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The Girlfriend Experience Ch. 13 Part 2

"Lindsay seeks advice from an older prostitute."

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Author's Notes

"Chapter Thirteen / Part Two"

“There must be something I can do to help.” Jim Mayer leaned over Kenzie's shoulder and swiped a piece of broccoli from the salad she was mixing and popped it into his mouth. “Hmm, tasty.”

Kenzie slapped his hand. “You want to help? Keep your grubby fingers out of the food!”

There wasn't any rage or animosity in Kenzie's voice, only good-natured ribbing. After all, it was too gorgeous of an evening for any negativity. Following an earlier rainstorm, the sun shone through the kitchen window of the brothel in Flagstone. Outside, steaks, burgers, chicken breasts, and other delights cooked on Colt's wood pellet grill. Business had been nonexistent so far today, so Jim and all the ladies banded together and decided to treat themselves to a great feast. Francisco was told to relax and let the others do the cooking for a change.

With Colt and Pamela in Maryland, wasn't it okay to take a few liberties with the house's daily food budget? Jim didn't think spending a little extra for a cookout would hurt anything. It wasn’t like he did this often.

Not too often, at least.

Nicolette flipped turkey and beef patties on the grill she’d commandeered from Riley and gave pointers to Lindsay while also tending to the other culinary goodies. Nicolette was a good person and Lindsay was starting to like her since they’d been hanging out in recent days.

Sahara and Elisabeth were helping in the kitchen. Sahara was topping chocolate cupcakes with thick buttercream frosting and had an apron on which made her look like an expert chef. Elisabeth was putting the finishing touches on a batch of scallion baked beans. Kenzie had just finished dicing up apples and was blending them into a salad bowl.

“I'm done.” Sahara triumphantly stepped away from the counter and admired her handiwork. “I did a bang-up job, too, if I must say so myself.”

Kenzie peered at the cupcakes and their swirled icing arranged on an expensive platter. “Looks scrumptious, Sahara. I'll definitely have to try one of them.”

“I'm finished too,” Elisabeth announced. “Once the meat is done on the grill, we should be ready to eat. I hope Nicolette doesn’t burn my vegetable stir-fry to a charred crisp like last time. That was awful.”

“Oh, I’m sure it will be fine.” Riley strolled into the kitchen and placed a possessive hand on her fiancée's back. She peeked over at the salad and a sly grin overtook her features.

“Mallory Fitzsimmons!” Kenzie wagged a finger at Riley – using her real name for emphasis – as she tried to pilfer a piece of broccoli as well. “Hands out! You're just as bad as Jim!”

“Who's just as bad as Jim?” Mariko asked in her sexy, Japanese accent, as her curious gaze sought him out the instant she entered the kitchen.

“No one,” Jim answered back with a chuckle. “I'm the ultimate bad boy.”

“Yeah, right.” A hand on her hip, Elisabeth’s head was tilted. “You've always been the bad boy after dark type, Jim. A true rebel. A troublemaker.”

Mariko sighed and decided to play along. “What did you do this time?”

“Stole one itty-bitty piece of broccoli from Kenzie's salad. Nothing major.”

“And one of Sahara's chocolate cupcakes when she wasn't looking too,” Elisabeth chimed in.

“Jim, fuck! How could you?” Sahara put both hands on her hips. “I knew one of them was missing!”

He grinned at Elisabeth and shook his head. “Hey, hey, hold up. You weren't supposed to tell her that. Now, Kenzie is going to keep a close eye on me.”

Riley retrieved a bag of pretzels from the kitchen pantry, inserted three twists into a cupcake from Sahara's platter, and brought it to her lips. Elisabeth raised an eyebrow.

“What?” She took a bite of the pretzel-infused cupcake and closed her eyes in absolute bliss. With her mouth still full, she added, “Sweet and salty. The best of both worlds.”

Elisabeth folded both arms and regarded Riley for a split second, then glanced over at Sahara and chuckled. “Your future wifey looks like a chipmunk hoarding acorns for her winter nest.”

