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Straight Female, 42



The Most Important Penis In The World

Jun is determined to get pregnant by a Spaniard, but can she ever leave her difficult past behind?

Once, when Jun was younger and engaged but not yet married, there had been an incident in the Pyongyang apartment block where she had lived with her parents and brother. A couple had been overheard making love too loudly. The police had come and hauled th...

Adieu, Dear Leader.

A couple fleeing tyranny resorts to desperate measures

“I want us to make the reeds tremble tonight,” Jun whispered into her husband’s ear, employing the euphemism her grandmother’s generation had used before the revolution. Knowing that sleep would assuredly not come that fateful night, Kim Sun Park agreed....

Ernesto's Incredible Sexual Incursions!

A young beta is unable to admit the truth to himself

Ernesto brushed his teeth with extra vigour that day, then he scraped his tongue. He combed his hair, cut his nails and then put on his best clothes. This was his big day. He was sure of it. Today, after four years, the beautiful love story of Ernesto and...

An Hour In The Shower With MC1982!

The true tale of my most intimate experience with a woman!

Welcome back to my sexual autobiography, answering questions posed on the Lush forums truthfully! This poster, on "Ask the gals", asks, "What was the most erotic or aroused you've been with another woman?" When browsing the forums, I see quite a few women...

Of Blushes, Blowjobs And Broken Beds

My most embarassing sexual experiences recalled!

Welcome back to my sexual autobiography, answering questions posed on the Lush forums for which I have a truthful answer! This poster asks, what was your most embarrassing sexual moment? One of them has already been told in this series. It's in "The slutt...

Mrs. Piquet's Predilection

In 1930s Spain, a young wife is reluctant to open up

Dolores Piquet shuffled her feet nervously and ran her fingers through her shoulder-length brown hair. She was alone in the waiting room. Or at least she was the only patient if that was the right word. Was she a patient? There was nothing wrong with her....

Doctor Eric, I Presume?

Having indulged Eric's belly button fetish, Lily opens up...

The cashier had put on headphones and was playing with her phone. It was far, far into the night and Lily was the only person in the hospital cafe. She was too preoccupied to really want anything to eat or drink, so her tea went cold in no time. ‘Story of...

Post Op, Ergo Procter Op?

Eric is doing better, but has his experience unleashed an obsession?

Lily traced her finger down Eric’s vertical scar. It ran from just below his ribcage to just above where his pubic hair began, skirting around his navel as if it were a roundabout. Three months had passed since he’d had emergency surgery for a bowel obstr...

Coming Around

Eric regains his libido after his medical emergency, aided by a sexy nurse...

The ceiling swam as if he were awakening still drunk after a bout of heavy drinking. Eric slowly realized he was coming around after the operation. ‘Made it, then,’ he thought to himself groggily. But he felt like he’d been hit by a car. His limbs all ach...

Lily's First Time

What should be a special day goes badly awry...

The house was practically shaking, so loud was the music at Lily’s eighteenth birthday party. Her parents had told her that the volume had to come down at eleven, and if the police were called, she would be in big trouble, so she was watching the time car...

A Christmas Surprise

A long held secret comes out...

On their fortieth wedding anniversary, Joseph and Mary made love under the date tree. He wasn’t able to screw her as energetically as he once had, but he knew his wife’s body well enough. When they’d finished, he turned to her and asked the question he’d...