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Author's Notes

"Sara has begged to be James' submissive. He has accepted her, taken her on a multi-day hike, told she is to stay naked except for her slave collar, and edged her until she has promised to do anything. He has also hypnotized her and planted a number of commands in her subconscious. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Now he will allow her to cum – as long as she outs herself on display to guests at the very popular Banff Springs Hotel!"

It took us less than ten minutes to get to where I wanted to stop for the night, but Sara looked like it couldn’t come too soon – and neither could she! When I swung the pack off my shoulders and put it down, then picked hers off her shoulders, she dropped to her knees, put her mouth against the front of my shorts, seemingly trying to eat my stiff cock through the fabric, and moaning, “Please, Master, please let me cum…”

I stroked her hair, and said, “Perhaps, Little Slut. But first, you’re wearing too many clothes.”

She looked up at me, surprised. After all, she was naked except for her boots, socks, and blue leather slave collar. She quickly turned, sat on her ass, and started ripping off her boots, and making a mess of it, getting the laces tangled.

I knelt down, and said, “Allow me.” She threw herself back, leaning back on her hands with her feet thrust in front of her. I slowly, teasingly, untangled the laces, and with great deliberateness, removed her boots, one at a time, then slowly peeled her socks off her. She threw back her head, opened her knees so I could see her cunt, closed her eyes, and moaned, “Please…”

When I had her boots and socks off, I started massaging her feet, which only compounded her frustration. I’m aware that feet are a largely unacknowledged erogenous zone, and I was deliberately torquing her excitement by massaging them: the balls of her feet, the long arch of the sole, twiddling her toes with deliberate languor…

When I started rubbing a finger gently between her toes, she moaned louder, and said, “Please, Master, please. I’ve been good all day, I’ve done everything you’ve asked… PLEASE let me cum!”

I could smell her cunt, and see its honey. By this time, it was actually dripping on the ground, and in just the short time since we’d stopped, there was already a small pool beginning to form underneath her cunt.

“Fair enough, Little Slut. If you want, I’ll give you a chance to earn a chance to cum.”

“Anything, Master… anything, please tell me!”

 “Okay, Little Slut, bend over against this tree and let me pull the Ben-Wa balls out of you.”

She turned, leaned forward, bending at the waist, and holding her hands against the tree trunk, spreading her legs. I delicately reached in, grasped the loop at the end of the Ben-Wa ball, and pulled it gently out of her. That left the butt plug up her ass, which was where I wanted it.

She arched her back and shivered. “Uh-UNH!” she moaned as they came out.

I walked back to my pack, fished out the sterilizer, squirted some over the balls, put the tube back, took my almost empty water bottle, and poured the remaining contents over them, then wiped the balls dry with the micro-fiber cloth. Then I wrapped them, and carefully put them back in my toy pouch.

“Now, are you sure you want to cum, Little Slut?”

She nodded, her eyes locked eagerly onto mine.

“You will have to earn the right to cum, and I’m not going to make it easy for you. First, you need to make me cum in your mouth. Do you think you can do that?”

She quickly knelt down in front of me, unzipped my fly, and fished out my already hard, dripping cock. I had known what I was going to do to her all afternoon, and it had been driving me crazy with anticipation. Now it was her turn.

She licked her lips, took a quick lick of the smeared pre-cum from the tip of my cock, then closed her eyes and rubbed her face with the wet tip, getting pre-cum on her cheeks and upper lip. She brought me to her lips, then opened wide, stuck out her tongue, and ran it up along the bottom of my cock, back up to the tip, then closed her lips around my prick, and started running her tongue around the rim of my hood, sucking it without going any further.

Then, as she moistened my cock, she began to take it in and out of her mouth, going down deeper and deeper, and working with an eagerness that she didn’t even try to disguise.

“You will not swallow my cum, but hold it in your mouth. Then I’ll tell you what else you need to do to earn the right to cum, okay?”

She looked up at me with her gorgeous, big eyes, and nodded, then quickly went back to work, bobbing up and down, taking me deeper and deeper into her mouth. I didn’t try to slow her down. Not only was I eager to cum for my own sake, but I had a whole program mapped out for this evening, and my cumming was just the start of it.

“Do not take my cock out of your mouth until I give you permission. And make sure you go deep enough that you make yourself gag. You’re a slut, Sara.”

She stopped, then mumbled around my cock, “I’m a filthy, fucking slut, Master!”

