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Rules for the Friend Zone

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Active Ink Slinger
I received this message for advice so I'm posting it anonymously here, because this is a problem that seems to put people into a spin quite often. The more people that can benefit from this advice, the better.

"I like this girl but I'm not sure how she feels about me and she knows i like her. Should i move on since I am not sure if she is interested in me?"

What we have here is a classic "Friend Zone" situation.

The short answer is yes, please move on. If a girl knows how you feel about her, and she is not addressing the situation or reciprocating with a "omg, I've been secretly crushing on you too!" response, then she is not interested in you!

I'll say it one more time, broken down, because this seems to be the statement that often results in people finding a million excuses to explain it away because your case is special and that people just don't get how 'unique' your particular relationship is: She. Is. Not. Interested.

The reason I am so certain of this is because when you find out (or even suspect) that the person you like definitely feels something for you, you aren't going to do the evasive 'buddy dodge' and waste time pretending to be platonic friends.

Women tend to really love having male friends in general. It can be refreshing to not constantly be around estrogen all the time. Sometimes they even lightly flirt with them because women enjoy attention and playful banter.

Some men take flirting very literally. Their friend Lucy might say "hey! sexy shirt... you're lookin' hot tonight, Toby!" one night at the bar. What Toby might hear can range from "I want to suck your dick" to "I want to marry you and have your babies." Lucy on the other hand was just casually bantering and indulging in some attention seeking behaviour. Every woman wants to imagine that all her male friends lust for her. This doesn't mean that she ever wants them to act on it.

Which brings us to the Awkward Moment:

You have confessed your feelings for your opposite sex friend. Perhaps you initiated a heartfelt conversation while driving in the car one evening as the sun set and Celine Dion played on the radio (this happened to me once). Or maybe it was a drunken text you ended up sending late one night. Or a slurred confession in the corner of the bar while she sipped her drink and prayed for an intervention to save you both from that moment you just can't really take back once it's all out in the open.

IF after confessing your feelings, this person changes the subject, ignores what you said, reiterates what a great person you are and how much they care about you as 'friend', suggests they set you up with someone else who would be 'perfect for you', or laughs it off and starts talking about what round of drinks to buy next... They are not interested!

Do not be misguided and start thinking they will change their minds later, or that if you continue being their BFF that they will see the light one day and realize that you are the man for them. And especially, please do not consider increasing your romantic overtures with a 'if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!' mentality.

Move on from this person. I know it's not easy when you have feelings for someone, but unless you want to ruin your friendship completely or entertain even more awkwardness, then it's best to accept that you are not fated to be together.

IF, by some anomaly of the typical friend zone rules, she does develop feelings for you much later on, let her come to you. Don't be the doormat waiting in the wings. In fact, it's common knowledge that when you move on and start pursuing other girls, the original object of your affections may start to get those first inklings of jealousy and wonder what they might have missed out on.
Good advice Olivia.

I wish more guys would take the (usually not so subtle) hint sooner, rather than making the situation awkward.
Excellent post, as usual Olivia!!

(boys take note - although I guess it applies to the girls too)
Active Ink Slinger
Sometimes guys don't know when they are in the Friend Zone, so they are more likely to initiate those awkward moments.
Here are some helpful hints!

How to know if you are in the Friend Zone!

She starts asking your advice on other dudes and wants your help with decoding their real intentions. In other words, you are her "bro-translator" when it comes to guys that she actually likes!

When you are out at the bar with her, she is on the prowl for other guys and entertains their advances while you buy her drinks and watch her purse while she's on the dance floor grinding with them.

You are willing to do things that no other guys will do... like take salsa dancing lessons with her.

She invites you out to group activities sporadicly OR on those nights were she doesn't want to deal with other guys. You are her 'fake boyfriend' or wing-man that will go with her to those parties nobody else wants to be bothered with.

You are on-call as her 'date' for boring things like weddings, funerals and broadway musicals.

She invites you over (usually on a Sunday or Monday night) when she's exhausted from her weekend fuck-fest with other dudes and she just wants to chill out and play scrabble or watch Harry Potter.

You are that friend that comes with non-sexual benefits like a big-screen TV, a yacht, or a time-share in Aruba. OR you can fix things like her computer or sound-system and know how to install her new kitchen sink or fancy tiled backsplash. If her calls usually begin with "Hey Toby, do you wanna come by my place tonight. I can make chilli for dinner and then maybe you can help me with XYZ", you are in the Friend Zone!
So many of your points ring true with me, Olivia. Fortunately (did I just say that?), I have been in this situation so many times that I figured out everything you said a while ago and no longer spend long periods of time pining for girls that are never going to be interested. I consider myself the 'master' of the friend zone.

