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Author's Notes

"Sara is a beautiful young woman who is having her first experience as a submissive with the much older James – and loving it. <p> [ADVERT] </p>They are on a multi-day hike in Banff National Park in the Canadian Rockies. Sara is kept naked at all times."

I was fucking Sara hard from behind. She was bent over a tree trunk, hands cuffed behind her, naked in the sunlight of a Summer morning, with nipple clamps yanking on her tits. It’s not often, I reflected, that a Dom can find a natural submissive and train her this quickly. I smiled at how she had almost led me into using her this way, starting early this morning, just before sunrise.


I had allowed Sara to sleep in and lay resting in our tent. Sara had it hard yesterday, and I wanted her to rest up. I also wanted to allow Tammi, the submissive who had joined our games last night but was leaving, to get clear. I waited until I could hear her quietly striking her tent and reorganizing her backpack. When I judged she was about ready, I got up as silently as I could, unzipped the tent, and slipped out into the cool morning, wearing only my sleep t-shirt and shuffling my flip-flops onto my feet. The sun was not yet up, and I shivered.

Tammi, fully dressed, already had her backpack on, but turned and smiled when she heard me. “Morning, bossman. I’m about to head off,” she whispered

She glanced down at my crotch, and walked over, reached down, and gently held my cock, which was slightly erect with a mild case of morning wood. “I’d love to greet the dawn the right way, but I’m in a bit of a hurry. Another time?”

I smiled back at her. “You bet. I’d love a rematch.” I leaned in to kiss her lightly – only to have her put her hand behind my head and pull me into a deeper kiss.

“Mmmm…I love the taste of a Dom in the morning,” she said. “It’s the taste of sex and submission.”

Now it was her turn to shiver – although for a different reason.

She smiled up at me, “Bye, bossman. Please call me – anytime.”

She hitched her pack, settling it more carefully on her shoulders, then turned and headed off.

I watched her go until she disappeared into the trees, then turned and went off to relieve myself.

When I returned, I got our packs down from the ropes that held them suspended in the trees, away from bears, porcupines, and other wildlife, pulled out the one-burner stove and got water started for coffee and breakfast.

I was about to go back into the tent to get some clothes, when a bleary-eyed Sara crawled out of the tent, undoubtedly driven by hydraulic pressure.

She looked at me blankly, rubbing one eye, her hair a tangled mess.

“How did you sleep?”

She gazed at me as if confused by the question. “I don’t really remember. I…I remember sucking you, and Tammi going down on me…then nothing after that.”

She was naked, of course, and I could her see nipples tighten at the recollection. Her eyes opened wider, “Gosh! That was…amazing!”

She refocused on me, then moved closer, stretched up, and kissed me. “I have never been fucked like you’ve fucked me, Master. It’s…a…um…”

“Revelation?” I offered.

She nodded, then rubbed her other eye.

I swatted her ass gently and said, “Go off and hunt some rabbits. I’ll get breakfast going.”

She looked confused, then remembered that was the euphemism she had used the first day to announce she was going off to relieve herself in the bush. She giggled, then looked up at me coquettishly, grabbed a roll of toilet paper and the trowel that accompanied it, and stalked off through the bush, wearing nothing but flip-flops.

I reflected that today needed to be something special, something memorable. And I had a few thoughts.


Once we had finished breakfast and tidied up the campsite, I had Sara kneel down in front of me as I sat on a log by the site of last night’s fire.

“Sara, this is our last day on the trail. Tomorrow we’ll hike out to the trailhead and take the car back to the hotel so we can clean up, and be ready to fly back to civilization the day after.

“What I wanted to ask you is: How do you want to spend the day? We can hike up that way,” and I waved uphill, “to one of the more spectacular views in the valley. We can take a less challenging trail off that way, contouring along the slope. Or we could spend the day here at this campsite. What would you prefer?”

She had placed her palms flat on her knees. Instead of looking at me, she was looking down at the ground. “I…I’m not sure. What…else…would we be doing in these alternatives?”

I smiled. “Well, if we take the more challenging hike, uphill, we pretty much would have to just hike. It’s a bit of a stretch, and we might not have all that much energy for…let’s say, playing later.”

“You mean fucking,” she clarified, looking directly at me.

My smile widened. “Okay, fucking. If we choose the contouring route, we could take things easier, and have time for fucking, as you so delicately put it.”

She remained quiet, then, “And if we stayed here?”

I leaned forward, put one finger under her chin, and lifted it so she was looking me directly in the eyes. “I’ll use you hard, make your squirm and beg, and you will cum over and over until you beg me to stop.”

She was still for several seconds. “Then, if it’s all the same to you, Master…”


“I’d like to stay here and have you make me cum and use me hard.”

