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Two Dirty Martinis

"Two cocktails turns a shy girl into a very lustful woman indeed"

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Author's Notes

"Based on a fantasy for JustKim."

I stood at the ornate doors of the Gilchrist restaurant; my reflection looked back at me from the smoked glass. My girls had done me proud; my chestnut brown hair fell in a sensual wave to my shoulders. There were enough hair extensions and hair spray in it. I nearly expected half my hair to fall off if I took a stumble. The smoky eyes and bright red lip made me feel like a starlet from the golden age of Hollywood had stepped out of the projection reel.

I was wearing fake tan to pretend I'd seen the sun far more often than I ever really did. The soft pink knee-length dress showed off my best feature (my arms) and concealed the little belly I had. I hoped the fake tan didn't stain the dress, or this would be very embarrassing. I took a deep breath, summoned my courage, and pulled open the door. Giving my best "I do this every day" smile, I strode through the door. Behind a beautiful carved wooden counter, a gorgeous south Asian man looked up from some papers and fixed me with a dazzling smile. I felt my knees wobble, partly in fear but also, he was a total dish.

"Good evening. Do you have a reservation with us?" His voice still held traces of his exotic heritage. It whispered of warm nights, slow whirring ceiling fans, and glistening bodies moving together. I pulled myself together and tried not to imagine what was under that oh-so-tight-fitting uniform.

"Yes...yes, I do. Mitchell...Gwen Mitchell. I have a table...for seven-thirty." My voice betrayed my nerves, and my smile became brittle with anxiety.

"Let me just check our reservations. Yes, of course, Ms Mitchell, a party of two. Do come through to the lounge, have a pre-dinner drink and wait for your dining companion. I hope you have an enjoyable experience with us." That beaming smile, those honeyed words, a welcoming gesture with his arms. I nodded, hopefully not enough to make him think I'm a crazy woman, and followed the direction he pointed me towards.

Small rectangular tables were sprinkled around the room's edges, softly upholstered chairs clustered around the tables. A gorgeous marble-topped bar was in the centre of the room, with a striking-looking woman in a pinstripe waistcoat, a flash of chrome just below her elbows. The effect was like those old-fashioned 1920's bartenders in speakeasies. She caught my eye and gestured to one of the empty stools that ringed the bar. I tried to look cool as I walked across, but I must have been shaking a lot. When I got seated, she gave me a big warm smile.

"Good evenin'. Why you look like you just stepped out of the pages of Vogue." Her voice has the cinnamon tones of the Caribbean Islands, and I could feel them calming me down. I blushed at the compliment and gave a smile back.

"Somebody is going to be mighty proud to have dinner with you tonight. How about a little cocktail to start the evening with a little sparkle?" That cinnamon voice wrapped me in its warmth and drove back my nerves. Before I could stop myself, I was nodding in agreement.

"Heavens, yes, I need one. Since this has a twenties vibe, is there a good cocktail I should try?" I was grateful for her being so friendly, and I really did need a drink.

"I'm a big fan of the classics. Can I mix you a dirty martini?" She gestured towards the elegantly curved glass, and I knew I was lost.

A generous measure of Grey Goose vodka, a shot of dry vermouth with a French label, an olive on a cocktail stick and a splash of the brine. I watched her stir the ice cubes slowly around the glass, not letting them clink against the glass. In a few minutes, the ice melted, and the revered drink was placed before me.

I gingerly reached out and lifted it to my lips. The scent of citrus, Mediterranean herbs, and the salty whiff of the sea from the olive drifted through my nostrils, and I was seduced. A single sip hit my tongue like a flash of summer heat, and I swallowed instinctively to give my mouth a chance to cool down. The fiery liquid slid down my throat and sent tendrils of warmth across my chest. I sucked in air through my pursed lips, the air made my tongue tingle, and my blood surged in my veins.

I didn't know a drink could do that. I've known drinks for taking away bad days, for mending broken hearts, and for celebrating a triumph. This was something else. This wasn't a drink with a silly saucy name that drunken women ordered and pretended to flirt with the bartender. This was the fuel that ran the jazz age, the house parties of Noel Coward plays. This was Promethean fire, a secret stolen from the Gods themselves.

I caught the bartender watching my face intently. She could tell this was having an incredible effect on me, and it wasn't just the sheer amount of alcohol.

"With enough of those inside you, you could dance all night and still be standing in time for breakfast." My voice had the passion of a zealot. I'd found a sacred elixir. The bartender smiled and moved away to serve someone else.

I took my time consuming the elixir. I could feel it loosen me up. My back felt a little straighter, my smile a little brighter, my shoulders dropped, and my neck grew longer. The siren song of all that alcohol swept through me like a tsunami, scouring my mind of doubt, fear or uncertainty. I wasn't drunk, well, not that drunk, but I was a whole hell of a lot less sober than when I walked into the place. That's when Kim walked in. This was our second time meeting and our first proper date.

She was shorter than I was, even in her heels, and her hair was swept into an updo. Her silk ankle-length dress was royal blue, with a slit on one side giving a flash of her knee when she walked. I damn near choked when I saw her and tried not to swallow my tongue. Fortunately, salvation lay in the last mouthful of the elixir that remained in my glass. I drained the glass and slid it back onto the bar while she sat beside me.