I have a peculiar example of this sort of thing, though. There was a girl who genuinely seemed more interested in me than I was in her to begin with (and that wasn't just in my imagination, trust me). On our second meeting, I got her number and she barely stopped texting me from then on. When we met again (by arrangement) at a 'disco', she was all over me and my friends actually double-took at me grinding and making out with her (so unlike me). She took me back to her flat and we spent the night together, although there was no sex.

Seeing as this sort of thing NEVER happens to me, and she seemed pretty much perfect for me (hot to boot), I quickly became infatuated. Already wary of my previous failings with women, I strived to stay out of the friend zone; I wanted to take the relationship forward. Unfortunately, there was an on-off ex-boyfriend lurking in the background, conversation about whom I purposely avoided. I was and am sure I was making my intentions clear but it still seemed like I was slipping into the position of confidante yet again. I was so frustrated.

Before I let myself get too far into the zone, I decided I would just have a flat-out conversation with her about it. When she expressed then that she didn't want that kind of relationship with me then, I said to her, "Should I just forget about it then?" and she said that she didn't want me to do that. I was so confused, but carried on. It wouldn't have been so bad if she hadn't left that glimmer of hope. The friendship became excruciating to me because of my attachment to her (especially seeing her being jerked around by her asshole (ex-)boyfriend). It was a very emotional couple of months for both of us, but I didn't make any more advances on her. Another long overdue conversation put me much more firmly in the friend zone, and I could finally start to move on properly.

A few weeks later, when she drunkenly came onto me, it took all my strength to resist her (I deserve a fucking medal, quite honestly). I knew I couldn't put myself through that drama. That nearly destroyed our friendship, but thankfully we got through it and are still very good friends to this day. I realise we weren't as compatible as I had myself believe and I'm quite glad nothing came of it in the end.

So be cautious - even when it seems like it could go somewhere, you can still end up in the friend zone. The important thing is, like Olivia says, to realise when you're there. It took me a bit longer in this case, but I put that largely down to her. Sure, I got hurt, but I learned a lot for future relationships.

Also, I take exception to you describing Broadway musicals as "boring". To be frank, I'd love it if more of my friends would invite me out on such 'dates'.

Love your work, O.
Ok, probably a dumb question but how do you avoid being put in the friendzone? I'm pretty much guaranteed to be in the friendzone if I can get a woman to talk to me for longer than 5 minutes and I'm tired of not being seen as a potential partner
Quote by studintraining
Ok, probably a dumb question but how do you avoid being put in the friendzone? I'm pretty much guaranteed to be in the friendzone if I can get a woman to talk to me for longer than 5 minutes and I'm tired of not being seen as a potential partner

Before you even say a word, grab her tits.

Works every time...
Artistic Tart
I second that. Or, get a job as a pizza delivery man. When your work is over, order your own pizza, then deliver it to the girl of your dreams. Insert your cock through the middle of the pizza from the underside, and then when she opens the box, she'll see that you'll have delivered her a large sausage!

Unmistakably not a 'friend zone' move, Casanova. ;)
Olivia offered a female perspective in her repsonse.

Which was generic and missed the point entirely, here is a male perspective, JUST ASK HER....problem solved...

Oh and I have numerous and specific examples of times when the female of the species changed her mind... plus several examples of men NOT interpreting "flirting" as that means she wants to suck my dick!

Show me a lady who hasn't swelled at the persistence of a guy and I'll show you a fibber?

So friend of olivia, be straight and ask her directly, then you'll know.

Then you can move on..and if you're still unsure after a direct question, then follow Olivia's advice to the letter..or for quicker results - try LadyX's advice..
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by secretsandlies
Olivia offered a female perspective in her repsonse.

Which was generic and missed the point entirely, here is a male perspective, JUST ASK HER....problem solved...

Oh and I have numerous and specific examples of times when the female of the species changed her mind... plus several examples of men NOT interpreting "flirting" as that means she wants to suck my dick!

Show me a lady who hasn't swelled at the persistence of a guy and I'll show you a fibber?

So friend of olivia, be straight and ask her directly, then you'll know.

Then you can move on..and if you're still unsure after a direct question, then follow Olivia's advice to the letter..or for quicker results - try LadyX's advice..

Dear Secretsandlies,

If you read the original question carefully you will notice that he says "and she knows I like her". My advice is that after you have already put yourself out there and this 'friend' is aware of your feelings and has not responded (ie. you have been rejected either directly or she is avoiding the subject) to gather yourself together, be a man, and move on.

