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The Girlfriend Experience Ch. 32

"With restrictions lifted, the brothel reopens for business."

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Author's Notes

"Friday, April 30, 2021 / Flagstone, Nevada"

Jim Mayer relaxed at his usual perch behind the counter, surveying the small, dark parlor. Back in the day, this vintage establishment was often buzzing with customers and employees alike, the smell of beer, and the sound of laughter. Music would be playing and sometimes a lucky gentleman would coax a lady out on the small dance floor, which pretty much was just an empty space created by pushing some tables back.

An alcoholic beverage in hand, Jim thought of all the conversations he participated in here over the decades with customers. Whether it was discussing which team would win the Super Bowl, World Series, or NBA Finals, travel experiences, political debates, gambling advice, the meaning of life or, the most common, the type of woman they were attracted to, Jim had heard it all. In time, a prostitute would show up one way or another, giggling, and plaster herself to the gentleman on side-by-side barstools.

Jim had watched this scenario play out thousands of times. Guy meets girl. Guy and girl flirt for an hour or two, go back to a private bedroom, and have a wild time. And then guy and girl go their separate ways.

It wasn’t the stuff epic love stories were made of, but in Jim’s life, it had been a familiar scenario, and a key part of his job. He was a nanoscopic, yet instrumental piece in providing the patrons of Happy Ending Ranch a five-star experience. Jim made it a point to give all he had to every customer in every interaction. He didn’t half-ass or sleepwalk through anything where his job was concerned. Every monger is a VIP and should be treated as such.

He flexed his fingers. I’m so glad things are finally going back to normal tomorrow. Jim tasted his brunch, winced, and cooled his burning tongue with another gulp of beer. For a hungry man, pizza from Tesoro’s Restaurant and Lounge was a delight and never failed to leave a symphony of flavors in his mouth. And there was nothing quite like a cold beer after, well, a cold beer, right?

Click! Clack! Click! Jim glanced up at the sound of Lindsay Anastacio’s footsteps as she sashayed her way into the bar from the eastern corridor.

“Look, I’m sorry, but I didn’t have time to finish them yesterday,” she said into her smartphone. “That’s why I’m coming over at three o’clock to finish them. We’ve had a ton of new applicants coming in for interviews with the reopening, so Colt and I have been hella busy.”

Lindsay’s voice was familiar, even comforting, but something Jim hadn’t heard much of over the past year by virtue of the COVID-19 lockdown. Damn that virus! All the safety measures and precautions the world had to take because of it was drastic overkill in his eyes.

A red stanchion sign near the entryway brought an irritated grimace to his face.


NOTICE: Masks that closely cover your nose and mouth are required for everyone.


“Yes, I know. I’ll be there no later than three, I promise.” Lindsay wore a black Chanel suit that was all business and sexy heels that weren’t as she stepped behind the counter and eased by Jim, making an extra effort not to touch him in any way. “Look, if you need to stall them, push the meeting back ‘til four o’clock. Have Blake prep them, and I’ll have the remaining paperwork ready for him by then. The ink will still be wet, but at least it’ll be done.” The twenty-one-year-old poured a glass of chardonnay and sipped it dry. “Yes, I know. I swear, I won’t be late.” She plonked the glass into the sink. “Oh, and I need photocopy dupes of all the licenses ready for me when I get there. Okay, great. Thank you so much, Devon. I appreciate everything you and Blake have done for us. Colt does, too, believe me. It doesn’t go unnoticed.”

Wow. His head tilted, Jim couldn’t contain his smile as, once the call was over, he watched Lindsay strut back down the same hallway. She needs a burger to go with that shake! Three years ago, who would’ve ever imagined that this emotional, oversexed turnout fresh off the street would one day be dealing with the brothel’s lawyer, Blake Epstein, and his team, and setting up power broker meetings with city hall? On one hand, it astonished Jim that Colt trusted Lindsay enough to handle the final few steps of their grand reopening, set for ten o’clock tomorrow morning. But on the other, Jim wasn’t surprised. That girl has matured so much from when I first met her, and it’s been an absolute joy to watch.

Even compared to last year, it’s like night and day.