“Hey!” Riley giggled in response and a chunk of cupcake spewed from her mouth. “Whoa.”

“Happy birthday, Miss Colorado.”

“Thank you, babe,” Elisabeth responded as Nicolette sashayed in from the heat and winked.

“Cheers, miss gorgeous. Cheers.”

“Love you.”

“Yay. Love you too.”

Sahara’s eyebrows squished together. “I didn't think your birthday was until tomorrow.”

“It's not,” Elisabeth said. “Nicolette wants to get the party rolling early is all. I’m not thirty until tomorrow.”

“Elisabeth was one hundred percent correct earlier in what she said about Jim.” Kenzie swiveled toward him. “You’ve always been the bad one.”

The kitchen erupted in laughter. Customers may have been scarce on this Wednesday, but the ladies were in jovial moods as they worked in tandem preparing dinner. As the lone man amongst seven intoxicating, drop-dead gorgeous women – all in various stages of undress – Jim was like the proverbial kid in a candy store. Guilty pleasures abounded and he could sample most anything he wanted, except, of course, the one precious treat he desired most:


“Hey.” Mariko's tone was sympathetic as she regarded him with soft eyes. “Don't let what everyone says bother you, Jimbo. You're not a bad boy to me.”

Jim went through pure hell the other evening as he listened to the party Kenzie and Lindsay had with the married couple from Rhode Island, Nick, and Becky. I'm in love with Cierra but can't break out of the damn friend zone. He was relieved when Colt showed up mid-party and ordered him to go home for the night. I was jealous of Nick, of Becky, and shit, of Kayleigh too. He couldn’t stand the playful banter and cries of passion from Kenzie’s lips as the other three ravished her.

If I had one wish, it would be to marry Cierra and spend the rest of my life with her. Jim realized he wasn’t a perfect man, not by any stretch of the imagination, and had a laundry list of faults. But I'd do whatever was necessary for Cierra to be happy and make all her dreams come true.

Was there anything he could do to score a brownie point and get Kenzie to notice him? I don’t want to fuck her. I’d be happy taking Cierra out to a nice restaurant and treating her to a show in Vegas. It would be a solid starting point. I simply want to be with her. She is such a genuine, good girl, and deserves the world.

Kenzie was aware of Jim’s feelings. She thought of him as a friend and cared about him immensely but claimed the thirty-year age gap was the issue she had in entering into an actual relationship. But the truth was out there. Because of her ex-husband, Cierra is afraid to put her trust in another man and have it backfire again.

That evil sonofabitch scarred her for life.


<> <> <> <> <>


“Do your parents know what you do for a living?”

“They do. Not gonna lie, they’re a bit weird about it. It’s been a process, but they’ve come a long way.” Buxom and shapely five-foot-two brunette Nicolette was enjoying dinner across from Lindsay at a small, circular picnic table in the backyard. Of mixed German and Italian descent, Nicolette was a battle-tested veteran of the LPIN scene with ten years of experience, the last eight of which were spent at Happy Ending Ranch. Away from work, she would grease up stripper poles in the most exclusive clubs Vegas had to offer and use her killer body to satisfy trusted johns on the side.

“What about the rest of your family?” Lindsay asked.

“Most of them are okay with it, but certainly not everyone. I can understand why they might not want me to be in this industry.” Nicolette sipped her beverage, a delicious smoky watermelon lemon margarita, and set its glass back on the table. “But at the end of the day, I’m not the little girl anymore that they, you know, grew up with. I’m thirty years old. I’m an adult and I’m allowed to make my own decisions. I guess if they want me in their life, they’re just gonna have to be okay with it because I refuse to change anything about myself to suit others, even family members.”

When Nicolette noticed Lindsay eyeing her alcoholic cocktail, she smirked. “Go ahead and try it. Take a sip.”

“What? Me? No. No, I can’t.” Lindsay’s cheeks dusted pink and she backed away in her chair. “I’m not old enough to drink yet and besides, Colt said he’d fire me if he ever caught me drinking at my age or doing anything illegal.”

