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In Flight Service

"A stewardess helps a passenger overcome an anxious flight."

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Flight Time – Cabin service with a smile.

I never like to fly, even intercity Europe was too much for me, so this long-haul flight, as with every other, had me standing or walking around at every possible opportunity. It didn’t matter that everyone else was sleeping and the cabin was dark, I just couldn’t relax in my seat.

“Are you ok?” was the question that brought back my attention from the dark window I’d been staring out of.

The questioner was beautiful, smiling and could only be on the clock, such was the friendliness of her approach. Was she an Airhostess, or a Stewardess? Neither title seemed quite right in the modern politically-correct world, but then neither was my instant desire to see this woman naked, which was surely the point of hiring such attractive staff; their innate ability to distract from the long haul.

Still, I’d probably been standing for more than an hour, so I wasn’t really surprised that someone had come over to check on me, “I’m fine thanks, just not the best flyer is all.”

“Why don’t you try watching a movie if you can’t sleep, or reading something, I’m sure I could find you something to flick through if you don’t have your own book; although I can’t promise it will be anything good,” she replied, still smiling, with a sympathetic set to her features.

“Oh, I couldn’t do that,” I had a book, and some crossword puzzles. “There’s an elderly couple next to me,” I offered as an explanation, “I wouldn’t want to put a light on and wake them up, I know how horrible flying is, so I’m not going to be that arsehole who wakes a couple in their late 60s, just to share his misery.”

“Ah, that’s really sweet,” she smiled at me, in a more genuine sort of way, a little more feeling than you usually get from even well-trained hospitality staff. “There aren’t many people who are that considerate when they travel.”

I smiled back, how could I not, she was beautiful; about 5”8, probably late 20s or early 30s, with nicely tinted blonde hair, an all over tan that wasn’t sprayed on; piercing blue eyes, fabulously perky boobs, and an arse that I noticed earlier, when she walked down the aisle after checking our seatbelts. The fact my face had been basically level with it, while she kept walking up and down, had really fixed the shape of her ass in my mind, but I would have noticed it across a crowded room, it was like something out of a movie.

“It’s my legs you see, I’m nearly 6”4,” I started to ramble, like any man would, my height was pretty obvious, given she was standing close enough for us to speak quietly, and I stood over her. “I fly in constant fear of the person in front of me slamming their chair backward into my knees. I don’t even want to tempt karma, by being anything other than as accommodating as possible.”

Her smile got wider and warmer, and she laughed a little, but not loud, clearly trying to avoid waking anyone, “You’re really sweet.”

In my experience, sweet, wasn’t necessarily a great compliment, but I was 8 hours from landing, chatting with an insanely beautiful woman, so sweet was all it took to make me feel good, “Thanks, I appreciate you even walking over to check on me.”

"Hey, look, if you’re afraid to turn on your TV, feel free to look at me and the other girls when we go walking past,” her smile went a little more mischievous, “especially me.”


“Well, we drop stuff occasionally, napkins, blankets, etc… We’re going to have to bend over sometime; I’d hope that view is better than the inflight movie.”

A few things happened at once; I blushed a little, how could I not, and my eyes turned, really obviously, to take in her body in greater detail; to the extent that I now knew she had six buttons on her shirt.

“Do you like what you see?” she asked, directly mirroring my complete lack of subtlety.

Silence was probably the correct answer, but the blood was already starting to leave my brain, making its way towards my second head, so I stupidly blurted out, “Oh yes, I mean: fuck yes, I just wish I had something to drop on the floor.”

This drew a silent laugh, “Were you checking us out earlier?”

Well, yes. That was the answer, yes, I just wasn’t sure how I could I say that aloud.

The Stewardess didn’t need me to though, “It’s ok, everyone does, its cabin fever mostly, but I suspect the uniforms help,” and her hands moved to smooth out some non-existent creases in her skirt; I’m sure, just to underline her point.

I blurted over the top of her sentence, “Actually it wasn’t that!”, which was a lie, so I corrected my, “it wasn’t just that, you’re so bloody hot that, after this conversation, someone is going to have to hose me down before I can look at another woman – the redhead girl at the door too, I don’t know how she manages to button her shirt – so, of course, I was checking you out.”