You said: "Show me a lady who hasn't swelled at the persistence of a guy and I'll show you a fibber"... I can show you several actually and most of them have restraining orders. Persistence is not romance. The more desperate you look, the more the 'friend' will be either turned off or frustrated because you don't get it.

My post stated very openly that on very rare occasions, over time, the 'friend' may change her mind. However these sunset-happy-endings are not the norm so don't bank on them.

I am sure that everyone can think of some example of an outlier to the norm where "my friend Bob kept at it and eventually wore her down" but the example of your friend Bob is not enough to change the nature of advice which is given based on the majority rules.

My original advice remains... once you know your 'friend' is not interested, accept it and move on.

Olivia xxx
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by clum

I have a peculiar example of this sort of thing, though. There was a girl who genuinely seemed more interested in me than I was in her to begin with (and that wasn't just in my imagination, trust me). On our second meeting, I got her number and she barely stopped texting me from then on. When we met again (by arrangement) at a 'disco', she was all over me and my friends actually double-took at me grinding and making out with her (so unlike me). She took me back to her flat and we spent the night together, although there was no sex.

Seeing as this sort of thing NEVER happens to me, and she seemed pretty much perfect for me (hot to boot), I quickly became infatuated. Already wary of my previous failings with women, I strived to stay out of the friend zone; I wanted to take the relationship forward. Unfortunately, there was an on-off ex-boyfriend lurking in the background, conversation about whom I purposely avoided. I was and am sure I was making my intentions clear but it still seemed like I was slipping into the position of confidante yet again. I was so frustrated.

Before I let myself get too far into the zone, I decided I would just have a flat-out conversation with her about it. When she expressed then that she didn't want that kind of relationship with me then, I said to her, "Should I just forget about it then?" and she said that she didn't want me to do that. I was so confused, but carried on. It wouldn't have been so bad if she hadn't left that glimmer of hope. The friendship became excruciating to me because of my attachment to her (especially seeing her being jerked around by her asshole (ex-)boyfriend). It was a very emotional couple of months for both of us, but I didn't make any more advances on her. Another long overdue conversation put me much more firmly in the friend zone, and I could finally start to move on properly.

A few weeks later, when she drunkenly came onto me, it took all my strength to resist her (I deserve a fucking medal, quite honestly). I knew I couldn't put myself through that drama. That nearly destroyed our friendship, but thankfully we got through it and are still very good friends to this day. I realise we weren't as compatible as I had myself believe and I'm quite glad nothing came of it in the end.

Dearest Clum,

Unfortunately the diagnosis for this emotionally confounding situation is... You were in "The Rebound Zone".

Unlike the friend zone, the rebound zone is one where you will get an immediate rush and almost manic release of desire and affection from a person. The texting, public grinding and making out are examples of a woman that had decided to stick it to her to asshole 'on and off again' ex-boyfriend and move on. Unless someone is aware of these 'on/off again' exes lurking in the background, it's easy to take things at face value: That this hottie wants you and it's green-lights ahead.

Rebound Girls (and guys) are great for flings, quickies, fuck-buddies, or one-nighters. It becomes much more complicated when we start to develop feelings for them or have hopes of a relationship because they are usually emotionally unavailable. They are still going through the drama of their break-up or trying to resolve where they stand with their exes and run a very high risk of running back to them. They often act-out initially in a very sexually aggressive or even "high on new love" way with the target of their rebound because they have fragile or broken egos (from their previous relationships) and want the comfort of knowing that they can have it all again (and in record time!).

It seems like you were caught in the cross-hairs of this situation. Once things simmered down, it seems she realized she didn't want to jump into a new relationship yet and started feeling the tugs of her ex-bf. Basically this situation is like playing with an emotional grenade if you already have feelings for her.

You can enjoy the sexual and casual aspect of this relationship with her, but as you wisely realized this can run the risk of ruining your friendship. Until she has sorted herself out, she is not a good prospect for pinning your romantic hopes on.

It sounds like you are already ahead of the game and playing this perfectly. Well done!

Olivia xxx
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by studintraining
Ok, probably a dumb question but how do you avoid being put in the friendzone? I'm pretty much guaranteed to be in the friendzone if I can get a woman to talk to me for longer than 5 minutes and I'm tired of not being seen as a potential partner

Dear StudinTraining,

You can't avoid it. It just happens.

Try to make your intentions known ahead of time with a girl if you are interested in her. She may reject you completely, but at least you aren't in The Friend Zone. The reject zone is usually easier to move on from as well.