“Colt’s not even here, silly, and Jim isn’t gonna rat you out if you have a drink or two. The rules are way more relaxed when Colt’s away and Jim is in charge.” Nicolette laughed softly, enjoying Lindsay’s sweet, wholesome nature, her naïve innocence. Such a breath of fresh air around this place. “Go ahead, try it. There’s no harm and you’ll find that alcohol will help you deal with the rigors, the stress, of this job. I don’t know what I’d do without it. I drink a full bottle before and after every party.”

Lindsay considered taking Nicolette up on the offer but decided against it in the end. “No, thank you. I’m good.” I don’t want to run the risk and lose my job.

“Suit yourself, no pressure.” Nicolette shrugged. “But with me, as I said, I make my own decisions, and being a sex worker is the best choice for me at this point in my life. I’m divorced and have a son I’ve devoted everything to. He’s not in the best of health, unfortunately, and medical expenses are outrageous, so outside of work, I lead a mundane, minimalistic life. Everything goes to his care.”

Lindsay’s nose wrinkled. “How much longer do you think you’ll do this?”

Nicolette placed two fingers on her chin. “For me, I can’t really put an end date on it. The more I think about the life I’ve created for myself and the fact I can afford quality medical care for my son, and the more I understand how much further we must go for sex worker rights. I think I’ve made a conscious decision that I don’t intend to leave until my son is in a better place, health-wise, and until some of the sex worker rights improve. I don’t know how long either is gonna take. They might never happen.” She flexed her arm. “Maybe I’m gonna be a sex worker until I’m ninety! And there’s nothing wrong with that, but I don’t envision myself leaving anytime soon.

“My hope for the sex industry is that it becomes decriminalized globally, which is a really big goal. Obviously, I’d like to start with the United States first.” Nicolette’s full cherry red lips pursed and she released a long-winded sigh. “If we could get decriminalization in every city, every state, that would be huge.

“The reason why people are so against the idea of prostitution is the stigma that comes along with it. Stigma sucks and it’s rooted in ignorance. And if we want to fight for our rights as sex workers, to make things better, then we need to have decriminalization.

“If I see a john outside of work on my own time and something goes wrong, I should be able to go to the police without fear of getting into trouble myself. And that’s just one of the many reasons why decriminalization is the only answer for sex workers and our safety.”

Nicolette hesitated briefly. “You’re considering telling your folks that you’ve taken up whoring in a brothel?”

“Maybe.” Lindsay bit her lip and glanced away momentarily. “My mom is doing a lot of snooping and I’m afraid she’s gonna find out sooner rather than later.” Lindsay’s face pinched. “I think it’d be best if she found out from me, not on her own.”

“And how do you think she would react?”

“Not good. Not good at all.”

“Don’t tell her, then. Take your chances and hope she doesn’t find out. For me, I didn’t have a choice – I had to tell my parents. During my third-ever party in the industry back in 2008 when I was at Chastity’s, I was with this guy, and he thrust so hard I ended up with a tear inside me. It was bleeding pretty bad and put me out of work for a little while and I had to ask my parents for help with the medical expenses. I was broke, only being twenty at the time, but that’s how my mom and dad found out I’d become a sex worker. Chastity’s certainly wasn’t going to pay my medical bills.” Nicolette’s throat closed and she struggled to add, “Unfortunately, the reality of this business is that some clients treat you like you’re nothing, like an object, and you get absolutely pummeled.”

“Pamela and Kenzie have instilled in me to always use lube. Lots of it.” Lindsay shrugged the idea of getting injured off. Being young, she was invincible, right? “My last few parties, it’s really helped a lot.” Lindsay smiled, but then frowned because of the possibility of her parents, particularly her mother, uncovering the truth about her secret new life. Mom would go haywire and may even disown me. She gripped the edge of the picnic table as her mind went into a fog. “If I were to tell, say, my mom the truth, how do you suggest I go about it?”

