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"“Is this your car, Madam?” She was not the nice, sexy, policewoman I had met two weeks ago."

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I went shopping today with my husband. I hate shopping with him, I always feel that I have to hurry. I like to take my time, make a day of it, scour the clothes rails, look at jewellery, have a leisurely coffee. I can’t do that when I am with him because he hates ‘women’s’ shops, as he calls them, and prefers to wait outside.

Today was different, though. Something unexpected happened.

Philip is not in the best of health and has trouble walking long distances so I dropped him off in the town centre and went to park the car in the long stay, which is on the edge of the shopping area. Walking back to meet him a police van pulled up alongside me and I noticed the driver was using a mobile phone before he stopped.


This is one of my pet hates and I was infuriated to see a policeman so blatantly flouting the law. I walked to the van and gently tapped on the side window, pointed at the phone and wagged my finger whilst using my sternest look!

The window opened and, to my surprise, was greeting by a very attractive police woman! She was blonde and aged around the late thirties, early forties. She had the most disarming smile.

I looked at her and after a brief pause I pointed to her mobile phone and said, “You shouldn’t be using that whilst driving. You are a police officer and should set an example.”

“Oh, no,” she smiled, “I am using the map. I am new here and am looking for a particular premises.”

“Nevertheless,” I pressed her. “You still should not be using it until you have stopped.”

“Yes, but I wasn’t moving and I am not using the phone.” She smiled again and continued, “We will have to agree to disagree.”

By this time I was shot to pieces and her pleasant manner and friendly smile were killing me so I said, “You have to bear in mind that you are a police officer in uniform and it is all down to perception. You could get into trouble.”

“Yes,” she said. “You are right. It is perception, I am sorry.”

“No,” I looked at her, my heart melting, “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“It’s fine,” she replied. “I will be more careful.”

By this time I was smiling too. I was really beginning to like her. All the time we talked she was reasonable and pleasant and her eyes never once left mine.

When she drove away I watched as she disappeared and then walked on to meet my husband.

Now I had a problem, I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I had never met such a lovely officer before and I found that I really liked her. I was glad then, when Philip said there was a shop he wanted to go to and he would meet me later. I told him not to rush and to ring me when he was ready.

We parted and I went to look in my first shop. I couldn’t concentrate on clothes. All I could think about was that damned police woman! She was nothing like the ones on TV. She wasn’t glamorous or covered in make up, she was just an ordinary woman with a pretty face and a beautiful personality.

I gave up and went outside and there, at the other side of the road, was a police van. No, it couldn’t be. Could it?

I crossed over and approached the van from behind and I could see the driver in the door mirror. It was her! I walked past and looked in the window just as she started the engine. She looked at me and smiled as she opened the window.

“Hi.” She spoke first.

“Hello again.” This time, I smiled.

“We got off to a bad start there. Shall we start again?”

“Yes, we did. I’m sorry I had a go at you,” I began, but then. “No, I’m not! If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have met you would I?”

“No, indeed but you are right about perception. I will be more careful in the future.” Still she looked me in the eye. My heart was fluttering and I was getting a familiar sensation in the pit of my stomach. “What is your name?” she continued.

“Anna,” I said

“I am Sally.”

“Very pleased to meet you, Sally.” I offered my hand to her.

She took it and held it for a moment longer than normal.

“I am afraid you disarmed me last time,” I told her. “I wasn't expecting such a nice person. There aren’t many officers who would have been so reasonable after being told off by a member of the public.”

"They are not bad here,” she defended her colleagues.

“Maybe, but you are lovely.” I paused then, still holding eye contact, then smiled, “And pretty too.”

She smiled even more, if that were possible, and said that she must be going.

“Okay,” I said, “It’s been a pleasure. Take care.”

“Yes, you too,” she replied and I walked off in the direction I had come from.

Suddenly, I stopped and turned to walk back and as I passed her open window said, laughing, “I don’t even know which way I was going now!”

As I spoke she reached for the ignition key and turned it. There was a horrible shriek as the starter tried to engage an engine which was already running!

“You’re as bad as me!” I laughed and she smiled and nodded in agreement and began to pull away.

Suddenly, something snapped inside me. “Sally wait!” I called after her and she stopped. “Can we talk more sometime? Please?”

“I suppose so,” she agreed.

I told her my email address and she promised she would email me her number then I placed my hand on top of hers on the steering wheel and said, “I would love to know more about you.”

“Yes, me too,” she said.

I released her hand and she drove away.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully and Philip and I did all the usual things culminating in coffee at our favourite place. I didn’t mention what had happened and, if the truth be known, I didn’t really believe I would see her again. It was just one of those moments that makes life so interesting sometimes. I checked my inbox occasionally over the next few days and, as I expected, she didn’t contact me.

