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Game of Thrones... The final season

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Rookie Scribe
The interesting part is what happens next as far as taking on Cersei's army since the Dothrakis have been wiped out, 75% of the Unsullied are dead (for good), so too are the Westerosi knights, and one of the two remaining dragons is banged up.
I thought it was pretty good. Although I still think that the battle of the bastards was a far superior fight sequence. Anyone that has ever tried to film a battle knows the massive difference between day and night when it comes to cinematography.

I was expecting more significant deaths... The thing that made Game of Thrones stand apart from the rest was that they didn't cater to fan expectations. They essentially killed off the people that we would expect them to kill off.

I don't mind that they kept Tormund, Jaimie, Briene, Sam, Greyworm all alive but the way that they did it was reminiscent of an an 80s action movie.

I kind of think that the Arya end scene should have been more like the little bear Mormont death scene. For all those wondering how she snuck up there, go back to episode 1 when she snuck on Jon Snow in the Godswood. That was foreshadowing. I think that she should have died though in killing the night king. One of the Hollywood mistakes was making Arya into a Mary Sue character.

I know a lot of people has issues with seeing the details of the battle, and trust me, I get it. As a mostly blind person by now, the whole episode seemed like a mass of zombies getting slashed down walking dead style. But this allowed the producers to set up another day battle in probably episode 5.

The blizzard was a nice twist.

All the deaths were so predictable and they died in such predictable ways.

But I'm glad to have this nonsense over with. I for one, much more enjoy the politics of Cersei and the Iron throne than the whole supernatural stuff.
Quote by DamonX
I for one, much more enjoy the politics of Cersei and the Iron throne than the whole supernatural stuff.

I agree 100%. This other stuff was interesting and fun and intense, but the witchy/warlocky stuff always bothers me. It did too in LOTR. If you've got the power, why can't you wipe out entire enemies and armies?

Gandalf did that once (I can't recall which movie) but he flattened the whole playing field. So why not do it on a smaller scale, more often? It's not like Tesla's ludicrous mode - one and done to 1.9 secs. I'm fine with the star body count being lower. I was prepared for the worst. I'm glad it ended the way it did. But I'm glad Arya lived. Who's still left on her list? Hmmm...

This will be an upcoming lesson on why you always go to Costco with a list, and stick-the-fuck to it.

Since you brought it up... R.R. recently talked about good stories requiring good endings. This is exactly, I think, what you are referring to. Let the humans settle this, not some blue-eyed, Darth Mal (cousin to shopping and Grand) looking dude in medieval leathers. He did look runway good though.

There still is so much to happen. No definitive ending in sight. But to wrap it up in a pretty whore's bow, the Seven Kingdoms could be united under one again. Thank Seven. But as I mentioned on another thread, Cersei could give birth to another icy blue-eyed megalomaniacal freak. Immaculate Conception at its bastardization's finest. And there's the start to the new series. Ugh. I hope not. I'm not sure I'll watch the spin off or off's, but there's three episodes left in this one.

Some good endings have most excellently-baited hooks.
The Linebacker
While battle scenes are fun, the tactics used here were seriously flawed and unrealistic, especially the nilly willy frontal attack Dorthraki cavalry charge. That would've been suicide and stupid in any major Middle Ages battle, which this series is based on. Cavalry was highly effective in battles of this type weaponry, but very differently.

I want to see Arya live on and maybe have a spin off HBO show, like as a ruthless assassin adventurer, giving us a much broader entertaining view of the world outside of Westeros.
Quote by nnjexec973
The interesting part is what happens next as far as taking on Cersei's army since the Dothrakis have been wiped out, 75% of the Unsullied are dead (for good), so too are the Westerosi knights, and one of the two remaining dragons is banged up.

They still have the Knights of the Vale, the Stormlands and Dorn....

Although I think they buried the Dorn thing long ago.

And they have two dragons. Aegon the conqueror took all 7 kingdoms with three dragons.

They did make a point of showing the scorpion pointing at the Black Dread in the opening sequence which would suggest that that will be an important plot point.

I am a little disappointed that they turned Euron into a comical frat boy instead of the sinister, eye patch wearing character from the books.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by DamonX
I thought it was pretty good. Although I still think that the battle of the bastards was a far superior fight sequence. Anyone that has ever tried to film a battle knows the massive difference between day and night when it comes to cinematography.