As LadyX's pizza strategy mentions: when you are trying to hook things up, go easy on the cheese .... and heavy on the sausage. The spicier the better!

Olivia xxx
Quote by Olivia
Quote by secretsandlies
Olivia offered a female perspective in her repsonse.

Which was generic and missed the point entirely, here is a male perspective, JUST ASK HER....problem solved...

Oh and I have numerous and specific examples of times when the female of the species changed her mind... plus several examples of men NOT interpreting "flirting" as that means she wants to suck my dick!

Show me a lady who hasn't swelled at the persistence of a guy and I'll show you a fibber?

So friend of olivia, be straight and ask her directly, then you'll know.

Then you can move on..and if you're still unsure after a direct question, then follow Olivia's advice to the letter..or for quicker results - try LadyX's advice..

Dear Secretsandlies,

If you read the original question carefully you will notice that he says "and she knows I like her". My advice is that after you have already put yourself out there and this 'friend' is aware of your feelings and has not responded (ie. you have been rejected either directly or she is avoiding the subject) to gather yourself together, be a man, and move on.

You said: "Show me a lady who hasn't swelled at the persistence of a guy and I'll show you a fibber"... I can show you several actually and most of them have restraining orders. Persistence is not romance. The more desperate you look, the more the 'friend' will be either turned off or frustrated because you don't get it.

My post stated very openly that on very rare occasions, over time, the 'friend' may change her mind. However these sunset-happy-endings are not the norm so don't bank on them.

I am sure that everyone can think of some example of an outlier to the norm where "my friend Bob kept at it and eventually wore her down" but the example of your friend Bob is not enough to change the nature of advice which is given based on the majority rules.

My original advice remains... once you know your 'friend' is not interested, accept it and move on.

Olivia xxx

Hi Olivia

I just felt that you had missed the initial point, he was asking about his uncertainty..I didn't see any reference to her response, it isn't beyond the realms of possibility that she was contemplating the knowledge that a guy likes her...if you had further info, such as a back story then of course I concur to your advice.
Quote by Olivia
Dearest Clum,

Unfortunately the diagnosis for this emotionally confounding situation is... You were in "The Rebound Zone".

Unlike the friend zone, the rebound zone is one where you will get an immediate rush and almost manic release of desire and affection from a person. The texting, public grinding and making out are examples of a woman that had decided to stick it to her to asshole 'on and off again' ex-boyfriend and move on. Unless someone is aware of these 'on/off again' exes lurking in the background, it's easy to take things at face value: That this hottie wants you and it's green-lights ahead.

Rebound Girls (and guys) are great for flings, quickies, fuck-buddies, or one-nighters. It becomes much more complicated when we start to develop feelings for them or have hopes of a relationship because they are usually emotionally unavailable. They are still going through the drama of their break-up or trying to resolve where they stand with their exes and run a very high risk of running back to them. They often act-out initially in a very sexually aggressive or even "high on new love" way with the target of their rebound because they have fragile or broken egos (from their previous relationships) and want the comfort of knowing that they can have it all again (and in record time!).

It seems like you were caught in the cross-hairs of this situation. Once things simmered down, it seems she realized she didn't want to jump into a new relationship yet and started feeling the tugs of her ex-bf. Basically this situation is like playing with an emotional grenade if you already have feelings for her.

You can enjoy the sexual and casual aspect of this relationship with her, but as you wisely realized this can run the risk of ruining your friendship. Until she has sorted herself out, she is not a good prospect for pinning your romantic hopes on.

It sounds like you are already ahead of the game and playing this perfectly. Well done!

Olivia xxx

Thanks for your response, Olivia. There was a bit more to it than it being a straightforward rebound (there were a lot of psychological considerations and she was all about the 'college experience' at the time) but you are essentially right. She picked a bad guy for rebounding, I'm all about commitment, and I think she realised that (if a little too late). Once she finally actually split from her boyfriend, she had a proper rebound period with more appropriate people.

Strange as it sounds, I'm just relieved I didn't sleep with her.

Thanks again, you're better than I had at first suspected. smile x
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Olivia
Quote by secretsandlies
Olivia offered a female perspective in her repsonse.

Which was generic and missed the point entirely, here is a male perspective, JUST ASK HER....problem solved...

Oh and I have numerous and specific examples of times when the female of the species changed her mind... plus several examples of men NOT interpreting "flirting" as that means she wants to suck my dick!

Show me a lady who hasn't swelled at the persistence of a guy and I'll show you a fibber?

So friend of olivia, be straight and ask her directly, then you'll know.

