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Tempted - Part 2

"I was thrilled that this body I had concealed for so long could stir men's desires."

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Author's Notes

"Ben surprises Beth with a special evening out. After an encounter on the dance floor, Beth's thoughts remain conflicted."

Chapter 4

The bubbles, thank god for the bubbles. I was thankful that they obscured my body. I was still in the throes as my husband stood smiling at me. He was hopefully unaware that he had walked in on his wife climaxing.

I tried maintaining my composure and replied, "I'm fine and just finished my bath."

"Well, I thought I heard you yell out. You look flushed."

"It must be the bath water. It's a bit warm but very relaxing." Hoping to change the topic, I asked, "So you got away from work early?"

"Yes, I was excited for our evening together. I've made reservations at Bouchon for dinner at eight and then off to the Ty Lounge at the Biltmore for drinks and dancing. What do you think?"

"Oh my, Bouchon! That's wonderful. It's one of the finer restaurants and highly rated, not to mention expensive."

"Nothing but the best for my darling wife. I'll leave you to finish your bath, then I'll shower."

I felt guilty and knew I dodged a bullet. This was new. I shouldn't have thoughts like that. Though unusual, I reasoned it was fantasy, nothing to be ashamed of. I'm not the only woman who fantasized about sex with a Hollywood heartthrob.

It seemed over the last week, a change had come over me. I had a heightened libido, and Ben did as well. The way he took me the other night and I responded wasn't like us. I wanted more of that from him, as Ben was an excellent lover.

My thoughts turned to the evening Ben had planned. I was going to go all out to make this special for him. We had a couple of hours before we needed to get ready.

I dried off, wrapped a towel around me, and exited the bathroom. Ben was in his boxers by the closet, eying the dress I had left hanging.

"Wow!" he exclaimed, "I can't wait to see that on you."

"I meant to put it up. You weren't supposed to see it till I had it on. Oh well, go take your shower. I'll take Jack for a walk and feed him and Freya when I return."

The evening came, and I sat at the vanity. I usually wear little makeup, but not tonight. I wanted to highlight my eyes, so I applied peach eyeshadow, brown eyeliner, mascara, and a peach lip gloss.

As I brushed my hair, I was pleased with my reflection. Along with a blue satin thong, I Slipped into the dress. It was meant to be worn braless. My breasts were firm with no sag. There was a backless silicone bra available for backless dresses with plunging necklines. Dell and I agreed that I didn't need it with this dress.

I donned my blue sapphire earrings and pendant, stepped into the blue heels, and stood before the full-length mirror to appraise myself. The dress had a light shimmer, and the heels did as well.

I was awed by my reflection. The dress hugged my curves, and the hem fell just below mid-thigh. As I spun slowly, I noticed a hint of side breasts. Oh my, never had I worn anything near this revealing. I saw myself as sexy and hot.

I was ready and apprehensive about what Ben's reaction would be. Would he think it was too much or worse slutty. That was not my intention.

I was shaken from my reverie when Ben stepped in. He was dressed in black slacks and a long-sleeved white silk shirt.

"Honey, our rides," he stopped; his jaw dropped, and he stood there stunned. He regained his composure and said, "My God, Beth, you're beyond beautiful. That dress, Wow!"

I did a pirouette and asked, "You really think so. It's not too much?"

"Oh no, Honey, sexy yes, but not slutty. When I first walked in, I wondered who had replaced my pretty demure wife with this sexy vixen. Don't get me wrong, I love that woman more than life, but this. Let me just say I've never been more proud and thrilled that you're my wife."

My heart couldn't have swelled any larger without bursting. I flew into Ben's arms and kissed him passionately.

Ben returned my kiss with equal fervor. He stepped back and pulled out his phone, "Stay just like that you sexy minx." He took a picture and asked me to pose for a couple more.

I was thrilled with his reaction. The look in his eyes revealed the desire he felt for me.

Ben put the phone back in his pocket and announced, "Our chariot awaits." He hooked my arm in his and led us to the front door. He had another surprise in store for me.

When he opened the door, there was a shiny black limousine with an older gentleman holding the passenger door open for us.

He greeted us, "Good evening, I'm Matt and I'll be your driver tonight."

"Thank you, Matt, I replied as I slid into the seat. The hem on my dress slid up well past mid-thigh. I saw that he had noticed as I pulled it back down. Ben chuckled at my shyness as he got in.

