There's also those weird semi-flirty moments. I swear I'm always thinking 'uh-oh, who are they going to hook up Beth with now'. At one point I thought they were steering her toward Carl. Then she was kind of doe-eyed for Rick. And now I'm convinced she's going to be Darryl's girl. Unfortunately I can't really see her as an adult. I have no idea how old she's supposed to be, but my mind sees her as a 16 yr old. I think it would be very creepy to have her hook up with Darryl. I hope this isn't in the works.

And I agree - she's definitely got some psychological issues going on. She's very detached. Maybe it's just the PTSD of living in that world. Maggie on the other hand - I think Hershel's death will hit her hard.
Devil's Advocate
Wow, that little girl's shaping up to be quite the psycho. The bunnies, the baby... Surely the mystery is solved on the rats. Throw in the ticking time bomb of Carol and Tyreese and we're going to have a show on our hands.

I've always liked Beth on the backburner, although she's in a bit of a state at the moment. I suppose it's natural under the circumstances, but I think they've got some work to do to make her character more likable.

Same too with her sister, but I like the dynamic of Glen out and about on his own without her. Hopefully he'll get back to the kickass days of earlier seasons. The whole sad sack routine was becoming a real chore.

So the new guys...good or bad?
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by Wilful
Wow, that little girl's shaping up to be quite the psycho. The bunnies, the baby... Surely the mystery is solved on the rats. Throw in the ticking time bomb of Carol and Tyreese and we're going to have a show on our hands.

I've always liked Beth on the backburner, although she's in a bit of a state at the moment. I suppose it's natural under the circumstances, but I think they've got some work to do to make her character more likable.

Same too with her sister, but I like the dynamic of Glen out and about on his own without her. Hopefully he'll get back to the kickass days of earlier seasons. The whole sad sack routine was becoming a real chore.

So the new guys...good or bad?

Yep, Lizzie is pretty homicidal, isn't she? Sometimes I'm amazed at what AMC gets away with showing and what we ourselves become desensitized to. Like watching an 8 yr old trying to smother a baby barely registers serious alarm - after all what's one crazy kid when you're surrounded by the walking dead. I was totally shocked that they chose to keep Judith alive in the first place. The vibe from directors was that she was a liability character (how do you handle all the crying when you're on the road?), and I thought for sure they'd just chosen a tasteful way to get rid of her before the mid-season ending. Kudos to Tyrese for being a babysitter for three until finding Carol. And yeah - can't wait to see that one blow up when it's revealed what Carol did.

I thought this episode was pretty awesome though. Like I can't remember the last time 60 minutes flew by that quickly. There was so much going on.

Like you, I'm not a huge fan of Beth. I *am* a huge fan of Maggie though. I think she's one of the most likeable female characters on the show. I want to see her and Glenn back together... eventually. I guess the next stop for the group will be to reunite at that "Terminus" place.

I have no idea about the new guys - Abraham, Rosita and Eugene. I know they appear in the comics. Anyone who's read the comics know anything about these guys?
Quote by pixiedust
I think I am the only person on Earth who hates the Walking Dead. I seriously think I owe everyone who's in love with the show an apology.

I sympathise ... I am the only person in the world NEVER to have watched it... although I almost did once because I thought it was a documentary on politicians .. fortunately I was alerted in time to miss it...
Active Ink Slinger
Love this the character development,,,and of coarse killing the zombies, like every other male,
Flutterby Pharie
OMG I friggin love this show! I got lured in during a marathon around Christmas time and did not leave my house for 2 days. LOL I also caught the marathon before the new season started a couple of weeks ago, so I am basically caught up with the whole thing. I have heard about it from a lot of people, just never thought it was something I would like. Now I am hooked on it.
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Rookie Scribe
Watching, really nice smile
Active Ink Slinger
It's starting to drag -- again.
The second season was a disaster when they tried too much "character development".
Third season saw a return to Walker obliterating.

Kind of obvious why they split the core group up -- now they have 3-4 different story lines to follow instead of just one.
Easier to write and takes up more time, probably the rest of this season when they will all unite in the season finale.

It's ok, but has fallen from the first season standard it set.
Bought the boxed set of WD and now hooked but, Ooops gotta leave too many spoilers.