The redhead was a few inches shorter but had a tiny waist, and at least a double-D cup breasts with it; when she checked my ticket, I couldn’t help wondering what it would be like to slide my cock between them.

“So, totally embarrassingly, I was checking you all out. It’s just that while I was doing it, I noticed you all seemed to be wearing the same shape of underwear, I wondered if your bra and panties set were part of the standard uniform?”

She looked down seductively, and twisted her ass around a little for me to look at side-long, “So you weren’t looking at my ass then?”

Well, things had already gotten beyond embarrassing, so I decided to be frank, “Oh, fuck yes, it’s like a peach; I can’t even tell you the things I’d like to do to it.”

I licked my lips as I finished that last sentence, I hadn’t meant to, it was an involuntary reaction, like a drawing breath, or getting a hard-on. Which was something I was now actively trying not to think about.

This time she laughed properly, the fact she was working forgotten, “Oh, I think I can guess what you would like to do to it.”

“So, you’re thinking about my ass, and wondering where we shop for panties; you’re not gay are you?”

I shook my head at the question, “I’d probably give at least 10 years of my life to be able to bend your ass over and see just how rough you like it: I want to worship it, not take you shopping.”

This statement was almost certainly the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever said to a beautiful woman, but it only made her smile more broadly, so I carried on with the honesty. “It’s just when I checking you all out, I noticed that the outline of your panties was the same shape on each body type, and I just got thinking about how seriously your airline actually took its dress code.”

“So, you’re sweet, honest and curious,” she laughed a little more. “I suppose I should say my name is Jackie. Will you be wanking with thoughts of me later?”

I laughed a little myself at that, “I think you already know the answer.”

“Still, I’d like to hear you say it,” her smile was a little bit more mischievous now.

There was only one right answer, “Yes. the first chance I get.”

“Maybe in the toilet?”

This time I really did feel abashed, Jackie had guessed my thoughts exactly but I was too embarrassed to admit it to her.

She smiled again, again not needing my confession, and looked over her shoulder, to make sure no one was obviously awake and paying us any attention, before quickly undoing the top two buttons on her shirt. It was still pressed tightly closed, I couldn’t see anything extra, but just the thought of those two buttons being undone was making me hot.

“The question is, and I hope you can answer me honestly,” Jackie’s fingers were slowly playing with the third button on her shirt, as she spoke, “would you like me to tell you about our underwear, or to show you?”

“How can that possibly a question?” who in their right mind would opt for the option being told, when they could be shown.

She smiled a little more, and rubbed her shirt lightly, right about her nipple, “I just wondered how honest you were really prepared to be.”

With the last word, she leaned forward and kissed me lightly on the lips, while moving a hand down to my crotch, to trace the outline of my lengthening cock, before cupping my balls and squeezing them lightly.

“My, my, you’re a horny boy,” she squeezed my balls a little tighter, “and I think you really need to cum.”

The only sane thing to do, was kiss back, and to subtly slide a hand on her ass, someone might be awake and looking towards us, but it was worth the risk to actually feel it.

“Now, now,” she said, stopping my hand with her own, “whoever said you could do that. We’ll just play, ‘you show me yours and I’ll show you ours’, is that a deal?”

I just nodded like a lust-struck fool, as I felt my cock starting to solidify down my trouser leg. She pulled open a door beside us, which I hadn’t seen in the hour I’d stood there, revealing a little service area; with space for a trolley, or maybe four people.

Jackie put a finger to her lips, gesturing me to be quiet and pushed me in against the back wall, “Wait here, take your cock out, and make it hard for me baby. I need to get something and will be back in two minutes,” before leaving she kissed me full on the lips, and then she spun around out of the little room, closing the door behind her.

A thousand thoughts rushed through my head, each one a variation of, ‘What the hell is happening?’ My hand wasn’t listening to any of them, it had taken my cock out of my fly, and was trusting completely to the fact, that this was the luckiest day of my life.

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I don’t have an overly large cock, seven and a half inches, give or take; but the shaft was very thick, with the head of my penis being noticeably bigger still.