About two weeks later I headed to my local supermarket. I took the car as it was not nearby and I had quite a bit of shopping to get. On the way I stopped at a junction then pulled out into the stream of traffic when suddenly, I heard the whoop of a siren and the mirror was filled with blue flashing lights. I indicated left and pulled over to the side of the road to let the big police van pass only it didn’t, it pulled in behind me and stopped.

'For heavens sake,' I thought. 'What am I supposed to have done?'

I waited and watched in the door mirror as the van door opened and the officer stepped out. I could only see the bottom three quarters of his body as he walked purposefully towards the drivers side of my car. Winding down the window as he approached I was surprised to hear a woman’s voice say,

“Is this your car, Madam?” I looked up at her.

“Sally!” I couldn’t believe my eyes. “What are you doing?”

"Hi, Anna." She looked quite serious as she spoke, "I stopped you because you just pulled out of that street without looking. You could have had a nasty accident!"

"Sally!" I was startled by her manner. She had been so nice before. I guessed it must have been an act so I wouldn't report her for using her phone. "You know that is rubbish. There was nothing wrong with my driving!"

"Are you calling me a liar?" She placed her hands on her hips, legs apart and I dropped my gaze and replied sadly,

"No, I suppose not." Suddenly, all the feelings I had for her were gone. She was not the nice, sexy, policewoman I had met two weeks ago.

"We are causing a bit of traffic here so just move around into that car park please."

I started the engine and drove around the corner as she requested, parking nose in to a derelict factory wall. Sally stopped beside me but at an angle so the two vehicles made a triangle against the wall then she got out and came back to my side of the car.

"So," she repeated her previous question, "Is this your car?"

"Yes it is!" I answered testily.

"So you lied to me then?"

I was baffled. I had never lied to her, what did she mean?

"You told me your name was Anna but if this is your car then it must be Philip!"

"For pity's sake," I said, exasperated. "It's my husbands! What is the matter with you?"

She looked at me for a moment, her brow furrowed. I was a little scared now. I had done nothing wrong and yet she was treating me as though I had stolen the car.

"Step out of the car please."

I did as she said and she guided me roughly to the van.

"Stop it!" I cried. "I haven't done anything to deserve this!"

Suddenly, she stopped and pushed me roughly against the side of the van. Putting her hand to my throat and holding me firmly against the cold metal, she looked me in the eye and said with a sneer, "No, maybe not, but you do deserve this..." She planted her lips hard against mine.

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I was shocked and exited at the same time. The electricity of desire coursed through my whole body. My legs went weak but the pressure of her hand against my throat kept me firmly in place and I responded eagerly to the insistent probing of her tongue against my teeth and opened my mouth to give her access.

Her tongue entered me and my own sought hers and together they danced a tango. I was putty in her hands. She could do anything she wanted to me, right here, right now and I wouldn’t lift a finger to stop her!

My hand went behind her head and I pulled her closer to me as we kissed greedily, our lips mashing against each other, the breath hissing noisily from our nostrils.

I lifted my leg and curled it behind her and my free hand moved down to caress her hard, athletic bottom and pulled her against me so I could rub myself up against her.

My fear was gone now and I wanted her! I was so wet and the tingling and trembling of lust was overtaking me.

Her hand made its way down my leg and up under my skirt. Her fingers rubbing me through my panties which were rapidly becoming sodden and then she was inside them. She found my clitoris and pressed her fingers against it and beside it, masturbating it as she moved around between the soft folds of my labia.

I squeezed her buttocks tightly as I felt the first throws of an orgasm beginning to rise inside me and then she stopped! She broke from our embrace and stood back. I just stood there, breathing heavily and soaking wet.

She was smiling that beautiful smile that had so disarmed me two weeks ago but this time she had a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

She placed her finger in her mouth whilst looking into my eyes. "Mmm..." she said at last. "That is what you deserved!"

"Is that it?" I asked, thinking that there had to be more. I was so turned on now.

"No," she replied. "I finish at two. Meet me at the station and we will go back to my place," she paused and with that little twinkle in her eye, continued. "If you want to, of course."

Still leaning against the police van I said a little breathlessly, "Hell, yes I want to!”

Sally jumped back into the van and reversed away from the wall. Putting her finger tips to her mouth she blew me a kiss and drove away.

My mind was in a whirl. In the space of a few minutes I had been stopped by the police, almost dragged from my car, brought to the edge of orgasm and abandoned! Phew!

At two o'clock, as agreed, I waited near the police station and within a few minutes Sally appeared with some colleagues. Spotting my car, she said something to her workmates and walked over to me, smiling broadly as she got in beside me.

"I wasn't sure you would be here."

"After what you did?" I said, "You wouldn't be able to stop me!"

I leaned over, grabbed a handful of her hair behind her head and planted a big wet kiss straight on her lips. She responded for a moment then pushed me away.