She started pushing herself down hard, and each time my cock found the back of her throat, she gagged and made the urk sound that I loved to hear. She paused momentarily to take a deep breath, then pushed as far down onto my length as she could, and held herself there.

After a couple of seconds, she gagged, choked, and made deep retching sounds, but kept herself pressed all the way down. When she finally pulled back, she kept my cock in her mouth, but opened it around me, and started panting and gulping air.

“In and out, Little Slut. Go deep each time, but don’t stop. I’m going to cum, but remember, you are not to swallow, okay?”

She looked up at me again, her lips stretched around me, breathing hard through her nose, then nodded, and started again, bobbing up and down, slowly, and without stopping, but making a small retching sound each time my cock found the back of her throat.

It didn’t take long before I felt my climax begin. “Almost there Sara, keep going, harder now.”

She started moving faster, and very quickly my orgasm climbed up from my balls and exploded into her mouth. She backed off slightly so that it didn’t go down her throat, but held it in her mouth. She gagged as the first load hit her throat, but held it, and I could see her cheeks pulse as I pumped load after load into her warm, willing hole.

When I was finally done, I gently pushed her head away, and she sat back on her heels, looking up expectantly at me. I loved looking at her. Not only was she beautiful, but she was naked except for her slave collar, kneeling in front of me, and with her mouth full of my cum. I leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

“You’re a good girl, Sara!”

She shivered, and mumbled something, almost certainly, “Thank you, Master!” as she was programmed to do.

“Stand up.” She quickly got to her feet.

I went to my pack, rummaged around, and found the three things I wanted from the toys pouch, then walked back to her with them. Her eyes widened. I was holding a seven-inch long, dark brown dildo with a ball sack at the end, plus two other things that she didn’t notice.

I fitted a black, Lone Ranger-style mask over her face, making sure she could see through the eye holes. Then I walked over to her pack, and pulled out her big-brimmed straw hat and unfolded it. I walked back and handed it to her. “Fix your hair so it is entirely underneath your hat.”

She quickly started twisting her hair into a makeshift knot, then wound it around her head and tucked it under her hat, securing the hat on her head with the chin strap.

While she was doing that, I pull out both closed-cell foam mattresses, and snapped them together, then pulled out both sleeping bags. I unstuffed them from their bags and spread them out to let them air.

“Here, hold this,” and I handed her the dildo. She took it reluctantly, then looked up at me.

“Come with me.”

I turned and walked through the woods to a clearing up ahead. When we got there, it was clear that the reason for the clearing was a massive sheet of rock, on which trees couldn’t grow. Stepping up onto it, we could see the Banff Springs Hotel in the distance, across the valley we had hiked through today.

“Spectacular view, isn’t it?” She looked at me, then nodded cautiously, her mouth still clamped shut.

I took the dildo from her, then opened the tube of water-soluble lubricant, and squeezed a generous amount onto the dildo, taking my time, rubbing it all over its length. Then I handed it back to her while I re-sealed the tube of lubricant and put it in the pocket of my shorts. She took the dildo very gingerly.

“Now, here’s what you’re going to do. We’re going to walk out onto this rock a-ways, so we have a clear view of everything around us, then I’m going to sit down to watch the show.

“You’re going to take this dildo, push it into your cunt, and use it to make yourself cum – but only if you follow my precise instructions. First, you must keep my cum in your mouth until I give you permission to swallow, not before.

“Next, you must not touch your clit with any part of your body until after you cum. If you turn the dildo upside down and push it all the way into your cunt, the ball sac should rub up against your clit. You must work the dildo in and out of you. You can’t just hold it against you and use it to massage your clit.

“If any part of your body touches your clit, including the fingers holding the dildo, you will immediately stop, and you won’t be allowed to cum today.

“The third condition is that you have to remain standing. If any part of your body touches the ground other than your feet, then you must immediately stop, and you will not be allowed to cum today.

“So, to sum up, you have to keep my cum in your mouth until I say, you will not touch your clit with any part of your body until you cum, you will keep working the dildo in and out of your cunt until you cum, and you will remain standing until you cum. Do you understand?”

Her eyes were wide behind the mask, but she nodded slowly, her jaw still firmly shut.

“You’re probably wondering why I had you wear the hat and mask, yes?”

She nodded again.