“You can explain you’re sorry you’ve disappointed her but let the conversation end there. That’s what I did, at least at first.” Nicolette’s shoulders loosened. “This is my job, Mom, and I’m sorry you don’t approve, but I enjoy what I do, and the money is great. I’m not sniffing cocaine or breaking any laws. I didn’t tell you initially because I knew you wouldn’t approve, and I hope you’ll respect my decision not to talk about it.” Nicolette’s gaze was soft, full of understanding. “You’re an adult now, Kayleigh, and if you want to tell them, the best thing you can do is ask your mom, your dad, to accept your decisions or keep their opinions to themselves. It’s that simple.”

Lindsay’s lower lip quivered. “That’s the problem. They wouldn’t. Mom would go ballistic.”

“What you’re doing is not wrong. You’re happy here, right? You’re making a good living. You have friends like Pamela, Kenzie, me, who care about you and want to help you succeed. It is not wrong, but there is a stigma, that nasty word again.  And in this case, that stigma is prostitutes come from bad situations and terrible parents, they have daddy issues, mommy issues, et cetera, et cetera.

“You should try to see it from your mom and dad’s point of view. Consider their feelings. Although it’s off base, your parents would probably think … what did we do wrong? As a parent, and I’m one myself, you feel responsible for who your children are and who they ultimately become, including occupation. You said your parents are religious, right? Your whole family? I bet it’s ingrained in them that being a prostitute is a terrible thing and it’s hard to overcome that mindset, that stigma.

“If they press you about it, and you give in, your job will be to tell them that, number one, you’re okay, and no one forced you into this. This was your decision. Two, this isn’t long-term. Three, you’re happy and this job is enabling you to branch out, possibly travel, and allow you to do things you never could working elsewhere. Best of all, tell them you’re saving for a college education.” Nicolette leaned back and shook her head. “Kayleigh, you need to realize that this isn’t your problem. It’s your parents’ problem. They need to find a way to get over it and realize you shouldn’t have to live your life entirely by their standards anymore, their thoughts and beliefs.

“Stand firm and proud. Do what makes you happy and refuse to be ashamed of it.”

Nicolette is right. I am happy working here. I get to get naked and have all the attention I want. Life is good.

“I’m sure your mother and father love you. You’ve told me they’re good people and gave you the best upbringing they could. Because they love you and because you’re steadfast about your career, your choices, and how it’s a positive thing, and you love them, too, they’ll eventually get over it. Time heals all wounds. A lot easier said than done, I admit, but everything will be okay in the end.”


<> <> <> <> <>


Elisabeth made some adjustments to the neckline of her blue minidress to achieve maximum cleavage effect, trailed both hands down her torso, past her hips, and finally stopped at the slit that ran up her left leg. She grazed her fingertips across the exposed, toned flesh and performed yet another self-inspection with the aid of the large, floor-to-ceiling mirror in her bedroom.

The young woman inhaled through her nostrils and exhaled via her mouth to quell the nervous anxiety within. Oh, jeeze. Back to the grind again. My first time doing this in six weeks. The reality of the moment and what was about to happen struck her. As a result, there was no holding back the frown that befell her pristine, flawless face.

You should take Nicolette’s advice and divorce that lazy, deadbeat husband. Drop him, maybe move in with her instead and start a new life. Elisabeth’s marriage with Robert was going through a turbulent patch and it was no secret around the house. He didn’t approve of the so-called “side hustle” she had taken up in Nevada. Maybe if Robert got off his ass and got a job, a real job, I wouldn’t be reduced to whoring to make ends meet. The fact that she’d opted to spend her thirtieth birthday working at the house instead of being back in Colorado with Robert raised a few eyebrows too. Riley says Robert doesn’t deserve me, that I should just cut bait and never go home.

Nicolette having a massive crush on Elisabeth was common knowledge too. Nicolette is in love with me and says I’m the only reason she’s still working here and didn’t go back to Chastity’s Ranch. Although Elisabeth had never been in a bona fide relationship with another woman, she was wildly attracted to them. I think I’m pansexual like Pamela; this job has made me so. And Nicolette would treat her better than Robert ever could. Do I have the guts to dump my husband for another woman?