"Ben my, Love you've gone all out this evening."

Ben smiled as he reached for a bottle of champagne from the mini bar. He poured us each a flute and said, "I toast this beautiful, sexy woman before me. I'll repeat it, only the best for my lovely wife."

I was speechless as we clinked glasses and honestly overwhelmed as I sipped the effervescent beverage. Ben was always thoughtful and attentive, but this was over the top. I snuggled up and kissed him deeply. His hand rested on my thigh, squeezing gently as he returned my kiss. I felt the heat rise with the passion that burned between us.

When our kiss broke, "I whispered in his ear, "I Love you, and when we return home, I'll show you how much."

"I'll hold you to that," he said. I shuddered as his hand slid up my thigh under the hem. The moment was interrupted when the driver announced our arrival at Bouchon.

Chapter 5

When the driver opened the door, I felt a buzz and relaxed from the champagne. I giggled at my futile attempt at shyness as the hem again rode up my thighs as we exited.

Ben again noticed and chuckled as he hooked my arm in his, and we entered Bouchon.

The maitre d' took our name, and I felt eyes upon us as he led us to a candle-lit table for two.

He pulled out my chair and waved for a waiter as I sat. The ambiance was awe-inspiring. This evening would remain a memorable experience.

The waiter introduced himself as Eric and took our order. We foregoed the appetizer. I ordered the Trio of Sea Scallops, and Ben ordered the Cabernet-braised Short Rib. We took Eric's suggestion for the wine to pair with the meal. He returned with a chilled bottle of Au Bon Climat Chardonnay. It was from a local vineyard and paired perfectly with the delicious meal.

Ben pulled out his phone to alert Matt that we were ready to leave. As we waited out front, I felt warm and relaxed from the excellent food and drink.

Matt pulled up, got out, and opened the door for us. I felt no pain or inhibition as I didn't worry about the hem this time. I'm sure he got a nice view of my creamy white thighs as I slid in. I giggled as Ben noticed my display. I admit I got a thrill from it, and I believe Ben did, too. He again chuckled as he sat beside me.

"Oh, Love that was a wonderful meal. Thank you so much we needed this."

Ben smiled, "The evening is still young. Shall we continue?"

"Oh, yes!" I replied as I snuggled up to him.

"Matt take us to the Biltmore"

Ben once again had his hand on my thigh as we kissed. I moaned into his mouth as our tongues danced. He discovered the easy access to my breast from the side and teased my breast as his hand slid further up my thigh. It was too much, and I pulled away breathlessly.

"Ben!, I said, " Save it or turn us around. If you want to do the club, we must stop before I mount you here."

I heard a snark from upfront. Both of us had forgotten Matt.

I couldn't help it. I laughed and said, "I bet you would like that, Matt, wouldn't you?"

Matt didn't reply as the privacy panel raised.

Ben gathered himself and laughed, "Sorry, I got carried away. The thought of you mounting me sounds delightful. I think we would be disappointed if we forego the club. Are you still up for it.?"

"Yes, I got dressed for a night out. It would be a shame to waste it. Let's save the sex for later. When we get there, I'm going to have to hit the ladies to clean up."

The panel lowered, and a sheepish Matt announced we had arrived. He got out and opened the door for us. I had just finished reapplying my lip gloss. I grabbed my clutch as I got out and turned to him, "I apologize for our behavior back there."

He smiled and said, "I've witnessed far more than your display. No apology is needed."

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Matt." I turned back to Ben, and we entered the Ty Lounge.

I asked Ben to find us a table while I freshened up. My thoughts about our evening so far were mixed. Though it had been amazing, I again wondered about my increased libido and Ben's as well. I was thrilled with it but was curious why it was so sudden and what brought it on. Oh well, it's silly to fret over it. I'll just enjoy and embrace it.

I removed my soaked thong, thanks to my arousal. I knew Ben would get a thrill when I handed it to him.

As I made my way through the lounge, it was crowded. The music played, and I was asked to dance twice before I spotted Ben. I felt flattered that I garnered the attention.

Ben had ordered our drinks. I walked up and handed him my wadded-up wet thong and said, "That's your fault, mister." then sat beside him in the booth.

He smirked as he quickly stuffed it in his pants pocket. "Oh, going pantyless, are you. I must say that turns me on."