I smiled. “It’s because you will be visible to anyone looking this way from a distance of roughly twenty-five miles in any direction – including the hotel. And while I’m not sure, I’d bet that someone there notices, and starts taking photos with a telephoto lens. And such photos are likely to wind up posted on the Internet. Possibly there will be videos.

“I hope so. I’ll be eager to find out, won’t you?”

She looked very uncertain and stayed still. She seemed to have stopped breathing.

“You’ll be famous! But the hat will hide the color or length of your hair – at least the hair on your head – and the mask will keep anyone from being able to recognize you.”

She was still staring at me.

“Now, you are more than entitled to call ‘yellow light’ if you want, and I will honor your request. But if you do, you will not get to cum today.”

I gestured out onto the flat expanse of rock overlooking the valley. “Now, do you want to cum, or not?”

She looked at me for what seemed like forever, then slowly nodded, and walked gingerly out onto the rock, eyes locked on the hotel across the valley.

When she was well clear of the forest, I told her to stop, then walked around her so I could watch her from the front, and sat down, hugging my knees, massively excited. I had my hat on as well as I didn’t want to be recognized either.

She stopped, looked down at the dildo, then cautiously stepped her feet apart, squatted slightly, and started to push and twist the dildo into herself. It took her a while, but finally, she had it sunk balls-deep into her cunt. She straightened up slightly, then slowly started to work it in and out, making sure that she pushed it up to the hilt so that the ball sac brushed against her clit.

She was starting to get easier with the process, so I thought it was time to up the game. “Sara…”

She stopped and looked up at me.

“Remember how humiliated you felt when we were at Cave and Basin, and you very reluctantly stripped naked in broad daylight for me? I want you to remember how you felt, and feel like that again now.”

She immediately ducked down, hanging her head, then looked up at me, her body still bent over. Her face was bright red and her eyes were wide.

“And Sara? Don’t open your mouth, but Sara, you’re a slut.”

Her breathing became more rapid, and she mumbled something that I’m sure was, “I’m a filthy, fucking slut, Master.”

She stood up and immediately started working the dildo in and out of herself, bending her knees slightly to get a better angle. Her face remained red, and she didn’t want to look at me but glanced at me every once in a while.

She was fighting two different impulses at the same time. On the one hand, her clit was only being touched intermittently, and only when she shoved the dildo deep enough that the ball sac mashed against it. On the other hand, she had been edged all day and was dying to cum.

I was thrilled watching her fuck herself. But I knew I could up the ante even more, so I stood up, and walked over next to her, and whispered in her ear.

“Do you have any idea what you look like? You’re buck naked except for a slave collar that you, yourself chose to wear. You’re standing in broad daylight in a public place, showing off your wet, sopping pussy to the world, fucking yourself with a big dildo, shoving it in and out of your cunt like a fucking whore. And deep inside, you know you would rather be naked, here, showing off your ass and your tits and your cunt to the world than dressed and pretending to be a dainty, polite Southern lady.

“Your cocksucking mouth is full of my cum. You’re keeping it there because you love it, you’re loving the taste of it, savouring it, and revelling in the filth of being a dirty cocksucker.

“You’ve got a butt plug shoved up your ass, and you’ve worked hard to keep it there all afternoon. Why? Because you’re a slut who wants her body to be used like a dirty fucktoy, like the cunt she really is.

“You truly are a filthy, fucking whore, a slut that is almost certainly being recorded, to be shown on the Internet for horny, pimply-faced teenage boys to jerk-off to. You’re a wet dream, a cum-slut, you’re my fucktoy, and you are humiliating yourself like this because you want it! You want it so bad that you’ve voluntarily given control of your body to me. You’re going to let me do filthy, disgusting things to you – and they’re going to make you cum, and cum hard, over and over and over again. And do you know why?

“Because you’re a slut, that’s why. Now cum for me, cunt. Cum hard!”

I was treated to an amazing show of this gorgeous, petite woman fucking herself, legs spread wide, working this large dildo in and out, with a mouth full of cum, partially bent over, with her tits wobbling as she did it.

As soon as I gave her permission to cum, she started to breathe hard through her nose, Then, her knees seemed to get weak, and she bent her torso and knees, seeming to want to fall to the ground, and having to fight the impulse.