Then you can move on..and if you're still unsure after a direct question, then follow Olivia's advice to the letter..or for quicker results - try LadyX's advice..

Dear Secretsandlies,

If you read the original question carefully you will notice that he says "and she knows I like her". My advice is that after you have already put yourself out there and this 'friend' is aware of your feelings and has not responded (ie. you have been rejected either directly or she is avoiding the subject) to gather yourself together, be a man, and move on.

Actually the person says he does not know what she feels there fore she hasn't out right rejected or accepted his feelings. Your advice is based on conjecture that she doesn't feel the same because she hasn't responded. The first piece of advice should have been 'Ask her'. To your anonymous friend it is as simple as that. If she can not give you a definite answer either way step back and carry on with the friendship. That's not to say drop all hope. But don't pin them all on her.
Quote by GiganticTager
Quote by Olivia
Quote by secretsandlies
Olivia offered a female perspective in her repsonse.

Which was generic and missed the point entirely, here is a male perspective, JUST ASK HER....problem solved...

Oh and I have numerous and specific examples of times when the female of the species changed her mind... plus several examples of men NOT interpreting "flirting" as that means she wants to suck my dick!

Show me a lady who hasn't swelled at the persistence of a guy and I'll show you a fibber?

So friend of olivia, be straight and ask her directly, then you'll know.

Then you can move on..and if you're still unsure after a direct question, then follow Olivia's advice to the letter..or for quicker results - try LadyX's advice..

Dear Secretsandlies,

If you read the original question carefully you will notice that he says "and she knows I like her". My advice is that after you have already put yourself out there and this 'friend' is aware of your feelings and has not responded (ie. you have been rejected either directly or she is avoiding the subject) to gather yourself together, be a man, and move on.

Actually the person says he does not know what she feels there fore she hasn't out right rejected or accepted his feelings. Your advice is based on conjecture that she doesn't feel the same because she hasn't responded. The first piece of advice should have been 'Ask her'. To your anonymous friend it is as simple as that. If she can not give you a definite answer either way step back and carry on with the friendship. That's not to say drop all hope. But don't pin them all on her.

This was my point exactly...the advice offered by Olivia would have been more appropriate and relevant had the question involved a response from the girl, something like "she knows I like her and I have a feeling she is stringing me along"

I will reiterate that if you(Olivia) have a back story and you have more information to support your advice then your advice was appropraite and relevant.
Constant Gardener
The friend zone is not the horrible place which some paint it to be. It is not some purgatory where you are meant to be in emotional limbo.

I feel that I'm fortunate to have enjoyed several female friendships over the last 30 years. Those ladies all have had a substantial circle of friends too.

Farm and cultivate the friend zone, I may well be glad that you did. Be a gentleman and a rogue. At appropriate moments.

And eventually, you may even bone a few of your close female friends. It just happens on their time-table and not the one you may have once desired.

Patience, young dudes.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by GiganticTager
Quote by Olivia
Quote by secretsandlies
Olivia offered a female perspective in her repsonse.

Which was generic and missed the point entirely, here is a male perspective, JUST ASK HER....problem solved...

Oh and I have numerous and specific examples of times when the female of the species changed her mind... plus several examples of men NOT interpreting "flirting" as that means she wants to suck my dick!

Show me a lady who hasn't swelled at the persistence of a guy and I'll show you a fibber?

So friend of olivia, be straight and ask her directly, then you'll know.

Then you can move on..and if you're still unsure after a direct question, then follow Olivia's advice to the letter..or for quicker results - try LadyX's advice..

Dear Secretsandlies,

If you read the original question carefully you will notice that he says "and she knows I like her". My advice is that after you have already put yourself out there and this 'friend' is aware of your feelings and has not responded (ie. you have been rejected either directly or she is avoiding the subject) to gather yourself together, be a man, and move on.

Actually the person says he does not know what she feels there fore she hasn't out right rejected or accepted his feelings. Your advice is based on conjecture that she doesn't feel the same because she hasn't responded. The first piece of advice should have been 'Ask her'. To your anonymous friend it is as simple as that. If she can not give you a definite answer either way step back and carry on with the friendship. That's not to say drop all hope. But don't pin them all on her.

Here is my original opening sentence:

"If a girl knows how you feel about her, and she is not addressing the situation or reciprocating then she is not interested in you!"

Not responding to a declaration of love means that she is not interested. Many people try to avoid having to address these awkward moments because they don't want to create this kind of discomfort in the friendship (where one person has feelings for them and the other does not). They don't need to be badgered into a response. This isn't a court of law or a contract requiring a "yes" or "no" answer.