I’d not been with many women, but everyone had made a comment about how big my head was, and how good the extra girth felt. I got very hard too, I didn’t need to be told that, and when I was really turned on, my cock felt like a solid rubber baton in my hand.

I wasn’t cut out to be a porn star perhaps, but I didn’t have any issues about getting my dick out in front of a strange girl.


As requested, I started slowly stroking my shaft with one hand, while lightly twisting on the head with the other: and I felt myself getting a full erection. As I wanked myself, I couldn’t help but moan a little and close my eyes: my body was telling me I needed this.

The sound of the door opening brought my attention back to the moment, and I nearly hard a panic attack when I saw the ass of the girl backing in: It wasn’t the one I had just seen leave, it was slightly plumper, clearly belonged to someone else.

It had been too good to be true, and now I had my dick out, hardening in my hand, with literally nowhere to hide.

When this stewardess closed the door and turned around, I saw it was the redhead with the big tits, and my shame deepened; my previous confession, about her beauty, had clearly seen me set up.

If she was surprised to see me too, she didn’t show it. I got a brief moment of eye contact, before her full attention turn to my cock.

I immediately started to fumble, trying to find some way to force it back in my jeans, but it fleshed out too thick and wouldn’t make it back through my flies.

“What are you doing?” she said, sternly, in an accent I couldn’t place.

“I’m so sorry!” trying to undo my belt, so I could force my penis away out of sight.

“Stop that,” she said, slapping at the hand on my cock, “leave it out, Jackie will be here in a second.”

If a thousand thoughts had run through my head before, it was ten thousand now but Jackie returned, as promised, before any one became coherent enough to voice, “See, I told you he was sweet.”

“You didn’t tell me he was so big?” replied the redhead. I wanted to know her name and what she was doing here, but I didn’t want to break the moment.

“I didn’t know,” Jackie, openly staring at my cock, before pulling her attention upward, to make eye contact, “you’re cock head is huge; bigger than a mushroom, you must make girls pop when you put that in.”

I wasn’t sure what to say, or if that was even a compliment, so I stuck with the truth, “If we’re staying with being honest, it’s looking at you two; I think this is the hardest I’ve ever been in my life”, which made the redhead crack a smile like Jackie’s.

I didn’t want to break the spell, as we all stood in this little closest together, but I had to ask, “Sorry, but what is going on?”

Jackie answered, while the unnamed redhead just watched, almost fixatedly, at my cock twitching and forming up like it was made of wood, “Well, how could I show you whether we all wear the same uniform underwear by myself. Clearly, I was going to need help, and you mentioned you like redheads.”

“But, we have to hurry, we’ve got to work,” quick as a flash she pulled her skirt up, to revel a flesh coloured thong underneath, which perfectly covered her crotch, with just a suggestion of being translucent.

After giving me a few seconds to gawk, while my cocks twitching became visibly more agitated, she spun round and bent forward a little, to show me how perfectly it parted her ass checks; in the shape, I had been fantasising about since I'd gotten on the plane.

She bent over a little further, and looked over her should at me, “This is probably the view that you want to see: you want me, baby, don’t you?”

I took a deep breath, my cock was so hard I almost came at those words, “Yes… Oh, fuck yes… I’m not sure if I’ve ever wanted anything as much.”

The redhead noticed as I started leaking pre-cum, with my bodies biological need to fuck asserting itself, and my hand moving to take a grip. “Not yet,” she said, before she pulled her own dress up, to reveal the same panties; except this time I could definitely make out the shape of her trimmed red pubic hair beneath.

“Is this what you want?” she asked, while her finger traced the outline her pussy lips. She only drew the line once, but it was enough to let me know exactly what I was looking at: a pussy that was getting wetter by the moment.

While they were both provocatively posed, I was basically in a room with two fully dressed women, and on the very verge of cumming. Pre-cum freely dripping from my cock head, which was standing fully erect.

Jackie left her skirt fall back down, much to my initial disappointment, before facing forward again and kissing deeply on the lips. “Make that cock cum for us,” she purred, before again kissing me passionately.

All I could do was kiss back and start to reach for my cock; I needed to cum, and if that was the ladies wish, who was I to disappoint.