"I laughed, "You've been turned on all evening."

I took a sip of the gin and tonic. I had a good buzz going. I always try to limit my drinking, and being a nurse, I see the results of abuse often enough. But tonight, what the hell. I stood and grabbed Ben's hand, pulled him up, and led him to the dance floor.

Though neither of us had danced much, we did our best. I was swaying to the music, letting the beat guide my movements. My eyes were closed, and I was immersed in the band's sounds as if they were only for me.

The tempo slowed, and I felt hands on my hips. I opened my eyes to see Ben smiling at me, "Earth to Beth, are you with us?"

Realizing I had been in my own little world, oblivious to those around me, I replied, "Oh yes, Love. Sorry, I got lost in the music."

I wrapped my arms around him as we danced. The next song was up-tempo. I shimmied and swayed and let the beat take me. I looked to see a gentleman tap Ben on the shoulder and ask for a turn. To my surprise, he stepped aside.

Ben said, "I need to use the men's room. I'll be back shortly." He winked at me as he walked away.

The man was impeccably dressed. An aura of wealth surrounded him, from the expensive-looking tailored suit to the shiny gold watch and rings on his fingers. I figured him to be in his mid-thirties.

He was fleet on his feet as we danced to the faster song. Shortly, the song ended, and the next was a slow one. He stepped forward and put his hands on my hips. I enjoyed the dancing, though I was surprised Ben was OK with it.

He pulled me in with his hands on my lower back but kept an appropriate distance. As we danced, I clasped my hands around his neck, and he asked, "That's your husband, I assume. What brings the two of you out, a special occasion?"

His green eyes locked on mine and sparkled as I replied, "Yes, we don't get out often and Ben, my husband, surprised me with this evening out."

He smiled and replied, "He is a fortunate man. You're absolutely stunning in that dress, and I might add, you're very beautiful."

I wasn't born yesterday, but I knew this guy was a player—smooth-talking and a charmer. I will admit that I enjoyed the attention and knowing his game, I decided to play along until Ben returned. I did wonder what was taking him so long.

"How long have you been married?"

"We've been together five years, married four, and you?"

"Devorced—I didn't see it at first but fidelity wasn't in her plan. My ex was a gold digger. I caught her with her lover. She married me for my money."

"I'm sorry to hear it. You seem to have come through it OK."

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Another slow song started, and he said, "I did, and she left with nothing, but enough about me."

He pulled me in tighter, and his hands wandered lower, cupping my ass. I was about to pull away when Ben returned.

"Excuse me," he said sternly, "You can remove your hands from my wife's ass and step aside!"

He did, but before walking away, he addressed Ben: "I apologize for my inappropriate behavior. I thank you for letting me dance with her. She is quite beautiful, and you're a very lucky man. "With that said, he turned and walked away.

I felt guilty as Ben took my hand and led us back to our table. I began to apologize when he held up his hand and said, "Don't apologize. There was a line in the men's room, which took me a while. It was just my luck that I left you with a predator. I'm the one who should be sorry."

I replied, "Oh no, Love. I had figured out his game, but to my shame, I let it go till his hands wandered down to my ass. Ben, to be honest, I was enjoying the dance. This is all new. We have led a sheltered life to date, which was fine. We were comfortable with it. Now, we're stepping out into the world, leaving that behind. I realize, especially now, that we must tread carefully. I Love you, Ben, and I will never knowingly hurt you. We make this journey together."

A waitress arrived with a tray of fresh drinks. She said, "Compliments from the gentleman at the bar with his apology."

We glanced over at the bar. He nodded in acknowledgment and left.

The waitress returned and asked, "You need anything?"

I said, "No, we're good for now," then asked, "Do you know who that gentleman was?"

"I know his name from his card but I can't share that. It would cost me my job. I can say he is very wealthy. He is a frequent customer and has a pre-paid suite here. If that's all, I'll check on you in a bit."

We were both surprised by the apology, which seemed sincere. We didn't say another word about it.

Ben smiled and said, "I owe you another dance, shall we?"

"Lead the way, Love."

We returned to the floor, and I melted into my husband's arms.

Chapter 6

We were back in the limo, heading home. I was snuggled up to Ben, who seemed pensive. "Ben, despite the drama, I had a wonderful time this evening. You seem bothered. Are you OK?"