When the Coronavirus pandemic shut down Nevada’s legal brothels on March 20, 2020, Jim found himself scrambling to make ends meet. As the house manager at Happy Ending Ranch, he was accustomed to making $85,000 a year working only three weeks every month but managed to scrape by on $20,000 over the past year. I did the best I could, as many little odd jobs that I could find.

Several prostitutes, including Lindsay, did online sex shows and had to resort to a conventional job – what those in the business called a “square job” – to survive. Kayleigh says she hated working at the supermarket even more than the corn dog stand in California.

That’s why Lindsay and Jim, and so many others, were ecstatic when Governor Steve Sisolak cleared the way for Nevada’s twenty-four brothels to reopen on May 1, 2021, after a thirteen-plus month shutdown.

I had no idea how much this place was ingrained in me until it was so cruelly taken away. Jim had been employed here since 1983. I have no intention of ever retiring either. No, the fifty-nine-year-old wanted to work until the bitter end. Besides, my role here will be increasing soon.

Brothels were among the final businesses throughout the state allowed to reopen. Deemed a “high-risk business and activity” – nonessential my ass – they were forced to remain closed even as hotels and casinos began reopening last summer, and close-contact businesses such as tattoo parlors and strip club in recent months. Where’s the logic in that? A sex worker from upstate sued Sisolak over the decision, but the lawsuit was dismissed.

When Colt posted on the website that Happy Ending Ranch would be reopening its doors this coming Saturday, his cell phone rang nonstop and e-mails flooded in for reservations. For the first time in its history, the brothel was nearly booked out. That’s why we’re hoping to hire some turnouts to help with the walk-up crowd. Lindsay, for example, had five clients scheduled per day for the next eight days. Mariko had a forty-eight-hour GFE lined up with Dominic, her most loyal monger from Great Britain, the instant the doors opened in the morning. Jim stifled a chuckle at the thought. Good ‘ol Dom asked if it was okay if he slept in his car in the parking lot tonight.

The most daunting aspect for courtesans during the worldwide shutdown, besides the fact that working at a brothel wasn’t exactly ideal resume fodder, was many found themselves blackballed from the government benefits provided for other service workers suddenly out of work. It took months for lawmakers to extend unemployment benefits to independent contractors, and some pandemic-related grants and loan programs, including stimulus checks, precluded sex workers completely.

These girls are in a legit business like everyone else; they pay their taxes. Many applied for a small business administration loan but were denied because of what they did for a living. That is so unfair. It’s discrimination!

About half of Nevada’s legal sex workers previously moonlighted on the illegal market for additional income. When COVID struck, that number skyrocketed. And for someone like Scarlett, well, that decision proved to be devastating. Scarlett was arrested (and convicted) in Las Vegas for solicitation and is now legally barred from working in a brothel for five years. And Colt said Scarlett would never work in this house again, period, at least as long as he remained in charge of it.

However, the number of clients who reached out for sex plummeted to historic lows, thus the market became oversaturated with women hoping to score a payday, and that made things even worse. Nicolette said trying to make ends meet was like spitting on a house fire. Risks abounded; these women had to resort to finding new places to advertise themselves on the Internet, to send personal, sensitive information into a black hole of people they hoped didn’t extort them.

Sahara and Riley chose not to return rather than adhere to Colt’s strict mandate of vaccinations and weekly COVID tests. I’m gonna miss those two crazy chicks. Jim winced again. I am glad, though, they got hired on at Chastity’s. If anything, Jim hoped the lockdown taught Sahara and Riley how to manage their money better. Maybe one day they can come back and work with us again. Was that a tear sliding down his cheek? I sure hope so.

Even with the reopening, the familiar trappings of pandemic life would linger for a long, long time (if not forever). I don’t think they’re ever gonna find a cure for this. The house, particularly the bar itself, would operate at a reduced capacity, and those pesky masks were mandatory everywhere except private bedrooms. A working lady cannot do her job with a mask on!

Jim tapped his knuckles on the countertop and sighed. Batten down the hatches, girls. Tomorrow, there’ll be rough seas ahead. The brothel was all but guaranteed to shatter its daily sales record. It’s not often we actually have to turn mongers away, but we will for the next week or two.

