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Kelvin Okafor pencil drawings amaze art critics

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Wild at Heart
Quote by LittleBambi
I, personally, think we are all entitled to our opinions on what 'art' is and whether we like it or not. Art is subjective, personal and open to interpretation.

As are opinions on opinions on art. Especially on forums.

Quote by LittleBambi

Recently I went to the beach with a friend who works as an artist....she had painted a tyre gold and rolled it in the sea. She then proceeded to take numerous photos of this. I asked her what the thoughts, ideas and concepts were and she said 'oh, I don't know. I don't have any. I was hoping the viewer might be able to come up with something when they look at it'. Is that art? Well, not to me. But you should have seen people coming up with deep thoughts, whilst raving about the wonder that is a gold tyre in some dirty water, when it came to the exhibition.

That's exactly what an artist would say. No artist is going to spell out what their work means... How lame would that sound if she told you what you're supposed to feel when viewing her creations. That's like a chef telling you what to taste when you eat their food like it's somehow gonna make it taste better if they do... A chef makes the food speak for itself or else it's a failure. He can't convince you that the food is good. This is the most typical response by an artist when they are asked what their work means. They will all say. "oh I don't know, its just fun, it looks pretty, what do YOU think, it just came to me, its nothing just some paint on the canvas haha." That's what they will say. I mean painting a tire gold... A GOLD RING, rolling into the ocean. The symbolism there might as well hit you over the head like a sledge hammer... You honestly think a gold ring drowning in a sea is just random? Trust me, she thought about that a bit before committing time to create it. An artist is asking the viewer a question. Whether the viewer can answer it or not is up to them. They already asked the question with the art. They aren't gonna give you an answer too. That's up to you.

At the risk of sounding pretentious to any philistines reading this thread... I will give you an example of this practice at play here in our very own corner of the internet. Yes, this is about something I wrote. It's not just about fucking and getting high in some of my stories.

So in this story this exchange happens after the main character is savoring a piece of lemon cake and eating every bit of frosting on her plate.

"I don't care about eating all of my cake and not having any left, Jonas."

Jonas sat, watching Valerie in silence for several seconds before asking. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know, I just thought it sounded cool."

The title of this story is Let Her Eat Cake.

Having your cake and eating it too is a MAJOR theme of this story but I literally tell the reader, through the main character, that it really doesn't mean anything, just sounds cool. I tell the reader there is no theme, no deep meaning, nothing. But really, as I'm writing, that is not the case at all. I am trusting the reader to pick up on that theme throughout the story, with all of the major characters, without me spelling it out for them. I want them to get it on their own. Wether they do or not is their loss or gain.

Your friend knows that it will go over most people's head so she, like most artists aren't going to tell you what it means. She aint gonna light your cigarette and smoke it for you too. Know what I'm sayin'?
Quote by Magical_felix

The title of this story is Let Her Eat Cake.

Having your cake and eating it too is a MAJOR theme of this story but I literally tell the reader, through the main character, that it really doesn't mean anything, just sounds cool. I tell the reader there is no theme, no deep meaning, nothing. But really, as I'm writing, that is not the case at all. I am trusting the reader to pick up on that theme throughout the story, with all of the major characters, without me spelling it out for them. I want them to get it on their own. Wether they do or not is their loss or gain.

Your friend knows that it will go over most people's head so she, like most artists aren't going to tell you what it means. She aint gonna light your cigarette and smoke it for you too. Know what I'm sayin'?

I'm inclined to disagree. And I'm allowed to because it's about art...and art is subjective. Yay. I am not, however, going to spend my time formulating a proper response given how you so often treat these proper responses. So, forgive me that.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadyX

The difference here, I suppose, is that you might encounter those among us who would question whether lettering is an art or not. Personally, I think it is. But who among us would say that drawing, especially in the case of figures and portraits, isn't art? Perhaps you, and thus this 'is it really art' tangent. I can't see his creations as something that isn't art.