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Knowing she couldn’t keep her client waiting much longer, Elisabeth spritzed some perfume behind her ears and exited the bedroom. With each click of her stiletto high heels upon the hardwood floor as she approached the parlor, wrought with nervousness, the frown across Elisabeth’s lips became more pronounced. Her palms were clammy and her chest trembled to the point of discomfort. If Nicolette were willing to devote herself exclusively to me, I’d run off and go anywhere in the world with her. I’m tired of subjecting myself to all the shit I have to go through.

“Noah, hi there! It’s good to see you again! I’m so glad you took me up on my offer.” Despite those negative feelings, Elisabeth flipped the proverbial switch the instant she went through the curtain and came across a lone customer seated on the other side of the bar. Cheerful and full of smiles – just like that – Elisabeth went around the corner, closed the distance between them, and grasped the gentleman’s hands for an affectionate greeting.

Noah was an interesting trick because Elisabeth met him Monday morning on, of all places, her flight from Denver to Las Vegas. They sat side-by-side in the economy section. This clown was all over me and kept flirting until I told him I’m a prostitute, and since he clearly wants to fuck me, that he should come party with me up in Flagstone. Though that admission stunned Noah and kept him mostly silent for the remainder of the flight, he did ask where Flagstone was and how long it would take to drive there before they went their separate ways in the terminal.

“Whoa. Elisabeth … it’s you.”

“In the flesh!”

“Holy hell. You look incredible in that dress.”

Elisabeth tilted her head, her face lighting up as she spoke. “Thank you. You’re not too bad yourself.”

A hearty laugh broke from Noah’s chest. In the background, Jim, needing to oversee the discussion, was scrubbing the countertop with disinfectant spray and a rag.

Elisabeth anchored her gaze on Noah. “So where in Colorado are you from?”


She did a double take. “Oh.” That’s not too far from where I live myself.

“I’m out here on business right now.”

“So, let me put two and two together from the talk we had on the plane ride.” Her voice softened. “You’re just overwhelmed with work and you’d like a night of fun.”

“Something like that.” Noah unfastened the top button of his polo shirt and rubbed at the back of his neck. Elisabeth was straight out of his dreams, a stunning blonde with style, attitude, and a body that looked like it was designed by the best engineers in the world. “I, uhh, yeah, something like that.” His eyes squinted. “I … I’m married. I don’t know if you deal with a lot of married guys.”

Elisabeth shrugged. “Hmm, here and there.”

“But uhh, this is my first – I’m sure you hear people say this a lot – this is honestly my first time since we got married doing … being with another woman.”

“Wow, a brothel virgin.” Elisabeth licked her lips. “And how long have you been married?”

“Eight years.”

Her lashes shot up. “That’s a long time.”

“It is.” He winced and bowed his head.

“So, I’m guessing around this point, maybe, things are kind of slowing down a little bit sexually, you know.”

He managed to make eye contact for a split second. “A lot.”

“It tends to happen.” She frowned and patted his leg.

“I mean, it’s just you wanna be with somebody else, but you don’t … you don’t want to act on it. But then … gosh.” A sigh escaped. “It’s just … Lily is so boring. She doesn’t ever want to do anything, she’s tired, she’s … it’s just, she doesn’t want to experiment, have any fun. She’s not being … yeah, it’s just, I don’t want to bother you with it, but it’s …”

“I’m not bothered at all.” Elisabeth’s lips parted into an easy grin. “Talk to me.”

“I just get to a point watching videos – porn – and seeing things I’d like, but don’t have the opportunity …”

“You want to try them out.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’d definitely like to try some new things. I love your pics on the brothel’s website, by the way.”

“Oh yeah?” Elisabeth’s eyelids fluttered. “What did you think of them?”

“I think they’re fucking incredible. Yeah, so I, uhh, I’ve had some money set aside for a while that my wife doesn’t know about and decided after landing in Vegas and meeting you, talking to you and you telling me that you worked here, to just kind of go for it.”

“Well, I’m glad you did.”

“I think you’re … well, she’s never gonna find out.”