In fact, they may eclipse their highwater mark multiple times. This feels like the leadup to Black Friday. …

The doorbell rang, causing Jim to whip his gaze around and offer a visual sweep of the security feed from outside. Hmm, that girl ain’t no monger. Despite excess signage that the house wouldn’t open until 10:00 a.m. Saturday, potential customers had been trying to find a way inside for the past four days. Jim ignored them for the most part as the majority gave up and went away, but he had to announce via the intercom that they were still closed for the more persistent ones. We had to call the sheriff on one guy because he flat-out refused to leave.

No, this young woman standing outside definitely wasn’t someone looking to spend money here. She’s a moneymaker herself. Mercury-red fingernails ran through her chestnut brown hair, tossed over one shoulder, and her skin was a golden bronze from so many hours spent in the sun. Must be our ten-forty appointment. Jim’s sneakers scuffed the marble floor as he hurried over to the entrance.

The old door emitted a tight yawn, and a porcelain face filled the thin crack between them. “Hi. I’m Christina, and I’m here for a job interview.” A myriad of emotions flitted across her features.

“Hi there, yourself, and welcome to Happy Ending Ranch. I’m Jim Mayer, the house manager.” He opened the door wider and extended his arm with an inviting gesture. “A pleasure. You’re here for an interview, you say? You’re the girl from Ohio, right? May I see some identification?”

“Of course.” Christina visibly swallowed, which Jim took note of as she reached into her clutch and surrendered her driver’s license. Anxiety swirling through an eighteen-year-old turnout who’d been lured here by the pulse of sex, anonymity, and money happened to be a common occurrence in these parts. Certainly nothing Jim hadn’t dealt with before.

Christina Marie Bramwell. Concordia, Ohio. Jim inclined his head as he matched the photo with the girl opposite him. Reminds me of Sahara, only younger. She wore a slinky little black dress and an N95 mask that covered her nose and mouth, just like he did. Born October 29, 2002 … yep, eighteen, and of legal age. Jim had been exposed to more supermodel-type women than he could count, and he’d slept with many of them too. Yet, standing before him, Christina Bramwell easily ranked in the top ten percentile. He sensed something about her as well, a quality that he and Colt looked for in turnouts. That indescribable bit of magic, that glint in someone’s eyes, that magnetic presence. She was sweetness and seduction all wrapped up in a lovely, waifish package and blessed with an innocent visage. To a certain section of their clientele, Christina could potentially be the perfect fantasy playmate. Hopefully she pans out.

“Wow, Christina. You’re quite the attractive young lady.”

“Thank you.” She breathed out an easy laugh.

“Have you experienced any fever or chills in the past ten days?” Jim had to run through Colt’s safety checklist with anyone who entered the house. What a mood killer. “Have you had any new or unexplained symptoms consistent with COVID-19 such as onset of cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell, or muscle aches? Have you been exposed to anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past ten days? Have you taken part in any international travel recently? And may I see a vaccine card?” After checking off all the appropriate boxes, Jim scanned Christina’s forehead with a noncontact infrared thermometer. “Alright, why don’t you step inside?”

“Thank you. Hmm, this place is bitchin’.” Padded stools were wedged up against a brass foot rail at the counter. A wall of alcoholic bottles provided the backdrop and upside-down stem glasses in racks hung from the ceiling. “Looks just like the photographs on the website.”

“Did you find us okay? You actually drove here all the way from Ohio, am I right?”

“Yeah, I did, and I stayed at this crappy little dive a block or so away last night.” Christina quickly realized she wouldn’t receive a taste of those world-famous Las Vegas accommodations there, either, not with trash blown up against the curb and littering the parking lot, uneven sidewalks with weeds growing through the cracks, and a vacancy sign that only partially lit up. “The Twin Tops Motel.” Her own heels clacked against the tile.

“Ahh, the Twin Tops. I’m good friends with the owner, Keith. He’s an awesome guy. Do you need a drink or anything? Water, soda, coffee?”

“Not yet.” Christina’s eyes crinkled at the corners as she broke off on her own and moseyed on up to the bar. Being here was so much better than having to worry about those shady characters sitting outside their motel rooms in plastic chairs. “I’ll let you know if I do.”

