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Scientology??? what are your thoughts and opinions..

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i dont know much, still learning, or trying to learn that is..... but i'm sorry, it just screams CULT to me... what are your thoughts? enlighten me... where's shelly? haha
Advanced Wordsmith
I haven't personally had anything to do with these people, but many many years ago, my wife and I lived in SoCal near their big church in Hollywood. My wife got into this for awhile and all of a sudden, she wouldn't go back. To this day, 20+ years later, she won't talk about it. I'd sure like to know what happened.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Same as my thoughts on any other religion: To each his/her own.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Prolific Writer
I don't really understand it but it seems to be a club that famous people belong too. I have always thought a cult.

But whatever floats your boat. I am not one to judge anybody.....
I've been involved enough to know that, like all other religions, it has its nuts on the inside and is misunderstood and misrepresented by those who do t care otherwise. Those who give any religion a bad name can either be inside or outside.

Hubbard developed dianetics. A method of purging present day 'bad elements' that affect how someone behaves, reacts, or thinks. These bad elements were engrained at some point in your past. (They believe)

By going over these bad events again and again your mind (is supposed to) recall accurate elements from the past. These bad elements, once brought to light, are supposed to be controllable by the individual. It's a way of purging yourself. After revisiting bad events routinely your supposed to have more control over how these bad elements effect you.

A session (called an audit, if I remember the term correctly) goes somethingike this:

Person identifies a personal issue they want to resolve.
(Example: a fear of dogs)
Then they think about dogs and what's so frightening. A particular event or situation might come to mind. So they think about that and explain all they remember in detail.
Then, they repeat the process by Recalling the same situation and trying to recall more detail. And repeat with more detail, repeat, etc.

The belief is that by going over things all your memories are accurate and true. By facing your issue, you become desensitized and in the future it should be less of a problem when you encounter the once bad mojo (ie: a big dog)

Dianetics is a therapy theory.

Problem: the human mind does not always recall with perfect detail. Sometimes the mind jumbles memories, sometimes it creates new ones to fill in the blanks. (A process called closure)

Whatever the reason: Hubbard noticed that some people seemed to recall/remember things that seemed like past-lives rather than the persons current life. He then developed the idea of the theteh (I think) which is a concept based on the idea that we are immortal beings, and out essence (sort of like a soul) gets recycled. We live numerous lives and some elements are left input 'selves' and can affect how we proceed in our current life.

Several religions believe in some type of reincarnation. Scientology is just one such that does.

Problem: it's new. People don't trust the concept of it as a religion which is normal for all new religions if you look at religious history.

Controversy comes from the fact that there is no strict moral code for the religion. Most religions have some sort of cause-effect it good-bad to encourage, foster, or maintain belief and the faithful. Scientology didn't have that. It was just his concept.

So some people took advantage of that and set up churches and charges a monthly rate to members. Others used bully tactics to control and govern what goes on. Yet others deprived members of knowledge until they paid in a certain amount.

Later, efforts were made to make it more orderly and some tactics used by the church involving litigations against members have brought further scrutiny to it. I think the church overreacts because its been represented so negatively. It's not god based so there is no Ten Commandments to say 'do unto others' or whatever. (As far as I know)

Compared to what other religions have done in the past to be taken seriously, adhered to, and to become the law - Scientology is not quite as extreme or worrisome.

At the same time, like all religions, there are a lot of people who are good, well rounded, and considerate who follow it.

Like all religions: there are bad people who teach and preach it.

In the end - the main factor which has it declared as a cult vs a religion in other cultures is their required monthly payment from members.

People often don't talk about it because its therapy. If you go you spend time thinking about bad shit that happened in your life.
It's like the Planet of the Apes and Sponge Bob Square Pants meets Alice in her Wonder Bra at Disney Land
Advanced Wordsmith
It was started by a mediocre Sci Fi writer; need I say more?
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Can we please express all opinions respectfully? While I'm sure many of you may not understand Scientology or take it seriously, there may be some here who believe strongly in it. Let's not mock others' religious beliefs.

Please and thanks.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
Can we please express all opinions respectfully? While I'm sure many of you may not understand Scientology or take it seriously, there may be some here who believe strongly in it. Let's not mock others' religious beliefs.

Please and thanks.

The opening posts asks for our thoughts and opinions.

Not sure whether I speak for others here, but I think 'religions' like Scientology need to be ridiculed for what they are: frauds. I respect everyones choice to follow a certain religion or not, but I don't have to respect the religion in question. I ask you to respect my choice in that as well, even if you don't respect the opinion that I came to.

All opinions that are given here are about Scientology and not about its followers, except for the 'inventor' of Scientology himself perhaps. But I think it's highly disputable whether he can be counted as a follower.

If you'd ask to not mock religious believers I would happily agree with you, but if you ask to not mock religious beliefs I can not. They're just too outrageous, unproven and have too much power. Opposition is needed.

Just my two cents.


Quote by BiMale73

The opening posts asks for our thoughts and opinions.

Not sure whether I speak for others here, but I think 'religions' like Scientology need to be ridiculed for what they are: frauds. I respect everyones choice to follow a certain religion or not, but I don't have to respect the religion in question. I ask you to respect my choice in that as well, even if you don't respect the opinion that I came to.

All opinions that are given here are about Scientology and not about its followers, except for the 'inventor' of Scientology himself perhaps. But I think it's highly disputable whether he can be counted as a follower.