“Hmm.” Elisabeth’s voice turned philosophical. “So, I’m guessing your wife, she probably doesn’t, like, maybe suck your dick anymore. Or, you know …”

“No, it’s not maybe. It’s been a long time since she’s done that. A long, long time. Too long.”

“Yeah. I hear that a lot.” Her lips curled back into a frown. “And I’m guessing, probably, missionary only.”

“Uhh, yeah. Missionary like once a week. So, maybe.”

“Oh, man. Hey, once a week isn’t bad.” She laughed. “It could be worse.”

“It could. You’re very … very attractive.”

“Thank you.”

“I don’t know. I saw you on the plane and I just …” He brushed his hand across her cheek. “You’re so beautiful … the most beautiful woman alive, period.”

Yeah, I got him hooked. Elisabeth could inflate her normal hourly rate for a GFE if she wanted. No doubt, he’ll pay whatever price I ask. “So, I’m curious to see what you want to do with me.” I should tell him a thousand.

“I’d like for you to, umm, start out more aggressive – sexual – which is what I’m wanting, what I lack, is somebody really who, umm …”

“Takes control?” Elisabeth interjected.

“Takes control, yes, at least in the beginning.”

“Yeah, I’ll get you all loosened up, no worries.” Elisabeth slid a trio of fingers along the bulge in Noah’s cargo shorts. “Ready to have some fun, do something different?” When the bewildered man went in for a kiss, Elisabeth stopped him by holding a finger between their lips. Her voice was sweet, sensual. “So why don’t you and I go back to my bedroom, discuss all the juicy details, the economics, so we can get started?” She motioned toward Jim with her head. “We’ll have all the privacy in the world back there.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’d like that.”


<> <> <> <> <>


All Sammy could figure was that he dozed off fast on Wednesday evening because the next thing he knew, a pair of soft, delicious lips were touching his, and he was lulled from a deep, peaceful slumber. At first, he thought it was Barbara – she was his wife of thirty-nine years, after all – but soon realized it wasn't.

“Hey, you.” Lindsay's voice was a whisper as she smiled just inches from Sammy's face. Wearing her so-called hooker garb, Lindsay glided over top and placed a gentle, soothing kiss upon his mouth. The warmth of Lindsay's body, the softness of her skin, and the sweet, tangy taste of her lips made his insides glow with affection and a fierce desire.

“Hey, yourself.” Sammy looked all around and took in the familiar surroundings of his bedroom in Briar Bluff, Utah, but also noticed Barbara was nestled close and sleeping right beside him too. What? How the hell was Lindsay in his home? I can't have Barbara see her! She'd flip out and go into a full-scale riot.

Sammy tried to sit up and remedy the situation, but Lindsay placed a hand on his shoulder and eased him back to the mattress. “Settle down, will you?” She flashed a bright, glittering smile. “Everything is fine.” Lindsay regarded Barbara for a moment. “She won't be waking up anytime soon. Trust me, okay?”

A tranquil calm seemed to overcome Sammy all at once and, though it made no sense, he nodded in compliance. I do trust you, babygirl.

“Did you get a good night's rest?”

Lindsay's manicured hand was moving in slow, tempting circles along Sammy's bare chest and he had a difficult time concentrating on anything other than the growing ache between his legs. “Yes, I did.”

Her blonde hair styled to perfection and her eyes as blue as the ocean, Lindsay was the sexiest woman Sammy had ever seen. Absolutely no doubt. Blonde. Petite. Captivating. She had it all. A thin shade of moonlight serenaded the bedroom and gave her a radiant glow.

Her hand stopped moving and Sammy’s face went slack.

“I'm hungry.” Lindsay pouted and her voice was barely audible as she shuffled about and settled into a seated position. Barbara was nuzzled against his opposite side. The fifty-eight-year-old's eyes widened as Lindsay soon reached behind her back and produced a long wooden paddle that was tailor-made for spanking.

Lindsay doesn’t want to play so early in the morning, does she? It wasn't even four o'clock yet. Sammy recalled giving her a monumental fucking last night and he still felt drained from it. She was becoming more and more submissive by the minute and enjoyed being treated like a ping-pong ball in an arcade machine. She not only preferred rough and physical sex, but Lindsay was at the point where she expected it from Sammy.