It dawned on me that I hadn't fully realized the impact that seeing a stranger grope me had on him. Thinking back, there I was arms around him with his hands on my ass. We danced apparently intimately, and I admitted enjoying myself, fully aware of his intentions. I thought it was harmless fun toying with the guy, but it wasn't. With my foolishness, I unwittingly planted a seed of doubt in Ben.

"Yes, my Love I'm fine," he replied.

I felt a damper had been placed on our evening, and I wanted to do something. The thought of being in the limousine added to the thrill. I looked forward and said, "Matt, raise the privacy panel, please."

As the panel raised, I reached over, loosened Ben's belt, and undid the button and zipper. His eyes lit up as I freed his cock from his boxers.

"You know I'm pantyless." I took his hand and placed it on my thigh, "Now finish what you started earlier."

I leaned down and, holding the base, licked the length of his cock as it hardened. I cupped his balls, squeezing them gently as my tongue slithered up and down the length.

I felt his hand slide up under the hem. I spread my legs in anticipation and looked up, "That's it, Love, feel how hot and wet I am."

As his hand slid further up my thigh. I returned my attention to his hard throbbing phallus and wrapped my lips around the head. I savored the salty sweetness of his creamy, thick pre-cum. Ben groaned as I swirled my tongue and took him in my mouth.

Ben was stroking my slick labia. When his finger found my clit his cock muffled my squeal. I began to bob up and down with fervor.

My need overwhelmed me. I withdrew from Ben's cock and mounted him cowgirl. I grasped his throbbing member and guided it to my needy cunt. The head parted my lips as I plunged till I was fully impaled.

He looked stunned by my aggression. I leaned forward, kissed him, then pulled back and said, "I need you, Ben, now fuck me, Lover!"

Ben moaned as I began to ride up and down his shaft. He grabbed my ass and met my thrust.

I was close, for I had been worked up all evening, plus being pantyless added to my arousal. Ben let out a guttural groan, and I felt him tense. I was on the edge.

"Cum, for me, Lover," I whispered as my vagina squeezed his cock, "Fill me with your seed."

He grabbed my hips and held me in place. I felt his cock throbbing within me as he released. Warm waves of pleasurable heat rose from within me. My body shuddered as I came with him and fell into his embrace.

The silence must have alerted Matt. We heard his voice through a speaker. We've arrived and did a while ago," he continued with a chuckle. "I didn't want to disturb you two young lovers. You'll find wipes and towels in the cabinet below the minibar."

I know the sounds of our feverish coupling reverberated throughout the limo. Oh well, Matt had said this was nothing new. There was probably a microphone with the speaker.

I replied, "Thank you, Matt, that was very considerate of you."

"Your welcome. I'll give you a few moments. Just say when you're ready."

Ben and I both laughed, having realized that he heard everything. We were thankful for the wipes and towels as we cleaned up.

I asked Ben to tip Matt generously for being so gracious and putting up with our antics.

We entered our home to be greeted by Jack and Freya. Ben said he would take Jack for a walk while I freshened up. Freya followed me into the bedroom as I slipped out of the dress.

I was deciding which of the new negligees to surprise Ben with. Freya helped me decide. When you leave a dresser drawer open, she has to investigate. She had jumped into the drawer and pawed the rose-colored one. I was leaning toward that one rather than the black. Freya looked up and meowed her approval.

The decision was made. I grabbed the matching thong and headed to the bathroom. Having freshened up, I stood before the mirror. The feel of the silk titillated my senses. My aroused nipples were visible through the translucent fabric.

I was thrilled that this body I had concealed for so long could stir men's desires. I felt the sense of power that women could wield over them. Oh my, what am I becoming?

A change had awakened in me. I was no longer a pretty demure housewife. I was hot and desirable. This was all so sudden and, to be honest, worried me. Wearing that dress, I enjoyed the looks of wanton desire in men's eyes. I pretended not to notice, for Ben's sake.

Yes, Ben, my trusting and loving husband. I love Ben; he is sweet and a consummate lover. With me, he shows his Beta side, always thoughtful and attentive. He can be an Alpha when needed, as evidenced by his confrontation with the man at the lounge. So why these sudden yearnings?

I admit that, deep down, the stranger's hands on my ass both appalled and excited me. I know I backed away, but would I have let it go and stepped back into his embrace if not for Ben?