"Not here!" she breathed, They don't know about me! Come on, lets go home."

I started the car and with her directions, drove back to her flat. I parked in the parking area below the smart, modern tower block where she lived. In a nice area of the city, the block was twenty stories high. Sally lived on the tenth floor but was reached by a very modern lift. All brass and mirrors.

As soon as we stepped into the lift and before the doors had even closed I grabbed her shirt collar and slammed her against the mirrored wall, pressing my mouth hard against hers. She in turn grabbed the back of my head and pulled me to her and as we kissed my hand found the soft mound of her breast and sought the hard, erect nipple pushing against the fabric of her bra and uniform shirt.

The lift stopped and the doors hissed open. Sally half dragged me along the landing to her door and after a short fumble with the key we tumbled into the living room. We were like animals, as if neither of us had had sex before. I pulled at the buttons of her crisp white shirt and pulled it down from her shoulders, trapping her arms, then unfastened her bra, releasing her not large but round, full breasts. I attacked her nipples with my mouth, my tongue working to lick them and my lips sucking and stretching them to their fullest extent. I felt them harden as I sucked so I bit down on them, making her shout out.

Soon, she had freed herself from the constraints of her shirt and I felt her fingers tugging the zip at the back of my dress. She pulled it down off my shoulders. I wasn't wearing a bra and she pushed me backwards onto the sofa, falling on top of me and attacking my small firm breasts with the same ferocity as I did hers. She bit my nipples so hard that pain shot right through me but oh my word, such an exquisite pain!

I pushed her onto the floor and began to undo her thick, black uniform trousers and pulled them down her legs and off over her feet. Throwing them aside I grabbed her briefs and roughly pulled them from her body, hearing them tear as I dragged them down and threw them after the trousers.

As she lay on the floor I grabbed her feet and roughly lifted and parted her legs watching the lips of her shaven pussy separate as I did so. Lying on my front, between her raised thighs I began to lick her slightly pungent sex. It was a little sticky after a days work but tasted sweet and very wet and had a scent of sex and perfume which just made me so horny that I sucked hard and licked every inch of it as though it were an ice cream, melting on a hot day and I didn't want to lose any!

Sally was moaning and sighing as I licked her and her juices were mingling with my saliva, filling my mouth and causing me to swallow frequently. I pushed a finger deep inside her and pressed against the ribbed front wall of her vagina. She gasped even more loudly, throwing her head back and tilting her hips to allow me in as deeply as possible. She was panting now and her taut stomach was rising and falling rapidly.

Suddenly, she pushed me away and jumping to her feet, pulled me to mine and threw me onto the sofa again. She pushed up my dress and pulled my panties away from me, tossing them to one side. She pushed open my knees, roughly, and knelt between them and then, grabbing my buttocks, she pulled me forward so my bottom was off the edge of the sofa and began to eat my pussy.

She was like a ravenous hound and left no part of me untouched in her quest for pleasure. I felt her tongue part my inner lips and begin to explore my hot wet interior and drink the juices as they flowed from me. The sensation she was creating was so intense that I was struggling to breathe and my whole body was in spasm, I had never in my life experienced sex so raw, so animalistic and it was overwhelming!

First one, then two fingers pushed inside me and began to pump rapidly in and out and each thrust pushed the very air from my lungs causing me to pant and moan out loud, "Ha... Haa... Haaa..."

I squeezed my breasts and pulled my nipples, intensifying every wave that drove through me. I didn't want to come like this, without her, so I pushed beneath her, to the floor and guided her on top of me so I could reach her whilst she worked on me.

Raising my knees allowed Sally to access my whole, aching body and I could feel her tongue pushing into me.

Her fingers stretched my buttocks apart and one began to probe my anus, working it's way firmly inside. I pushed down against her, relaxing the ring of muscle and allowing her all the access she wanted. A finger from her other hand began to join the first and, with the tips of two fingers inside me she gently but firmly stretched me open. It stung a little as the flesh reached it's limit but it was a pain so intensely exiting that it made me feel hot and oh, so naughty! Then I felt her tongue enter my stretched rear. It was more than I could take and as my orgasm exploded I pushed two fingers deep into her dripping, gaping vagina. I rammed them in hard as my body arched and stiffened and this caused her to scream out. Not in pain but in pure, orgasmic, involuntary joy.

When the feelings finally died away, we lay together as we fell, end to end. I was exhausted. This had been so unbelievable and unexpected. It was the first time in my life I had this kind of sex. Wanton, violent, raw and even with another woman. I had loved it all!

I didn't know at that point whether Sally and I would ever become friends or lovers but for a short time we had satisfied a need we both had and that was something no-one could ever take from us.

Now, though, the night was just beginning...





Written by Annamagique
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