I was expecting more significant deaths... The thing that made Game of Thrones stand apart from the rest was that they didn't cater to fan expectations. They essentially killed off the people that we would expect them to kill off.

I don't mind that they kept Tormund, Jaimie, Briene, Sam, Greyworm all alive but the way that they did it was reminiscent of an an 80s action movie.

I kind of think that the Arya end scene should have been more like the little bear Mormont death scene. For all those wondering how she snuck up there, go back to episode 1 when she snuck on Jon Snow in the Godswood. That was foreshadowing. I think that she should have died though in killing the night king. One of the Hollywood mistakes was making Arya into a Mary Sue character.

I know a lot of people has issues with seeing the details of the battle, and trust me, I get it. As a mostly blind person by now, the whole episode seemed like a mass of zombies getting slashed down walking dead style. But this allowed the producers to set up another day battle in probably episode 5.

The blizzard was a nice twist.

All the deaths were so predictable and they died in such predictable ways.

But I'm glad to have this nonsense over with. I for one, much more enjoy the politics of Cersei and the Iron throne than the whole supernatural stuff.

I really liked the episode, but I agree with a lot of what you said here.

Battle of the Bastards was stunningly good, and better than this.

I would have liked to have seen one really important main character death in the battle, just to give it a little more dramatic depth. Make it hurt a little.

Yeah, I thought they made Ayla a little too tame and likable too. She's a cold assassin. Still, I really love the character.

And yes, absolutely, I look forward to the post-Walker battle for the throne. What the fuck is Cersei doing right now?
Active Ink Slinger
Sorry, but episode 3 was the most boring episode of the entire series so far. All three have been pretty boring so far, but ninety minutes for what basically amounts to one scene was an indulgent choice. And they killed off Lady Mormont. WTF! Not cool. Not cool at all. She was pretty badass charging the dead giant, though.
Baked Orange
Quote by Verbal
Yeah, that pretty much rocked. I was wondering how they could possibly deliver on the moment they've been building up to for 8 years, but they did. My only complaint is that the battle could've been split into two episodes, but that is mostly me not wanting the show to end.

They could have fucked this up SO MANY ways, but they delivered.

Agree with you. They definitely could have stretched it to seven episodes to accommodate the Battle of Winterfell over two instead of one, but all in all, I thought it was great. I almost felt like the other shoe hadn't dropped though, y'know? I remember seeing a promotional picture that had the dead coming for the Red Keep, which I thought would have been awesome. Rub the truth in Cersei's smug face (big fan of Lena Headey by the way).
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Ping

Best you stick to the Roses thread.

I have written a review in verse on Roses are Red, just for you.
Quote by dlcalguy

I have written a review in verse on Roses are Red, just for you.

As I have for you
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Ping

As I have for you


Yes both Cersei and Arya are pregnant and the father is: LYFBUZ!

Our first born daughter will be called Spriticus. Her half-brother will die mysteriously before coming of age, the only clue to his death a tiny silver bell left on his pillow.
Bonnet Flaunter
Quote by LYFBUZ

Yes both Cersei and Arya are pregnant and the father is: LYFBUZ!

Our first born daughter will be called Spriticus. Her half-brother will die mysteriously before coming of age, the only clue to his death a tiny silver bell left on his pillow.

You are so dead.
Quote by Verbal

What the fuck is Cersei doing right now?

I think she's playing Euron to make him think he's the father of her child. Then she's send him on a suicide mission.
I love that all of you pretty much feel what I feel, except Ayla because she's damn lickable... I mean likeable.

And Damon, I love your theories. When the hell are you going to write again? ?
GoT has marvelously messed with our minds. They have repeatedly tricked and surprised us.

I do wonder...

Are there anymore blue-eyed buggers out there?

Who do we 'know-versus-think' is still on Needle's list?

Will the green-eyed part of the prophecy be realized?

In which episode and how will LYFBUZ be unic-ized?

Will all King's Landing indoor plumbing fixtures be filled with wildfire, and be ignited like a green cherry bomb in a junior high school washroom?

Is Knots Landing a sequel to King's Landing?

Will the damn show end anywhere near the way many people really think it will?

I will be very disappointed if the kingdoms and their ruling families are brought together under one banner, and the series ends with everyone holding hands and singing Kumbaya. I highly doubt that this would happen. A little over 21 hours to go for Episode 4.
Quote by Ping

I will be very disappointed if the kingdoms and their ruling families are brought together under one banner, and the series ends with everyone holding hands and singing Kumbaya. I highly doubt that this would happen. A little over 21 hours to go for Episode 4.