“So, that drive … wow. And at your age.” Jim grumbled and slogged his way back behind the counter, his right knee flaring with fiery slices of pain. “Man, I hate getting old.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “How long did it take you to get here? Must have been quite the challenge.”

“It wasn’t bad.” Christina shrugged as he scanned her driver’s license and returned it. “It was like, eighteen hundred miles or something, and I split it over three days. I spent Tuesday night in Kansas City, Wednesday in Denver, and then last night here in Flagstone. I was gonna stop in Las Vegas first and go on a sightseeing tour but was too tired. I’ll definitely go there before long.”

Yeah, I like this gal. Christina’s essence, her calm personality, and the way she spoke so eloquently. She’s got my stamp of approval already. But, even more important – nice rack, nice ass.

“Can you empty the contents of your purse on the bar and place your suitcase there, too, and open it for me please?” Christina’s pupils dilated as Jim added, “It’s a standard safety check for drugs or any other illegal paraphernalia. This isn’t aimed specifically at you; we search every employee’s belongings whenever they enter the building.”

“Yeah, sure, no problem.” Christina’s eyebrows knitted together as Jim began sifting through her personal items.




Otherwise, Christina felt like she was in a dream as she gazed up at the slow-paddling ceiling fans. Don’t worry; he’s not gonna find anything incriminating in your bag. It was a simple, single-story home, painted a pristine white and fronted by tall shrubs that sheltered most of the columned porch from view. How the hell did they fit fourteen bedrooms in here? She touched the chipped paint on the countertop. I can’t believe I’m finally here.

Christina’s original plan was to quit high school the day she turned eighteen and drive straight to Nevada, but the Coronavirus put a cramp in that. I almost went the porn route instead. But she’d spent years dreaming of what it might feel like to work in Nevada, or more specifically, a legalized brothel. It would be so far removed from the life she had known (and become bored to tears with) growing up in the suburbs of Cincinnati. After several months of biding her time, once Governor Sisolak’s announcement came early this week, Christina made arrangements, packed a suitcase, and got in her car.

And dropped out of high school a month early.

If I don’t get hired here, I have an interview at The Velvet Pearl in Kennecott tonight.

A firm hand on her lower back pulled Christina from her thoughts.

“Have any trouble during your cross-country road trip?”

That deep voice sent a shiver right through her. She turned, and – good golly. Standing before her was six-foot-two of richly tanned, deliciously muscled male. Who are you and where did you come from? His hair was the color of steaming mocha and coiffed meticulously, hanging just an inch above his crisp white dress shirt and blue tailored suit. Christina opened her mouth to respond, but her tongue went dry, and no words came out. The man’s cologne created a pleasing cloud of spice and cinnamon. She reached for the bar stool behind her and grasped it, needing support, and managed a smile.

“I’m Colt McCarron, the general manager and owner of Happy Ending Ranch.” His eyes swept over her, causing her insides to turn to silly putty. “You’ll be interviewing with me.” A grin lifted one side of his face. “Nervous?”

What’s your body count? Christina cleared her throat but still felt her heart beating like a drum. Holy crap. Get a grip. This man’s name was Colt, right? Definitely not the type of guy I expected to find in a whorehouse. Colt may have had this crazy effect on several women, and here Christina was gushing over him too. She didn’t gush. Ever. Especially over a man older than my father. What the hell?

“Don’t worry. It’s okay to be nervous.”

Christina saw the spark of something wicked and mischievous in his eyes, like he could be either in a heartbeat. A bad boy vibe that increased her wanderlust even more. Oh God … this is my potential new boss too? She felt her chest and face flush with warmth and crossed her arms tight. Okay, okay, I gotta stop this. The last thing she needed was to become one of those girls who swooned every time her boss appeared. I want to build a career, not a reputation.

“I’m sorry. I just spent the past three days in a car and I’m still tired. It was a long trip, but I didn’t necessarily have any troubles during it.” My lord, you are a sexy, sexy man. “And I’m not nervous either.”

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“Okay. You’re not nervous. Could have fooled me.” He held a hand out. “Nice to meet you. Again, I’m Colt … Colt McCarron. And you are?”