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And finally, she squatted slowly, almost to the ground, and started making loud MMMMM noises through her nose, eyes tight shut, and face turned down. Her entire body trembled and flushed pink. She stayed that way for some time, holding the dildo deep inside herself, bent over it, panting fast and hard through her nose and making grunting noises, trembling the whole time.

Eventually, she straightened slowly and very gingerly, as if not quite trusting her body to do as she wanted. She held the dildo in her cunt, and looked at me.

“Sara, show me what you have in your mouth.”

She immediately opened it to show that it was still full of my cum.

“Now, swallow it all.”

I saw her swallow in a difficult gulp.

“Show me.”

She opened her mouth slowly, as if embarrassed.

“You’re a good girl, Sara.”

She shivered, then said, “Thank you, Master!”

I walked over to her, told her to remove the dildo, which she did. It made a slurping noise as she removed it, and she blushed. I took the dildo from her in one hand, then bent my knees and picked her up in my arms and carried her back to where we were going to camp for the night. She put her arms around my neck, and I kissed her lips briefly, just a promise of what was to come.

“Did you enjoy that, my little fucktoy?”

She dropped her eyes and was silent for a time, then looked up at me, blushing and said, “Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard before!”

She looked down, then asked in a small voice, with that lovely Southern accent, “Does that make me a horrible person?”

I smiled at her. “No, it doesn’t. It just means, as you said earlier, that you’ve learned some things about yourself, and you are starting to enjoy who you really are. And who you really are is an amazing, beautiful, slutty submissive. My fucktoy.” And I leaned in and kissed her harder, still carrying her.

She closed her eyes, opened her mouth to me, and moaned, then kissed me back, more urgently. I broke, then smiled at her.

“Softly now. Let me get you landed safely where we’ll be more comfortable, okay? Then we can continue this – and I’m going to get you to cum at least twice more.”

She looked down, blushed again, then kissed my neck.

I stood up, got another microfiber cloth from my pack, and placed it down on the sleeping bag next to her, then placed the dildo on it, then removed the mask from her eyes, and the hat from her head, leaving her completely naked except for her collar.

I stripped off, then lay down next to her. “Roll over onto your stomach, and stick your ass up in the air, knees wide apart.”

When she moved to comply, I picked up the dildo, made sure it was still slick, then gently held it to her pussy lips. She moaned when I started to work it into her again, and her ass started moving again, apparently on its own. I waited until it was all the way in, then held it there with one hand, making sure it was fully inside her.

With the other hand, I started to stroke and massage her clit. I wasn’t trying for subtlety. At this point, she was still riding the high from her previous, hard orgasm, so all I was trying to do was to bring her back to the edge – then stop.

When her moans got louder and started sounding more urgent, I held my hand still against her clit. She moaned in protest, and worked her ass up higher, hoping, I expect, to get me to push harder. I kept my hand touching her clit, but moved with her so that it was getting no friction. She wriggled in frustration, so I removed my hand entirely.

“Please…” she whispered.

“Please, what? Little Slut?”

“Please let me cum again. I need to so bad.”

“And what will you do for me if I let you cum?”

There was a pause, “Tell me what you’d like me to do… I’ll do it.”

“You don’t know what I might ask you to do.”

She groaned, and her ass waggled from side to side, “I don’t care, I’ll do whatever you want! Please!”

“Will you promise to wipe my cock on your face, and lick it completely clean every time I fuck you like you did earlier?”

She moaned, “Yes! Yes, I promise, I promise I’ll rub your cock all over my face and hair, I’ll wear your cum on me, and I’ll lick and suck you clean. I promise!”

“Very good, Little Slut. You’re a good girl, and now I’ll make you cum.”

“Thank you, Master… Ohhh…”

I pushed hard on the dildo, as well as applying pressure to the butt plug to make sure she was stuffed full. Then I started massaging her clit, gently at first, then harder and faster. I gradually started squeezing and pinching it, rolling it between my fingers. Her ass started moving as if it were no longer under her control, and she started making deep, throaty sounds in her chest.

“Remember what you looked like, standing in the open, fucking yourself like the slut that you are, cum in your mouth, dildo in your cunt, butt plug up your ass, shaking your tits and putting yourself on show? Remember what an enormous climax you had? Well, you’re going to cum much harder for me this time, aren’t you?

“Because you’re a slut, Sara.”

“I’m a filthy, fucking slut, Master…Ahhh. AHHH. AAAH!” And her scream rose in pitch as well as volume, then she started sobbing, turning her face down, and gripping the sleeping bag with her hands. Her body went rigid, and she arched her back, pushing hard against the hand holding dildo and butt plug in place.