I guess the question is more accurately put as "What is art to you?". For me personally I would be more inclined to make more of a distinction between an artist (art) and an artisan (craft) - you, of course could see the two things as the same. I'd see a signwriter or a calligrapher as artisans. Sadly, it's often seen that making the distinction somehow relegates or demeans artisans, that they have to step up a level to be an artist.

Quote by sprite
I have to wonder how much of himself he added - a simply shift of the eyes, a hint of an upturned lip, more defined crease to create a sense of weariness - those would be decisions he made to create or change the emotion of the piece.

In which case, it's art as long as a he makes changes to it. If he just precisely transposed every minor detail of a photo on to his page then nothing new has been created despite all the effort and skill involved.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

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Wild at Heart
Quote by LittleBambi

I'm inclined to disagree. And I'm allowed to because it's about art...and art is subjective. Yay. I am not, however, going to spend my time formulating a proper response given how you so often treat these proper responses. So, forgive me that.

Disagree about what? About a story I wrote? I think I know what it means... Or you disagree that artists don't spoon feed people? You think artists sit there telling people what their work means? Or what are you talking about now? I never said art isn't subjective... I was responding to your artist friend not wanting to spoon feed you the meaning of her work. Your artist friend knows that people need to come up with their own meaning. NOTHING, like you came up with is well.... I don't know what that is

...........oh wait, I think I know what is going on here.

I am not, however, going to spend my time formulating a proper response

No wonder she just told you it didn't mean anything... She smelled philistine on you.

But seriously, your friend with the gold ring tire. that can even be a metaphor for fear of commitment (marriage) or it could also be her wanting to drown in a sea of love. That's art. Two totally different meanings from a single visual.

Try looking at it in an altered state... or unaltered state actually. Whichever would be out of the norm for you. Use a different lens.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LittleBambi

I'm inclined to disagree. And I'm allowed to because it's about art...and art is subjective. Yay. I am not, however, going to spend my time formulating a proper response given how you so often treat these proper responses. So, forgive me that.

Art is subjective, yet you want someone else to tell you how to think or see something ... To spell it out for you? Your photography is subjective, enough said.

Of course you're "inclined to disagree".
Probably should just sit back and take a sip, and not respond. That would be forgiven.
It is certainly quality (and to me rather amazing) no matter what folks want to classify it as. As for what is art and what is not.... I see that as a futile debate.

I would hang a good photo realistic drawing on my wall as quickly (if not more so) than a good photograph. There are plenty of artists out there that do "studies" which pretty much are photo realistic works done in different mediums. I love the ones involving guns, western items (such as boots, saddles, tack, etc.), and appreciate them for the skills needed to take even a photograph and copy it in another medium. I could care less what anyone else classifies it as... I like it. LOL
Quote by AngelHeart01

Art is subjective, yet you want someone else to tell you how to think or see something ... To spell it out for you? Your photography is subjective, enough said.

Of course you're "inclined to disagree".
Probably should just sit back and take a sip, and not respond. That would be forgiven.

Now now. If you have something to say by all means say it - but politely...or relevantly...or via PM if that fails.

Of course my photography is subjective...I don't really consider my photography to be art. Nor do I consider myself to be really even be a photographer....or have any photographic skill beyond the paid portrait work I do. The rest is just a hobby. And the portrait work I do definitely isn't art - that's just pretty pictures of cute kids to hang on their grandparents' walls. So I fail to see why you plucked my 'photography' out of the air.

Furthermore I don't believe I told anyone what to think at any point? I said that 'I personally thought' and 'I'm allowed to have my own opinion because art is subjective' or words along those lines. At no point did I state what other people should think - unless I'm missing something? If I am then please feel free to pull up a quote from one of my previous two posts in this discussion in which you feel I 'tell' others how to think and see. My first line was 'I, personally, think we are all entitled to our opinions on what 'art' is and whether we like it or not' ....I'm pretty sure that that clearly implies that I believe people can have their own opinions and not be 'told' anything.

I'm inclined to disagree because the statements made were in opposition to my opinion that I clearly posted above. It doesn't matter who responds, or what they respond with, that is my opinion and if someone has a different one then chances are I shan't agree.