I had hoped she would make that choice. “Okay, but let me ask: why did you choose that, Sara?”

She swallowed hard, then said, “I…I’m not entirely sure. The things you do to me embarrass and humiliate me, yet, I somehow feel more, um, alive begging on my knees than I did standing on my own.”

She looked up at me. “That doesn’t make any sense, does it?”

I nodded, “Actually, it does. And what it tells me is that you’ve had a taste of being a submissive and like it.

“So, beg me, Sara. Beg me to use you, use your body, to humiliate and hurt you, for my pleasure and enjoyment.”

Her eyes flickered towards mine, then down again. “Please, Master, I’m naked, and on my knees, and begging you: please use me. Please fuck me, and make me suck your cock, and embarrass and humiliate me…please do anything you want to me. Make me your slut, your cunt, your fucktoy.”

She lay forward so that her forehead was touching the ground, and her hands were clasped together behind her. “I’m begging you, Master. I will do anything you want to please you. Please use me, use my body.”

She remained like that. I sat, feeling a great sense of satisfaction that I had been able to bring her to this stage, and so quickly. And, to be honest, I was surprised and grateful that she had come to trust me, to know that I would not allow any harm to come to her by making such a plea.

It was clear that she had long harbored these feelings, and had never known what to do with them. It was as if something inside her had been set free, and she was thrilled at the feeling.

“Kneel up, girl, and wait there.”

She lifted her torso so that it was vertical again. I got up and went to my pack and got out a flat-bottomed cereal bowl, then knelt down, and slid it underneath her, between her legs, prompting her to spread them wider to make room.

It was now positioned directly under her cunt, and I could see where her cunt honey had dripped into the ground beneath her. Her entreaties were entirely sincere; she really did want to be my slut. Or at least her cunt wanted her to be.

 “That bowl beneath you will catch your cunt honey. I want it filled to the level of the first knuckle of your pinky before I’m willing to touch you. You may masturbate while I wait to fill it more quickly. You are not allowed to cum. Understand?”

“Yes, Master.” Her left hand moved down to her groin. She shuffled her knees wider apart, then slowly began to stroke her clit. Her right hand moved to her tits, and she began to massage, then twist, then pull her nipples, gently at first, then harder. Her mouth opened and her eyes closed as she submerged into the erotic feelings that were washing over her.

“And Sara, I want you to describe what you are, and what you’re doing in graphic, dirty detail. Start now.”

Her eyes flicked open, she glanced at me, licked her lips, then shut her eyes, and started speaking. “I’m a hot fucking slut who is playing with herself, masturbating, playing with my clit, naked and outside in public. I want to be your fucktoy, a helpless cunt who desperately wants to be fucked, and will do anything to get your cock inside me. I’m a dirty pussy who needs to be punished for having wicked thoughts, and being driven by what my cunt wants…”

I got up and left her doing this, and gradually worked my way around the camp, finished up clean-up, and gradually prepared for the things I had ahead of us.

Then I circled back and sat down opposite her.

She had stopped speaking, but her mouth was open, her cheeks were flushed, and she was panting. She was rubbing her clit hard now and squeezing her nipples.

Her eyes opened when she heard me, and she spoke, “Oh God, please Master, I so desperately want to cum, please…”

I just shook my head. “Not a chance, slut, we’ve only just started. How much honey has your cunt dripped into your bowl?”

She stopped the motion of her hands and dipped her left pinky into the bowl. “It’s well over my first knuckle, Master – almost to my second.”

I smiled, ”You really are a hot box, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Master – please won’t you let me…”

“Quiet,” I said softly, and she stopped speaking abruptly.

“Pull the bowl out in front of you.”

She reached between her knees and dragged the bowl through the dirt into the space between her knees, being careful not to spill the contents.

“I want you to brand yourself with your own cunt juice. Put your fingers into your cunt to get them wet, then I want you to print ‘SLUT’ on your forehead, where everyone will be able to see it, ‘CUNT’ over your shaved pussy, and ‘FUCKTOY’ across your tits. Do it now.”

Two of the fingers of her right-hand dove into her cunt, making a squelching noise as they entered, then came out glistening. With an almost comical look of concentration on her face, she traced the word ‘SLUT’ across her forehead – backward, of course, so that it read properly from my side. Dipping back into her cunt, she looked down at her abdomen and printed “CUNT” just above her naked mound, then, taking a deep breath, she gathered more juice and started to write ‘FUCKTOY’ across her chest, pausing to renew her juice twice.

When she was done, she seemed surprised that the letters only showed because they glistened, and even that would cease once they dried. But I knew she would feel the presence of the words as if they were printed in big, black letters – which I had done with another submissive in an earlier relationship.