Before I could take a grip, my hand was slapped again. I hadn’t seen it happen, but the redhead stewardess had dropped to her knees in front of me, and still seemed adamant I was not to touch myself.

My cock pulsed at the thought that this beautiful woman might be about to suck by my cock and, more, that she was apparently getting wet at just the thought of doing so.

Jackie started kissing my neck, playfully biting it here and there, while she used her hands to pin my arms behind my back. I just closed my eyes and went with it, I couldn’t help but groan again; softly but full of desire. Jackie nibbled lightly on my earlobe, and whispered, “You like?”

“Oh, fuck yes, but”, I was desperate, “please, my cock…” The words were nothing more than a pleading groan, I didn’t know if they wanted me to beg, but I was willing too.

“Sssh”, said the redhead, from her knees, and as she did, I could feel her breath on the tip of my dick, which made it twitch violently again. How I didn’t cum, at the next sensation, as she licked the pre-cum off my cock head, I don’t know.

If she had licked it again, nothing could have stopped me ejaculating.


Jackie, who had been alternating between kissing and nibbling my neck, whispered, “You’re so sweet… You want me? You want me, baby? You want me to bend over for you? You want to force that fat cock head into my tight arse? It’s so dirty… It’s so wrong… You want me to plead with you? Please baby… Please baby fuck my arse with your fat cock… You’re so big, baby… Fuck my arse… Harder... Harder… Force that cock in my arse baby… Harder… Harder… Please cum in my arse baby. Please…”

My cock was so hard, I thought I was going to pass out, and just when I couldn’t get any harder, without actually popping, she breathed the only words I needed “It feels so good baby, cum in my arse: now!”

A signal must either have come from Jackie, or more likely from my cock; by standing an extra fraction erect, in the way it did before ejaculating, but as the cum was literally rising from my balls, I could feel the redhead gently place her lips around the swollen tip of my penis, to start lightly sucking, as if on a straw.

The sensation was incredible, and I couldn’t help but look down to her; only to find her staring straight into my eyes, with a pleading look, as if begging me to cum in her mouth.

I instantly started filling her mouth, while she did nothing more than keep lightly sucking, while staring straight into my eyes.

Jackie never stopped nestling into my neck, almost panting in a whisper, “Fuck me harder baby. Fill my arse up with your cum. Oh, baby, it feels so good. Harder baby! Harder!”

It was like my cock was on fire and trying to burst, with the only point of release being the tip, achingly leaking a steady stream of cum in the redheads’ beautiful mouth. Our eyes never broke contact, as she kept sucking, and I kept cumming. It had been at least 30 seconds, which was when I realised she must be swallowing me, and that realisation felt like another orgasm taking me over again.

All the time Jackie just kept panting to me, “Harder baby. Please… Harder… My arse feels so full, cum baby. Cum for me. Cum…”

I only knew it was over when the girl on her knees stopped sucking and let my cock pop from her mouth: at the sound Jackie actually bit my earlobe, and whispered a final husky, “Yes.”


And the moment was over, as quick as it had begun. Time started again and, in one motion, my new redheaded friend stood, pulled down her skirt to cover panties, and tucked my still rubbery hard cock back behind my fly.

I wanted to say something, but all I could think of was, ‘I love you,’ but the stewardess spoke before I could, “Thanks honey, that was really good,” she actually licked a little of my cum from her lips, and winked at me, before turning and walking out of the storage area, into the dark cabin.


Jackie stood back and smoothed out her own skirt, buttoned her shirt, and as she did, I again took in her amazing body.

While watching her fix her uniform, I realised I’d never even gotten to touch her.

“Do you think you’ll be able to sleep now?”

Really, I didn’t know, but I did want to sit down and rest for a while.

“You should try, we’ve still a long way to fly and you’ll have more energy when we land.”

Jackie held the door open for me, and stood to the side so I could slip passed back into the cabin. I wanted to say something, but was again beaten to it, “Just be careful what you do with that thing ok, you might end up hurting one of us”.

I was utterly speechless, as she groped my cock, while I squeeze by, “We might even like it.”


Written by shyguy82
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