All in all I don't really know what you're getting at or why you posted such a response to me in the first place
Quote by JohnC
It is certainly quality (and to me rather amazing) no matter what folks want to classify it as. As for what is art and what is not.... I see that as a futile debate.

I strongly agree with this. I don't, however, think that people shouldn't post what they feel their own, personal, definition of art is.
Oh by all means, people should be more than free to post what their personal definition of art is, or is not.... they must also realize that is all it is, purely personal and has no more weight than any other view. I also think that many times it is not really that someone posts their views, but that those views almost always come off as negative and demeaning/insulting. And others just take the bait..... I suggest (and I hope doing so does not upset any members) simply rolling your (a general "your" not you personally) eyes and move on to other members' posts. But that is just me. ;)
Constant Gardener
Jack, I had no idea...

you owned this depth, this perspicuity... All this time I thought you were merely a punch-spiker

specializing in asses
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Wild at Heart
Quote by LittleBambi

Now now. If you have something to say by all means say it - but politely...or relevantly...or via PM if that fails.

I've seen you be rude as hell a bunch of times... please.

Quote by AngelHeart01
Art is subjective, yet you want someone else to tell you how to think or see something

She was referring to you saying you wanted your friend to tell you what the art is supposed to mean to you. Artists don't do that.

Quote by LittleBambi
Furthermore I don't believe I told anyone what to think at any point? I said that 'I personally thought' and 'I'm allowed to have my own opinion because art is subjective' or words along those lines. At no point did I state what other people should think - unless I'm missing something?

Yeah... no one said you were telling people what to think. No one said that... It's odd that you came to this conclusion. You were the one saying you wanted an artist to tell you what to think about her work rather than looking at the art and coming up with your own meaning. Since the artist didn't tell you, your opinion was nothing. You thought the art meant nothing. You came into a discussion about art to insinuate that artists just put some bullshit on display and a bunch of pretentious people then attach meanings to it that were never there or intended. You seem to be one of those people that don't like when people "think too hard" about movies, music, books, art etc.

You basically said that artists are pretentious. This was your addition to a conversation about art. Don't be shocked when that opinion is questioned in any conversation about art, not just on lush.

It's like walking up to a group of jockeys talking about riding their ponies and saying. "The horses do all the work, the jockeys just go along for the ride."

You think the jockeys are going to tell you that you made a good point? LOL
Wild at Heart
Quote by WellMadeMale
Jack, I had no idea...

you owned this depth, this perspicuity... All this time I thought you were merely a punch-spiker

specializing in asses

My fan-mail can be sent to me privately here.
Quote by Magical_felix

Yeah... no one said you were telling people what to think. No one said that... It's odd that you came to this conclusion.

I did indeed misread what was written. What can I say, it was a Friday night and I just jotted down a quick response before heading offline. (I'll add the for you) My bad.

Quote by Magical_felix

You basically said that artists are pretentious.

I'm afraid that I'm not interested in having a 'debate' with someone who takes words out of my mouth that I didn't say, think, or imply. That's less of a debate and more you having a conversation with yourself.

You are welcome to think what you will, but in future no need to drag others into it, si?

I'm done here, I said what I wanted to say on the topic of art - I don't have anything else to add. This guy's drawings are amazing and generally totally insane. I've liked his FB page and have thoroughly enjoyed seeing him pop up in my news feed. Thank you Nicola for opening my eyes to this artist's work.
Active Ink Slinger
Kelvin Okafor is amazing without question ... Looking through my eyes.

Calm down Sour Mash. You are stepping into some deep water instructing me.
Thank goodness for "edit", yeah? Not only did you misread Jack's words ... you did your own.

I see you admitted it half way That calls for a celebration, indeed

Thanks for always being so kind to me and those others on threads.
So, I saw the article a couple of days ago and well... yeah, the dude has some serious talent. When I emailed the link to a colleague they said it was 'Crap and he might as well have just taken a photograph 'cos no-one can tell the difference.' For each piece of art there are a MILLION different opinions. But come on! Everyone's got to admit that this is pretty darn impressive.
Active Ink Slinger
for me it is an awesome piece of Art
doing my best to be good..