“Christina Bramwell.” She felt the tension dissipate within her. “It’s nice to meet you too.” She shook his big, strong hand, and when Colt held the grip for an extra beat, Christina felt the tension rushing right back to her body. “Jim, may I have that bottled water now?”

“Of course, my dear. Coming right up.” He retrieved an icy cold one from the refrigerator. “Do your parents and the rest of your family know that you’re looking to get a job in a brothel?”

“Yeah, everyone knows.” Christina pouted and shriveled away. “And while they’re not happy about it, they know they can’t control me. No one can.”

“Why, good morning, Kenzie. Nice of you to finally wake up and join us.” Colt smiled at the dark-haired Puerto Rican who appeared from behind the curtain on the right side. Did she really just wake up? Because to Christina, Kenzie looked like she’d just arrived from an all-day session at the local salon. Spools of midnight-black hair  plunged around her photogenic face and hid a swan’s neck, elegant and smooth. She wore a snug, emerald-green dress, the hem literally climbing halfway up her ass.

The competition here is gonna be fierce.

“Good morning, Colt,” Kenzie said with a hint of sarcasm, but otherwise ignored him (and Christina, too) as she made a beeline for Jim and gave him both an extended hug and a kiss. Jim seemed to melt from the inside out just like he did every time Kenzie showed him any sort of loving affection, as if it was his one true happy place.

“Kenzie is one of our long-time veteran working girls,” Colt told Christina as he closed the suitcase and handed it back to her. “She’s been with us since 2014 and, as you can see, her and Jim are a thing. They’ve known each other for over a decade – longer than she’s been here, obviously – and are getting married this coming February.” Colt smiled at the couple, truly years in the making. “Here, let me give you a brief tour before the interview starts because when Jim and Kenzie are together, they shut everything – and everyone else – out around them.” Colt gave Jim a wicked side eye, but also smirked. “He’s the one who is supposed to show you around, not me. Oh well.”

Once exiting the kitchen (and being introduced to Chef Francisco) moments later, they rounded a hall and Christina stifled a gasp. Another foreign girl, this one much younger than Kenzie, crouched nude next to a closed door and snapped multiple selfies with her smartphone.

“For fuck’s sake, Amelia, put some clothes on,” Colt said, his dark brows winged as he glared down at her while passing by. “You know we have several interviews lined up today and new girls will be touring the house.”

“Sorry, Colt.”

Another woman, perhaps six feet tall and closer to Colt’s age, her hair a russet brown, pushed a rolling cart filled with clean linens from one room to the next. “That’s Jenn. She’s our housekeeper slash night bartender.” Colt offered Christina his arm. “Here, keep up. Come with me.”

She curled her arm around his and a thrill rushed through her. Christina swallowed hard, trying not to let the stirring in her belly sidetrack her from remembering she was here for a professional interview, and walking down a hallway with her boss. Potential boss, that is.

At the end of the corridor, Colt unlinked his arm. “Excuse me,” he said, pulling the only room with double doors open and stepping inside. “This is the most spacious and luxurious bedroom we have in the house. It’s more like a suite and is specifically reserved for my top assistant, Kayleigh, who was also the highest grossing working girl we had before shutdown.”

Christina felt her jaw so slack. She followed Colt into the room, wide eyed, full of awe and powerless to hide it. Did she really belong in this world of custom wicker chairs, trendy quilts and throw pillows, and fairy string lights? “I’d love to have a bedroom like this.”

“Hey, Colt. How are you, baby?” A young woman with robin’s-eggs-blue eyes and buttery blonde hair effortlessly approached them from behind in platform heels. In fact, they might as well just have been casual sneakers.

Christina glanced down at her own heels. How does she make it look so easy?

The mystery lady smiled and extended her hand. “Why, hello there, gorgeous. I’m Lindsay, but you can call me Kayleigh. That’s my stage name here at the house. I’m a working girl too.”

“And my top assistant,” Colt chimed in.

Christina smiled back and shook her hand. “Kayleigh? I spoke with you Tuesday night on the telephone.”

“Yeah, yeah, I remember. The phone interview. You’re Christina from Ohio. It’s such a pleasure to meet you.” Lindsay eyed her from head to toe. “Well, my day just got ten times better! That dress looks fantastic on you. The cut, the color … where did you get it from?”