I switched tactics now. I moved one hand to the dildo and started sliding it in and out. With the other hand, I grasped the butt plug, and slowly twisted it, pulling it out, then twisting it and pushing it back again. I kept doing this, alternating pulling one while pushing the other, then reversing.

Sara pushed herself up on her hands, but put her forehead back down, pushing her ass further up, then lowered down again, and started dragging her tits back and forth across the smooth fabric of the sleeping bag.

I quickly pulled the dildo out of her cunt, moved behind her, and roughly shoved my cock home, ramming it as far as I could, mashing it against her cervix.

“Oh, FUCK!” she shouted, then started pushing back against me, grunting each time she pushed.

She was panting hard, gripping the sleeping bag. This went on for what seemed like hours, but was probably barely even minutes, when she suddenly stopped, put one hand back, and said, “Stop! PLEASE Stop! It… It’s too much, I’m too sensitive, please, please stop!”

I stopped shoving for the moment, then slowly pushed myself deep inside her. Her resulting moan ended with what sounded like a gurgle. I held her hips with my hands to prevent her from collapsing onto her stomach.

After pausing for a few moments, I slowly started to work myself in and out of her. I continued to pump slowly in and out of her, she soon started to moan again and then started pushing back against me.

Very soon after that she pushed herself up onto her hands and started rocking her body forward and back while I stayed still. She was fucking herself, now, and pushing me deep inside her, mashing herself hard against me, yelping slightly each time I hit her cervix.

I felt my own climax approaching, so leaned forward, pressed my thumb against the back of her right hand, and said, "Come for me now, Sara.”

She pushed back against me, hard, arched her back, threw her head back and screamed, a high-pitched wail of intense pleasure, and started rocking back and forth, fucking harder and harder against me. She pushed herself up so she was sitting on her heels, forcing me back on mine, and pistoning up and down, ramming me even harder into herself, all the while emitting high-pitched whimpers each time she slammed her body down. She put her hands on her tits and started twisting them hard.

Then I came. Hard. Her own excitement pushed me over the edge, and I had one of the most massive orgasms I’ve had in years. I felt as if my head was exploding, and I moaned, deep, long moans, sounding like they came from a terrified beast: “Unh, Unh, Unh, UNH, UNH… UUHHHHH!”

Sara’s screams matched my groans, then we both finally collapsed.

She slid her hands forward, gliding onto her stomach, breathing hard, eyes closed. I collapsed on top of her, crushing the wind out of her, then feebly pushed myself up on my hands to allow her to breathe. She just lay there, panting.

I knelt up, put my left leg outside her left leg, then grabbed her shoulders, and rolled us both onto our left sides, all while keeping my cock buried inside her. When we were settled on our sides, I pulled her closer to me and nestled into her, making spoons.

I lay behind her, and smoothed her sides, stroking her hair, and moving strands of it away from her face, then kissing her ear. I traced the eyebrow I could see, then around her ear, and then lightly dragged a fingertip down the line of her back, then around her butt cheek, cupping my hand around her ass, then rubbed it.

She shivered, then turned her head towards me and smiled with her eyes shut.

“Master?” she said.

“Yes, Little Slut?”

“May I please belong to you forever? Please?”

“You mean you want me to own you, to take you as my possession?”

Her eyes still closed, the smile still on her mouth, she nodded. “Please.”

I chuckled. “Much as I like the idea, I’m not sure it’s practical, with you living near Atlanta, and me in Toronto.” I smoothed my hand up and down her side and over her ass.

Her smile dimmed, but only slightly. “Then, Master?”

“Yes, Little Slut.”

She was silent for a time. “I guess… then for this week… I want to be just your fucktoy. Please? I don’t want to be a lady, I don’t want to be a woman, I don’t even want to be human. I just want to be your fucktoy, whose only purpose is to serve your cock. I want to wipe your cum all over my face, and have you use me any way you want, and have you fuck me hard and hurt me, and make me suck your cock… and… and anything else your cock wants… that’s what I want.

“Please, Master? Please?”

I smiled and said, “Very well, Sara. You may be my fucktoy, not a woman, not a lady, not even human. You exist only to please me. Is that what you want?”

She opened her eyes, those gorgeous, big eyes, looked at me, and said, “Yes, please, Master.” And smiled.