People need to learn to read cues and subtleties. When you put it out there and it doesn't come back to you... time to move on.

It's not 'conjecture', it's social intelligence.
Alpha Blonde
I had a male friend that tried three times (once every six weeks) before he finally said "ohhhh I get it now."

We would usually be talking about random things at his place when all of a sudden he would dim the lights, put on the sex tunes and sit a little too close to me on the sofa. A lot of times I would actually be talking about other men, hoping I could divert things from going there. But nope... he'd slowly move in for the kill... ugh!!!

The whole "I don't see you like that. We are just buddies" was awkward the first time. But when he tried two more times after that I got pissed off. When I asked "what part of 'I don't see you like that' didn't you get?" he just replied. "Oh, I thought you just needed more time."

With every male friend I've had, I always make it a point to talk about other guys I'm interested in or find hot. I've always hoped that they would be able to understand that I wouldn't be crushing and gushing about other guys if I was the slightest bit interested in them. But... some guys are totally clueless.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll
But... some guys are totally clueless.

Some? HAHA!

You can tell them you are in love with another man, a lesbian, celibate, only have sex with aliens. Doesnt matter, they hear what they want to hear. Sorry guys but its true.

I usually try to make it clear that I just want to be friends. Then once I started my relationship with Ann, I figured if I let them know that I am in a relationship with a woman and I just want to be friends, they would get the message. WRONG!! That was such a big mistake. While I am saying I am not into you like that, they are hearing "THREESOME"!

Luckily I have some great male friends who accept that and a few who are occaisional playthings and not looking for more than that.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Nikki703
Quote by Dancing_Doll
But... some guys are totally clueless.

Some? HAHA!

You can tell them you are in love with another man, a lesbian, celibate, only have sex with aliens. Doesnt matter, they hear what they want to hear. Sorry guys but its true.

I usually try to make it clear that I just want to be friends. Then once I started my relationship with Ann, I figured if I let them know that I am in a relationship with a woman and I just want to be friends, they would get the message. WRONG!! That was such a big mistake. While I am saying I am not into you like that, they are hearing "THREESOME"!

Luckily I have some great male friends who accept that and a few who are occaisional playthings and not looking for more than that.

Hey! I resent that! haha. But I'm the type of guy that will either be the perfect boyfriend, or the perfect friend. It's quite simple for me to know when I've landed myself in the friend zone. Which happens way too often...
Maybe this has already been mentioned or asked but what are the benefits of the friend zone for the uninterested person thats being pursued?
Is it like a test of the other person's loyalty and intentions for a genuine relationship(be that friendship or romantic) or do they keep the friendzoned person around as like a contingency plan, ie "I'm in my 30s now and Mr Right still hasnt shown up, this guy will have to do" type of thing?
btw, thats not from personal experience, just trying to gain more insight
Quote by studintraining
Maybe this has already been mentioned or asked but what are the benefits of the friend zone for the uninterested person thats being pursued?

It's highly possible that they just enjoy your company and genuinely want to be friends with you (and that is from personal experience).

The Friend Zone, as WMM alluded to, is not a place to be feared or avoided at all costs. Better that, surely, than the Creepy-Guys-Who-Won't-Leave-Me-Alone Zone. Whereas I may not be the luckiest person in love so far, I consider myself very rich in good friends, some of whom have rejected my romantic advances in the past.

Some women may look at you as their 'back-up' - "If neither of us are married when we turn 40..." - but one shouldn't suspect everybody who rejects them and still wants them around of having ulterior motives. If they do see you like that, then what harm is done? At least they think somewhat fondly of you and would rather end up with you than be alone forever.

P.S. Sorry that I'm posting a lot on this thread. The 'Friend Zone' is a subject close to my heart, as you can probably tell. If you think this is bad, just wait until Olivia posts a 'Bitches Be Crazy' blog - I could write an essay!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by studintraining
Maybe this has already been mentioned or asked but what are the benefits of the friend zone for the uninterested person thats being pursued?
Is it like a test of the other person's loyalty and intentions for a genuine relationship(be that friendship or romantic) or do they keep the friendzoned person around as like a contingency plan, ie "I'm in my 30s now and Mr Right still hasnt shown up, this guy will have to do" type of thing?
btw, thats not from personal experience, just trying to gain more insight

The benefits of the friend zone for the uninterested person is... friendship.

Hard to believe, isn't it?

Women don't just want men for their bank accounts, their cocks, and their sperm count.