Her cheeks crackled with crimson heat. “Th-thank you. I like it too. I bought it at some boutique back in Cincinnati. I’m sure you’ve never heard of it.”

“Oh my God,” Lindsay whispered. “This is your big day … the beginning of the next phase of your life. Excited?”

Nervous, Christina mouthed, hoping Colt didn’t catch it.

Lindsay retrieved a Chanel bag from the hutch. Christina coveted Chanel bags, but who had the money for such a splurge? Lindsay’s hair was down, flowing to the midpoint of her back, parted in the middle, and impeccably shiny. What kind of conditioner offered those results? Probably something super expensive too. Another glance indicated Lindsay wore subtle makeup applied to perfection. If anything, she certainly knew how to put herself together.

Am I developing a crush on her too?

“I like it that you made it out here so quick. And by car, as well … very impressive. Shows us how much you really want this position.” She shifted her focus to Colt. “Do you like what I’ve done with the room? Looks a lot different than the way Pamela had it for all those years, doesn’t it?”

Colt scrunched his nose. “Much more girly, definitely. I can’t believe you had Jim paint the walls pink.”

“You have like, the greatest room ever!”

“I know, right?” Lindsay turned to Christina and flung her arms skyward. “I’ve been working on it nonstop for the past several days. Well, that, and a million other things too. Been busy, busy, busy with the grand reopening looming tomorrow. You oughta saw the shipment of room décor I had arrive from Amazon the other day. The driver had to make six different trips to our door.”

Colt arched a brow. “Are you able to sit in during the interview with Christina?”

Lindsay checked the time on her smartphone. “Yeah, I can. But after that, I need to work on all the legal stuff because I have to be at city hall by three. I just spoke to Devon for the fourth time already today, and she says Blake wants me at three and for everything to be done. I was hoping they’d push the hearing back to four.”

“Today is a big day for you too,” Colt said. “I know Blake insists the hearing is a simple formality, but I’m putting a lot of faith in you to pull this off for us. If you want to progress to where you want to go in this business, meetings like this are so vital, so important. You need to learn how to deal with those uptight shmucks at city hall.”

Lindsay flashed a playful smile. “Don’t worry, Colt. I got this. I’ll put on something with a little more cleavage and have them eating out of the palm of my hand.”


She laughed. “Yeah. You know those things that sit on my chest? It’s good to let them show a little.”

Colt cocked an eyebrow. “You better not.”

And Christina couldn’t help but giggle at their exchange. She’s far too chipper for ten-fifteen in the morning.


<> <> <> <> <>


“Tell me about your parents and the rest of your family, and why you decided to clue them in about your aspirations here in the sex industry.”

“I could never lie to my parents, especially my mom. I had to be straight with her.” Christina fidgeted on the edge of the L-shaped sectional sofa in the downstairs recreation room, where she was in the midst of the interview. This day sure as hell has been a long time coming. On the opposite end of the sofa sat Kayleigh – no, her name was Lindsay, wasn’t it? – perhaps practicing social distancing. Christina wasn’t sure what to make of Colt and the way he grilled her with question after question, but Lindsay seemed like the type of person she could easily be friends with. Blonde. Pretty. Full of pleasantries. Lindsay carried herself with a relaxed vibe, a deep chill. This would be her third year at the ranch, she claimed, and Christina was smart enough to understand she could learn an awful lot from her. I think the only reason Lindsay is here right now is to make me feel more comfortable and at ease. If she found herself alone with Colt, Christina feared she may become flustered and lose any shot of getting hired.

“And you don’t believe them knowing that you’re working here will cause any issues? Your parents, your brother Steve, your sister Amy? None of them will show up on our doorstep one day and create a scene? An overprotective uncle or a crazy, holier-than-thou aunt?”

“They better not show up.”

“Just so you know,” Colt said, his gaze shifting back to his laptop where he reviewed Christina’s background check, “I won’t tolerate it if they do. We’re a no-drama house – no exceptions – and you’ll find yourself out on the street alongside them if any member or members of your family wants to come here and rescue you. It’s happened before, but I won’t allow it to happen again. You can deal with any outside drama on your own time, not mine.”