Or if they play fucking Journey and then the screen goes dark with no real closure. fucking Sopranos.

I miss the days I could just binge on this show. I'm too impatient for all this suspense. lol
The Linebacker
Quote by Ping
GoT has marvelously messed with our minds. They have repeatedly tricked and surprised us.

I do wonder...

Are there anymore blue-eyed buggers out there?

Who do we 'know-versus-think' is still on Needle's list?

Will the green-eyed part of the prophecy be realized?

In which episode and how will LYFBUZ be unic-ized?

Will all King's Landing indoor plumbing fixtures be filled with wildfire, and be ignited like a green cherry bomb in a junior high school washroom?

Is Knots Landing a sequel to King's Landing?

Will the damn show end anywhere near the way many people really think it will?

I will be very disappointed if the kingdoms and their ruling families are brought together under one banner, and the series ends with everyone holding hands and singing Kumbaya. I highly doubt that this would happen. A little over 21 hours to go for Episode 4.

Kind of a Monty Python twist. At the end of the final episode, several police cars will pull up and everyone will be arrested for disturbing the peace.

Quote by Katherine
Or if they play fucking Journey and then the screen goes dark with no real closure. fucking Sopranos.

I miss the days I could just binge on this show. I'm too impatient for all this suspense. lol

Or even worse...

Steve Perry sings Monty Python’s, Brighter Side of Life. Thank Buz for that vision. ? “It’s just a flesh wound... “

Ugh. Just finished watching episode 4. Wow. What an amazing collaboration of sound, soundtrack, acting, script, cinematography, and quite possibly the best of them all, editing. The tension is palpable. Anxiety is at an all-time high. And we still don’t know how this damn thing will end. Those teasing GoT bastards. Love ‘em!!!

Oops. Great promo for Starbucks. Yup. I should amend my above comment, but I won’t. Starbucks Lives!!!

She should've ordered tea
Rainbow Warrior
So... fellow travelers, the Hound and Arya. Pretty clear they're teamed up to take out the Mountain and Cersei respectively.
Quote by Beffer
So... fellow travelers, the Hound and Arya. Pretty clear they're teamed up to take out the Mountain and Cersei respectively.

Has the story line become that predictable; something that the producers, not GRRM, so the series can end the way the twosome think the fans want?

Or, are we being set up for another plot twist or two? I'm not too hopeful of the latter. I think Arya will kill Cersei, The Mountain will kill her, and then The Hound will kill The Mountain, leaving The Hound even more disgruntled than he is now, because he's left alive. He's probably still upset that he left his Starbuck's coffee on the other set.
The Linebacker
Did y'all see the Starbucks cup sitting on the table next to Daenerys during the party last night? Yep, a big ole blooper on GoT.

PS. I just now saw Ping's post on it

Supposedly... supposedly... supposedly... Episode 5 scenes have been leaked. Be wary of your internet, people.

I don't know what has been seen, only how people are reacting to what they have seen, without saying what they've seen. Good on them, if that's the case. They aren't ruining it for those of us that want to watch it on Sunday, and then the last Sunday after that.

However... and this is a huge HOWEVER...

Multiple scenes have been filmed, with multiple endings. The actors have said that they don't even know which ending will be aired. The actors don't know how the show ends.

If this is true, then it seems like a huge expense and misdirect, to avoid revealing the real endings.

I don't understand... how are scenes being leaked? With the multi-million dollar budgets, why isn't better cyber security available?

Season 8 scripts were not paper, but non-copy IPads, or however that works. Plus, each actor had multiple versions of their part too, sooo... I just don't get it. How can this happen?


Regardless of what stated above is true or not, what could be the worst possible outcome?

Many would say, most, if not everyone, dies except for Cersei, but I can think of one worse...

Suzanne Pleshette waking next to a startled Bob Newhart and he tells her that he's just had a terrible dream...

If this was before your time, check it out. It's one of the best series endings, but this formula would be terrible for GoT.

One of the best series finales I've ever seen was Six Feet Under. Sadly, there have been some dumpy let down finales over the years. I hope GoT settles on something controversial, and hopefully, it's not too stinky.
The Linebacker
Quote by Liz
Game of Thrones: Lush Edition


For all you foot and shoe lovers out there...

Here's the first spin-off... Game of Heels.