If you'd ask to not mock religious believers I would happily agree with you, but if you ask to not mock religious beliefs I can not. They're just too outrageous, unproven and have too much power. Opposition is needed.

Just my two cents.

Oh but we mustn' t hurt their precious precious feelings, even though religious zealots around the world try to impose their beliefs on everyone!
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by BiMale73

The opening posts asks for our thoughts and opinions.

Not sure whether I speak for others here, but I think 'religions' like Scientology need to be ridiculed for what they are: frauds. I respect everyones choice to follow a certain religion or not, but I don't have to respect the religion in question. I ask you to respect my choice in that as well, even if you don't respect the opinion that I came to.

All opinions that are given here are about Scientology and not about its followers, except for the 'inventor' of Scientology himself perhaps. But I think it's highly disputable whether he can be counted as a follower.

If you'd ask to not mock religious believers I would happily agree with you, but if you ask to not mock religious beliefs I can not. They're just too outrageous, unproven and have too much power. Opposition is needed.

Just my two cents.

If you feel my statement doesn't apply to you, then disregard it. It was only targeting those with bad intentions who seek to start a religious flame war.

Express your opinion, but keep it respectful. And don't assume you speak the mind of everyone.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by brigit

Oh but we mustn' t hurt their precious precious feelings, even though religious zealots around the world try to impose their beliefs on everyone!

What religious zealots do all over the world have nothing to do with these forums. I would tell the same thing to a religious zealot imposing their beliefs on anyone.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Quote by slipperywhenwet2012

What religious zealots do all over the world have nothing to do with these forums. I would tell the same thing to a religious zealot imposing their beliefs on anyone.

Duly noted.KaRdOYEMyXYfTIQD
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012

If you feel my statement doesn't apply to you, then disregard it. It was only targeting those with bad intentions who seek to start a religious flame war.

I feel it doesn't apply to anyone who posted here before me as well, for the reasons stated.

Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
And don't assume you speak the mind of everyone.

I don't, therefor "Not sure whether I speak for others here, but I think..." and "Just my two cents."


Scarlet Seductress
I believe it is a cult.
An institution of easily-trusting individuals initially founded on the far-fetched beliefs of a science fiction writer. I believe that they only applied for status as a 'religious organisation' for the sole purpose of appearing respectable and gaining the tax benefits of being classified as such.
There is a reason why a number of European countries have denied this status to The Church of Scientology.

From the man himself, L. Ron Hubbard - "I’d like to start a religion. That’s where the money is."
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by BiMale73

I feel it doesn't apply to anyone who posted here before me as well, for the reasons stated.

Then they may disregard it as well. Again, it applies to those with bad intentions.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Active Ink Slinger
i sent my panties to tom cruise and he signed them. i know you don't believe me but is true.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by polly95
i sent my panties to tom cruise and he signed them. i know you don't believe me but is true.

That's the kind of revelation I'm happy to accept as truth smile



Sorry, not going for that pitch. At least they don't believe that the Earth is a few thousand years old.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
Can we please express all opinions respectfully? While I'm sure many of you may not understand Scientology or take it seriously, there may be some here who believe strongly in it. Let's not mock others' religious beliefs.

Please and thanks.

When people are taking money from people under false pretenses they deserve to be mocked and shamed. Calling something a religion does not put it beyond criticism.

If people had been prepared to criticize the Catholic church rather than avoid offending people's religious beliefs tens of thousands of kids might have been spared being by the hundreds of priests the church covered up for.

The reason I despise the scientology cult is that they have a practice called 'fair game' by which they harass and intimidate their critics. They abuse the legal system with numerous frivolous lawsuits, they break up families, they manipulate lie and cheat. Scientology is not just 'a' cult, they are one of the worst, most exploitative cults.

Scientology makes a large number of testable claims and every one of those claims turns out to be false. The e-meters they sell for hundreds of dollars contain about $5 worth of parts. The OT documents they charge tens of thousands of dollars for have to be kept secret because they are complete rubbish. And yes, I have read them.
Constant Gardener
Whatever floats your boat.

As long as the scientologists are not out there kidnapping people off the street and forcing them to become devoted fuckingretards to their belief system...

Why should I care? None of them are in any political office or attempting to influence me in any negative manner.

It seems to work for Travolta and Cruise...and others.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Empress of the Moon
There are people who want some sort of religion as part of their lives. It doesn't really matter if it's Scientology, Christianity or Islam. L. Ron wasn't that bad a fiction writer, in my opinion. He wrote as well as the guys who wrote the Bible, the Koran and the Book of Mormon. He wanted to start a new religion, and he started one. That's more than I've achieved. I can't seem to get Ruthieology off the ground. Worship me, damn it. Worship me now.
Empress of the Moon
Also, I find it interesting that this topic is in Arts and Entertainment. All religious threads should be here.
ha! Amen to that.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BiMale73

That's the kind of revelation I'm happy to accept as truth smile

thanks! they feel very nice on me.
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by Ruthie
Also, I find it interesting that this topic is in Arts and Entertainment. All religious threads should be here.



Active Ink Slinger
All Hail Ruthie!!!!
now, i'm interested in dianetics... that part seems interesting.. but i dont know about the "church of scientology" its a bit sketchy... just saying.. and what about lisa mcpherson? and operation snow white? idk... i mean its true that all trees have bad apples but this kinda stuff is sketchy to me.. but i am curious about dianetics