“What are you doing?” He glanced at the paddle as Barbara rustled but continued sleeping. “Darlin’, we can't do that. Not with my wife right …”

“But Daddy!” Lindsay let out a wild, high-pitched screech and those two words – and the tone in which they were used – hit him like a ton of bricks. “Don't you remember last night? We had a deal, didn't we?”

Sammy's mind, in its current, sleepy daze, tried to piece the jigsaw puzzle together. It failed.

“Remember you finally permitted me to orgasm? We had a deal. You were only allowing me to orgasm on the condition that I come and suck your cock off every morning for the next seven days.” She picked up the paddle, her eyes twinkling. “Else, I'd get this.”

That deal was made in the heat of the moment – the throes of wild passion. Surely, Lindsay didn't think I was serious? That I was going to uphold her to it?

Grinning, she trailed a finger up and down his thick, hairy chest. “I've come to pay off my debt … day one.”

“Sweetheart, Barbara is right here and sleeping. If she wakes up and finds us together, my life will …”

“Oh, hush up. Babby Babs is a heavy sleeper and you know it.” Lindsay giggled and flicked a dismissive wrist as she peeled his boxer shorts downward. All bets were off – and any logic was thrown out the window – when her fingers wrapped themselves around his cock and began stroking. “Don't worry. You just lay there, Daddy, relax, and let me do all the work. I don't plan on waking her up at all.”

Sammy was hard in seconds as Lindsay spread out across the mattress and sought a better position. She sat on her knees and hunched completely over, near his cock, then removed her hand and laced all her fingers together behind her back. She was clearly proud of those pert, tiny breasts jutting outward through the lacey bustier she wore.

“Look, Daddy! No hands!”

Lindsay leaned in and Sammy groaned as her tongue stroked over the head of his cock. A drop of gooey pre-cum leaked from the tip and she first licked it, then sucked it dry.

In a spirited, overcharged mood, Lindsay giggled and again motioned toward Barbara. Indeed, she was a deep sleeper who didn't rouse easily. “I'll try not to wake her, Daddy, as I suck your cock. But I make no promises.”

Lindsay found a rhythm, bobbing her head over Sammy's shaft, licking it like it was a lollipop, darting her tongue around its veins, sucking the head, and taking it further into her mouth. Lindsay flexed her lips around her teeth to swallow him deeper. She could've used her hands to help balance herself – to provide an anchor – but kept them behind her back as if they were bound.

By handcuffs, perhaps?

Soon, Sammy became lost in the sensations and unyielding passion and thrust his hips up at her mouth, ordering, “Take me deeper.”

“Easy, Daddy. Don't wake Mommy. Babsy may divorce you and take all your money!” Still, Lindsay did as she was instructed. She opened wide, leaned all the way forward, and sucked Sammy's dick deep into her throat. When Lindsay gagged, he shot a worried glance over at Barbara, thinking the loud, gurgling noise may wake her.

Fortunately, it didn't.

Sammy again thrusted upward into Lindsay's wide, straining mouth, trying to travel deeper. To go where no man had gone before. Lindsay pushed him back down to the mattress, gently, before taking a quick breather. Then, the eighteen-year-old forced his dick into the far reaches of her throat for a couple of seconds before pulling out, again getting a few gasps of air.

Oh my God. This chick is something else!

Sammy reached out with his free hand and yanked on Lindsay's long-flowing, sumptuous hair, using it to control her mouth as she started bobbing up and down again. Her lips were so far stretched now, and thick tears of concentration streamed from her eyes and down her cheeks as she did her best to provide him with maximum pleasure.

“God help me, darlin'. Fuck!”

Lindsay sealed her lips around Sammy's shaft as his body pulsed and contracted, and he shot a heavy load of semen into the back of her throat.