Her mouth twisted. “Understood.”

Christina listened to Colt’s long, overdrawn spiel about drugs and alcohol and how she wasn’t permitted to have either. Sheesh, I get it already. Drugs were strictly prohibited, of course, but she would have access to alcohol in a few years once turning twenty-one. “But I don’t drink and have no plans to ever start.”

“This job will force you into drinking eventually,” Lindsay advised her. “It did for me. When you’ve partied with seven or eight guys in the same day, you need something to take the edge off. Something to numb your senses.”

“No drinking until she’s twenty-one.” Christina flinched as Colt cut Lindsay a glare.

She held her hands up in a peace treaty. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Not until she’s legal. God, Colt. Chillax.”

“Tell me of any relationship statuses you may have. I imagine you’re single? Or are you dating someone? Seeing multiple people, perhaps? Anything serious?”

“I recently had a girlfriend for a couple of months – Alisha, back in Ohio – but we broke up.” Christina hung her head and twirled exposed toes upon the carpet. “I’ve actually dated more girls than guys.”

Beneath her mask, Lindsay’s darting tongue slicked moisture along her lips.

“How many have you had sex with?”

“Five girls.” Christina’s eyes flashed up and met Colt’s gaze. “And two guys.” Her brows compressed just as quickly. God, he probably thinks I’m a slut.

But wasn’t that a good thing?

“We’re a family and all the girls here like to take care of each other,” Lindsay explained later on.

Why couldn’t she conduct the interview solo? Christina wouldn’t be dealing with all these nerves now if that was the case. Lindsay spoke soft and free, like they were long-lost friends. The complete opposite of Mr. Sexy Hair. It was so easy to respond in kind to her friendly overtures.

“I mean, if you have any issues or concerns, I’ll be here for the next two months, at least. I know Colt said that we limit our working ladies to three-week tours, but it’s a little different for me because I’m a member of management too. With the reopening and COVID still ongoing, I can’t afford to take off. The house needs all its leaders until things truly return to normal.” Lindsay reached for her wine glass and downed a gulp this time. “Anyway, I’ll be around if you need anything and, if by chance I’m not, you could always go to someone like Kenzie, Nicolette, Elisabeth, and the like. Any of our ladies would be happy to assist you and make this transition as seamless as possible.”

“Or you can come to me or Jim.” Colt held up a finger. “It’s very important, Christina, that if you feel you can’t continue here – if the demands of working in a busy brothel get to you and, trust me, we will be busy for the rest of the summer – you come to management and let us know. We will either reduce your workload or suggest you leave and find a new career. Your mental health and wellbeing far outweighs whatever amount of money you can make here.”

Christina puckered her lips. I read online that some girl killed herself here a year ago because she couldn’t handle the stress. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I can take whatever this place throws at me.”

Lindsay bunched one cheek. “Well, well. A turnout brimming with confidence and wanting to hold her head high? Something we like to see. Seriously, though, you need to come to us with any issues. It won’t hurt your standing with us, make you look weak, whatever.”

“Productive and happy employees translates to happy customers,” Colt said. “And that equals more money for both you and the house.” He glanced at an incoming text message on his smartphone before shifting back to Christina. “Anonymity is very important here, too, and I won’t allow you to use your real name in the presence of any customers. I want you to think of a working name, like Kayleigh has, and give it to me by …”


Colt looked at her sideways. “Hmm?”

“Piper. I already knew you were gonna ask me to use a different name. I want to be known as Piper, unless it’s taken, which I don’t think it is. I read all about brothel life before coming here and knew a different name was gonna be a requirement.”

“Fair enough.” Colt offered a dismissive shrug. “Welcome to the house, Piper, because you’re hired.” He eyeballed his phone again. “I have something to tend to upstairs, so I’ll leave you in Kayleigh’s very capable hands for the time being.” He stood and stretched his back. “On second thought, Kayleigh, since you have a lot on your plate, I want you to pass Piper off to Kenzie after she signs her paperwork and business contract. Show her around the house some more if you like, too, but I want Kenzie to act as her Big Sister for the next seven to ten days.”

“Whatever you want, boss.”