"Damn, you look good. That dress looks amazing on you. I'm so jealous of those legs of yours." Her eyes were bright, and her voice sparkled with genuine affection.

"I...thank you…I don't look as nice as you do. Are we going to the Golden Globes tonight?" I flashed a glance at her very generous cleavage and winked. A moment later, my sozzled brain caught up to what I'd done, and I blushed like a ripe tomato.

"I thought I'd give the girls a night out. They don't always get to be appreciated like this." A girlish giggle, a little wiggle to make them jiggle. My eyes nearly fell out of my head. I wanted to press my face in there and celebrate them properly.

The bartender slid into my vision; her smile got even more prominent when she saw I had company. "Good evening ladies, can I get you a drink to make the night a little more magical?" A diamond fizz and another dirty martini were ordered.

We watched couples who had arrived ahead of us being called to their tables and made chit-chat for a few minutes. Flashes of images danced in my mind of Kim and me. Her mouth on mine, our dresses falling to the floor. Soft moans, nails on each other's skin, and the heady scent of raw, passionate sex. I hoped I wasn't staring too much or talking too much crap. Kim took a generous swallow of her diamond fizz and leaned in close to me, her voice low.

"Now we can be good girls, go to dinner, have a wonderful time, and see where the night takes us. Or we can be bad girls. Cancel the table, go through to the hotel next door. Get a room, devour each other and have room service sent up when we run out of steam. Maybe I'm picking up the wrong signals, but you've been trying not to make it too obvious you want to see what's under this dress. It's your call, sweetie."

Maybe it was the martinis, perhaps it was the air in the room, but I saw two slowly spinning images appearing in my sight. A hotel room door with a 'do not disturb' outside and a knife and fork were beckoning me to culinary delights. I love food, I really do, and this place is supposed to be the best in the city, if not the country. However, I can always return another time and enjoy the brilliance of the chef. I may not get another blatant invitation to pure carnality from the temptress before me. The decision seemed to take an eternity but was probably only a handful of seconds.

"Fuck it. Who needs cutlery?" I responded, my voice throbbing with rampant desire.

"My kinda woman." That was all she needed to say.

Kim slid off the stool and went off to take care of getting the room. I watched her go, that walk sending plumes of wanton lust streaming through my mind. I took a few moments to pay the bar tab and left a fifty on the bar as a tip for the life-changing cocktail. She blew me a kiss and gave me a cheery wave. I broke the bad news to the smiling Adonis at the front desk that plans had changed. We wouldn't be needing the table after all. A discrete tip slid into his palm, ensured that perhaps another evening we could enjoy the delights of the kitchen.

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That done, I followed in the wake of my siren temptress. My heart throbbed in my ears, and I could feel a trickle of sweat down my back. A few moments later, the room card beeped us into our love nest. A huge king-size bed beckoned us to fill it with our naked flesh. We just needed to get out of these damned clothes first.

Shoes unbuckled and clattered against walls. Hungry mouths latched onto each other, growling with pure physical attraction. The rough rasp of the zip and I pulled Kim's dress off before it was tossed against the back of a chair. We parted for a moment, breathing hard.

"I…I have something…to tell you…." I tried to tell Kim what I'd been concealing. My little secret, my "Otherness."

"I know, baby, I know what you're afraid to tell me. I want it. I want all of it." Her voice was husky and rasped with passion.

Before I could say another word, she'd gripped the back of my head in her hand and damn near shoved her tongue down my throat. I've never been kissed like that in my life. I could feel the room start to spin.

The alcohol sang its sweet song to me and washed over me like an ocean wave. My dress lay in a puddle at my feet. A fire was burning between my legs. She ran the tips of her fingers across the front of my lingerie knickers. I was a little wet, but not in the way I should have been. A grunt like an athlete launching themselves into action, her fingers slid under my waistband and with damn near ripped them down my legs.

My bush was trimmed into a neat triangle, and then my "Otherness" was visible. I'd had my testicles removed a few years ago, so I didn't have to worry about those, and the shrunken purse was flattened against my body. My "Otherness" was pulled back between my legs and taped into position with transparent tape. I started to cry. I always felt so ashamed when others could see my "Otherness". I hated that part of me and longed for the day it would be taken away.

Kim didn't sound disgusted or grab her dress. She sank to her knees and looked at it. Her fingers reached under me and pulled the tape away. Like the landing carriage of an aircraft, when the tape was removed, it swung down and out. Locking into position, curving upward. Ready for what it was made to do. Kim cooed at it and ran her fingers along its length. Her tongue licked slowly along the underside, the warm wetness sending ripples of pleasure through my body. I moaned, shoved the back of my hand into my mouth and bit down.

"Ooh, she's beautiful. I want to put it in my mouth, baby." The whispered words were barely heard through the fog of shame, lust, and booze.

Teeth scraped along its length, a warm cave enveloped it, lips sealing it in place. The sharp sting as nails gripped my buttocks firmly and drew me closer to her. Something slippery but solid touched the tip of my "Otherness." She was taking me into her throat. I've only ever read about that but never experienced it before. She moaned against me and started bobbing her head against me.