Lindsay gulped and swallowed and tried to keep up with his ejaculations. He pulled out from her mouth while still coming, and it made a loud, popping sound as it released. Sperm splashed onto her face, over her lips, even into her hair. Lindsay engulfed his cock again and continued milking away until there was nothing left to give.

In the aftermath, Sammy settled back into the mattress and needed a moment to enjoy the relaxation that always followed a good orgasm. Lindsay stayed on her knees and wiped the tears from her eyes that came from giving a blowjob so intense and satisfying.

Shortly thereafter, she was all bright and bubbly again. “Thank you, Daddy.” Lindsay relaxed and stretched over top of him, shifting about so her ass was across his upper thighs. Almost as if she was preparing to be spanked. Lindsay giggled once more and, with her eyes fixated on his, moved her sweet-cheeks face to Barbara's and kissed her flush on the lips.

Again, Barbara stirred, but didn't wake.

Sammy's insides began churning when Lindsay pulled away and, still staring at him with that vivacious smile, he noticed Barbara had a thick coating of sperm on her lips, and little dabs across her face. Lindsay deposited it there with the kiss, which was clearly her intention.

Lindsay bounced off the bed and gathered the paddle. “I don't know what you're gonna do, Daddy, if Mommy wakes up and finds your cum all over her face. How are you going to explain that off?” Sammy again stared at Lindsay as she regarded Barbara. “Just don't tell her that it was me who did it. I may get grounded!”

Slack-jawed, he watched as Lindsay skipped joyfully out of the bedroom.

As for Barbara, Sammy noticed that she was licking her lips with her tongue, obviously sensing the taste of sperm on them. Barbara swiped at her face with a pair of fingers and inserted them into her mouth, sucking them dry, before offering a content smile and going right back into a deep slumber.

“Lindsay, get your hot, little ass back in here,” he called out. “I'm not done with you yet!”

And in the next instant – just like that – reality smacked Sammy across the face and offered yet another harrowing wakeup call. He sat up in bed, his body covered in a hot sweat, and his heart pumping double-overtime.

Dammit, another dream. Fuck, fuck, fuck, double fuck! It's happening every night. Having sex with Lindsay in some form or another (with her calling him Daddy, of course) and nearly getting caught red-handed by Barbara.

The digital alarm clock read 3:23. Trying to control his emotions, Sammy glanced down at the still-snoozing Barbara and shook his head. My lust for Lindsay is spiraling out of control. She was dominating his every thought and all he wanted to do was get lost in that scrumptious, little body of hers. I need to fuck again her and make her mine!

It's eleven days away, right? He and Lindsay had plans to hook up at the airport hotel in Salt Lake City eleven days from now and spend not only the whole day together but have an overnight as well. I’ll make her fall asleep with my dick in her mouth. Sammy withdrew his shaft from his boxers and stroked it in mid-air.

That little tart has taken to calling me Daddy in all her e-mails and is driving me fucking insane. Says she deserves to be punished for being such a promiscuous slut and I can dish it out whatever way I see fit. Promises to take her discipline like a good girl. She's sooooo submissive and wants to hand me the keys to her soul. Not only were these e-mails and thoughts affecting Sammy in the workplace, but at home as well.

Barbara suspects something because everywhere I go, everywhere I turn, all I see is Lindsay.

Either she was enduring her latest spanking, on her knees performing fellatio or, better yet, bent over the kitchen table getting her ass reamed full. Fuck, I can't wait until I'm inside her ass for the first time! Truth be told, Sammy had more fantasies about that than anything else. I want it, I need it, hell, I’ll have it for breakfast! Lindsay was vocal and whiny in all these dreams at the roughhouse treatment, but also eager to learn and progress in her training, and desperately wanted to please Sammy. Like a proper, little slut getting paid top dollar should.

“That hurts, Daddy!” Sammy heard her crying out in his mind’s eye and it made his head nearly spontaneously combust. Emotions boiled over and he balled both hands into fists, and every muscle flexed tight.

I cannot take this anymore! I need to fuck her again! There is no way in hell I can wait eleven more days. I must see Lindsay way sooner than that! …

(End of Chapter 13)

Written by JeremyDCP
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