Imagine it this way. Let's say you have a buddy named Joe. You guys spend time fishing, going to monster truck rallys, playing sports, and picking up hot chicks. He's the best wing man you ever had. One night after some cold beers, Joe turns to you in the moonlight . You take note of his adoring gaze and the giant bulge in his pants. Suddenly Joe confesses that he has deep feelings for you and since you are so close already, why not take the next step?

That's how it feels when your opposite-sex friend that you've always seen in a sexually neutral way springs the "let's take things to the next level" conversation.

Awkward, right?

Friendship is just that: friendship.

It doesn't mean that they are reserving you in the bullpen just in case they never find anyone to marry (that's usually what you do with your fuck-buddies; which is very different from the friend zone). It just means that they enjoy your company, find you interesting and like hanging out together... in a very platonic kind of way.

Important Note: If any of you ever have a 'friend' who turns to you with a proposal along the lines of "well, I can't find Mr Right and I'm getting old now, so I guess you'll do," please walk away. You don't ever want to be the back-up plan someone begrudgingly decides to go along with as a last resort.
Hello Olivia

I don't agree with your advice - but hey that's what makes this a fun and exciting world... differences of opinion...To the next post and beyond!

As with any advice/guidance provided here, it is for the reader to decide what next steps they are to take on board the advice or not to take it on board.

We all have different world views and frames of reference..ours are simply different...and that is would be a little boring if we all agreed with each other...wouldn't you agree?

Til next time...surprised)
Constant Gardener
You know, this is not just a phenomenon that is relegated to men coming on to their lady friends.

I've experienced a small handful of women over the last 30 years who wanted more than friendship. And that moment is quite awkward. Even more complicated when it occurs in front of other people you both may know.

Like leaning over close for the pre-kiss dreamy eyed look (only to not have it returned). It did not help that she was the younger sister of a woman I was deeply in love/lust with, 20 years earlier. Eh, I managed to salvage that friendship by blaming it on the booze she and I had consumed. She never tried that shit again.

A 50 year old woman sitting across a table from me, while my best male friend sat to my right. The 36 year old woman sitting close to my left who I'd been banging occasionally for the last 7 years (was her daughter). When the mother proclaimed after her usual four Long Island Tea cocktails...

"I bet I can suck your dick better than my daughter can!" She boasted this verbally, while leaning back in the chair, spreading her legs and flashing me and my friend her snatch - in commando mode under her skirt.

Mom was pretty good looking...but her daughter (who is not easily stunned nor embarrassed) was slack jawed and I think I heard her jaw hit the table top in front of her. My friend was in the middle of sipping his Jack & Coke...and I think he almost spilled it on himself.

I just sat there and felt the small hairs on the back of my neck - shoot straight up and out.

There was no recovery possible on that occasion.

So this isn't just a Beta move, which is foisted on women by the less experienced men of the world.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Constant Gardener
Quote by Guest
Hello Olivia

I don't agree with your advice - but hey that's what makes this a fun and exciting world... differences of opinion...To the next post and beyond!

As with any advice/guidance provided here, it is for the reader to decide what next steps they are to take on board the advice or not to take it on board.

We all have different world views and frames of reference..ours are simply different...and that is would be a little boring if we all agreed with each other...wouldn't you agree?

Til next time...surprised)

Now this is the correct way to get your point across, Mr. Secretsandlies. Everyone else take note.

Declare your opinions in a snarky manner...then delete your account so you don't have to face any possible rebuttal. This is a smooth move, Ex-lax.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Guest
Hello Olivia

I don't agree with your advice - but hey that's what makes this a fun and exciting world... differences of opinion...To the next post and beyond!

As with any advice/guidance provided here, it is for the reader to decide what next steps they are to take on board the advice or not to take it on board.

We all have different world views and frames of reference..ours are simply different...and that is would be a little boring if we all agreed with each other...wouldn't you agree?

Til next time...surprised)

That's right...

Unless you are in jail and I am your prison warden, you don't have to do everything I say.

If everyone took my advice, there simply wouldn't be enough agony and angst in this world to keep me in business. I can always count on a certain percentage to shrug off my advice. They will be on my couch soon enough with a whole new set of problems. It's actually the perfect business model for an agony aunt... Shhhh... don't tell anyone.

Olivia xxx
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale
You know, this is not just a phenomenon that is relegated to men coming on to their lady friends.

I've experienced a small handful of women over the last 30 years who wanted more than friendship. And that moment is quite awkward. Even more complicated when it occurs in front of other people you both may know.

Like leaning over close for the pre-kiss dreamy eyed look (only to not have it returned). It did not help that she was the younger sister of a woman I was deeply in love/lust with, 20 years earlier. Eh, I managed to salvage that friendship by blaming it on the booze she and I had consumed. She never tried that shit again.