If I was a man, I'd have my hand on her head, shoving her down, fucking her throat.  Enjoying the power my maleness gave me over women, how needy they all were for a good hard cock. But I'm not a man, I'm a trans woman, and I was caught between two strange worlds. I so wanted her to eat me, like the woman I was inside this vessel. Yet, I didn't want her to stop making me feel this glorious ecstasy. Suddenly her lips parted, her teeth lifted, and she pulled her head off me.

I didn't know what to do next, but she sure did. Despite being smaller than I was, she took control of the situation without a moment's pause. I found myself being pushed towards the bed, stopping awkwardly along the way to shrug out of the remaining clothing. My back crashed onto the bed, my eyes rolled in my head, and the song of carnal lust filled my ears.

Kim straddled my waist, guiding me between your legs, running my tip between your oh-so-inviting lips. Her fingers held me in position, and she drove her hips down, burying every inch of me inside her. I moaned at the sheer delight on her face and the heat that flowed up my thighs. Kim ran her nails roughly down my smooth chest, little red contrails following the path of her nails.

I felt Kim grip me tightly inside, then bounce her hips in a slow drum beat. Lifting herself off me, almost letting me fall out, then driving me deep inside her. Kim curled her lips back in a snarl and let me know that I was going to be her prey tonight. It was a relief not to have to be in charge for once, and I surrendered gleefully to her command.

Flashes of pain as Kim's teeth nipped at my neck, her nails tugged at my nipples. Like a reigning Queen, Kim took what she wanted from me, my body the only tribute I could lay at her feet. I felt her bang her pelvis against mine, over and over before a deep scream tore out of her. Her body convulsed against me, squeezing me tightly in spasm, and I felt the surging tide of her release wash over my thighs.

I screamed with her, and she slowly rode me, using my body to draw out her own delicious moment of joy. Kim looked at me, her face drenched with sweat, drool dripping from her chin, her eyes glassy with bliss.

"Good girl. That's what I needed. Mmmmm."

Kim lifted yourself off me, a messy gloopy patch on the bed where she'd been a few moments ago. We'd made that together; I didn't know I still could anymore. Panting hard from our shared explosions, Kim kissed her way down my body and took me in her mouth. A rumbling sensation went through me. Kim was humming. Humming into me. Not even my ex-wife would have done that for me, but she was.

I reached out; my fingers slid down her glistening back. A soft moan escaped her lips. I couldn't hope to resist that kind of invitation for long. Kim knew I'd be unable to deny her what she wanted. I felt myself respond to Kim, ready to obey her slightest command. Kim let me pop out of her mouth like a champagne cork and grinned at me.

Kim straddled me, lined me up with her messy lips and sank herself onto me again. A squelching, squishing sound as our bodies came together over the traces we'd left the last time we'd merged. A few deep hard strokes, and she rose from me. Kim held me where she wanted me to be and slowly lowered herself on me. This time I was going somewhere else, somewhere new. Kim took me into her tight dark hole. I gasped in surprise. Kim grunted with effort as she took all of me inside her.

Her eyes half-closed; her fabulous large breasts bounced. Kim took me slowly at first, giving herself time to adjust to me. Then put her hands flat on my chest and fucked me. She didn't make love to me or take me. Kim fucked me. Like she was bashing her way through an old wall with a sledgehammer. My mind fragmented under the intense stimulation.

I couldn't believe all this was happening to me. Here I was, having just had my first deep throat experience, now quite purposefully fucking a woman in the ass. I felt like I was a character in one of those readers' letters to the smutty magazines I read as a teenager. Where else can you find people who go out for a burger and end up having a gangbang with a couple of cheerleaders?

It was so hot and so tight. Rings of muscle pressed and relaxed against me. My vision was filled with two heavy breasts as they bounced before my eyes. Her cries got louder and higher pitched as she kept fucking me. I gripped those two bouncing orbs in my hands and shoved my face between them. I heard her wail in surprise, and she started to buck faster against me.

She went stock still, rigid as a plank of wood, then threw her head back and screamed like a banshee. I was terrified and incredibly aroused at the same time. My body decided that this was the moment to let go, and I felt my mind disintegrate. She bounced slowly against me, not letting me fall out yet, my face trapped in her cleavage. After a few moments, she pushed me back on the bed and swung off me.

"Mm, baby, that was good. I'm going to grab a shower, get me two cheeseburgers, two cokes, and potato skins with cheese and bacon. Sex always makes me hungry. I need to clean up before I eat. Be a darling and ring that in to room service along with whatever you want for yourself."

With that, she stumbled off towards the bathroom, trails of goo glistening like snail tracks on her thighs and legs. The door clicked shut, and the lock rattled into place. The whole room stank, of sex, sweat, body fluids, and sheer primal desire. I was a mess; my make-up had run, my hair had shed extensions on the pillows, and my crotch was covered in gloop.

I heard the shower start running and listened to a gurgling rumble sound. All this talk of food was making me hungry too, time to ring room service.


Written by Twisted_Skald
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