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She sat back on her heels, knees well apart. I positioned the bowl an appropriate distance in front of her, then said, “Now, first I want you to lower yourself until you can put your nose and lips into the bowl. I want you to coat them in your own honey. You are going to smell yourself, and how wet and slutty you are, all day.”

She took a deep breath, and then, after glancing back up at me, put her hands out onto the ground in front of her, and lowered herself until her face went into the bowl of juice, with her hair and tits hanging down and brushing the dust. She slowly turned her face back and forth to coat the juice around her lips and nose.

But when she started to lift back up, I put a hand on her neck, restraining her, and said, “Ah, ah! Don’t get up just yet. Now I want you to lap up your cunt juice like the bitch in heat you are and hold it in your mouth. Keep going until your mouth is full. Do not swallow it.”

She peered up at me, unable to rise because of my hand on her neck, then swallowed, put out her tongue, and began to lap at the viscous liquid in the bowl before her.

Finally, she slowed, then stopped. She made a noise with her lips closed that I interpreted as meaning her mouth was full. I let go of her neck, and she slowly raised herself back up until she was once again sitting on her heels. Cunt honey was dripping from her nose and running down her cheeks. She looked slightly dazed – and incredibly hot!

I stood and offered my hand to her to help her stand. She looked at me with eyes that were both excited and scared. Her face was flushed, and cunt juice dripped from her cheeks onto her tits.

Holding her hand, I led her over to a fallen tree trunk. “Wait here,” I said. She stood there, naked, cunt juice in her mouth, embarrassed and uneasy about what I had planned. I went to the tent, and retrieved the items I wanted, then walked back to her. I placed the bedroll on top of the trunk, covering just enough of the trunk to protect her shoulders and the top of her tits.

I pulled her hands behind her, and slipped the silicone handcuffs over her wrists, then kicked her feet apart with my flip-flop-shod feet. Next, I took out the nipple clamps and fastened them to her tits, with the loop that connected them hanging down near her belly button. She gave a muffled squealing sound again as I put the clamps on her, and repeated it at a higher tone when I tightened them slightly.

I bent her forward onto the pad, reached into the toy bag, pulled out the largest butt plug, lubed it up, and slowly but firmly worked it into her ass. She started making mewing noises as her mouth was full, which quieted but did not stop when the plug was firmly seated inside her.

I took a short, flat-headed nail from the bag, then found an appropriate rock. I positioned the nail below the sleeping pad, inside the cord that connected the nipple clamps so that it pulled the cord taut, then pounded it far enough into the trunk that it wouldn’t pull loose.

Finally, I pulled out a Hitachi vibrator wand, holding it loosely in my left hand. Shucking off my shorts, I grabbed hold of my cock, and rubbed it slowly up and down between her cunt lips.

Her cunt was hot and very wet as I entered it. In the short time she was bent over the tree trunk, she had started dripping onto the ground between her feet, so I had no trouble pushing myself deep inside her. In so doing, I pushed her body forward, pulling on the cord connecting the nipple clamps. I held myself in this position, keeping her pushed forward, and preventing her from moving backward. Her moans turned to squeals, muffled by her closed lips.

I switched the Hitachi wand to its lowest vibration setting, then moved it between her legs, up around her cunt lips, vibrating around my cock inside her, then gradually moved it up to her clit.

Her back arched when it touched as if an electric shock had just run through her. That pulled on the nipple clamps, which made her give a louder muffled squeal until she moved backward slightly, which moved her clit back harder onto the wand. Her hips started moving of their own volition, which also pulled on the nipple clamps. She started almost a rotation of moving forward, then backward, plus side-to-side motions, moaning and squealing all the time, her mouth gagged by the cunt juice inside it. Her whole body was quivering.

“Here’s what’s going to happen. I am going to fuck you very slowly, trying to keep myself from cumming as long as I can to stretch this out. You are not allowed to cum, and you are not allowed to swallow. If you can do that, then when I’m finished, I will allow you to both swallow and cum, and then remove the nipple clamps. If you fail to do that, then I will devise an appropriate punishment. Understand?”

She nodded quickly, even as she continued to squeal and move, trying to get some relief from the sharp pains in her tits, and the intense vibration she was feeling against her clit. Indeed, each emphasized the other, pain emphasizing pleasure, and pleasure emphasizing pain.

I started lightly running my fingers up and down her sides, and around her abdomen just about her mound, making her shiver, then grasped her hips and started to slowly work my way in and out, making sure to push her forward when I was pushing in so that the nipple clamps pulled harder, then pulling back when I withdrew. I stayed upright because of the butt plug up her ass.