A 50 year old woman sitting across a table from me, while my best male friend sat to my right. The 36 year old woman sitting close to my left who I'd been banging occasionally for the last 7 years (was her daughter). When the mother proclaimed after her usual four Long Island Tea cocktails...

"I bet I can suck your dick better than my daughter can!" She boasted this verbally, while leaning back in the chair, spreading her legs and flashing me and my friend her snatch - in commando mode under her skirt.

Mom was pretty good looking...but her daughter (who is not easily stunned nor embarrassed) was slack jawed and I think I heard her jaw hit the table top in front of her. My friend was in the middle of sipping his Jack & Coke...and I think he almost spilled it on himself.

I just sat there and felt the small hairs on the back of my neck - shoot straight up and out.

There was no recovery possible on that occasion.

So this isn't just a Beta move, which is foisted on women by the less experienced men of the world.

You are very right, WellMadeMale... there are plenty of women in the Friend Zone as well.

It's even more problematic for a man in this situation, because men are supposed to be hard and willing to have sex with any woman that offers herself to them. It doesn't matter that it's a friend they value, or a friend they don't find sexually attractive, or even if it's a MILF flashing her bush at you in public accompanied by a vulgar suggestion. Men are supposed to want to jump at the chance to "take things to the next level" with any willing woman.

When a man doesn't want to give in to these scenarios, he has to find an even better excuse than a woman does. When a woman tells her male buddy "Sorry, I just don't see you in that way, Harvey," it's a fairly standard rejection. Harvey will nod, apologize and probably try to reassert the value of their friendship. He will probably explain away the rejection as due to bad timing or her unfortunate weakness of falling for jerks and assholes. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, as he will probably hold out some hope that eventually she will "come around."

When it happens to a man, he runs the risk of totally shattering the female friend that put herself out there. Women are typically not used to making the first move, so when they do and they are rejected they may not take things very well. She will probably immediately wonder what is wrong with her. Since you like her personality and are friends, then it must mean that you aren't attracted to her (female translation: 'Oh my god, I am heinously ugly! *Sob*). She may internalize the rejection completely. On the other hand, she may unexpectedly lash out at the man, insisting that he must be 'gay' or 'impotent' to refuse her.

Society does have to get over the fallacy that all men are always ready for sex, regardless of whom it's with.

When a man breaks down the friend zone and gets intimate with a female friend... it comes with a lot of baggage. Unless he thinks he might marry this girl, it runs an unusually high risk of destroying the friendship entirely. Girls that finally confess their feelings for their male friends are typically already very emotionally fixated on them. You have to be willing to go the distance with at least some kind of relationship. It's not going to be a one-night stand or casual thing, so proceed with caution.

And on that topic, let me reassert: I am talking about a sober person revealing their true feelings to their friend. NOT the situation where someone was totally wasted and ended up fucking their friend in an inebriated haze and doing the "ooh, gee, what the hell happened last night" hangover reaction in the morning when they wake up beside their friend and both agree to pretend like it never happened.

Getting out of the Friend Zone... and either into a relationship or the Fuck-Buddy Zone is very contingent on attraction (both sexual and psychological). It's either there or it isn't. It happens to both sexes, but I would say that the burden of awkwardness is even heavier when it's the man doing the rejecting.

Olivia xxx
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by Guest
Hello Olivia

I don't agree with your advice - but hey that's what makes this a fun and exciting world... differences of opinion...To the next post and beyond!

As with any advice/guidance provided here, it is for the reader to decide what next steps they are to take on board the advice or not to take it on board.

We all have different world views and frames of reference..ours are simply different...and that is would be a little boring if we all agreed with each other...wouldn't you agree?

Til next time...surprised)

Now this is the correct way to get your point across, Mr. Secretsandlies. Everyone else take note.

Declare your opinions in a snarky manner...then delete your account so you don't have to face any possible rebuttal. This is a smooth move, Ex-lax.

Rebut away well made male..I did indeed delete my account, but not for the reasons you assume. It came to my attention that you had something to say regarding my comment and how you felt it was snarky! So I reactivated the account, to give you the opportunityfor rebuttal. So I await your rebuttal. I may not be well made but a coward I am not.

I did feel I had made my point, we could have continued toing and froing but we would never have agreed. I've re-read my comment and cannot see anythinh "snarky" but I guess I would say that wouldn't I.

Olivia, they may also be on my couch too...

I await your rebuttal well made male and olivia and anyone else too who would like to contribute to this interesting topic.