“And make sure you leave yourself plenty of time to be fully prepared for city hall.”

Christina took a deep breath, tabled her excitement, and remembered to act professional. “Thank you for allowing me the opportunity, Colt. You won’t regret it.”

“Let’s hope I don’t.”

Christina watched as Colt snatched a glass tray full of chocolate sweets from the coffee table and dashed up the steps. Where’s he going with that?

“Piper! Get over here and hug me.” Lindsay rose from the sofa in all her made-up glory, hand on her hip, curves on display, and sass in her voice. “Congratulations!”

Christina fought back a smile, discarded her bottled water, and hugged Lindsay. “Thank you. The reward is definitely greater than all the risks I took by driving out here cold turkey with the pandemic still going strong.” She released a strangled breath. “Phew. I feel so relieved.”

Lindsay palmed Christina’s lower back. “The doctor will be here at five o’clock to run all the labs and bloodwork on you, but we don’t expect them back until sometime tomorrow night. That’s okay, because Colt and Jim are both busy today, and neither will be able to take you to get your sheriff’s card until the morning anyway. You may lose out on a day of work, but we’ll definitely have you up and running come Sunday.”

“That’s fine. I’m just happy I got my foot in the door.”

“And I’m happy that you’re here with us.” Lindsay nudged Christina’s cheek with a mask-kiss and took a moment to enjoy the squeeze the eighteen-year-old offered in return. “I have a feeling that you and I are gonna become the best of friends!”


<> <> <> <> <>


“You have a killer body. You should try to get into Playboy as their online Bunny of the Month.”

“I’ve taken some nudes in the past and have every intention of submitting them to Playboy and Hustler.

Shooting some photos that may wind up on her biography page on Happy Ending Ranch’s website, Kenzie instructed Christina to change into another one of the many outfits she’d brought with her. Filling in for Jim as the photographer (he was interviewing the next applicant alongside Colt), Kenzie had snapped several candids of Christina in the little black dress already and knew at least one of them would find its way online.

In the corner of the inhouse studio, Christina pulled off the saucy number and slipped into an aqua minidress.

“Damn, girl,” Kenzie said. “I’m not bi, but I’m already looking forward to our first threesome party with a client – whenever that may be.” Christina posed for three rolls against a light gray background. Kenzie could tell that the turnout was having fun with the session, flashing flirtatious smiles, and generally glowing for the camera. “Wow. You’re a natural!”

As was customary with any newcomer, Colt insisted that they get some pictures online so Christina could be properly introduced to the masses. After this latest interview, Jim would begin putting her biography together. Potential clients would ogle Christina and want to book parties with her even before meeting face to face.

Following another wardrobe change, Christina posed provocatively against the backdrop of a four-poster bed. Several buttons on her outfit were undone and she was starting to reveal glimpses of her breasts and pubic hair. Kayleigh says the more I show in these pics, the more money I’ll make in the long run.

“There’s nothing wrong with dabbling in porn if that’s what you want to do,” Kenzie said in the middle of a talk about it. “Sure, you could stay a courtesan and have that as your main focus, your primary source of income.

“But if you made a few movies and had some real exposure, gained some hardcore fans, you could easily become a featured courtesan and double your rates, even at this house. Instead of seven hundred an hour, you could charge fourteen, fifteen hundred – if not more – because some guys will pay out their ass to be with a porn star, especially if you’re one they follow and pay close attention to. What you do, sweets, is shoot some content, get your name out there, then open accounts on Instagram, Twitter, and OnlyFans, and advertise the fuck outta yourself, and constantly hashtag the fact you’re a hooker and the days you’re available to be booked. You’ll have a long procession of mongers coming to see you.”

“Then why don’t you do that yourself?” Christina asked. “Get into porn and make all this extra money? Become a feature girl? You make it sound so easy.”

Kenzie cracked a grin and backed off. “I don’t think Jim would like that. He has enough trouble with me being a hoe already.” A quiet laugh shivered from her lips. “I can’t afford to push my luck any further. Besides, I don’t want any explicit videos of me floating around in cyberspace. Even if Jim was out of the picture, I’d still pass on porn.”

(This chapter will continue in the next post ...)

Written by JeremyDCP
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