Her body was in constant motion, and she was moaning and squealing as I fucked her. I found it quite intoxicating and had to breathe slowly and calmly to avoid cumming too quickly. I wanted to prolong the experience for both of us.

Yet, inevitably, I could feel my climax approaching. I considered stopping to calm down but decided that since it was still early in the day that I didn’t want to exhaust her just yet. Accordingly, I let it build while fighting it until finally I exploded inside her and fell forward holding myself clear of her with my hands on the trunk on both sides. My motion pushed her forward, pulling harder on her tits.

“You may swallow now, and then you may cum.”

She quickly – and loudly –  swallowed, then started gasping and moaning. I pushed the wand harder against her clit and upped the vibrations, and she started to cry loudly and writhe underneath me.

She was panting, then suddenly started saying, “Oh my God, oh my GOD! It’s so much…so MUCH!” and came hard.

I wanted to push her into a second orgasm, so started moving the wand away, then back, then away, and back onto her clit, keeping contact, but changing how hard it pushed against her clit.

She was writhing from side to side, squealing as her tits were pulled on one side harder than the other, then her entire body went rigid and she screamed so loudly I wondered if we were going to attract rangers, hikers, and perhaps even the odd bear to investigate!

When she collapsed, I withdrew the Hitachi, shut it off, and laid it on the tree trunk to one side. I slowly withdrew, then gently pulled her away from the tree trunk to relieve the pressure on her tits. I reached around and unclipped the clamps, only to have her shriek as the blood rushed back into her nipples. I put the clamps on the trunk next to the wand, then carefully lifted her almost limp body off the trunk, flipped the sleeping pad onto the ground, sat tailor fashion on it, and guided her down to rest, face-up, with her head on my lap.

“Oh, my God! I…I…it was so much! I thought I was going to pass out! Geez, that was so intense!” She blinked up at me, breathing hard, her face still flushed.

“Lift your legs, Sara. I want to get the butt plug out of you so you can get comfortable.” I stroked her sweaty head and smiled down at her.

I pulled a microfiber cloth out of my pocket. Then, when she raised her legs wide, knees up, I reached between them, gently extracted the butt plug, wrapped it in the cloth, and laid it to one side on the sleeping pad.

Sara looked winded, sweaty – and beautiful. I leaned down and kissed her, then sat up again. “You are beautiful, you know that?”

She blushed and closed her eyes. “No, I’m not. Pretty maybe, but not beautiful.”

“No, believe me, you are beautiful. Not only outside – although you are that, too – but inside as well. I realize we are playing Dom/sub games, and they are new to you, but our spirits are simpatico – which doesn’t happen very often, and has never happened to me this quickly. You’re a lovely woman, and I am so glad we connected the way we did.

“How are your tits?” I asked, changing the subject.

She grimaced slightly, and her hands went to her breasts. “They hurt.”

“Good hurt or bad hurt?”

She looked thoughtful, even confused. “Both, I think. They really hurt, but it was so exciting at the same time. I…I don’t know quite what to think, to be honest.”

I mused for a moment, “So let me ask you – if we were to do something like this again, would you want nipple clamps, or not?”

Again she paused, then went in a different direction, “It’s funny,” she said in her delightful Southern drawl, “but when Tammi asked to have her tits clamped, I thought she was crazy. And it was clear they hurt – and that she enjoyed it. That got me to thinkin’…and I found that whenever I thought about them, my pussy got wet.

“So…yes, I think I would want them again. Not all the time, but…sometimes. Does that make sense?”

I nodded. “Pain and pleasure often cross over, each emphasizing the other if you do it properly. But Sara, remember that if the pain goes beyond pleasurable, you should call ‘yellow light,’ right?”

She nodded, “Yes, I remember. And there were a couple of moments where I almost did – but then stopped myself, and thought I’d wait to see if it got better. And it did.”

As we were talking, I was stroking her gently with one hand, and carefully massaging her breasts with the other. Aftercare – showing your submissive how much you appreciated them – was vital, not only for the relationship but so that she – or he – knew that they were valued as people, even as they were being used for pleasure.

I wanted Sara to enjoy herself, to allow me to enjoy using her body, and for us to develop into a strong, healthy D/s relationship that would endure. We lived a long way from each other, and I wanted future encounters. She was precious, and not to be just tossed away at the end of the vacation.

I knew I was succeeding when, after we had been chatting and cuddling for a while, she looked up at me with sparkling eyes and said, “So, what’s next – Master?”

I was a little surprised that she was ready to go again so soon, then decided it was time to pull out a surprise.

“Have you ever been bound, helpless, and gangbanged – by strangers?”

Her eyes widened momentarily in shock, then her face broke into a grin. “Not yet! But the day is young…”

To be continued…

Written by JamesLlewellyn
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