Then there was Ryan, who had aroused me. I had fantasized about sex with him and masturbated myself to orgasm.

I had to put those thoughts to rest. I smiled and spun, taking in my body's reflection. I was sexy, hot, and ready to make love to my husband.

I exited the bathroom. Ben had undressed and stood by the bed with his back to me in his boxers. I admired his lean, muscled body as I walked up behind him.

I wrapped my arms around him, ran a hand down his tight abs, reached into his boxers, and grasped the cock I knew so well. I thought to myself, is it the familiarity? Am I taking him for granted?

I kissed the back of his neck and ran my tongue up to his ear. I stroked his erection and whispered, "I love you and want to make sweet love to my husband and lover."

I sat back on the bed as he turned to face me. "Oh lord," he said as he stepped forward, "I love the lingerie. You're so beautiful and sexy."

I reached out, pulled his boxers down, and smiled at him. "I'm thrilled you approve."

I cupped Ben's balls and gently squeezed as his erection throbbed before me, "Hmm, yummy, such a nice cock." I leaned forward, kissed the tip, and licked the sensitive underside. That elicited a groan as I took him in my mouth. I reached around with my free hand, grasped his ass, and pulled him in as his cock slid into my throat.

I began to bob as he gently thrust, and Ben uttered, "Good god, Honey that's so good!"

I deep-throated Ben's cock, drool running down my chin. I withdrew and slithered my tongue slowly up his body as I stood and embraced him. Our mouths locked in a passionate kiss fueled by our hunger for each other.

Breaking the kiss, I turned, slipped off the thong, crawled onto the bed, and onto my knees. I looked back and said, "Come fuck me with your thick meat!"

My juices flowed and ran down my ass. I wiggled my butt as I braced myself with one hand. With the other, I reached down and slipped a finger along my soaked labia.

Ben had positioned behind me. Grabbing my hips, he lined up his cock, "You want this cock, beg for it. Tell me how bad you need it."

The head had parted my lips, but Ben held back. My pussy throbbed in anticipation, "Oh yes! I need your cock! Fuck my needy cunt hard and deep."

Ben continued to tease and ran the tip along my slick slit. I yelled out, "Take me, you beast! Fuck me!"

Ben laughed and said, "If it's a beast you want... Well, you asked for it."

With a growl, he plunged his cock balls deep and began to thrust hard, "This what you want, Slut?"

Bolts shot through me as he pounded me relentlessly. I wailed, "Fuck me, you animal, harder! Don't stop! Oh fuck yes!"

Something had stirred from within me. A primal need to be taken. My inner slut awakened. I responded with equal ferocity. I met Ben's thrust, bucking and writhing. I squeezed my breasts, tugged, and pinched my nips painfully. My head thrashed from side to side. Spittle ran out of my mouth. It was unabashed carnality, and I loved it.

Time stood still, and thanks to Ben's stamina, we fucked each other senseless. I came hard repeatedly, one after the other. A continuous, intense wave of pleasure. True to his word, Ben didn't relent, and my god, did he fuck me.

I was furiously rubbing my clit, and my body shuddered with the onset of another orgasm.

Suddenly, Ben, with a roar, tensed. His cock buried deep within, pressed against my cervix as he pulsed his seed.

It was a glorious finale as we came together. I was mindless as the stars exploded in my head. My body quivered in the throes.

Ben collapsed beside me as I rolled onto my back. Our sweat-soaked bodies were sated and exhausted as we cuddled.

Ben spoke, "Honey, that was incredible. Our sex was hot and primal. I have never cum harder. You wanted it rough, and that's new. I admit it arouses me but don't want to lose control and hurt you."

"Ben, Love, I'll let you know if it hurts, believe me. This is new for me as well. The other night, when you took me, it awakened something within. Some call it an inner slut. Regardless I embraced it and our sex has never been better. You're a terrific lover and never fail to please me. I have never cum harder or more intensely."

Ben replied, "I love you, Beth. I'm here for you, and we need to be open and communicate our feelings and desires."

"I love you, Ben. As we leave behind our sheltered existence and step out into the world. I've come to realize with your encouragement that I'm more then just a pretty demure housewife. I'm still adjusting to these changes and it means so much to have your Love and support as we make this journey."

We kissed, and I snuggled up to him. Before long, we drifted off to sleep.

To be continued.

Written by Marisa
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