I stayed where I was, tempted to fall asleep, but knowing there was work to be done. I luxuriated in the afterglow of our fucking for as long as I could, then realized that if I stayed here, I would fall asleep. Gently, I pulled out of her, then separated our bodies, rolled over, and finally, somewhat shakily, stood up and shivered.

She rolled over and got onto her knees, eyes downcast. “Master, please let me clean your cock, as I promised.”

I paused. I’d forgotten that then nodded. “Yes, go ahead,” and turned to face her.

She clasped her hands behind her, then leaned forward and reverently nuzzled my cock, rubbing her face slowly left and right to coat it in cum from both of our bodies, then turning her head down to get it in her hair.

Then she backed away slightly, and, still with hands clasped behind her, used her tongue to capture my limp cock, and slowly sucked it deep into her mouth. She moved slowly along its length, working her tongue around it, not just sucking it, but washing it. Finally, she had her nose pressed hard against my abdomen, with my balls against her chin. By now, my cock was starting to get interested again, despite my earlier, massive climax, and started to grow to fill her mouth and throat.

She moaned and rubbed her nose against my body.


She looked up at me with those big eyes but made no move to take me out of her mouth.

“Sara, I love having my cock in your mouth. You have one of the softest mouths I’ve ever had, if not the softest. But I have work to do – and I want you to have a nap, so… Sara take my cock out of your mouth.”

Reluctantly, she moved her head back, removed my cock from her mouth, and released her hands from behind her. Cum streaked her face, and I could see it in her reddish-brown hair. She kissed my cock gently and bowed her head. “Master, my mouth is your cock’s true home. I want to put it there whenever you wish, and I will love it.”

She looked incredibly sexy, and I was sorely tempted – again.

But the sun wouldn’t wait, and I still had to set up camp.

I looked down at her fondly and smiled, then said, “Thank you, Little Slut. I’ll remember that. But what I want right now is for you to have a nap. You’re going to need to be rested for tonight.”


“Sara, what do you want?”

“I want to do anything you want me to,” she said, then added, of her own volition, “And to please you.”

“Then Sara, I want you to have a nap. That would please me, understand?”

She lay down, closed her eyes, and said in a dreamy voice, “Yes… Mas…”

And she was asleep.

I smiled, folded the sleeping bag over her, kissed her head, and went off to get dressed and set up the camp.


“Sara, you are asleep and you can hear me, can’t you?”

“Yes, Master, I’m asleep and I can hear you.”

“Sara, you are deeply asleep, very relaxed, and warm and comfortable.”

“Yes, Master, I am deeply asleep, very relaxed and warm and comfortable. It feels really nice, Master.”

It is after supper, camp has been established, the packs, food, and toiletries are all suspended by a rope high up from the branch of a tree, well away from the tent, in order to keep them from bears and porcupines, plus other smaller, less annoying animals. I’d moved the sleeping pads into our new, spacious tent, and Sara is lying next to me, face-up, arms by her side, on her half of the sleeping pad, head propped up on one of my folded shirts. The sleeping bag has been thrown aside as the night is pleasantly warm.

I had put Sara first into a light trance, then into a much deeper trance, and was about to go exploring.

“Sara, I want you to think about the things that make you feel sexy, the things that excite you. Take some time now, and think about these things, the photographs that make you wet, the videos that make your nipples get hard. Are you thinking about them?”

There was a pause, then, “Yes, Master, I am thinking about them.”

I noticed that her nipples were tightening, and her breathing was becoming shallower.

“Tell me some of the things you are thinking about, Sara.”

She paused as if to gather her thoughts. “Well, one time in my senior year of high school, when my girlfriends and I had a sleepover, we started talking about sexy fantasies, and there was one that I still think about.”

I waited for a bit, then asked, “Do you play with yourself while thinking about it?”

She nodded slightly, “Yes, all the time. It’s my favorite.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Um… it’s kind of embarrassing… all the other girls giggled when I told them.”

I smiled, “It’s okay, Sara, it’s just you and me, the other girls aren’t here now, and I won’t giggle, I promise. There is no need to be embarrassed. And you want to tell me, don’t you?”

“Yes, Master, I want to tell you.”

“Okay, Sara, so tell me this fantasy that you like to think about when you play with yourself.”


To be continued…


Written by JamesLlewellyn
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